Pastor Ralph Posted August 13, 2024 Report Posted August 13, 2024 Q40. (Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) Why does Christ’s humility require us to associate those considered lowly? Who are the “lowly” in your community? What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? Quote
Brother Clifford wilson Posted November 5, 2024 Report Posted November 5, 2024 Q40(Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) !. Why does Christ’s humility require us to associate those considered lowly? Christ teaching require that we face truths, our associations with others prior to restoration came from early living. What served us relationship wise was emotional and influenced by how we were raised. We respected the lowly or face punishment at home. Christ say the lowly must be treated as equals, we must lend ourselves wholely to our brothers. Humility begs us this, is not the lowly our brother. Just as he died for my sins he died for all. We are mirrors of Christ. 2.Who are the “lowly” in your community? The lowly are those in my community just like I was. Homeless, clotheless, Drug addicted, emotionally starving for renewed life. 3. What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? We are actively seeking organizations to refer for help, we engage others where they are in life to teach about the gospel. We donate and support them with food and clothing, refer them to agencies to help them, as we pray and wait on the Lord to change them. Some do come into our church and we embrace them conversing as equals. The challenge is do not be restful in our engagement, seek them for then are the harvest. 4. What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? The message is, we are here as brother of all. The message is that we all are immigrants here on earth. If a person is lacking love we love, lacking knowledge we teach, lacking food we feed. Its all about planting the seed of Christ Jesus and his grace and mercy. What man has received freely go and give freely. We are here especially for the under served in our community. Quote
Clelie Posted November 6, 2024 Report Posted November 6, 2024 We are all created in the image of God and God loves us all unconditionally . We are all,sinners and need the Saviour. If Jesus has come on earth in humility to save us, who are we to consider ourselves better than the poor,the homeless and those we consider of low class. Jesus told us to consider everyone rich or poor equal because He came for the whole world. The poor, the vagrants, the rejected of the society,and many others are considered lowly.There should be a ministry to integrate the lowly to a dignified position but this will have to be consolidated further. Church and Christians should show example of non favoritism in its congregation, for the world to see Jesus alive among His followers. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted November 8, 2024 Report Posted November 8, 2024 Q40. (Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) Why does Christ's humility require us to associate those considered lowly? They are the once that can't help themselves. Who are the "lowly" in your community? They are the needy of the need. What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? Serve them. What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? We are all the same in GOD's eye, GOD doesn't have favorites. Quote
George L Posted November 9, 2024 Report Posted November 9, 2024 Q40. (Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) Why does Christ's humility require us to associate those considered lowly? I was raised on the thumb of Wisconsin, where two crops, cherries and apples abundance was far beyond our populations ability to pick our selves. The migrant workers were our economic salvation. We depended upon their faithful return every year. We of any ‘class’ depend on the whole of the classes, skills, and abilities for unity to have true prosperity. Spiritual prosperity and prosperity in and off the whole population. Who are the "lowly" in your community? Those struggling to come out of drugs, alcohol and other spiritual bondages. The devastation in their lives has them hanging on barely surviving. What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? Backed by multiple believers who pray our “Wildfire Encounter” tent evangalism and our youth outreach into the two adjacent towns “Kid’s Blast” are attractive to those in need. No ediface of church. A just come as you are atmosphere. And the church members are able to wade out into evangelistic waters as any part of these efforts. Logistics, set up, service, teardrop down. Door keepers onward. Come wade in. What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? There is no division for those who are”in Christ”. Quote
hanks Posted November 11, 2024 Report Posted November 11, 2024 Q40. (ROMANS 12:16; JAMES 2:1-9) Why does Christ's humility require us to associate those considered lowly? Who are the "lowly" in your community? What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? What message does lack of favouritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? Our Lord Jesus demonstrated and taught us that we should treat all people with respect. I feel we should look upon others as made in the image of God – especially those people who are normally looked down upon - the so called lowly. This may humble us as we may be too proud to mix with them. In my country with its extremes of poverty and riches the people that are sometimes looked down upon are the very poor, the unemployed, those of a different race or culture, the handicapped, sometimes the very young and even the elderly. Yes, we are actively involved in a sister church in a very poor area. I doubt whether the world would notice our lack of favouritism, but I feel that it is quick to notice favouritism or any other wrong in our churches and be extra quick to call us a bunch of hypocrites. Very quick to criticize and pass judgment and slow to give, if at all, any credit due. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted November 14, 2024 Report Posted November 14, 2024 Q40. (Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) Why does Christ’s humility require us to associate those considered lowly? Who are the “lowly” in your community? What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? Christ gave us an example is His walk on the earth. He associated with everyone, including the outcasts. "lowly" in a community are any people that are overlooked. My husband has a huge heart for older singles 35-65+ in our former church that was our ministry group and in Eastern Europe that was a dear ministry to us in two countries. Our congregation welcomes everyone who comes in the door. They have built the church to have a HUGE foyer that all can talk and mingle there even during snow. This talking with and welcoming everyone is taught and encouraged. The message sent to the world is that we love. Romans 12:16a reminds us, "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position." James also reminds us, "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”[a] you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers." Quote
