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Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

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Abraham address God so boldly to save his family. I do think God desires us to do the same because he wants to shape us and uses people and circumstances around to achieve that purpose. I think Abraham's intercession pleased God because Abraham kept pushing even when God already knew the answer. It is going to take boldness, persistence and integrity for us to please Him in our prayers.



I think God does want us to be bold as we approach the throne of grace and mercy. I had car trouble and was stranded. I was able to get my sisters car. Five miles down the road, I came to myself. I began to talk to God and said to him,,, this is your battle, I have other things to do ,,, you know .... the things you instructed me to do.. the broke car is not on the list. so fix it. You are God, you handle it. Now I know it might seem disrespectful, but I was battling to overcome despair and not let worry set in. I am not suppose to worry.

I am driving a new car for only $166.00 more a month than my monthly bills. Praise the Lord.


Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

God had a relationship established with Abraham based on Abraham's faith and obedience to God. A covenant of peace was in place. God chose to appear to Abraham and visited with him. During this visit Sarah is both blessed by finding out she will bear a child and then dealt with for her lying and doubt. Additionally, God chooses to reveal to Abraham his plan for Sodom. Remember, Gen 18:18 says, "Since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?"

That verse shows me two important things. The first is that God considers all He does and never does anything that may contradict what He has done or agreed to in the past. Second, He considers those He loves and has covenants within all His actions. Think about that, if you are in God's favor you are in the forefront of His mind in all. His love for you gives Him great concern and He considers you in all His actions. Awesome!

Abraham, felt this relationship and He interceded for Sodom. He spoke to the Lord boldly but with reverence. He asked the Lord for consideration and the Lord gave Abraham His request.

That tells me the level of love God has for His people. Think about that for a minute. What level of love is that? Is it similar to a parent-child love, a marital love or something much higher, not understood by us in our minds? Remember, we are speaking of an all sovereign God, and a chosen people saved through His grace. That love is not easily understood.

For this reason I think that God does expect us to speak to Him in this manner. Boldly, in confidence, as a child asks their parent.

Posted (edited)
Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

Abraham was on the ground of Mamre. I don't know if God want's us to go to Mamre or not, or when. I am not sure what is meant by "ground" in this question. Maybe you mean "foundation, or evidence, or reason" where you say ground. Oh let me rely on The Lord for to answer this question, as well as all of them. Amen

At this point in Abraham's life God had already appeared to him before when the covenant (foundation) between God & Man was established. Abraham knew he could talk to God, and boldly did so because he believed God. Hallelujah!!!

God has written His message on our hearts, and has appeared to us in many ways so that we do know Him, and if we were paying attention then we would know that "He Is the I Am and we are The Body Of Christ". Hallelujah!!! And so YES boldly approach your Abba. There was a condition though, and that is Ge 17:1"....walk before Him and be thou perfect" Note: perfect has to do with your conscious.

Intercession broken down might help for one to understand what it is. Inter means to "lay to rest, bury, sepulture, to conduct a funeral" and cession means "abandonment, surrender, transfer, qualification/specification, hedging". So I ask myself what did Abraham Interceed for? Hmmm, Ahhh, he was pleading for the Righteous. He layed to rest his own desires, and hedged God in with the cries of the Righteous, which God heard. God didn't get tierd of listening to Abraham as he pleaded for the very few righteous that were there. God listened, removed the righteous from that place and did as he said he would. I also notice that God didn't listen to any more. Meaning Abraham was not carrying on about a whole bunch of stuff. His/Abraham's concern was for the righteous. But wait, there is more, through out that concern and the wicked people of that city and there destructive behavior, Abraham at the same time was concerned about his heir. God answered that too. Hallelujah!!!

God wan'ts us to die to self and live in Him, to pray for and interceed for the righteous. We are to lift one another up in Christ. To keep our conversation's good and mind's on the things of Christ. Walk in obedience to God with a sound mind on the things of God. That pleases God!!! Amen Allelulia Yeshua!!!

ohhhh, also notice that God did not go to the exact spot were Abraham was sitting, until He was invited.

Edited by PressThrough
Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God?

Through his prevailing prayer based on his promises and character

Do you think God desires us to do the same?

Indeed, this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you! (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

The Spirit Himself makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Rom. 8:26

Why or why not?

Because we are to pray without ceasing 1 Thess. 5:14-22

Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God?

Because God saw his heart was for the good of all

What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

A humble spirit so that the Holy Spirit will not be quenched. We are to warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak and be patient with all, 1 Thess. 5:14-15 and pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. . .

