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Abraham showed lack of faith by going to Egypt in the first place instead of staying where he was and trusting God to supply his needs. He showed lack of faith by claiming Sarah was his sister and allowing the king to take her into his harem. Instead of putting themselves in God's hands and trusting Him for protection, they relied on their own abilities.

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What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Abraham did what he thought would save him and his wife. It did, however, show a lack of faith in the face of trials. We all suffer from this, and show our lack of faith, more often than we should.

Are they ethically and morally wrong? As far as the standards of today, the answer would be twofold. In the secular view, his actions would probably be accepted as much as they would be criticized. In God's view, yes they were both morally and ethically wrong.

Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? Yes, I think so, because it shows us that Abraham was human, and that God can forgive all sins, and can use even a person who has sinned for the greater glory of His kingdom.

What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories? To rely on God and His power regardless of our situation or trials, that God can forgive all sins if we truly ask for that forgiveness and truly repent, that God can use anyone for the greater glory of His kingdom, and that God is Love!


What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Abraham did what he thought would save him and his wife. It did, however, show a lack of faith in the face of trials. We all suffer from this, and show our lack of faith, more often than we should.

Are they ethically and morally wrong? As far as the standards of today, the answer would be twofold. In the secular view, his actions would probably be accepted as much as they would be criticized. In God's view, yes they were both morally and ethically wrong.

Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? Yes, I think so, because it shows us that Abraham was human, and that God can forgive all sins, and can use even a person who has sinned for the greater glory of His kingdom.

What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories? To rely on God and His power regardless of our situation or trials, that God can forgive all sins if we truly ask for that forgiveness and truly repent, that God can use anyone for the greater glory of His kingdom, and that God is Love!you


Coming from his family and his land, there was no one to teach him who and what this God is like. Abram had no knowledge of who God was, just that he was The Amighty. So, he and Sarai are truly "milkfed" spiritual babies. I just had a baby, and we are getting to know each other, and it will continue thrughout our lifetime--what we like and dislike,if we can trust each other, our strengths and weaknesses. She doesn't yet know I'll always be there for her if I'm able---just that I'm here now. And I don't think she even fully comprehends yet who I am to her, let alone where she comes from and what lies ahead of her. I think it's amazing to see where Abram started--godless and knowing nothing of God's ways and laws---to staking his future and the future life of his son on God's promises and word.

Just like me and my baby, assumptions and mistakes most likely will be made, but that's all part of the process. God, The Father, meets us where WE are. His faithfulness to us as His little children and His ability to turn our mistakes into good is I think the greatest lesson in this story.

And as for Abram making the same mistake twice, and Issac repeating the mistakes of his father.....well, that is very human indeed.

  • 2 weeks later...

They did what they felt they had to do. They were old and had some. Abraham knew God and so did Sarah, indirectly. I don't think that by not revealing the whole truth he was unethical under the circumstances. Abraham may have sought God with tears and was left unanswered as well as left to his own method of resolution as a test. This is all speculation, and as you stated, God did not reprimand Abraham for his actions so if it's good enough for God... I think the intention here was that they were subject to the same treatment everyone human is despite God's favor but it is how we respond to the world that sets us apart. Abraham probably knew God would rescue him but being human he also had fear. When the world's circumstances look bleak, look up. Trust in God, not in what your senses see, feel, hear etc.. When we try to resolve situations in our own power we suffer needlessly than if we let God do His will in our lives.


I feel Abraham was wrong he had not been let down by God in any way and had been shown many times that God would protect and keep him. Still we all are in the human form here on this earth and we do seem to try to think things out for ourselves from time to time. And we as Abraham get into a lot of trouble when we don't listen to God or to his word which we are blessed to have and Abraham didn't. He heard from God what a blessing that must have been. Still he was wrong in what he did.

  • 3 weeks later...







  • 4 weeks later...
Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

Abraham had faith in god and iam sure Sarah did also but GOD Abraham was afraid so he stepped in and fought the battle for Abraham he was wrong for lying he should of trusted GOD it did not sure lack of faith it sure that we as humans we need to trust God for his protection and guidance when we give our life to him but then god did not condem ABRAHAM for lying he look at the faith and heart of Abraham to follow his comand.


abraham's n sarah's ethics & faith, indeed are very much questionable but they are not in question here. I'm comforted to see how God has kept this couple according to His promises and not their conduct. Indeed our God is not a responsive entity, dictated by our human weaknesses n limited comprehension but is loving GOd from whom all creation and love flows. He is the Potter, and we are but clay.

