Alan8 Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 On 10/7/2004 at 8:49 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? I believe it boils down to the words of Jesus - thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. That agape love should be seen in your relationship with God and then in turn to other people. This kind of heart attitude should be shown in every facet of life - home, job, business, etc. It is very difficult in some respects because the flesh is at war with the spirit. The flesh just does not want to give in. The only aspect that is easy in this is that we have so many people from the Word of God we can look back on and so many examples from teachings and other books and etc. but it comes down to you doing it for yourself. We can read all we want but if we don't take the initiative we will not grow and develop. Quote
Spen Posted February 17, 2011 Report Posted February 17, 2011 On 10/7/2004 at 8:49 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? I think we have to understand first of all that our keeping such a lifestyle doesn Quote
pastor neal Posted April 24, 2011 Report Posted April 24, 2011 Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges The twenty-first Century has brought forth new challenges. It is so tempting to take the path which is wide and avoid all the frustrations and anxiety of daily living...that is unless you have the Lord in your life. The word and teachings of the Lord can be found in the Bible which acts as both a history book (the Old Testament) and an application book of doing what is right and just. Applying these teachings will lead the devoted Christian across all bridges, through dark woods and over treacherous mountains safely. Quote
wifee Posted December 16, 2011 Report Posted December 16, 2011 3a)Keeping the way of the LORD in C21st by doing what is right & just,would be obeying the law of the land,showing respect for leaders and those in authority, as long as it doesn’t oppress people and denying people their basic needs.etc safe food,water and use basic accomadation, health care facilities. B)In today’s society there is a large gap between the poor of the world and the rich,which doesn’t seem right.or just.I believe as Christians we should not deterred by world problems from showing the light by our actions,each empowering the most needy and sharing of our resources.God is merciful c)Giving of our gifts in many ways money,time,skills is easy. D)Challenges come when we focus on our limitations, and don’t manage our time and resources how God intends,of puting other first.Witnessing hard when people closed. Quote
joy irowa Posted January 31, 2013 Report Posted January 31, 2013 allowing the spirit of God to lead you,those that are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God its difficult when you work with unbelievers its easy when you have born agains around you and you work with them the special challenge is when you are serving God from an uncomfortable zone Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 20, 2013 Report Posted March 20, 2013 To describe the lifestyle of “keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just” in my words is that you would be reading the bible daily. You talk to God continuously and act on the words of God. To give to others and forgive those who have wronged you. But all these things are pretty hard to keep because of our busyness and we don’t want to be embarrassed while doing these things especially praying when we receive our food in public. Quote
Craig Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? A lifestyle of keeping the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just looks to me like living out God's Word; honoring and loving God with our total being and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Living in this satanic world order makes living out our faith a challenge by its very nature. Whether it is challenging or not we must do it. We must march to the drummer of Jesus Christ and not be deterred. Quote
Ernie's Son Posted December 29, 2015 Report Posted December 29, 2015 In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. I'm sure what is and what should be are two different things. In this case, we have an example (Christ) to follow; therefore, a follower should look like "he/she is following Christ. That should be seen in several ways: the first has to do with "fruit." Mat. 12:33 and Luke 6:44 is where we find " . . . a tree is known by his own fruit." "Doing what is right," and "what is just" is "rooted in God's character." There has to be "an ethical or moral standards." Not only is this individual doing "what is right," but also "what is just." Not only does it deal with his/her character, but with their actions: "fruits." In what ways is this difficult? Standing for "what is right and just" will go against the grain, in many case. It will place a person at a line drawn, in which, he/she will have to decide which side they are on: the popular or the not so popular. He/she will have to decide for themselves which is "right and just?" In what ways is this easy? For a person in the Kingdom, this is who we are. It should be my way, character, and my actions. Just "doing what is right and just" should be easy? For a Kingdom member, doing what is right and just should be easy, for that is who we are. What are the special challenges? I think that God made a choice in us, and we have to in Him: His way for our daily walk. For me, ti comes down to just how much will I risk for the Kingdom? Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted April 1, 2016 Report Posted April 1, 2016 On 10/7/2004 at 8:49 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? In the twenty first century, a life style of keeping way of the Lord by doing what is right and just looks like in this day and age is to love the Lord with your whole heart, mind and soul. To be honest and just, to raise a family in the ways and word of the Lord. This type of life style can be very challenging in today's society. Morality has been eroded to a point that it is in complete opposition to the word of God. It is a society of now, we need it now, it is a materialistically and humanistic society. The challenges today are to review and edit as much as possible the information that young minds are exposed to. To keep young ones rooted in the word in order that they may come to realize what is good or bad for them to make the right decision in life. The only way to keep these things easy is to pray continually for guidance and enlightenment for oneself and children. Pray that the Lord will keep us headed in the right direction by his Holy Spirit and have faith his will, will be done. Quote
