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Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Abraham hesiitaaated beccause ins tead of asking God or help, he passibly was lookong to himself. //////////////Poor focusing. should be on God Hesitation can bring one to make wrong decisions. zihzvehesitated in trying to end it all and end my life, but an old hymn came back to me, Oh Love that will not let me go saved my life.. The lesson I learned ws keep ypur eyes and your heart and mind on Christ. He kn ows, we do not ofte n/
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Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

The devil steps in verysubtle when o ne hesitates. Lot was thinking"if what" instead of braeath ing aprayer of yhe Lords will. A cry for help to t he Lord and co m plete focus on Him, will brin g answers that will bring deliveran ces. Yes I hesitated in en ding my life but an old h y mn came to me "oh Loove that will not let me go" brought me out of my wan ting to take my life.
  • 3 months later...

We are often hesitant about change. Not being certain as to what lies ahead it is difficult to move out of our comfort zone. Lot may have been a righteous man but it was Abraham who had interceded on his behalf. It appears that Lot had doubt about his pending journey.

The tug of the Spirit of God has always been present. Unfortunately, to my misfortune, I have only of late developed the habit of paying attention. As a result I've walked into danger of the spiritual kind often and of the bodily kind, too many times.

  • 3 months later...

1.(19:15-16): Why did Lot and his family hesitate?

Have you ever hesitated when you should be fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

I don

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate?

Lot and his family hesitated because they feared leaving behind their material possessions.

Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger?

Yes, I can readily think of a situation where I hesitated when I should have fled the danger and God was there to bring me out safely.

What is the lesson for us?

God is truly, always, protecting us from ourselves. We ought to obey Him, He's looking out for our good.

  • 3 weeks later...

They hesitated because it was easier to stay with what they knew than to leave it all behind. Most of us don't like change, but to follow God we have to be willing to let go and look to the future. Yes, I've done it too. I 've learned that it is Satan telling me it's okay, don't worry about it. Matthew 24:4 Jesus answered: Watch out that no one deceives you.

  • 1 month later...
Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Lot and family hesitated since the power of the world , flesh and the devil was raging inside . many times , even when we know that we are playing with a fire, we tend to compromise and experiment a little !!!!!

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

They hesitated because they were comfortable with their living arrangements. They wanted to maintain the status quo and they may not have totally believed the angels.

Yes, I have hesitated when I should have fled. The lesson is to move when He is telling you to move.

  • 3 months later...
Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

I think Lot took the Lord's warning serious, but not serious enough at that moment. Lot knew he had to leave but just kept lingering, putting it off. He knew he had to make a change in his spiritual life. The Lord wanted to bring Lot out to teach him the way he should go and because God promised Abraham. Yes, I have hesitated and it was almost disastrous. I think the lesson for us is that we have to keep our ears tuned in to God, listen to what He is saying, do not hesitate, when God says move, we move. Do not doubt, take God at His word and let him lead us in everything in our life. He will never, ever lead us astray.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

It is because they were worrying of their belonging in that City, it was good to them that they did not want to part with them.

The lesson is that we should not worry of the riches of this world but save our lives for the Kingdom of God.

  • 1 year later...

Why did Lot and his family hesitate?

First of all, from a practical point of view, Sodom was the home city of Lot's wife and his two daughters and presumably they had close family relations there, including the fiances of his daughters. This would have made anyone hesitate ( I am fairly sure that I would have hesitated!!) Lot was clearly aware of the depravity of Sodom, but did he really believe that as a result the destruction of Sodom was imminent such that they had to flee for their lives? If this had been Abraham, I don't think that there would have been any hesitation, but clearly Lot didn't have the same faith as Abraham and as a result had to be forcibly saved.

Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? No.

What is the lesson for us? First; that we should listen carefully to what God is telling us and react when He tells us to act. Second; I think that it is telling us something about the dangers of living amongst the wicked. Clearly Lot was righteous, but he was living amongst the wicked which can be a dangerous position to be in. In that position, it is sometimes easier to go with the flow, which is what I think Lot was doing. The consequences of that were a disaster in the end for Lot and and could be the same for us.

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Probably because of fear of the unknown, leavilng his life style and his possessions. He was living a comfortable life style and to leave was a drastilc change. Maybe he thought God was going to change His mind. Who knows for sure. I guess it's the same human nature in all of us. We want to take the next step but we hesitate because of the uncertainty of the future. Even though he knew that he was being saved from destruction he had to be forceably removed.

I have never been in a situation where I would be fleeing from danger. I don't know how I would react. Hopefully I would know that God was iln control.

Our lesson I think would be that when God speaks we obey, as Abraham did, without hesitation.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Why did Lot and his family hesitate?

