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Lesson 6 Q2

(a) Circumcision signifies for Abraham, his household and his decendants is it was to be a sign of a unique relationship with God.

(B) Some kind of definite act on Abraham's part was important to confirming the covenant because it gives heed to the obligations of a covenant. If Abraham did not do his part the covenant would be broken.

© Abraham's obedience the very same day signify is, he took his role very seriously. The promises God makes to Abraham extends to everyone for whom he has responsibility, therefore Abraham do not hesitate. What a lesson for us Christians!. Amen.

  • 7 months later...
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Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

It was an outward sign of a covenant between God and Abraham and Abraham's decendants. By a definite act Abraham was acknowledging to all by his example His covenant relationship between him and the one true God. Today our circumcision is the outward sign of water baptism after we are saved we are saying we washing away all that we were as our old man and putting on the new man of Christ.

By doing so without delay what God ordered Abraham showed forth his complete trust, faith and obedience to the God he served. This total obedience is what brought so many blessing to Abrahham, his decendants and on down to us.

  • 1 month later...

Circumcision was the physical contract with God. It symbolized Abraham's part of the bargain. It had to be something that could not be forgotten or overlooked later on. When we contract with another human being, we want that contract to be binding--no wiggle room--and so we usually draw up a legal document to that effect. Paul points out in his argument to those believers that would have Gentiles be circumcised to fulfill the law of Moses that "real circumcision is a matter of the heart--it is spiritual and not literal."(Romans 2:29). We Christians must have outward symbols of our contract/covenant with God. Baptism and holy communion are the best examples I can think of. By following God's instructions immediately, Abraham showed God that he was serious about his end of the bargain. When our Heavenly Father strikes a bargain with us, we should not delay.

  • 3 weeks later...

God needed a group to carry monotheism to the world. He has found a willing human in the form of Abraham. God now needs to mark his chosen. Now all the people of the earth will know his own. Through out history the Jew was recongized by his circumcision. Are we still under this covenant? I personally do not think so. We have a new covenant through Jesus Christ. Still I hear even protestants claim "You can not enter heaven uncircumcised."


  • 8 months later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

this was an aaagreement betwweem God and Abraham It shoed His complete obedience ot God a nd recogni zed the seriousness of it. Aaabraham waas reequired to do his part to fulfill the promise. Circumsscision was the outward partwhic meant obedience ot God to comlete it. Abraham was alert to the voice of God and took immediate action. knowing from past experiencethat God would be faiithful on His part.

  • 3 months later...

Circumcision is the covenant that Adonai made with Abraham that he and his generations would father many nations, esp God's chosen people. Belief in God's word requires a response, that great leap of faith, to show the Lord that you are trusting in Him. By acting immediately Abraham confirmed his faith and his righteousness.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

The meaning of circumcision for Abraham is very simply a sign that this person is a member of the covenant people. It was a sign of the covenant.

When we respond with a definite act, it is a way of showing our sincereity in being obedient to God.

Abraham's obedience the very same day signifies his following God's guidelines immediately and without hesitation and thus shows his faith.

  • 4 weeks later...

A covenant, a promise, a special relationship with God. It completes a two-way agreement or commitment. His immediate obedience shows his commitment to God.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents?

Circumcision signified that Abraham, his household, and his descendents were members of the covenant people. It was a sign of the covenant.

Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant?

The definite act that was important on Abraham's part to confirm the convenant was for him and the generations to follow to observe and guard their part of the covenant so that the covenant would be fulfilled.

What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Abraham's obedience the very same day signify his total commitment to give heed to the covenant.

  • 2 weeks later...

Circumcision represents the covenant between God and Abraham and all he is responsible for.

The act of circumcision is Abraham's agreement to the covenant. This reminds me of the of the cutting of the covenant we studied earlier. God promises Abraham that his seed would be as the stars and he would inherit the land. Abraham ask God for confirmation of the promise. Circumcision was Abraham's confirmation to the this new covenant.

To do this the very same day shows Abraham's total and complete agreement to the covenant.

  • 2 months later...
Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Circumcision is an outwardly act to confirm the covenant with God. That is why Abraham acted immediately to show his willingness to confirm his side of the covenant . For us in the NT times , it is circumcision of the heart that is more important Acts 7.51 ) :rolleyes:

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Circumcision signifies for Abraham, his household, and his descendents an outward pledge or sign of devotion to the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahew -- a sign of the covenant.

Action in responding or confirming this covenant indicates agreement. Honoring God is not a passive act. Honoring God requires action upon the part of those seeking to honor Him. Abraham's immediate obedience indicates his belief and desire to seriously enter into a covenant with God.

  • 3 months later...
Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

(1) The circumcision signified a unique relationship with God. (2) It showed he was keeping his side of covenant and believing the Lord totally. (3) Abraham's obedience proved he believed the Lord and knew that God's promises was his because he was a true and faithful servant.


Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Circumcision was simply the sign of the covenant between Abraham and God, and a covenant is what we'd call today a contract, and a contract is simply a legally enforceable agreement between one or more "parties". We might not think about it too often, but we all have contracts (legally enforceable agreements) with other "parties". We probably have contracts between us and our mortgage lenders, or if we rent, with our landlords. We have contracts with credit card companies, banks. You name it.

Ask any Jew what circumcision means to them. And they'll say, it shows that we are the children of Abraham, and have a part in God's Genesis 17: covenant with him.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents?

It signifies obedience to God, and setting aside themselves for service to the Lord. It's a separating of Christ's chosen from the world.

Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant?

It's an act of faith in following through with God's commandment. It shows his commitment to serving Christ fully and completely, which includes all of his household.

What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Abraham showed he was determined to trust God in all things, and to show his total commitment to serving the one true God. He showed an act of faith in following through with this directive, believing that God would bring to pass all that He said, and that he had complete confidence in God.

  • 1 year later...

What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Circumcision is a physical sign that the person circumcised is a party to the covenant made between God on the one hand and Abraham and his descendents on the other.

Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? In the same way as we sign a legally binding contract as a physical sign that we are bound by its terms, so this is a form of physical evidence of the covenant or contract which exists between God and Abraham and his decsendents. It is in other words a physical witness of the existance of the covenant between God and whoever is circumcised.

What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify? It shows his absolute faith and trust in God. I was going to say unquestioning faith and trust in God. Actually, he does sort of ask a question when he laughs at God's suggestion that he and Sarah will have a son, but I think that what is going on here is that Abraham is incredulous at the suggestion but not unbelieving. It is an amazing, unbelievable even laughable suggestion, but he believes that God will deliver. Oh that I may have some of Abraham's faith then I could move mountains!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Circumcision signifies for Abraham, his household, and his descendents that it is his part of the fulfillment of the covenant that God made with him. God's promises will be fulfilled if Abraham fulfills his part of the covenant.

This definite act on Abrahams part shows reverence and worship for God. It shows a close relationship and belief in God.

To act the same day is showing obedience and confirming how strong his faith is.



Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Circumcision signifies for Abraham and and his family plus all that will follow an unbreakable covenant with God.

Abraham's part of the promise was to insitute and carryout his part which required the act of circumsision, but not only to carry out the act but to make sure that his desendants were to maintain this covenant requirement.

It is wonderful how our God palces with Abraham a covenant that requires him to do his part, our salvation requires us also to do our part. Scripture tells us that it is impossible for God to lie, therefore His promises are sure.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

It signifies that Abraham is part of the covenant, they are all covenant members. That's how contracts or covenants work, God agrees to do this and this, and Abraham agrees to do what God requires for the covenant to go in effect. Abraham shows his love and belief in God and his promises and his commitment to be faithful to God. Also anytime we begin to contemplate a request from God, and think about it for any length of time we usually are not obedient, we must act quickly when He calls.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (17:11)

What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents?

Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant?

What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Circumcision was selected by God as a physical sign of the covenant made between Him and His people. The terms of the contract are that God will see that Abraham will have many descendents and the land of Canaan will be an everlasting possession. Besides this, He also promises to be their God and the covenant will last forever. To accept this contract Abraham had to obey God and circumcise all the males of his household. Abraham knows that he has a good deal, so immediately carries out God

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Circumcision in Abraham's household signifies a 'trait' that distinguishes them as believers in the Almighty God. Acting on faith is shown to be an important part of the covenant between God and Abraham, which is still a lesson for us today. Because Abraham responds immediately to God's request, he demonstrates complete faith in that which God promises and shows his willingness to be obedient to God's words.

  • 1 month later...

What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents?

The meaning of circumcision for Abraham was a covenat with the Living God through him, a promise that he would be the father of many nations through the birth of a son by mom Sarah.

Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant?

It was his part of the covenat to keep, the act of circumcision, which is more than just a circumcision of the flesh, but of the heart.

What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

I think Abraham beleived God with all of his heart and wanted to immediately keep his part of the promise, so he and all of his male household were circumcised the same day.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents?

The circumcision signified a covenant between Abraham and his decendant with God.

Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant?

The act shows that Abraham is in agreement to this covenant.

What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

It signifies that Abraham if faithful and believes God.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify?

Abraham heard from God what God was going to do for him. Then God said what He wanted Abraham to do as his part of the covenant. The circumcision of Abraham and all the males in his household and those to come was an outward sign of an inward commitment. It first had to be in Abraham's heart to want to be part of this covenant with God and then there was the outward act to show it. The fact that he did not hesitate or put off his part of the covenant showed his willingness and obedience to God and His Word!

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (17:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? It signifies they are covenant people. Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? Sealed by the circumcision, it confirmed that Abraham and his family were serious in their devotion to God. and the covenant.. What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify? Abraham

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