Krissi Posted December 1, 2024 Report Posted December 1, 2024 So, it’s Sunday and I’m sitting here in my jammies, dreading church. I just moved house to a very secular city – Boulder, Colorado -- and am looking for a church home. Pastor Ralph asks in his questions, “Who are the lowly in church?” He could also have asked the converse: “Who is desired?” Here’s what I’ve seen so far. The first and most desired cohort is young couples with children. They’re the target audience of most churches today. Music, schedule, sermon focus, Sunday school topics, sermon illustrations … it’s all geared toward young families. The second most desirable cohort is older couples with grown kids – think: donors! Not being a part of either desirable demographic, my goal is to slide in unnoticed. Why? Singles, divorced, old, widowed, very young adults ... these are the lowliest of the "lowly"cohorts in today’s American churches. Churches also have a bias toward people who are extraverted, moderately educated, content with the status quo, apolitical, “focused on the family,” etc. There’s a bias, that is, toward the average American joe who does ordinary things – talks about sports, goes to movies, dawdles over food, etc. Quiet, serious, nerdy, cosmo people don’t fit and are therefore a second lowly church cohort. Most churches seem to genuinely try to make all newcomers feel welcome. This begins at the front doors where assigned greeters stand like guards. I run the gauntlet to avoid their mildly invasive questions: “You have an accent, are you an American?” ; “Are you and that man (pointing to someone) together?” ; etc. And of course, the Holy Grail: “Is this your first time here?” Suggestion one: Approach newbies after they’ve sat down, not at the door. Explain to the newcomer any particularities of that church so he or she gets a sense of the whole. Don’t try to wedge him or her into a group with a designated age range or marital status. A one-on-one, slow approach is best. Suggestion two: Stop describing your church as friendly, accepting of everyone, etc. This means nothing. Every church says it’s friendly. Every. Church. There seems to be some sort of giant social sucking mechanism that homogenizes churches into a black hole of likeness. The music, songs, appearance of pastor, slightly edgy posturing … it’s all the same. It’s sorta amazing to go from church to church and have the same experience. In my wee opinion, the church that breaks out of the mold – not just in rhetoric or posturing, but in reality – will have a “relief rally” of members. Suggestion three: MOst churches don’t seem to know how they’re different from other churches. Perhaps they should. Churches evolve in ways that give them a competitive advantage in a particular demographic, outlook or activity. Some churches may evolve into powerhouses of cultural and political activism. Others into schools and activities that cater to young, struggling families. Some are mission focused. Some have a great college-age group. Whatever. The point is that churches should not aim to appeal to everyone. That’s anathema, I know, but I don’t see anything wrong with churches that aim for a certain economic or racial demographic, class, age group, interest, etc. I want a smorgasbord of choice. God, of course, will call me to a particular congregation. He may call me to one in which I don’t comfortably belong – that’s His prerogative and He knows what He’s doing. Obedience is key. He may let me have an easier time by plopping me into a congregation that “fits” snugly. But, looking at it from the level of church, not seeker, it seems that churches that humbly try to know how God is using them, that can identify what slice of the pie they are, that is, are much better at attracting people – like or unlike – than churches that try to “look like America.” Just my $0.02. Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 7 Report Posted January 7 Christ’s humility requires us to associate with those considered lowly because the are all part of the body. Every part of the body is there for a purpose. I suppose the “lowly” in my community are the poor. Our church is breaking down the barriers between these people and ourselves by sponsoring a charter school. The message of the lack of favoritism that is sent to the world is that we accept everybody and want to bring them to Jesus. Quote
Kak Posted Monday at 07:45 PM Report Posted Monday at 07:45 PM Q. 40. Jesus treats us all equally, He has no favorites, as Christians trying to walk in His footsteps we should follow His example. Every person is made in God’s image, and that is how we should treat them. Sometimes this can be hard, if someone is disrespectful or rude, unthankful, unloving or has wronged you in some way. This is where our humility either shows or pride rears its head. It is something I have to continually work on and don’t always succeed! I think too much about myself and how it affects me! There are many poor people in our towns, lots of newly arrived refugees and those who are struggling in many ways. Unfortunately there is very little being done by our Church to address this issue. Sometimes in the church are involved in various organisations helping the poor but it is done on a personal basis. At the moment our Church is going through major change and it has been a struggle to just survive over the last few years. But hopefully within the next few months a new Pastor will be starting and gradually these issues will be addressed. I really don’t know the answer to the last part of the question. I presume that if non believers who are watching us saw no favouritism they would be impressed, but I wonder would they even notice? I suppose if they saw a Christian showing favour to someone, maybe in church, they would be quick to notice that, and comment adversely to it. Quote
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