They had long lost thier reliance on God living where they did seeing what they saw had to have a very negitive effect on them. They hesitated because they where going into the unknown without a firm confidence in God.

Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger?

Yes, I have had those times, but the master has used those times to strengthen me and to show me H e knows what is best for me.

What is the lesson for us?

To walk by faith and not by sight, our Father has it all in hand and it is for our good

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Immaturity? fear of the unknown, he didn't want to leave the stuff. Maybe since he had been in that atmosphere for so long his senses were dull? Yes I have. Show mercy because if not for the grace of God there go I.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (19:15-16)

Why did Lot and his family hesitate?

Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger?

What is the lesson for us?

They must have felt comfortable with the life they were living and in no hurry to abandon their sinful life. They were only saved because of being related to Abraham. I see it as a warning to us to flee from any evil before it

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Truly, what we need to learn is, if it is apparent it is time to leave a place, never stop to ponder how you FEEL about it. Just go. Reacting to your emotions is bound to get you in trouble.

  • 4 weeks later...

Why did Lot and his family hesitate?

Perhaps it was the human nature thing,....will this get better, should I give it one more chance.....or they were just okay with their lives and chose not to be obedient to angels of God.

Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger?

Yes, unfortunately I have tired to make things work in the human and the mess of life became worse. When I chose to listen to the inner voice of God a healing began.....I followed God and His will for my life.

What is the lesson for us?

Sometimes it is not comfortable to follow God....but it is for our good. We may lose our popularity, our comfort level, but the step out on faith guides us to a higher calling. This is not to say this is easy to do....but the rewards will be heavenly.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Lot and his family hesitated because they did not want to leave what was familier and comfortable to them.

Yes, I have hesitated when I should have been fleeing danger.

The lesson for us is that no matter how we feel, do what our Heavenly Father tell us to do because He knows what it best. We have to be lead by the Spirit and not by our feelings.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

I believe they hesitated because their heart was still there in Sodom. They liked the lifestyle (I am not saying that they participated in the gay lifestyle but they liked city life there in Sodom). They hesitated because it is hard to just take the clothes on your back and leave everything behind - family, cattle, possessions, etc.

It never ceases to amaze me after a tornado goes through and destroys everything or an earthquake hits California, they dig in and build again. I do not think that would be me. Once is enough for me to loose everything.

I think there is a lesson for us here. They lingered because their heart was there. We hold on to things to tightly. This world is not to be our home. We are just passing through. We have a better city whose builder and maker is God!

It is a shame though Lot did not even have enough influence on the daughters and sons-in-law to get them out of the city. Why? I feel they concentrated too much on city life and not on spiritual life!

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Home ties and the familiar are what we know.. if anyone is compelled to

leave their homes and go to some unknown place or venture anyone would

hesitate and think twice. Well certainly but nothing quite like the destruction

facing Sodom. Choices made because of attractive options should make us

hesitate to consider whether the option is worth the risk. However, when we

hear our angels voice in our conscience whispering to flee or not to take the

risk, the debate begins and we hesitate because sometimes temptation is too

great to listen. The lesson for us is to get and stay firmly grounded on those things

about our self and our relationship with God and the Lord

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (19:15-16) Why did Lot and his family hesitate? Have you ever hesitated when you should have been fleeing a danger? What is the lesson for us?

Lot's hesitation, I believe, was grounded in the facts that A) He had become so complacent with his life in and around Sodom that he accepted the goings-on as normal. B) Although he welcomed the strangers into his home, treating them with kindness I believe that he questioned the authenticity and honesty when they told him to pack-it-up; causing the cautious Lot to dig his sandals into the sand. C) Lot did not want to leave all of his assets behind...for he had become accustomed to this lifestyle.

I have always had an excellent relationship with our Lord so when He tells me to make tracks I don't ask questions!

The Lesson represented here is that is that we should always be prepared to respond when the Lord tells us to. God has his reasons and they must not be questioned.

  • 7 months later...

2a) Lot may have thought about relatives he would leave behind,or not have the faith God was in control & would protect them,i.e to trust God completely.

B)I’ve had situations where I needed to trust God totally leaving job, family &friends as part of responding to God’s call &He’s provided, fortunately not in situations of actual physical danger.

c)When feel should be doing something need to stop to test this out,is it biblical with others experienced in faith, see if doors open.Then if sense peace &God’s affirmation to proceed, need to go forward in faith, trusting God totally at all times,He will protect us,provide for us,&guide us all as part of fulfilling God’s plan for our lives.

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

I think that Lot and his family hesitated because they were sure of what they heard was going to actually happen. They didn’t want to leave behind the good life and all that they had accumulated.

I have hesitated when I should have been fleeing from danger. The lesson for us to see the danger and to act according.

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