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Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

To personally call God my shield means that He is my Protector.

It means that I am entitled to the same promises as Abraham since I am Abrahams's heir. I am blessed because Abraham was blessed.

It means that God offers me a great reward.

  • 5 months later...
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Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

I heard a message by a preacher that said everything is Father-filtered. I believe that. Anything that comes to us must first go through our heavenly Father who knows what is best for us. In that respect He is our shield.

According to the passage God says I am your shield, your very great reward. God is our reward. Think of all that God is and what He does. That is our reward!

If He is truly your Sovereign it means that He is truly your Lord. You are His slave and He is your Master. You have no rights of your own and as one person has aptly said - God is the One who calls the shots!

  • 3 months later...

Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

1. What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? To me personally it means

that everything that would impact my spiritual security must first come in contact with God


  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

God, as my shield, personally, assures me that he is always offering protection from the daily "warfare" that I must endure. Of course, this is metaphorically, for we are not at at a physical weaponry combat, but one of temptation and evil workings of Satan and his Dominion; with out my shield I am certain that Satan would pierce my soul from within and without.

God's great reward with Abraham is His covenant. On the personal level the greatest reward that I have been given is His only son WHO had washed away my sins with His life's blood. Jesus was made aware of our trials and temptations so He knew what we were to endure. What a great gift to have someone experience the same trials and tribulations to know how we must struggle and in return create for us a room in His Father's place.

As SUZERAIN (giver of gifts) God has rewarded me Handsomely. He has given me many opportunities to grow, abundance of beauty to enjoy, and immense love to share. As a SOVEREIGN. God has offered extended protection to my growing family and In keeping us safe through our daily days, and those of trials and tribulations.

  • 8 months later...

1a)To me it means God is sovereign over everything and is my protector and I can have hope in him,and put my trust in him,what ever the circumstances.Psalm 46:1

B) God keeps his promises e.g child from Abraham’s body. Great reward knowing Jesus as my Lord, in Him hope for now with help of Holy Spirit, and eternity with him, all this humbles me.

C)I am safe and calm in His love and care, and being with him for ever gives me peace.I love,honour & obey him and he gives me wisdom,strength,discernment,life. He will never leave me,always accepts me and is ever gracious.

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Personally calling God my “Shield” is saying that I have somebody protecting me. And that is what God has always done for me. He nudges me when I am about to something that I shouldn’t be doing. As for the “exceedingly great reward” means that I will be in heaven when I move on. This is not my home and God has reserved a place for me.

  • 7 months later...

Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?


It means to me that my trust in God is real.  I cast away anxiety and fear and trust in God.  It means that the Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want or be afraid.  I came to a realization a long time ago that just about everything of any importance I cannot really control and there is no point getting depressed, anxious, stressed, fearful, etc., but to place my trust in God and let God be God in my life.  It has made the quality of my Christian walk and life in general much better. 


If Christians would allow God to exercise His promises in their lives Christianity overall would have a different face.  If Christians would allow God to be God in the lives what a different world we would live in.

  • 2 years later...

When I think of God as my "shield," I think of Him as my protector.  Since a shield would be used in warring conditions, I think of the "shield" as my covering to keep me from injury.


It seems that Melchizedek, praise, deliverance, and reward are connected.  Melchizedek praises God who delivered Abraham and promises a reward to replace all the goods that Abraham had turned down from the king of Sodom.


As to the "an exceedingly great reward," I think of God being Abraham's reward.


"And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise" (Gal 3:29).


God is far better than things.  He is my reward.


What does it mean to me to call God my Suzerain or Sovereign?"  Since "shield" and "sovereign" has to do with God's protection, yet a suzerain has to do with "offering a reward to a faithful servant or vassal."


I have never thought a lot in terms of the Lord rewarding me for serving Him.  To me, He and His Kingdom is the reward (salvation).




  • 3 months later...

Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

To call God my shield, my fortress and my protector but most of all he is my counselor in times of trouble.

God's promises to us as "an exceedingly great reward" is that he will and does bless us and is a shield for us.

To call God our Suzerain or Sovereign is to mean he is our protector, our giver of rewards in much abundance. To God our Suzerain we are promised our reward of eternal life through his Son. He has provided for us his servants a new covenant, just as Abraham had promises from the Lord, we now have Christ as our Suzerain.       

  • 3 years later...

Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

Abraham had just defeated four kings who had been victorious over five kings. Now he fears retaliation from these kings probably with a much larger army. Moreover, he had refused the spoils of war from the king of Sodom, thus refusing a possible future alliance that he could have. It is in this scenario that God told Abraham that He is his shield and exceeding great reward. Shield is used for protection. He had refused the spoils, but God will reward him immensely. Just as to Abraham God said that He would be a shield of protection, for me He becomes my protection and shield in the face of all troubles and the fiery darts of the enemy. Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights and in Him there is no variableness nor a shadow of turning. He has already given us His priceless gift of His Son, what more will He withhold from us. And as the Sovereign God, He is seated on the throne and is in control of all things. Nothing will happen in my life without His knowledge and without He allowing it to come to pass. Because He loves me, I have the comfort of knowing that He will work all things work together for my good.

  • 6 months later...

Q1. (15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?  

To me it means that He protects me from all harm and storms. It means that everything Abraham was promised is also promised to me because of Christ. This means that He is all powerful, never changing, has all the control and everywhere and that means everything to me.


  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

God wants us to believe in Him and serve Him.." We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, that we should walk in them".  God created man to worship Him, and in doing so, He promises to protect us and meet our every need...When we repent and are baptized, that is our covenant with God to walk with Him, to serve Him, to do His will... His promise to us for doing this is ETERNAL LIFE....Here on earth He leads us and guides us to remain holy and righteous, living our lives according to His word , and Christ Jesus... He provides for us and meets our needs when we call on His name and ask in prayer.... that is His promise to us.   We must believe just like Abraham did....and be as righteous as Christ is, for it is not our righteousness, but it is the righteous of Christ in us that God accepts..  Jesus is our intercessor to God, it is through our belief of His righteousness that we are forgiven of sin... when we call on His name everything changes and we are transformed through the power of His holy and righteous name... Jesus....the blood of Jesus... we need to stop saying that we are not worthy and we are sinners ....Jesus died on the cross so that through His blood we are worthy,,, God does not see our sin for it is forgiven when we ask for forgiveness...What would be the point of Him dying on the cross for our sins if we keep calling ourselves sinners?  Either we believe in His word or not....Faith...if we have Christ , there is no sin...for God does not abide in sin only in righteousness...

Edited by Paula Price
continue with same thought on subject
  • 1 year later...

(15:1) What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign?

Calling God my SHIELD is calling Him my protector. I need not fear for He is with me. I am protected by Him. 

It is awesome to know that the promises to Abram, are also mine, as an heir (because I am adopted and loved as a real child, as part of His household) What a future is awaiting us. 

God is my SOVEREIGN, to me also means my protector, also the One Who takes care of me, my KING and my LORD. 

  • 1 year later...

God is my shield and my source of protection against any warfare or problems I might be going through. He is who I depend on to protect me and guide me. 


It means alot to me about the great reward not just in this life but in the life to come. So much more to look forward to in the life to come.


It means alot for God to be my Sovereign. I know God will keep the promises that he gave to me.

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