4.) On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

4.) Jose and Pressthrough had soime great insight on these question. I can't add much, just Scripture: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8; Luke 11:9-10) Also, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." (Matthew 21:22) And: "And I will do what ever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." (John 14:13) 'Nuff said! :lol:


Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

Jose, and Sgt have quoted the same verses that were in my mind regarding this. Its wonderful how God is working in and through us and uniting us in His bonds.

Abraham addresses God so boldly because he knows the ground upon which he is standing before God. Abraham is very sure of himself before God. Here he is an absolute picture of confidence. Like we appear for an exam, well prepared and confident that we will do the very best. With that confidence Abraham addresses God and strikes a bargain. :rolleyes:

Yes, God does require of us the same attitude when we pray. Math 21:22. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in my name....We should know the mind of God before we ask anything from Him. When we are sure of the mindset of God, that gives us the boldness to go to Him as Abraham did and strike a bargain with Him.

God was pleased with Abraham's ways and his confidence in himself. Abraham was correct in his principles and his way of intercession was firmly founded on God's will. That's why God was pleased with him. Unless we know the will of God, we can't pray in the Spirit. When there is close communion between us and the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God communes with God with groans unutterable and beyond our thinking. That is the way that we should start intercessory prayers for them to be heard by God.


God has a heart of justice, so Abraham knows he can approach God on an issue of justice for Lot. Well, it worked once before, didn't it? Anyway, God, although frighteningly powerful, has never intimidated Abraham, and he had no indication that He ever would.

According to Timothy, we are to come before the throne boldly, and we are not given a spirit of fear, but of boldness..... Yes, we are to come boldly (but never arrogantly) before the throne to make petition.

He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider, Jehovah Rapha, our healer, and many other things besides. He loves relationship and has made us for relationship with Him. He will not intervene in the affairs of Earth (since He gave dominion of that area to Adam - man) unless actually invited to do so by a man. But, when invited, He loves to oblige His children.

See Question 1 & 2 for answers to why Abraham's intercession pleased God. God loves, and Abraham, in interceding for Lot, was loving him. God established us to do just that an, is delighted.

Some of our prayers need to originate from our concern for other people, especially those near and dear to us. In ministering to them we are ministering to Him. We need to know that we are praying into the heart of God and not across it. Our prayers are to be in accordance with His character and purpose, and to this end we must spend time getting to know and remain close to Him.


Abraham goes to God bodly, because God known his heart. we should go to God with the same attitude as Abraham. Our prayers should be from our heart to God.


Abraham boldly faced God and questioned Him about destroying Sodom. If the Lord had found just 10 people that were righteous, He would not have destroyed the city.

Abraham was concerned for Lot and his family so he prayed the cities wouldn't be destroyed by God's wrath. This showed the faith of Abraham.

By Abraham interceding for Lot, it showed God that Abraham still trusted God to do as He promised.

We must desire for Heaven here on Earth and pray that God's Will be done here as it is in Heaven.


God wants us to be bold in his word and his ways he don't want us to be pushy he will chose whom he will and we have to be like Peter on the day of pentacost and say what he gives us to say. We have been told that he will supply even the words for us to speak to go boldly and the Holy Ghost will tell us what to say give us the words. God wants us to pray for others and to trust him to answer the prayers and we have have to keep asking for he said ask and you shall receive. So God wants us today to be the same as Abraham was and Paul and Peter was boldly come before him. We do not need to always be asking for something for ourselves or our family we need to stand in the gab for others that are not able to stand at that moment. I love the word JOY Jesus Others, You that is the way God wants it to be and when we are always saying give ME he has always put an if on all his promises.


On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God?

On the grounds of trying to save his own family.

Do you think God desires us to do the same?


Why or why not?

Because God always wants us to come to Him with whatever is in our heart at the time, He wants us to make Him part of everything.

Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God?

Because it showed God that Abraham was being molded in the way God wanted him to be.

What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

Perhaps by asking of Him the kinds of things Jesus would pray for. Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread, so we should ask for our daily needs to be met for one thing. But Jesus would not have prayed for something like a pink cadillac. In other words, we should pray for things that would please God. Our prayers though should first and foremost reflect honor and praise to God!




I don't know about Abraham, but I do know about me. I was driven to my knees to plead for my 2 daughters and their tendency to sinful "fun" after being raised to avoid that like the plague. I prayed for their safe travel and their vehicle and for others on the road. I pleaded as Job did for his children. I prayed with peace in my heart on the 2 hour drive to meet up with them last spring break after not seeing them since Christmas as they went back to separte colleges.

I was bold to approach the throne of grace I was welcomed to as never before. So the drive there was not intense pleading, but calm assurance he was in control.

Another driver hit them, about 10 miles from our meet point. The car rolled and killed the older daughter instantly. The younger was not badly injured physically, but her broken heart was serious. Three hours later, the police informed me of their envolment in the accident, tho I had called them and contacted the ambulance drivers that had returned empty from the scene. They cell phones never worked as the accident had just happened when I arrived at the meet point.