Rosesam Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 Q3. (18:19) In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? If we realize that we are not citizens of this world but are only ambassadors here then we will not have attachments to the things of the world. Then we will be in the world but not of the world. This world is the place where God works on us to transform us to our role model Jesus Christ. I like the J.B. Philips translation of Romans 12:1,2 which I would like to quote here. “With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity. When the pull of the flesh, world system and satan is around us, it is not easy to walk in the ways of the Lord. We need His mercies and the guidance of His Holy Spirit to direct our lives. As His disciples, we need to yearn to live disciplined lives that would please Him. Again it is possible only through His Holy Spirit. Quote
Godswriter Posted January 18, 2020 Report Posted January 18, 2020 In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? For me it is learning to be obedient to the voice of the Lord even when it is hard to do and learning to do what is both just and moral and ethically right. That way people will know that you are one of God's children. This way you are shining the light of love into the world and showing them that you are not like them. For me, it is difficult because I see the people who are evil getting away with more evil and it makes me angry. It is easy because I realize that I am doing this for God. The challenges are learning to obey God and not my desires and not the enemy. Quote
Paula Price Posted April 4, 2020 Report Posted April 4, 2020 We seem to think that righteous and justice is different today than it was in the bible days, but it isn't. There is only one way and that way is the way of the word of God which he recorded in the bible and it has not changed from then to now and will never change. We are still required by God to obey his commandments as given by Him and to walk holy and righteous as he has instructed. We all know right from wrong.. We all know what sin is. When we sin we have an advocate who is Jesus.. We are to ask for forgiveness and repent and sin no more.. Satan is still roaming the earth seeking souls to steal from God just as he did with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Evil is every present.. God's word will always protect us if we choose to do what is right in His sight. He will strengthen us when we call on him to help us.. All we need do is live right and do his will, we know what that is. There are so many churches and so many names of churches and so much religion and so many different ways of worship. But is it God's way? Are we worshipping Him according to how He has instructed? Are we doing God's will or are we doing man's will..? Are we following in the word of God ? Have we deviated our services of worship from the pattern given in the New Testament which is how Jesus said we must worship? If we know what the bible says to do and how the bible says to live and serve God and we are not doing it, it is a sin and it is not acceptable and pleasing in God's sight. 2 Chronicles 7: 14.. Please read for yourself. It was God's response to Solomon's prayer after the building and dedication of the temple, but it still applies to us today... God hears the faithful prayers of the righteous, His people who are called by His name.... Quote
Irmela Posted March 23, 2021 Report Posted March 23, 2021 In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. In what ways is this difficult? In what ways is this easy? What are the special challenges? 1Cor5:9+10 encourages us not to shun people of shady character. John 17:15 Jesus' prayer ... Do not take them out of the world but keep and protect them from the evil one ... Romans 12 ... Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed, by the renewing of your mind ... never lag in zeal .... be aglow, burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord .... be constant in prayer ..... I guess .... I guess that sums up what it looks like, to keep the way of the Lord. The challenges are to not conform to the world, to not give in, regardless the circumstances. To keep looking up. To hold on to Jesus and not to let go. Quote
Krissi Posted May 13, 2022 Report Posted May 13, 2022 In the Anglican liturgy, “It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should …” is spoken by the congregation directly after we praise God, “lift up our hearts” and “give thanks unto the Lord.” In some denominations (Lutheran) or in later editions of the liturgy, the meet/right/duty is reduced to “just and right” which is it's meaning. I think of the words" just," "meet," "right" and "duty" as synonymous, having to deal how we relate to other people more than how we relate to God. In essence, we keep our relationship with God open and transparent by treating people justly and dutifully. Duty is a forgotten and neglected concept. It shouldn't be. Duty is prior to transformation. It is how we act in the absence of real love and affection -- we don't love everyone straightaway. Love grows. But until love is fully actualized, duty carries us forward by sheer force of the will to obey and treat people honorably. I don’t think duty is a bad thing. Character changes are initiated dutifully, by coercing the self with the agency of the holy Spirit to behave toward and treat people in ways better than we feel or want. God puts people in our path to test us. Keeping the way of the Lord has to do with people who are difficult. We keep the way of the Lord when we dive deeply into the Holy Spirit to gain the strength to treat difficult people honourably. Of course this is difficult. Disciplining the self with the will to obey is probably the most difficult thing a mature adult Christian can do. It’s only easy when the people are loveable and task is light. Quote
Bianca Posted August 21, 2022 Report Posted August 21, 2022 Well there are different things with keeping the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. One thing is staying away from ungodly television that can corrupt the mind and the heart. Keeping away from ungodly people who would not make good friends. Keeping our friendships healthy. Spending time with The Lord and being a God pleaser not a man pleaser. This world pushes more and more to ungodliness which makes it not always easy for a person with the influences. The influences and the constant pushing in certain directions can make doing right even more difficult for some. Television is full of ungodliness. Everywhere you go out in the world it is present and some places more than others. But we must remain strong and faithful in the Lord regardless and stay committed to him. We must stand for truth in the midst of confusion. Quote
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