AngelOnLine Posted December 24, 2004 Report Posted December 24, 2004 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? When we invite Christ into our lives we believe, by faith, that we are saved. God loves me enough to forgive my sin no matter how bad it is. To me that is a miracle. Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? We may not Quote
obnubilate Posted January 22, 2005 Report Posted January 22, 2005 How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? by mere observation at everything around us. A very good friend, someone i love dearly. told me once that even the movement of our little pinky finger is a miracle in itself and God is behind it. Often, we acquaint the supernatural to miracles (though God definitely is active everywhere) we recognize also that in even in the natural realm God is working most actively. Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? nope, He loves us too much Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Yes, we need to read the BIble and commune with Him everyday to know His will Quote
egaray Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 I can tell that I believe in God's present willingness to do miracles these days in that I believe He is the same. He does not change His mind. What He spoke, He will bring to completion. The Word says that we would see grater things. It all depends with what faith are we waiting. Quote
Alicea Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? I think we can tell if we believe in God's willingness to do miracles in our day by whether or not we ask Him to. I do not know of any scripture that says God will stop doing miracles. God yesterday, today and tomorrow unchanged .... greater works than these you shall do .... and of course the fact I have seen God do miracles in my own life and in those of others. Try, (test) and see if the Lord is good, we can regain an active faith in the God of miracles by deciding we want to and by asking Him. Also by hearing others testimonies and by reading the scriptures. Quote
Sue Posted March 6, 2005 Report Posted March 6, 2005 Lesson 7 Q1 (a) We can tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day by our belief or unbelief. Our fears and actions tell us the real story. ( I am not aware of any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles. "With God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). I believe this Scripture is for yetersday, today and tomorrow. Amen! © I believe God continues to do miracles because I seen it happen in my Dad's life. He had a brain tumor and my Dad changed, I say to people, "he was taken from us becasue he was not my Dad", but days went by and he had to stay in the hospital, there he went out for 37 hrs. The nurses gave us the comfort book to read, there was no hope, (they believed). Praise God and I give him all the Glory, my Dad started to respond and a few days later came home with us. He came back to himself again. I believe God gave Dad back to us. Praise the Lord. Amen! My Dad died a few yrs later with other problems but I thank the Lord for the last years we spent together. We hear many accounts of miracles today. (d) We can regain an active faith in the God of miracles through His Word, His Name and His Blood. We have to believe. We need to go back to the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts. I believe many churches today are falling away from the Biblical teachings. Quote
warrior Posted October 22, 2005 Report Posted October 22, 2005 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? The promise of the scriptures that he is still has the power in heaven and in earth to do anything and through the testimonies of those who have received we know it is still being done. I know I just witnessed one where my sister underwent a heart scan at one hospital that showed heart blockage in an artery we prayed the next day when they sent her to a hospital that specializes in the heart and ran the heart cath there was no blockage praise God, we knew it was a miracle from God. There is nothing in the scriptures to show the miracle have stopped Jesus said the things that I do you shall do in my name so if the miracles are not being done it is not Jesus but us who have failed to reconize the power he has given to us if he abides in us and we in him. We can regain once again the power of the name of Jesus when we get into his presence and stay there until we take on His nature and character. Only then will we have the mind of Christ and know how to use the power to do the works that Christ did. Quote
sjb Posted November 19, 2005 Report Posted November 19, 2005 I sit at the computer, praying. I believe the miracle that Dr. Wilson described. I believe in a similar miracle that lets me enjoy the lives of my two-year-old grandchild and his mother. I see the miracle of God's intricate designs in the natural world each day. My heart never misses a beat. The earth does not stop on its axis. Jesus performed miracles and healings. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter and John performed miracles and healings as recorded in Acts. Why, then, do I have this little niggling thought at the back of my mind that questions-- not God's ability--but God's willingness to perform miracles like those described in the Bible? I carry a lot of religious baggage from my childhood, as I guess we all do. My uncle had an incurable illness. He listened faithfully to a television evangelist-healer. I can still hear the evangelist. I can still see my dear uncle placing his hand over his chest. And yet my uncle wasn't healed. It has taken me forty years to come to grips that all prayers are not answered as we choose and that just because we have faith does not mean that God is going to give us what we want. Paul understood that. But he, too, must have had a hard time coming to grips with it. In 2 Corinthians, he describes how three times, he had asked God to get rid of the "thorn in my side." God's answer: "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So this is the lesson I have learned: God performs miracles through prayer. Nothing is too big or too small for God. When we pray and God is not forthcoming with the answer we cry for, His grace is sufficient for us and we, like Paul, can proclaim, "I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamiities for the sake of Christ, for whenever I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12: 10). Amen. Quote