We have prayed that the lose and pain would bring glory to our wise Father, and many have looked harder at HIM as the source of comfort. God does want us to be ernest in our prayers and not be afraid of him. He does honor our willingness to trust him, need him and love.


On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God?

He is asking if God will destroy the righteous with the wicked.

Eventho he doesn't mention his nephew, I believe Abraham's main concern was Lot's safety.

Do you think God desires us to do the same?

I believe it is God's will for all Christian to interceed on behalf of lost loved ones, our nation, etc. There are those of us who have been called to the ministry of intercession as prayer warriors. Yet we are all told to 'pray without ceasing.'

Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God?

Abraham's intercession for Sodom was a step of faith. He knew how wicked the people of the city were,yet he was willing to ask God to spare the city for the few righteous who might be found there.

What will it take for us to please Him with our prayers?

First we need to present our prayers before God with boldness and confidence.

Next we need to keep the Lord's character in mind and to make sure we are asking according to His Word.

Then we need to be persistence in prayer and not give up. We need to keep praying until we receive an answer. When praying for the salvation of a loved one,the answer can take years. In fact,we might not even see the answer to some of our prayers in our lifetime.

One final thought,when it becomes obvious that God has answered a prayer with a 'NO', we shouldn't keep pestering Him to change His mind. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

God is righteous and Abraham appeals to His righteousness because Abe knows Lot is a righteous man who doesn't deserve the punishment of the wicked. God expects us to love, be just and merciful just as He is. We must pray on behalf of others because we desire justice and mercy for all. Abe's intercession was a righteous thing to do. Had Abe gone along with the death sentence served to the righteous, Abe would not have been acting justly and mercifully and may have been disciplined severely. We should desire to know God and His will so we can pray in accordance to His will. We must come to Him in prayer with humble and sincere hearts desiring to be forgiven and to forgive others. If we live a disobedient life and are unrepentant, God will not listen. If the husband mistreats his wife, God will not listen. If we are double minded and doubting, God will not listen. God listens to the righteous.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God?

I believe Abraham was trying to save his family and friends. He knew the Lord would not find too many righteous people in Sodom, so Abraham kept bargaining with the Lord until the Lord agreed to not destroy the city if 10 righteous people could be found.

Do you think God desires us to do the same?

God does not want even one person to perish, so yes he wants us to do same as Abraham.

Why or why not?

As I said in my previous answer, God does not want to see even one person perish.

Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God?

Because Abraham didn

  • 4 weeks later...

On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God?

He enjoys a personal relationship with God, and by his covenant knows that God does not see him as a sinner for he (Abraham) has received by faith the coming of Christ in his line.

Do you think God desires us to do the same?

Yes, that's the basis of our salvation where we can commune with God as his beloved creatures, placing our worries and burdens with Him Who knows all

Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God?

The way God patiently entertained his requests, one by one as a father unto a child.

What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

We need to be discerning and not treat our God like a filing cabinet. Rather as the true Living God who has the universe in His hands. We need to approach Him in awe and humility and give Him the top priority in our lives and receive by faith His promises and look forward to His blessings

  • 2 weeks later...

Abraham addressed God so boldly in the grounds that he knew that God was his Heavenly Father, his Provider, his All. We ought to do the same. The Word says that we should come boldly unto the Throne of God. I believe that it pleases Him when we come before Him with such boldness. We are confessing our right standing with Him - letting Him know who we are in Him - accepting our place as covenant heirs with Christ. God knows who we are, but our acceptance and confessing is what He wants to hear.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Do you think God desires us to do the same? Why or why not? Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? What will it take for us to please him in our prayers?

Abraham addresses God based on his confidence on who God is and on God's nature, The Judge of all the Earth.

I do believe God wants us to do the same, the scriptures say Christ died that we may come boldly to the throne of grace.

God is love, and Abraham was exhibiting his love for Lot, even though he knew that Lot was in the wrong place.

We please 'God in our prayers by being completely honest and transparent with him.


Lesson 7 Q4

(a) The ground that Abraham so bodly addresses God is Abraham knows that God is a righteous and just God for God expected justice of Abraham.

(B) Yes, God expects us to do the same because God do not expect any less from us than he did Abraham. God is still a righteous and just God.

© Abraham's intecession pleased God because it showed God that Abrahm learned to pray according to God's will. God was teaching Abraham and Abraham was learning.

(d) It will take for us to please Him in our prayers is for us to be bold and presistence when we pray. For us to know God's character and His Word. This is God's desire so we will understand how He thinks, what He desires, and how He works.

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