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Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

Understand that sin is sin! No one sin is more acceptable than another. James says if you break one law you are guilty of them all. How many times must you sin before you are a sinner? One and the Bible does not discriminate between one sin or another. People need to take that into account the next time they want to bash a gay and then around and gossip or lie (maybe exaggerate a truth to get people on their side). By the same token I do not want people to think that I side with the gay community because I don't. I am a pastor and I take a stand against homosexuality just like I do adultery and any other sin. I recently had to expel a member of our church because he was seeing a woman who was not his wife. He was a leader of our church. However I got him help. That is the key. Helping someone in their sin rather than bashing them. There is help for the homosexual just like there is for any other sin.

Homosexuality is sin and should be said in our churches and those who practice it will suffer the consequences. We reap what we sow. That is a principle built into all sin. However we love the gossiper or the tale bearer or many of the other sinners in the church but why is it we don't love the homosexual? He needs our help too! We love the sinner but hate the sin!

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Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day?

Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing

homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin?

Bro Wilson you said:

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

Keeping the balance on the issue of homosexuality is quite easily accomplished. We Christians must remember the Bibles position on homosexuality and as such practice our beliefs. However, this does not mean that we cannot have love and compassion for the individual. Never should the church be quiet about homosexuality. This important topic is of great magnitude of sin and should be presented frequently in sermon and/or Bible studies; conveying God's feelings on the subject of homosexuality. However, and most importantly, this reference should never be done in such a way that it alienates individuals creating an ambiance of unwelcome guest to anyone interested in seeking the way of the Lord.

  • 7 months later...

1a)The bible is clear in speaking of homosexual behaviour (sex with same gender) as a sin,which offends God,&this is same for any type of sin. Balance between compassionately loving the people,open church doors to them,whilst being clear of biblical teaching on this. The press &gay rights movement,don’t portray churches position correctly.

B)I believe it is possible,though challenging.This should be treated as any other sin.God loves all.even sinners &we are all sinners.We need to lovingly show acceptance of them as people,whilst being clear, don’t agree with their actions. Jesus showed compassion to sinners,so should we,to lovingly be there for them when they feel God’s prompt to turn from wrong paths.

C)churches should not be silent, need to let our views be known with self-control,speaking God’s truth about sex generally & specifically homosexual behaviour too sensitively, to educate not to encourage prejudice, &as an opportunity to show Jesus preaches forgiveness for all those who confess their sins. Love the sinner not the sin &pray for them.

D)We have “hot potato”sermons,where these challenging subjects are explored & biblical position explained with context.. :)

  • 9 months later...

Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin?

Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

I was not happy when President Obama spoke in favor of homosexual marriage. Last night a lady supporting Obama called me as part of a Telethon to ask for my vote. When I asked her about this, she said that he is right because everyone should be able to be free to love and live with the person they want.

Does this mean that the USA is headed to become lo become like Sodom? No, the USA is already a very "lost civilization" worshiping football teams and sports stars while ignoring our Savior Jesus. I was praying that most of the people watching Sunday football in the afternoon had already gone to church, but had no way to do a survey.

As a first class sinner, I have no right to judge a homosexual or anyone else, as they are part of God's perfect plan in this universe.

So we must be tolerant and take the piece of wodd out of our own eye first, so we can see God's truth.

  • 5 months later...

I think that we should condemn as much as we do a sexual pervert. This is a sin and we are to hate the sin, but we are to love the sinner. That is a tough thing to do when the sinner is throwing the sin in your face.

The church should never be silent about a sin but they need to teach us what the bible says about this sin and not elaborate on it anymore than any other sin.

  • 7 months later...

Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)      



The balance is one of loving your neighbor as yourself and let God do the judging.  I do not support or believe that homosexuality is a right lifestyle.  However, neither is a lifestyle that includes slander, gossip, arrogance, malice, murder, unrighteousness, causing division, and lying.  Solomon writes in Proverbs 6:16-19 that these are things that the Lord hates. 



You cannot be loving and compassionate to any people that you are condemning.  Christians can say otherwise, but they are lying.  In reality, most Christians are not condemning the sin, they are condemning people.  Jesus said, in John 3, that he did not come into the world to condemn the world, because the world is condemned already.  He came to save the world.   Our place is not to condemn, but to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world in both word and deed. 


The Church needs preach and teach the message of marriage between men and women.  That message should always be emphasized because that is the way God created humanity and the institution of marriage.  The world is going do what the world is going to do.  Christians need to be light unto the world and role model Biblical precepts. 






  • 2 years later...

