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Q3. (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees? What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally?

What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

The significance is that Hagar

3a.) (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

3a.) Our Creator is all knowing, all seeing, he knows the closets of our heart, and Hagar realized that she was also known by the Creator. For a slave who is nothing more than property, it showed her that she was valued by the Creator.

3b.) (16:13-14) What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope?

3b.) I am brought to a promise: "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Deuteronomy 31:8)

3c.) (16:13-14) What does it mean to you personally?

3c.) Jesus tells me to: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)


What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

To know that God is real, not just the visions heard about from Abraham or Sarah, but to know that he sees me as part of HIS plan and seeks me out when I am not lovely or worshipping or serving HIM. He is the God with eyes, not the idols of the day. His eyes see me and have compassion on my misery.

Likely it was scary to be away from the food and shelter source of the last few years when she was pregnant, so going back to perhaps more harsh treatment may not seem so bad if God who sees me is watching and promising me some of the same things her master was promised.

What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope?

It is hopeful to be watched to hold those unfair to be accountable

What does it mean to you personally?This is one of the first names I recognized in the Bible for my Lord, beyond the regulars we hear. It meant alot to me in my distress of some similar predicaments as Hagars when I first found this name. To know that he watches me, is with me and loves and cares for me as a name others see not just my hoped for ways, grew my hope and faith in difficult times. And often, it is being in diffuculties that allow us to look to HIM instead of ourselves, even if we don't seek HIM, he reveals to us that he is watching. Halaluiah, He is God and in control, and loving me with HIS strength.


What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

To know that God is real, not just the visions heard about from Abraham or Sarah, but to know that he sees me as part of HIS plan and seeks me out when I am not lovely or worshipping or serving HIM. He is the God with eyes, not the idols of the day. His eyes see me and have compassion on my misery.

Likely it was scary to be away from the food and shelter source of the last few years when she was pregnant, so going back to perhaps more harsh treatment may not seem so bad if God who sees me is watching and promising me some of the same things her master was promised.

What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope?

It is hopeful to be watched to hold those unfair to be accountable

What does it mean to you personally? This is one of the first names I recognized in the Bible for my Lord, beyond the regulars we hear. It meant alot to me in my distress of some similar predicaments as Hagars when I first found this name. To know that he watches me, is with me and loves and cares for me as a name others see not just my hoped for ways, grew my hope and faith in difficult times. And often, it is being in difficulties that allow us to look to HIM instead of ourselves, even if we don't seek HIM, he reveals to us that he is watching. Halleluiah, He is God and in control, and loving me with HIS strength.


Q3. (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees? What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally?

It's a great confirmation for Hagar and also for each of us that our God never sleeps nor slumbers. His eyes are always open. Because He cares for His children.

To a discouraged and hopeless person, it means that there is a God who is concerned about everyone's problems. Nothing is too insignificant or unimportant in God's eyes. He continues to look after His children, no matter what the circumstances.

To me it means the same. That I need not lose my sleep worrying about so many things. God is there to look after my affairs, then why bother about them? Why get BP and tension by worrying about unnecessary things? God is my refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1


Hagar seen an act of mercy toward herself and having felt cast off by her

master, was overcome by the fact that she should recieve a gracious visit

from the Lord, who also promised to bless her and her descendants.This

angelic visit also gave her a sense of worth and a purpose to live.

For someone who is discouraged and losing hope, this type of visitation would restore one's confidence that they are in the will of God and to press

on toward the high calling of God through Christ Jesus.

To me personally, it would re-establish my identity with Christ and give me

the strenght and courage and confidence to fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life whereunto I have been called. I would say, as written

in Ps. 42:5, "Why are thou cast down , O my soul; hope thou in God for my

expectation is from Him".


When you are going through the valley it is wonderful to know that God sees you with love, concern and not judgement.

This give you a different outlook on life and a reason for HOPE. Knowing that God sees me is a comfort. He is watching over my life.


The significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees is that God really does see all and know all. This means to a person who is discouraged and losing hope that God knows their situation and has it under His control. It means to me personally

that He knows me and whatever I am going through, although I don't understand it all, and is working to make me a better person because of it all.


What is the significance of Hagar's name for God-El Roi theGod Who Sees? What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally?

Hagar realized that God saw her! This is so significant as to who God is and what He sees. He sees every tear and every slave woman. He sees every abuse and every sin. He sees every act of faith and compassion and He saw Hagar and He saw me. He sees all of us and meets us where we are.

"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed. because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I hope in Him." Lamentations3:22-24. This was written when the seige in Jerusalem was so great women were eating their own offspring!

"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him." Lam. 3:25

I just think these verses say it all.

God Bless!




Q3. (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees? What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally?

She realizes that God sees HER! He knows her by name and cares about what happens to her. Also, He has a plan for her life and for her son's life--bleak as it sounds to be. :huh:

For anyone who is losing hope, this is tremendously encouraging! If God Himself knows me by name and has a plan for my life--whatever number of years this octagenarian has--what awesome joy fills my soul! He loves me! Can anything be more important than that? Can being put down or actually persecuted be more important? With this knowledge--whether expressed out loud or shared with anyone--gives us refilling hope and joy in the midst of whatever problem threatens to overcome us. :D

To me personally, it means that He is with me and will guide me in love into His perfect will, and ultimately, the joy of being with Him forever! :wub:


Hagar is naming God for her own personal experience with Him. He saw her in her plight and came to encourage her to return to her rightful place. Out there in the desert about to die, she needed someone to see her, and God did.

To be discouraged and losing hope is a horrid place to be. Hagar was out there unprotected in the desert, pregnant and waiting virtually to die. She was probably wanting to get it over and done with! She could see no future for herself and her child. When you lose all hope then there is nothing to look forward to except to die to ease the emotional pain. I have not lost hope to that degree, but I have come very near to it, and there is no joy there, I can tell you.

