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For Abraham, being a new light of God shining among those who had no clue Abraham followed a different God, life sustaining abundance or wealth was the obvious way to show HIS blessing. This was a time of famine, so to beable to have little fear of food and animals to work with, this was a sign of blessing.

For us, material wealth often becomes a burden to our relationship with God. We must become spiritually wise managers of it to honor HIM first and to use it wisely for our loved ones to benefit most from it, not to hoard it for ourselves as not to trust the source to supply all our needs. It may not be placed in our care for our purpose, but to give it to others in need. Most of us that recieve more than we need to live by, tend to take pride in our accomplishments and lose sight of the source as being God that provided the abilities and opportunities and strength to obtain that which we have. It becomes our reward for own work, not a blessing sent from above.

I prefer to seek my security for today and tomorrow in knowing I am in God's will for he will provide all that I need if I am there. I can suffer many distractions and difficulties when I am not there and instead, working on my own.

:rolleyes: I treasure my relationship with my Father, and the relationships of my family and friends more than material wealth. These will grow to be the better rewards in eternal living than any earthly gain. I struggle so with managing and wisely utilizing the worldly blessings our culture has come to take for granted. This position frustrates many around me.

Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

The prosperity gospels equates wealth to gods blessings and the poverty gospel glorifies suffering.God calls us to be good stewards and like Abraham though

wealthy yet not attached to his wealth, responsible and selfless.

To the one who is fathfull in little things more will be added.



I believe that Abraham's wealth did reflect God's blessing upon him because God promised to bless Abraham (12:2).

Material wealth doesn't always reflect God promise. There is a burden of care

in getting riches, fear in keeping them, temptation in using them, and a sorrow in losing them, and a burden of account to be given.

Physical poverty doesn't always reflect God's curse. Paul knew what it was

to have a lot and to have nothing, but he learned "how to be content in whatsoever state he found himself". A little with contentment is great gain.


I think that God's blessings are individualized. He knit us together in the womb, he knows our going out and our coming in, he knows our names, and he looks on our hearts. His blessings are customized to the individual. He was creating a nation through Abraham, and he had promised to bless him. Material wealth was part of that blessing, as was Sarah's protection from the Pharaoh and Abimelech, and the birth of Issac. God's blessings meet the need of the current circumstance and go beyond the immediate need if God chooses. Since all belongs to God in the first place, he knows how to distribute His blessings to his children. God uses us in unique ways and equips us with what we need. He knows our hearts and what our intentions are. He knows what He can trust us with at any given time. Mainly, He wants his children to depend on Him for all things they have need of. After all, he knows their needs even before they ask.

I find it interesting that when Abraham generously offered Lot the first choice of which land to take, he chose the region that looked the most properous and valuable, which in his mind equated to material wealth but led him straight towards Sodom where "the men were wicked and sinning greatly against the Lord." Sometimes what appears to be the best choice, the blessing we would choose for ourself as being the most desirable, can lead straight into a region of sin. Maybe one of our biggest blessings is being given the wisdom to let God do the bestowing of his provision according to his full understanding of how best to meet our need, and it isn't always material gain that is needed.


Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

It appears that God did bless Abraham with material possessions, but this does not mean all dedicated followers are so blessed. Just look at Jesus and his followers. They did not have material blessings, but they had the most important things in life: the presence of the Holy Spirit; God's guidance in their lives; His Presence for comfort when going through difficult times; His support for their physical lives, until the time He called them home for the most wonderful blessing that anyone can have--an eternity living in His Presence and joy in whatever service He gives them to do in that eternity. :D

Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse? Of course not. As seen above, followers were blessed, even though not by physical things. Those things paled into nothing when weighed against the wonders and joy of the blessing of His Presence! :lol:

I would rather have Him as my guide, savior and Lord of my life than any material "stuff!" :rolleyes:


God has told us in His Word of His expected relationship between His children and wealth (stuff).

The new testament speaks more directly and specifically to the dangers which are inherent in the world's possessions and, consequently, our possession of them.

From an Americanized point of view many assume that those whose bills are paid on time every time, whose disposable income is sufficient to go on this cruise that cruise or those hunting excursions, whose incomes are more than adequate to send Billy Bob or Sally Sue to the "name brand" (and secular I might add) colleges are those people who have been blessed most by our Lord.....Absolutely not.

Is this culture, materialism and the accumulation of wealth is a sign of something, but it is surely not God's Blessing in each and every case. I would feel safe to say that it is a sign of God's blessings in an extreme minority of the cases.

Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

Yes, Abraham's material wealth does reflect Gods' Blessings & Promises to do so in Abraham's life.

Quite frankley Yes I do believe material wealth always reflect's Gods' Blessings. Even if it is a lack of. God is Merciful & Gracesious. All is His :D! Now some people do not give credit where credit is do - To God!!! and they loose it, and will answer to that, as we all will & do.

God is in control of His plan for all of us and we are blessed indeed with the chance to be here to do Gods' Will, through easy street & the wilderness. To return Home to His Glory, which Is our Glory in Him! Hallelujah! To receive our reward & place in The Kingdom Of Heaven. Oh Yes, how fun!!! To grow up in God! Thank You Abba Father!

Like I stated above, poverty is in Gods' control as well, and is a matter of the heart, which true wealth is also, a matter of the heart. We can make things better or worse for ourselve's as we use Gods' Blessings for His Glory - For Good!