How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day?  Would it not be to show compassion, love, and not be judgmental?


Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin?  It looks like I am expected to in light of John 3:16.  Did not Christ die for sin, yet loved the world?


Should the church be silent about homosexuality?  No.


If not, what should we be saying?  In love and compassion, while not being judgmental, speak the truth of the Bible: (Ezek. 13:10-12; 22:28; and Rev. 2:20).  Am I not expected to be a "light to the world?"  If I answer "Yes," I cannot "whitewash sin."



  • 3 months later...

Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

In our day with it's cultural, moral and political correctness as stressed by our society to accept homosexual behavior as a trait one is born with can not be by any means be acceptable by Christians. We fellow the Lord and obey his laws and commands. However, we are not to look down on them as exceptional sinners. We are all sinners whom Christ died for.

With prayers, witnessing and the hope they will come to know Christ as their savior and redeemer. We do not like or love what they do, but with outward love perhaps they will become aware of their wrongs, just as we have before coming to Christ.

The church especially should not be silent about homosexuality, the church represents God on earth and his Son Jesus who was compassionate to sinners. Why else would God send his Son to die for our sins? Jesus brought the true light to us so that we could see our wicked and sinful ways.

We should be saying that Christ had come to redeem all sinners we have all fallen short of the glory of God.

As stated above we do not condone or condemn them, we are to pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin and that they may repent and come to know Jesus as their Lord. Remember, we were once lost and dead sinners before coming to the Lord.  

  • 2 years later...

Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."..... i dont believe there are any other interpretation here. Kingdom of God is not  social club.... one must not be nice solely to please everyone rather to uphold the word of god all the time. That being said, it does not men we must hate sinners..... where I include myself as well. Lets not forget the one of the 2 greatest commandments.... to love your neighbour as yourself..... no conditions mentioned, homosexual or otherwise. Let god be the judge...

  • 5 months later...
On ‎10‎/‎19‎/‎2004 at 10:15 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

The following is how I feel about homosexuality, right or wrong, it is how I feel and I leave that to a higher power.

i do not feel it my responsibility to judge anyone or any one sin. There are worse sins, in my opinion, than homosexuality as far as I am concerned. I accept people for whom they are, their sex orientation is their business and I leave the judging to God. However, I do not believe "churches" should be forced to accept the performing of same-sex marriages. Let this be done in the civil court systems. If a church accepts other "sinners" in my opinion should someone labeled homosexual (a sinner?) be cast out?

My day job is to help people who have a mental illness -- are these people possessed by demons as some say they are?

I do believe it is possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals. Is that saying I "condone" their sin -- no I think it says the person they are is who I accept. I have known several homosexuals who heterosexual people could not hold a candle to so far as being Christian.

Do you stomp on your son or daughter because they had sex outside of marriage, or committed adultery? Do you cast them out of church?


Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it?

I meant to add to my comment, we do have a church in our community that posts a sign, "EVERYONE is welcome here." Actually it is a banner type sign that is stretched across a wrought-iron fence in front of their building. To me, that is a sign every church in the community should post. After all, it is God's church and he welcomes all sinners to come unto him -- unspecified.

  • 5 months later...

Q1. (19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject -- please!)

Jesus loved sinners and that’s why sinners flocked around Him. But He always gave the command “Go and sin no more”. As His followers, we should condemn the sin of homosexuality but love the sinners. God condemns homosexual behavior as sin and hence it is sin…period. Like every sin, victory over it can be gained only by the power of the Holy Spirit and hence prayer for the homosexual in order to be set free is vital. Whether it be immorality or idolatry or adultery or homosexuality, we need His grace and mercy to be victorious over it. In this day and age where homosexuality is considered to be a genetic disorder and hence homosexuals cannot come out of this tendency is a falsehood that is been propagated by the world. This is the lie of the devil. Every bondage can be set free by the power of the blood of Jesus.

Church should not be silent about homosexuality, but should preach the word in its fullness. Paul says I did not shrink back declaring the whole counsel of God. This should be attitude of the church too. Declare the whole counsel of God. Church should teach about the sinfulness of not only homosexuality, but adultery, immorality etc. Unless the word is preached in its entirety, how will the people understand that something is wrong, especially in this era where homosexuality is considered to be a genetic disorder. Then with the power of the Holy Spirit, we are forgiven and will become victorious in the weaknesses that seem to overpower us. Thus our lives will be transformed for the glory of God. So, we should be saying what God is saying in a loving and gentle way and thus drawing people to Christ who will set us free.

  • 3 months later...