It is good when Jesus rescues you out of a hopeless place. All of a sudden you want to live again. You have a vision for your future. There are good prospects out there for you! Maybe you can marry again! Maybe there is love. Perhaps I am worth something to someone after all. There is a place for me in society after all!


What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

For one thing, it shows our God is a living God! Also that our God is a caring God who is all knowing and all seeing.

What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope?

It means the difference between hope and no hope.

What does it mean to you personally?

That I'm special to God, for He has numbered the very hairs on my head, I am fearfully and wonderfully made by HIM! He has given me my own set of fingerprints, and there are no others like them:)


Because he is God of Sight.......He sees all and knows all.....what a wonderful assurance that is.

They feel lost, that no one cares and that God has abandoned them and does not love or care about them. Feeling of all is lost.

Used to feel unloved by God because of all the many things that has happened in my life, felt I was being punished for something and did not know what.

But just knowing that God sees all and knows all means that he knows and sees everything that is happening with me and in time there will be justice done for it.






Q3. (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees? What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally?

The significance of Gods' name of El Roi is that He sees. He know's what's going on.

What it means to me - one who is discouraged and losing hope, is that "hang on", the battle is my head, and I need to turn it over to God. He sees & knows all, and all's I have to do is hand it to Him and trust Him. I have & He has taken it, and released me from the depression that was coming over me. Hallelujah!!!

I don't understand how it was happening, but it was like something (a heaviness that zapped my energy & motivation to reach out and help others) came over me. All's I wanted to do was go home to God (I still do want to go home), and not deal with this anymore (but will deal with it as long as God has me here). This, being life on earth. This, being the horrible way Jesus was treated, just because people would rather hate. They hate/d Him and eachother. I understand that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit had to go through that to release us from the darkness we brought on ourselves through disobedience in the garden and then every where else. And I Praise Him for it. God is so Wonderful & I Love Him beyond mear expression. But what God went through and goes through for us over and over again, seems so stupid to me. Not God being stupid. I Praise Him for doing it, and because He loves us so much He continues to take on our pain. Mankind is stupid! I apologize, I'm not calling anyone stupid. But to worship a piece of dead wood, or even if it was green and a tree still standing, and statues, and bugs, & anything He created, including eachother. That is stupid and only names a few of the dead things people worship. I mean, really, how much more crap does God have to go through to prove the point of Love. Please. God don't deserve what we put on Him. God is our Creator, our Love, our Life. Yes, He can handle it, and helps us to turn it around, and He gives us wisdom about it, about Him. It hurts me that people hurt, and that people hurt God, and I hope I, yes, the hope inside of me still lives. :D I just hope that I truely am growing up in Christ, and not cold towards my fellow brethren.


When I was lost and wandering amongst the underbelly of society, there were a few distinct moments where I felt watched, not alone, and was comforted by it. The knowledge that God was with me even then, that I was not lost to HIM, that He had my life in His hands and was guiding it, molding me even though I fought against Him, is exceptionally humbling.

That He knows me, and my sin, because He has been with me all along, seen everything.......and still forgives me....................it's indescribable.

To someone beat down and losing hope, the gratitude of knowing the love and acceptance of this God can, as we all know, be life changing.


The significance of Hagar's name for GOD is that she was amazed that He would see her, an insignificant slave girl. She had probably heard the creation story and now the GOD Who created the world and everything on it is aware of her. How happy she must have been.

The knowlege that GOD sees a person who has lost hope would mean everything to them.

To me personally it means that He is not a GOD Who created the world and then took His hands off everything. He is very aware of us and He loves us enough to provide salvation for all who will take of it.


I echo PressThrough's amazement that God still wants to know me and has a plan for me. It is because He is the God Who Sees that he understands my faltering steps to follow Him.

In awesome wonder



Hagar felt abandoned and hopeless. She was surprised that the God of Abram would come to protect her and comfort her. I think this gave her faith that she did not have before. She could now see how God was really in control no matter what the circumstances. God called her to submit to the circumstance she found herself in. Knowing that God saw her affliction and cared for her helped carry her through the difficult years that lay ahead.

Anyone willing to accept God, trusting in the promises of God despite the problems, and knowing with God all things are possible, focuses on God instead of their problems will ultimately have a more peaceful life. When I encounter friends who are discouraged I have told them to pray and focus themselves on God instead of their problems. Sometimes they can

  • 2 weeks later...

What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

The significance is that He sees everything, and that no matter what we think, we can't hide ourselves, or our actions, from Him.

What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope?

It means that God see what trials they are going through, and that they can have hope in God, turn to Him, and give their concerns to Him

What does it mean to you personally?

To me, it means that I am special, that God cares deeply about me. It means that I can turn to Him when I have concerns or problems, and no matter how trivial or how big I think they are, God can, and will, take care of them, in His own way, in His own time, which is all done in perfect time.


Perhaps unlike other gods she is familiar with, who do not see, this is the God who does see. The God who called her by name and knows her personally and understands her situation.

Knowing that God, the Creator of this awesome world, also stoops down to take us by our little hand to lead us in the way we should go because He cares for us and loves us. Knowing this, despite our situation, should lead us to hold onto Him tighter and grow in our faith and strength. We look back on past trials and realize He was there. That should also get us through our present trials and should have strengthened us so we could grow more and produce more for His kingdom.

I trust the Lord and know that He is working behind the scenes for a better outcome than I could ever imagine. When I feel discouraged, I pray more and pray harder and I realize that the trial has brought me closer to Him and made me stronger. I haven't yet rejoiced in my trials as the apostles encourage us to do....perhaps there's still time.

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