Now life on this earth period is a result of rebellion which lead to the curse. And I'm not trying to sound repeatitive here, but it's up to us how we receive His Majesty! God didn't say that He would curse us more, He said that the plagues (which are already a result of the curse) will come on us all the more if we do not turn from our wicked ways. It is finnished!!! The rest/next is yet to come, we must deal with what's on our plate here and now to determine our destination beyond, and to spread the good news of Gods Grace, out of heart & compassion for eachother in Him, using the gifts He so freely gives, to bring hope, a shinning light for the lost to see in the midst of a dark & troubled world.

1a.) (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him?

1a.) That is one of the ways, God's blessings are reflected in his life.

1b.) (13:2) Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing?

1b.) No.

1a.) (13:2) Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

1a.) No.

I am not writing much today.  The answers in this forum covered all my points.  Great points all!

Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

God certainly promised to bless Abraham. The material wealth may have been a blessing. But even more important was the spiritual wealth Abraham had gained.

Material wealth does not always reflect God's blessing. In fact, at times it could be considered detrimental to becoming spiritual wealthy even to the point of being denied eternal life. Such is the case with the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16-26 where in verse 24, Jesus says "And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Contrast this with the poverty of those of the churches in Macedonia that Paul writes about in 2 Corinthians 8. Paul writes, "1 Moreover brethren, we make known to you the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia: 2 that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded in the riches of their liberality. 3 For I bear witness that according to their ability, yes, and beyond their ability, they were freely willing, 4 imploring us with much urgency that we would receive the gift and the fellowship of the ministering to the saints."

This was a group of believers who were made rich in the grace of God even though they were poor in material wealth. They knew what storing up treasure in heaven meant.

Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

God never curses. Physical poverty or other problems in this world may be the result of a spiritual attack, but they will never be the result of a curse from God.

Others have already pointed out that material wealth is not any easier to handle than physical poverty if you are really paying attention. I have been in situations where being responsible for money (something that I am trained to do) is so incredibly difficult that I would wish I had not been entrusted were I not so certain that the Lord needed me to be doing the job. Either wealth or poverty may be a blessing (and probably is).


Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him?

Under the circumstances at the time, I'd have to say that Abraham's wealth did reflect God's blessing on him. I think maybe his wealth served partly as a type of witness to those he was encountering who did not believe in the One, true God.

Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing?

No, not always.

I know plenty of people who are financially wealthy but are spiritually poor.

Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

No. The late Christian financial advisor Larry Burquett once said he

could not answer the question as to why God blessed some Christians with material wealth and not others.


Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

Yes it does. God Himself said that I will bless you and make you a great nation. a poor man cannot become a great nation. Obviously the wealth is because of God's blessings on Abraham.

Material wealth does NOT always reflect God's blessings. Material wealth can be gained by illegal means which is against the principles of God. So its not God's work. Its satan's work which won't last long.

Physical proverty does NOT always reflect God's curse. God gives or does not give wealth to people according to His preferences. If a poor pastor lives in pitiable conditions, it doesn't mean that he is under a curse from God. That poor pastor may be rich spiritually but poor physically. God gives to people according to their stewardship abilities.

Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him?

Yes, but it is only one of His blessings for Abraham

Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing.

No, there are many who do not honor God and have riches

Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

No, our Lord knows exactly what we need in order to worship Him, and Satan knows exactly what we want; and he uses that to tempt us and distract us from God.


God bless us in many ways. Where ever God has put us we should be grateful and satisfied. God bless us with physical wealth, material and spiritual wealth. Give me spiritual wealth any day.!


Abrahm's material wealth was a blessing from God. Material wealth does not always reflect God's blessing. There are times that these things are from Satan especially when it is so hard to believe and so enormous.

It coincides with our faith and our way of life (if we are followers of God or not).

Physical proverty is a direct curse from Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God's command and Eve falling victim to the serpent in the Garden of Eden.


In this case, I do believe Abraham's material wealth reflected God's blessing on Him. It is certain that if God was unhappy with Abraham He would have cursed him with illnesses and poverty. In the OT, it seemed God often chose to display His blessings through earthly rewards and curses. As we came to know and understand His son, I believe God felt that He no longer needed to demonstrate His love to us through earthly blessings. Those that are priviledged to read and understand the words of our Savior realize that blessings are often equated with the fruit of the spirit and eternal rewards. The people of the OT were often terrified of God and needed earthly proof of His love and satisfaction with them. Now we will see atheistic sinners appearing to be "blessed" with material wealth and external happiness, while obedient Christians are challenged by life's difficulties. Only through an understanding of what the kingdom of God really is, can we make sense of this. We must focus our sights not on this world, but on the next and know that if love and obey, we can expect abundant blessings of an eternal nature.




I have to disagree that Abraham's material was GOD's blessing on him. Chapter 12, verse 16 tells us that "Pharaoh entreated Abram well for her sake; and he had sheep, and oxen, and he *****, and menservants, and maidservants, and she *****, and camels." This tells me that Abram received his riches from Pharaoh because of his beautiful wife, Sarai.

Material wealth does not reflects GOD's blessings. There are many people who have served GOD their entire lives and do not possess material wealth.

Physical poverty does not reflect GOD's curse. GOD has promised to bless us spiritually, not to give us material wealth.

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