We learn that we serve a mighty God and can really cast our cares upon Him and that He is merciful..if only we know enough to not depend on ourselves.

  • 1 month later...


(a) I think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith is they are human/real people. Do we not all at sometime or another lower our values or waiver in our faith? "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)

(B) I do not think they are ethically and morally wrong. God knows their heart, He knows their circumstances. Who are we to judge?? The saying goes, "we have to walk a mile in someone else's shoes".

© No I do not believe the scripture is showing their actions as a lack of faith. We are not told how they sought God in these instances or how long they were seeking God. Only God knows.

(d) The lessons we disciples should learn from these stories are: (1) No matter what lifestyle we live, whatever God's plans are for us, He will make it happen. God can use evil to bring about good. (2) God will keep His promises, inspite of our humanness.

(3) God will allow nothing or nobody to prevent fulfillment of His plans. Amen!


Q4 What do you think about Abraham and Sarah's ethic and faith?

I think that their ethics and faith were not aligned with GOD's promise and word. However, I think that they took advantage of the opportunity. Material wealth and gain were important to Abraham. I also, feel that both Abraham and Sarah did not fully trust GOD, so they moved in the flesh. Yes, they were ethically and morally wrong. Marriage is sacred, and they put their marriage at risk by saying that they were brother and sister. Marriage should have came first.

Yes the scripture intended to show that their actions as a lack of faith. Neither one of them sought GOD in this matter. Abraham made up his mind from the very beginning. He was so afraid of what might of happened because he was an alien and sojourner. He was basically worried about being killed. He should he sought and trusted GOD.

The lessons that we should learn is to fully trust GOD, and step out on faith. Follow GOD's laws and commanded. Trust, have faith, and do not be afraid. However, I think that this lesson strengthens us and our faith. Because GOD protected Abraham, Sarah, Pharoah, and Abimelech. :D

  • 7 months later...

Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

I some how overlooked answering this question but as I understand it ethically they were doing what seemed right from the human side, Abraham did not want to die and there was a real danger in that happening so the king could have Sarah. I feel knowing Abraham's faith that he sought God for an answer on what to do and perhaps he lacked wisdom is waiting for an answer from God. Since we are are responsible for doing what we know is right and good we know they lying is not good and nothing right will be gained from it so yes I think maybe ethically they were wrong.

Morally I don't and my reason goes with my answer as to their lack of faith. I don't believe they lacked faith, I feel it took more faith on Abrahams part than we would have been willing to exercise because even making a human decision if that was the case he knew since the promise seed would come through Sarah and himself he knew God had a plan to remove Sarah from any danger and she was returned untouched to Abraham. I am sure he and Sarah talked about the dangers of lying and what could happened if they took her but their trust was in God to deliver and he did.

We can learn and be sure that God is true to His promises and if it is not a conditional promise he will deliver sometimes in spite of our wisdom and our trying to work it out by our own understanding. :blink:

  • 4 weeks later...

My first reaction is to judge Abraham and Sarah harshly by today's Christian standards. But then, I get to realizing that Abraham and Sarah had been pagans with different ethics and morals for many more years than they had experienced their faith journey with God. They were "babies" in the faith. We Christians can see the same thing in the New Testament when Paul and the other apostles had to work so hard to establish the early Church and keep the people on the narrow track. Our loving, protective, caring God was there in both cases, even though it seems to me that Abraham and Sarah had strayed. I believe that the Scripture does intend for their actions to show a lack of faith. Nowhere in the story does it say that Abraham consulted God before he made his decisions. This can be an object lesson to us all. We are all prone to jump in and make our own decisions in a crisis situation instead of waiting on an answer from God.

  • 1 month later...
Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

I feel Abraham and Sarah's behavior is alot like everyone elses, when faced with fear of violence, and bodily harm. How can we say what we would have done? I know for me when i have been faced with violence and harm that i to have lied and said things that were not true. I knew God was there the whole time but i did what i had to do to survive. God had his hand upon the situation. I don't believe they were ethically and morally wrong. I feel they did what they had to do in the face of adversity. They were humans to.

the lesson for me in this story is that no matter what we do God will keep his promise, and he will stick to it even when we are being in the grips of a human experience and forget to place the supernatural powers of Christ. God will always come through, even when we twist and turn things in the fear of a human emotion like violence, rape and abduction. What a horriable experience for Abraham and Sarah.

