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Abraham did not want the King to claim that he made him rich. Tells us that Abraham was not honoring the King of Solom but honoring God The Most High. No one is greater than the Father. If we are to give honor or praise it should be to God not man.


To me it reflected the God focus of Abraham. He didn't need the riches obviously - he had wealth - and he didn't want to give the credit or honor for those riches to anyone other than God.

He was humble and he was a man of principal. But the key is that although he had no need, perhaps he saw the need of those around him and encouraged the king to give to them.

He was a leader as God instructs with integrity, faith and servitude.

Although Abraham sees that his pagan neighbors are rewarded for their efforts, Abraham takes no reward from the spoils of battle. Abraham chooses to distance himself from the unholy, the king of Sodom, to avoid any appearance of impropriety, or suggestion that Abraham

Q4. (14:21-24) Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the King of Sodom offers him? What does this tell us about Abraham's character? What is the lesson here for us to learn?

Abraham knew about the wickedness of Sodom and its dwellers. The King himself was wicked. As such Abraham didn't want to be a part of Sodom. Just because he had to rescue Lot, he didn't want the sodomites to feel that Abraham was a part of them. He wanted to distance himself from the king of Sodom and all he had to offer.

By this example we come to conclusion that Abraham was a man of integrity. He wants himself projected as Mr. Clean. Transparency was his watchword. How I wish that we christians emulate Abraham and desist from the spoils of this world. So many are the temptations that this world offers and lures us into them. We have to learn to live a life of integrity so that none can point a finger at us. Pointed fingers can cause a lot of harm to the Christian community in general. We have to learn from Abraham to say no to items of bad repute through which our character is blackened.


Pretty much everything has been said about this topic that can be said as far as it relates to Abraham. I do believe something is missing however in the possible application of the lesson we learn about Abraham.

Yes, Abraham did not want to present the appearance of being in cahoots with anyone other than God. I feel as though Abraham knew that by taking tribute from the King, he would begin an ungodly relationship that would mutually benefit both himself and the King but would, on the other hand, cause him to do things, or seem to go along with things, that are against God's perfect Will.

A very obvious application today would be if the Church (all related physical entities and its leaders), would give up their tax status.

The government tells pastors and churches today, talk about anything but....

I beleive that we, the Church should not only give up Her secularly given tax "blessing"(?) as a whole, but that we as individuals should give up our tax benefit by giving to the Church in cash or with a check made out to cash.

I heard a pastor one time say that "we'd go broke" referring to the possibility of giving up the tax status.


The spoils were illgotten and tainted with sin . Abraham had made an oath not to accept anything that belonged to the king of Sodom, as he was representing wickedness. He did not want the king to be able to boast about giving wealth to Abraham.

We learn that Abraham was true to his word. He was a faithful man of God.

We should be faithful with the small things and God will give increases as He sees fit. GLORY TO GOD!!

Keep yourselves away from those things that are evil and wicked. Discernment to the spirits here would apply.


Q4. (14:21-24) Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the King of Sodom offers him? What does this tell us about Abraham's character? What is the lesson here for us to learn?

The king of Sodom is evil. Abraham wants nothing to do with him--not even the spoils of war. :angry:

Abraham is true to the Lord God and obeys Him only. Thus he wants nothing to do with evil persons.

We must separate ourselves from evil--in whatever form we find it. We should keep our eyes on Jesus in all areas of our lives. He will enable us to see through evil guises that satan takes, and give us the moral strength to stick to what God requires of us. :rolleyes:


Q4. (14:21-24) Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the King of Sodom offers him? What does this tell us about Abraham's character? What is the lesson here for us to learn?

a. A lot of times when the world gives us something, such as money for "Faith Based Charities" They expect something in return from us. They want us to give up something that we hold dear. Abraham was not willing to let the King of Sodom have any power over him. His only controlling authority was God.

b. His character? He was first and foremost a "man" of God. The key word here being "man." He had faults and he made some great blunders, but his heart was to follow and obey God. He was a man of great character, I believe.

c. Never to compromise our walk with God for anything the world has to offer. Do not allow yourself to become indebted to the world system Hold on to our convictions and not let them down.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (14:21-24) Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the King of Sodom offers him? What does this tell us about Abraham's character? What is the lesson here for us to learn?

Abraham did not take of the spoils of war from the King of Sodom so that the King couldn't at anytime say the he himself made Abraham rich. Abraham did not go wage war on a city for it's riches, he went to rescue his brother & family and their own possessions, not to get greedy. Abraham's heart is pure towards the Lord & his family with his intentions. His character, one to be desired: is motivated for God.

Now I'm not sure yet what the lesson by Abraham refusing a tithe is, but let me look closer. Now I think "why not", let me explore the King of Sodom.... Ahhh, well the Kings of Sodom fell in the slimepits during this battle. But I guess that being The King of Sodom now want's to give to Abraham of the riches of Sodom, that Sodom was restored to the King of Sodom as well.... Hmmm, I think everything was Abraham's already for overtaking the city, but being that all was restored to there rightful places, and Abraham only did this thing to rescue his own, that if he were to accept tithes from the King of Sodom, then the whole purpose of the battle could stand to get lost in the divy.

Like when I do something for somebody who needs the help, (my intention being to help when I can & if I can, not to get rich) and they try to pay me or give me some thing for what I have done, takes the meaning out of it (God Provides), and instead of whom ever I helped giving God the Glory for having received help, they instead try to buy me off, and my good intentions just to help, turn into a job where by the receiver of my help, now expects it without reverence to God or me. They just want what they want when they want it no matter what. They want to think that they are in control of that which God directed!