mwright Posted December 19, 2005 Report Posted December 19, 2005 We have no choice, we have to believe in miracles. They happen every day. There is no indication that God ever plans to stop. We pray and a miracles happens. In my time I have seen some of God's greatest miracles. I have witness churches and parents praying for a miracle to save their children from Polio. How many children are in iron lungs today? Not too many years ago many forms of cancer were death notices. Today many cancers are being cured. We live in a time of miracles. Take a mother from the early nineteenth century, she probably prayed every day for her childrens only to see half of them die before they were 12 years old. Bring her to our time and she would know God's miracles. Some will say, I am sure, " These are not real miracles." These are only man made miracles. Excuse me, but humans are a God made miracle. Who is to decide how God is to work his miracles. I will not be the one to tell God how to perform his miracles. I have just watched people pray for miracles and I have seen them happen. Mike Quote
joanharmelink Posted September 7, 2006 Report Posted September 7, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? god never changes He is the samd today and yesterday and the days ahead. I think of the seasons they follow each other the unfolding of a flower, and to think I have the capacity to breathe and have my being takes my breath away. I have a God who is faithfulwho dailu brings miracles in my daily life. He broght me to a brutla divorce and today I hold no anger and all has been forgiven. I live because and enjoy life living for Christ is my goal. Quote
JustJeff Posted December 31, 2006 Report Posted December 31, 2006 "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Miracles are a daily reality when one walks with the Lord. It is all a matter of perception based upon faith and willingness to believe. When eyes are opened to the Devine presence in this world then you will see the miracles, great and small. Adonai is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. He changes not, we change and our ability to accept Him and His miracles is depenedent upon our present day attitude toward Him. He is still in the miracle working business, never stopping, always continuing. We just need to believe in order to receive. I have authority in this area as I am a miracle, aren't you? Quote
Patricia A Posted April 23, 2007 Report Posted April 23, 2007 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? God's miracles are evident constantly. Sunrise and sunset is a miracle. Birth is a miracle. No, there is no indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles. Studying the Word and praying brings us closer to the Lord. The closer our relationship with the Lord the greater our faith in the God of miracles becomes. I know God can do anything and even that I am here on this Earth is a miracle. Quote
Commissioned Posted September 10, 2007 Report Posted September 10, 2007 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? We can tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day by the prayers we pray. If our prayers ask Him for miracles and we continue in expectation making no provisions for an alternative then we believe and will receive. Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? There is no indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles. Jesus, specifically told us: Matthew 7:7-11 (KJV) "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" The Word of God stands until Jesus Christ returns for the Church. Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? Every second of every day miracles are happening, those seen in crusade services and those experienced in the backyard. How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Never stop expecting. Ask for them, then continue on, but expect what you ask for. Quote
emmaus Posted September 25, 2007 Report Posted September 25, 2007 We can't believe everything we hear but when someone tells us about a miracle that they've personally seen we ought to have enough faith in God to believe. If we're always skeptical where's the faith. The only indication I see in the bible is that God is still in control and he can step in and do whatever he sees fit. "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." That is the first step in having faith and we have to stay with it. Quote
RAJU Posted November 28, 2007 Report Posted November 28, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Yes , I belive that God is just as willing to do miracles - it all depends on our faith .God has not changed , we have . Trust and Obey - is all that we need - as a small child in the arms of the breastfeeding mother - Psalm 39.7 AS for me i will hope only in you , My God Quote
Craig Posted March 5, 2008 Report Posted March 5, 2008 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? We do it the same way Abraham did -- believe in the Word of God. Trust Him to do what He says He is going do. There is no indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles. God will do miracles as long as He is trying to reach humanity. We can regain an active faith in the God of miracles by worshiping, trusting, and carrying out His will for our life? Quote