 How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? (Be gentle and loving as you discuss this subject --please!)

They can find a balance by loving the sinner and hating the sin and also choosing to pray for the sinner as the person lives according to the desires and lusts of the flesh. Yes but it is not easy when the party may not accept the message. No we are not meant to be silent at all. That it is sin and they should repent and come to Christ. Both in and out of the church. 

  • 1 year later...


(Gen 19:4-11) How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? 

Homosexuality is not the only existing sin. So just as you are loving and compassionate towards practicing adulterers or fornicators (these being the common sexual sins) you can be compassionate towards homosexuals. Hate the sin but love the sinner. 

All have sinned. 

What about the ones committing murder of the innocent (abortion). There too it is hate the sin but love the sinner. 

If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to speak about sin (i am sure it won't be only one sin)  Sin leads to death nevermind which one it is and that is what you need to expose. Then the persons can choose. 

Then remember if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse. 

  • 1 year later...

How can Christians keep balance on the issue of homosexuality in our day? Is it really possible to be loving and compassionate toward practicing homosexuals at the same time as you condemn the sin? Should the church be silent about homosexuality? If not, what should we be saying? Where should we be saying it? 

I’m not sure that “balance” should be our response. Homosexuality is a cut-and-dry sin issue. If by “balance” you mean “loving the sinner and hating the sin,” you’ve somehow split the person from his/her actions in a way that doesn’t fit reality. Actions and words come from our hearts. They’re not imposed on us – we choose to do these things and say these things because they’re in us. They come from within us. So, there’s no way to love the sinner and hate the sin. In reality, we hate the sinful aspects of people … including ourselves.

I hate sin in me. I don’t hate myself as a whole but hate it when I do things that are sinful or wrong. When I say I hate my deeds, I know I am hating what I am, my sin nature.

I had a daughter who got caught up in the homosexual life as a teenager. When she “married” her partner in a church ceremony, I refused to attend. We have not spoken to each other for many years because she insists, as a precondition for having a relationship, that I openly accept and laud her sin. I will not do this. After praying for her salvation and the end of her homosexual relationship, God ended her marriage a year ago and now she’s living with a man she’s soon to marry. Her bitterness toward me for not approving of her homosexuality, however, has not dissipated. Now, I’m praying about this and know that God, in time, will reach into her heart and soften it.

During this experience with my daughter, I learned that homosexuality’s long tentacles reach into all parts of life. It’s not something that can be bracketed or boxed and put on a shelf. If you steal or lie or covet, for example, you can stop these behaviors far more easily than you can stop those primal, deep sexual urges. This may be why God destroyed Sodom. Once homosexuality and unrestrained heterosexuality take over an individual’s mind or a culture, it is hard to reverse course. It snowballs into worse and worse perversions.

Do I love my daughter but hate her sin? No. I love my daughter, but my love for her substantially changed when she changed. It’s not the same love. There’s no abandonment and very little trust. Love generally grows, with time – my love-feelings have diminished. I think mine is a godly response. I am at peace with this.

The church’s waffling on this issue is disgusting. Recently, Methodists have split over this issue. The half that have held the line on homosexuality in the pulpit will slowly increase in number and the ”sexularists” will slowly wane in number. This has happened in every American denomination so far. Homosexuality is not compatible with the church – neither is pastors having affairs or abusing children. The church jettisoned its cultural witness when it didn’t stand against obvious sin.

The church doesn’t need to be aggressive but does need to respond to cultural attacks against it’s stance on homosexuality with pointed and carefully parsed statements. This has not happened. The church either avoids this issue or has come off as weird and out of touch. There IS a way to be firm and strong without appearing bigoted and weird. We have neither done this nor done this well.

  • 3 months later...

 The balance can be kept. It is very possible to be loving and compassionate to a homosexual and still go by what the bible says. Some people have been very mean to homosexuals they have not handled it the way God wanted it handled. We must understand from a biblical standpoint that homosexuality is viewed just like a heterosexual person who is going on sleeping with many partners. God is not pleased with neither but he loves people. All People regardless of what they are doing wrong. But also at the same time God delights in Truth. You cannot approach everyone in the same way. We must partner with The Holy Spirit to see how a person is suppose to be approached concerning this subject with God's truth.


No the church should not be silent about the issue. We are also Not suppose to be hateful and mean no matter how much a person may not like what they are doing. People need to say the Truth in love and as The Holy Spirit directs them on how to say the Truth.

The truth is to be said wherever God leads the person to say it. Not as the person leads themselves, but as The Holy Spirit leads them.


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