  • 7 months later...

Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?Today t haat would be called perjury, but Abraham in his humanism did let his faith and ability to cloud his thinking. Sarah being an obedient wife did what Abraham told her to do. But I am sure she knew ahat Abraham told her to do was right, knowing the consequence.

abraham'ss faith remained strong to God in spite of his failings.

  • 3 months later...

Not having living during Abraham's time where relationships and their values were very different I can't honestly say whether there was a wrong done here nor would I questions Abraham's faith as he did receive the promise.

What I do get out of all of this as I compare it to other bible figures is that they were all real people, not superheros as some would refer to them. They were placed in God called situations to be molded for His divine purpose. They obeyed and their stories recorded for our edification. The only real hero in the bible is Jesus Christ.

  • 3 months later...


Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

I don't believe being deceitable is what God wants us to do but also we need to remember that we can't be the one to decide why others choose to do certain thing. I understand scripture to say we must not be dishonest but on the other hand, it's not my call to decide if another's actions were done because of dishonesty.

As we read this scripture, we don't see evidence that Abraham and Sarah's faith became stronger in these times of trial. However, we don't know how they related to God. Maybe they prayed and asked God's strength and guidance.

We can learn that no matter the circumstances, God will be faithful. What a blessing. :)

  • 3 weeks later...

I think they did what they felt they had to do to survive. It's a situation that we each deal with differently under similar circumstances. I believe they were ethically and morally wrong, but given the same situation, would I handle it differently and if so, how?

I'm not sure there was a lack of faith because I don't really understand God's purpose in this.

I have learned that different cultures in different times have different expectations of behavior and that God is faithful no matter what.

  • 4 months later...

Yes, I think it showed a lack of faith. When I ask myself if I would have done things different in their place, I can't say that I would have. They were strangers in a foreign land, I think they did what they thought they had to do. Maybe by this happening their faith in God grew stonger. They saw that God was protecting them. This is what I think we can learn from this.


Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong?

For the times in which they lived and the expectations of the Pharoahs and Kings, which was to have any woman they desire, Abraham's and Sarai's deceit was to protect Abraham's live. Ethically and morally what they did was wrong. Their actions almost in one case and possibly in another case caused a man to commit adultery, a sin that was punishable by death.

Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith?

I had always said that Abraham showed no faith, having been given a promise from God, he should have trusted God and not ask Sarai to say that she was his sister. Now, as I consider the points given in this study I can see that the purpose of these stories in the Bible are to show us that God is faithful to his promises regardless of our actions.

What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

Regardless of the apparent circumstances, God will be faithfull. If He said it He will keep His word. We must trust Him implicitly.

  • 5 months later...

Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

I won't judge their ethics, but their faith was a little weak. I don't believe they are ethically or morally wrong. I don't think I am qualified to judge them sitting where I am at in 2008 or any other time for that matter. I think the bottomline of both passages is that God is a gracious and merciful God to His people regardless of their shortcomings.

The lesson that I have learned from these passages and I think is essential in my walk with God is that it is important to permit God to be my God and when I fail in that, He is gracious and merciful to me in protecting me and restoring me back into fellowship with Him.

  • 2 months later...
Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

Abraham and Sarah fell on their faith. They did not trust God completely. Yes, I would say they were wrong. The Bible says call sin for what it is, sin. A lie is a sin, no matter how small or large. Yes it does. The lessons we can learn it to step our on our faith, take God at His word, and let Him work. If we try to do it, we will mess up. GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL OF EVERY SITUTATION!!

  • 1 month later...

Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

God was in control of that situation that is why He praise Abraham to be man of faith.

What Abraham did was not wrong, Sarah was his half sister.

What we learn from this lesson, is that we are to follow God's direction, and listen to HIS voice.

  • 5 months later...

Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

It shows the human side of them... possibly making it easier for us to relate to the sometimes lack of faith or lack of focus on God that we humans sometimes have in difficult situations. To me... I don't think it was God's intentions with this story to have me judge Abraham and Sarah's decisions and actions, but I believe God was confirming his constant presents in my life no matter how difficult things seem at times. I think it's just a reminder to keep my focus on God at all times.

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