servant for Christ Posted June 15, 2008 Report Posted June 15, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? (1) We can tell if we really believe by the working of our own faith. If we really believe the Lord, there will be no doubt or fear, only praising and thanking the Lord fofr what He is doing and going to do. We will stand firm on God's word and wait on the Lord. (2) I do not think there is any indication in Scripture tha God will stop doing miracles. (3) Yes, there is indication that God continues to do miracles. If you will stop and think on the things in your life where you thougfht there was no way out or answer, you will see the miracle. I know in the last 8 months I have seen miracles in my life and God is still moving. (4) We can regain our actgive faith in God of miracles by realizing who God really is, wgo we are in Christ, and giving ourselves totally to God, gettingourself out of the way, and humble ourself before the Lord, let Him take the broken vessel that we need to be and mold it into the vessel He can use for His kingdom. Quote
masika Posted June 22, 2008 Report Posted June 22, 2008 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) It still seems strange and unusual today to many when they hear of outstanding answers to prayer, or great miracles of healing. But why should it? If Jesus Christ is real, and alive today, these things should be commonplace (1). After all, Jesus did teach, "If you abide in Me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you" (2) and again "whatever things you ask in prayer, really believing, you will receive" (3). The God of miracles wants to get involved in your life! Any true answer to prayer is a miracle. To deny miracles is to mock prayer today. God has proved and is proving in many ways that He means business with us. But have we shown that we mean business with Him? There are a lot of problems people face today. There is so much pain and suffering in this world. Fear, anxiety, depression, despair, heartbreak, rejection, loneliness, guilt, sickness and more can be found wherever you look. Maybe you feel like you have had more than your fair share of these things. How do we reconcile all this with the idea of a loving, caring Heavenly Father? Can we? Is He really out there? Would He really help you if you call upon Him? Quote
Jo621 Posted September 4, 2008 Report Posted September 4, 2008 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Our very lives will reveal what we believe by what we say and do. It's so much easier to believe for a miracle in someone else's life than ourselves. So often, when we don't get a reply or something happens to increase our faith, we begin to doubt, and that doubt becomes unbelief. Oftentimes we have to "walk by faith" and stay in God's Word, thanking Him in advance for what He is going to do, and is doing now on our behalf. God is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has never changed, and never will. His love for each of us is so immense we can never even begin to fathom the length and breath of it all. Yes, God still does miracles. Each one of us who are believers in Christ Jesus are "miracles" just being "born again." To change us from within and cleanse us by His blood is a divine miracle that continues daily as we grow in Him. To change us from a life of sin to a life of righteousness in Christ is an awesome miracle, and one for which I am continually thankful. At times we may find ourselves weak in our faith and wonder if God is still working miracles. Yet if we will go back over our lives, and remember where God has brought us from will make all the difference in the world. It's important to remember that God has never failed us and never will, as long as we remain faithful in serving Him. He has always made a way where there was no way, and will continue as long as we live. Quote
Paul H Posted August 17, 2009 Report Posted August 17, 2009 How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? It is a state of mind, and comes down to a question of faith. Jesus said to His disciples " if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you" (Matt 17 , 20) and it seems to me that the key element here is faith. The disciples lacked faith and had been unable to cure the boy with the demon earlier in this passage. Abraham at times also lacked faith and tried to do things his own way. So this shows how difficult it is to have the required faith, but I believe that it is a requirement and if we request something from God without really believing in His ability to deliver, then He will not deliver. Of course, Abraham's faith increased as he saw more evidence of the power of God in his life, and as we witness miracles worked by God in our own lives, then faith in His power becomes easier to sustain. Nevertheless it can be difficult sometimes to truly believe that the impossible is possible. In God though; it is and we really have to believe that. How can we tell if we really believe? Well that is simple. If we really believe and we ask, it will happen. Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? No, in fact quite the reverse, there is indication throughout the scriptures that He will continue to do miracles. Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? Constantly. What I don't understand though is why we Christians don't broadcast these miracles more widely. I have thought and thought about this and it seems to me that it is because we are afraid (I am afraid) of people scoffing at us. In his exposition, Pastor Ralph refers to the reaction of the other pastor to the healing from cancer which Pastor Ralph describes. It was the chemo which cured the cancer and nothing to do with the prayers and God's powers said the other pastor. This reaction is from a pastor, so our fear of scoffing is not surprising. However, I am determined to overcome this fear and I pray for God's strength and courage to overcome it. We have a great and all powerful God and the World needs to know about it!! How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? If I had lost my faith in the God of miracles, I would start by reading the New Testament from cover to cover and if you like statistics then you could try counting the number of miracles recorded in it. Then I would ask myself whether I thought God had somehow changed and become weaker over the past 2000 years. Then I would ask myself where the weakness lay. Next, I would look back through my own life and recount the miracles which I have seen God perform in my own life, both ordinary seeming for example the peace which He gives to me day after day no matter what is going on around me and the less ordinary - He healed me of Coeliac disease when I was a child. Finally, I would pray and ask for God's forgiveness for my lack of faith and for His strength and courage to help me rebuild that faith. Quote
Peggy Crans Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Because we serve a loving God who loves us beyond our comprehension, who is willing to do the same yesterday, today and forever knowing in our hearts He will do more than we ask. It has to do with our faith. We know because we just know without question He is still in the miracle business. A seed of faith is planted in us and as we get closer to the Lord our faith just grows and grows. No I don't believe there is any indication He will ever stop doing miracles. He has our best interest at heart. If we just stop and think of the things in our lifetime we have been through, we can see the things He has walked us through. All we have to do is look around us to know that God continues to do miracles. My little great granddaughter is a miracle. Before she was born of course ultra sounds were done and the Dr. said she would have club feet. Her little feet were really twisted. Her mother saw the twisted feet in the ultra sound and was very upset. Well, she was put on our prayer chain in church and my daughter and I started praying. When she was born her little feet were just as straight as could be. She's walking now and is doing fine. God is still doing miracles. A baby, whether human or animal is a miracle of God. I believe when a person surrenders their life to Christ is one of the most beautiful miracles there is. We regain an active faith in the God of miracles by just believing no matter what the circumstances are. He is still on the throne. Quote
Lionbait Posted September 6, 2009 Report Posted September 6, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Miracles are still being done today, healing and answers to many impossible situations. Our loving Father cares for our well being that miracles can and do meet needs in our lives that are outside the reach and technology of man. Quote
Seeking His Face Posted December 6, 2009 Report Posted December 6, 2009 On 10/7/2004 at 8:47 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? We stand on faith, not what we see. God has already proven himself faithfulness to his word. No I have not seen anything in the bible that says miracles would stop. Yes He still does. Salvation for a lost soul is a miracle, we must proclaim his marvelous word and works he has done in our own lives. Talk about our own healing and deliverance. Pray and believe!!! Increase you faith by reading His word, get to know your Father Quote
hanks Posted January 18, 2010 Report Posted January 18, 2010 Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? God is continually and actively involved in His creation, Heaven and earth - all creation. To preserve, control and govern all things on a continual basis, shows that God is continually performing miracles. When I stop and look at the latest pictures of galaxies and then see pictures taken by electron microscopes Quote
l.a. Posted February 1, 2010 Report Posted February 1, 2010 On 10/7/2004 at 8:47 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (18:14) How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? If we truly believe in God's miracles in our lives, we must have the faith that His plans will rule in our life if we diligently seek them. We will confidently live a life without fear, knowing the battle has already been won and we have full assurance in the Lord Jesus. God will continue to perform miracles. Miracles will be evident in our own lives in accordance to our faith. I am a witness to this. Like so many others, the miracles seen in my own life have been rationalized by others but I know it is the grace of God that my own son has survived 20 yrs. of kidney disease and 2 near death experiences. The Lord has His plan and faith tells me He uses His miracles in mighty ways. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted March 6, 2010 Report Posted March 6, 2010 How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? We can tell by our faith, the prayers we utter, the belief we put in God. We may pray and really believe that God is a creator of miracles....He lives in us. Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? No, I think that with God all things are possible. He is GOD, Yahweh, the eternal hope, our redemption. Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? Yes, I think that if we are honest with ourselves He does miracles all the time...perhaps we are too quick to credit the world or a person with the credit when in our hearts we know it could have been nothing else but the Living God. How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Trust, pray, believe...... Quote
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