Just like some people who try to leave their things behind after a visit to me in my home. I have found this to be a deceitful way to come back, because something that is their's is in my home. They try to stake claim by leaving their things in my care, even without my being aware of it. There has been times where I caught it right away, and was able to chase them down to give them what they forgot <_< , and the expression proved my point. They were, more times then not, set back by my not holding their thing/s, and even almost said it, "oh I was g..", and then just stop and say thank you. Other time's I had to call them on the phone and tell them they left something, and again, for the most part, it is the same answer.

Now my door is open and all who know me know it. I have figured it out, the hard way, about people like that - sneaking into my life that way, and feeding me all kinds of lines of bull in order to through me off track with God. But because I Love God with all my heart & soul, he showed me the good in these kinds of actions, and that is of The Spirit - if they are or not. So then for them, I am better prepared on feeding them. Is it milk or strong meat, when we meet again.

p.s. not everybody who leaves something behind because they forgot it or whatever has any intentions at all with doing so, they just forgot it. It's easy to know, by paying attention to somebody, if they are receiving The Holy Spirit or not. And We Are Paying Attention :)

4a.) (14:21-24) Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the King of Sodom offers him?

4a.) I am led to the following proverb: "A tyrannical ruler lacks judgement, but he who hates ill-gotten gain will enjoy a long life." (Proverbs 28:16)

4b.) (14:21-24) What does this tell us about Abraham's character?

4b.) Again, from Proverbs: "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil." (Proverbs 3:7)

4c.) (14:21-24) What is the lesson here for us to learn?

4c.) Three is a charm, it is written: "The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life." (Proverbs 16:17)

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (14:21-24) Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the King of Sodom offers him? What does this tell us about Abraham's character? What is the lesson here for us to learn?

Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the king of Sodom offers him?

Abraham is particularly concerned that the king of Sodom might boast, "I have made Abram rich and he doesn't want his riches to come from an evil sorce, but from God whom he praises.

What does this tell us about Abraham's character?

It tells us that Abraham is a man of integrity, a man that has wisdom, and a man that wants to separate himself from evil.

What is the lesson here for us to learn?

We should not take from those that are evil and trying to tempt us, nor should we be intimidated but stand up boldly with our convictions and continue to put our faith in our Lord and His promises.


Abram had lifted his hand and promised God that he would take no spoils. His faith in God was so complete that he did not think twice about this. Something of trust (faith) had passed between him and God that was far too precious for him to break. His amazing relationship with God was much more important to him than a few spoils from Sodom.

This demonstrates that Abram's word was Abram's bond.

This is a thing we'd love to see more of today - even among Christians! God said "Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay." We are not to swear by anything that is in Heaven of earth. What meaning does it have anyway if our word can be broken? We should not swear by the Bible. With us it should be yes or no, and people (including our children) should be able to know we mean business. Oh for such faith between Christians!


I think the lesson here to learn is that we need to be selective in what we would take from someone. For example, for me, I am self-employed and do housecleaning, petsitting and housesitting. I have been housecleaning for a certain lady for about 15 years. She was married at first but then they got a divorce. She moved to another house and was single for quite a while. She traveled a lot at that time and I did housesitting and housecleaning. Then when I was on one of my trips to visit my daughter and grandchildren in another state, I surmised that her new boyfriend started living with her there. I felt that I could no longer work for her anymore because of this situation.

Another example is in my town of Austin, TX Planned Parenthood is trying to open a new abortion facility to kill children in later terms of their preborn life. Some construction companies refused to do business with Planned Parenthood and so lost money. It was hard to find a concrete supplier but finally, one company relented and did the business. But I think the right thing to do would be refuse to take money from an organization like Planned Parenthood because of what they do.

It shows godly character when you have standards of what you feel is moral and you refuse to take money from or for something evil.


He did not want anything that did not belong to him just what was his. He only wanted to please God. When was I first saved and people done things for me i thought I could never do enough to repay them.But as I grew in the Lord and in time I know who was doing what they do out of a pure heart and who was doing it out of a wrong Spirt. We need to always do what we do in the name of the Lord amen


Abraham refused the spoils of war, because it would reflect upon the promise and covenant of God, who already promised to bless him.

Abraham can trust the possessor of heaven and earth to provide.

Abraham is a man of integrity and a keeper of the covenant made with God.

Abraham would not put his godly character on the line in alliance with an

ungodly king.

We learn the lesson that the people of God must be careful and beware

of coveteousness, mercenary and self-seeking.


The King of sodom was a very evil man. Abraham did not want anything from him. Abraham did not want nothing from the spoils of the war.


Abraham would not accept the spoils of war from the king of Soddom because that would have been "sordid gain". Abraham's mission in all this was never for gain to begin with but rather to rescue Lot.

This shows what a man of integrity Abraham was and how he wanted to please God, not man.


Abraham refuses to take the spoils of war that the King of Sodom offers him because he was a leader of a sinful country. This tell us about Abraham's character that he is righteous and will accept blessings from others who are righteous. The lesson here for us to learn is that we should be wary to accept gifts/rewards from anyone who does not live righteously or follow the Lord God.




Abraham refused to take spoils from the king of Sodom because he didn't want to be in the king's debt. He doesn't want the king of Sodom boasting that he made Abraham rich.

Abraham shows good character by rejecting not only the wicked king of Sodom, but also the city and it's goods.


Everyone's already answered as I would, but I would like to add on a tangent..... It is in my opinion that it would be really swell if the leaders of our nations used the same holy discretion that Abraham did.

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