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Lesson 8 Q3

(a) After being nearly delivered, Lot's wife stopped and gazed rather than escaping probably because of curosity. It is a human side of us all. Maybe of a bond that was there between her and her hometown. She was probably clinging to the comforts of the past and was unwilling to turn completely from sin. It could have been unbelief, we do not know but why do we sometimes look back. We can't make progress with God as long as we are holding on to pieces of our old life. Jesus said it this way in Matthew 6:24, "no man can serve two masters".

(B) In her heart could have been fear for her town and also for her unknown future. Insecure, unbelief, fear, etc. A number of emotions.

© I believe all humans have struggled with some kind of emotions. Yes, I have.

(d) The lesson Jesus draws from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33 is life will be going on as usual on the day Christ returns. No one will know the time of His Coming but we must be morally and spiritually ready. We are to abandon the values and attachments of this world, for there will be no second chances when Christ returns. Some will be taken to be with Him; the rest will be left behind.

  • 7 months later...
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19:26) After being nearly delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

We are really not unlike Lot's wife, to many times we sit on church pews thinks and looking back i our mind to people or times in our past and we rob God of His time to bless her through worship and His Word. This is **** of the eye for things of the world that God has set us apart from so that we can grow spiritually.

Many try to serve God out of fear of hell than out of love and He will not accept it. He will not be second place. Lot's wife never left Sodom in her heart and what is in the heart will come forth in actions and words hers was to look back.

Yes we all struggle with this especially when Satan is really trying us he like to make us think we didn't have these troubles before serving the Lord.

God can only bless us if we are where we're suppose to be, if he is pouring out His blessing I don't want to be in my past but where the blessings are pouring. When I do think of who I used to be I feel shame and am awed that God could love me so much.

  • 1 month later...

Lot's wife really had not given up that the life she knew was being destroyed. I think we've all been like that at times. We look back and think about what might have been. The further into our faith journey, however, the less likely we are to do that. We are content with where God is leading us and trusting in HIS judgement instead of our own.

  • 1 year later...

"No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62. It doesn't seem to change. No matter how far behind our past is we always drift back into it. The farther along we get, the better the past seems. For Lot's wife, she didn't want to leave it and it destroyed her as will ours if we go back to it. The battle is to press forward with the Lord and forget those things which are behind. As a new creation we need to persevere, even when events seem to take us back.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (19:26) After being nearly delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

Lot wife stopped and looked back at the place of her birth which was being destroyed. Maybe she didn

  • 3 weeks later...

Curiosity maybe. Or a desire to bid farewell. Or maybe a desire to hang on to a little of the past through a last look.

Letting go of the past is difficult. Especially the mistakes. Jesus tells us to let go of the past and live in the present.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping?

Lot's wife was probably regretting having to leave the plac of her birth and all those whom she knew there.

What was in her heart?

Her heart was probably struggling knowing that she couldn't be with her old aquaintance and th destruction that is on the way to destroy them.

Have you ever struggled with this in your heart?

It is always a struggle when you have to walk away from people who are refusing the way of the cross and walking into damnation.

What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

Jesus concluded by saying, "...Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it." In order for us to live we must lay it down and take up the cross and follow Him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe it was curiosity that made her look back. She was watching her former life go up in flames. Most of all it was disobedience in her heart, the angel had told them not to look back. Yes, I was like this in my early Christian life and I suffered for it. The lesson in Luke is that you come to Jesus just as you are, no turning back.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

it was a struggle we all face to be overcomers - the past continues to haunt us - since to trust the future in Gods hands requires faith

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

She couldn't give up what she was leaving. Maybe she just had to see the destruction of her city which destroyed her.

I think we all struggle with leaving those places or things in our life that we must move away from.

Don't hold on to the past or possessions, but move forward and look ahead in Jesus Christ.

  • 3 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

I think she stopped and looked back because she could not let go of the past, could not let go of the old life style. I think in her heart she was remembering being brought up in that city and the life style she had and the love of the people she still had. Yes, I have struggled with this many times. Praise God, He brought me through every time. Lot's wife was thinking of her affections of earthly things and not of the heavenly things that God had for her. Her heart was still in Sodom. I think that is what Jesus is wanting us to ask ourselves. Where is your heart? On earthly things or on Heavenly? We have to get our hearts on the Kingdom of God and never look back. There is nothing to look back to but sorrow and destruction. The Lord Jesus is our answer to everything.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (19:26) After being nearly delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

She was sorry to leave.) Exactly! She was lamenting having to leave. She loved Sodom. "And she became a pillar of salt."

Jesus' coming will be sudden and surprising. We must be ready for that coming at all times. There won't be time to prepare to go with him or to be ready for him. The things of this world will dim in comparison to the glory of his coming and the glory of our going home to God. Nothing should be allowed to interfere with this one great opportunity. Nothing!

  • 1 year later...

After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? I can only guess what was going through her mind when she turned back as it isn't recorded. From my own experience, I guess that she must have been thinking about her old way of life and her old friends and maybe wishing that she could turn back and return to her old life. Who knows, maybe in looking back, she was intending to actually physically turn back. We will never know, but it is an experience which is all too familiar, although, luckily when I sometimes look back on my old life with any feeling of nostalgia, it doesn't have the same consequences for me as it had for Lot's wife.

Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? Yes. Sometimes I look back on my old way of life with some nostalgia. Of course, I am only remembering selected parts of my old life when that happens, but it happens. It never lasts long though and all I need to focus on is what God has done for me since I turned from that old way of life and I am back focusing on the path ahead and on Jesus leading the way.

What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33? That we must all remain ready for the return of Jesus, we must never turn back from the path of righteousness to our old sinful lives because at that point of turning back, the Lord may return and we, like Lot's wife, would be lost.

  • 3 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

How awful it must have been to be so close to freedom, life and the world has this attraction, many people fall into the lures of this life, they find it attractive. How sad it must be to have a loved one so far towards freedom just to lose them because they yearned for the old way.

Is this not the story of this life we are in, so many refuse to seek, so many refuse to knock..so many.

Almost Persuaded

(1) "Almost persuaded" now to believe;

"Almost persuaded" Christ to receive:

Seems now some soul will say,

"Go, Spirit, go Thy way;

Some more convenient day

On Thee I'll call."

(2) "Almost persuaded," come, come today;

"Almost persuaded," turn not away:

Jesus invites you here,

Angels are lingering near,

Prayers rise from hearts so dear,

O wanderer, come.

(3) "Almost persuaded," harvest is past!

"Almost persuaded," doom comes at last!

"Almost" cannot avail,

"Almost" is but to fail!

Sad, sad, that bitter wail,

"Almost," but lost!

In Acts 26:28, King Agrippa tells Paul, " Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" (NIV) The composition, "Almost Persuaded" has been doing just that with many souls.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

It's hard to leave your roots and start a new life. Perhaps out of curiousity she just wanted to see what was going on behind her. She apparently thought just one peek wouldn't hurt. He wanted to save her just as He wants salvation for us. He loves us.

Probably her heart was filled with different emotions, sadness at leaving her past life, fear of what her new life would hold for her. Maybe even unbellief or shock of what was happening.

Yes I have struggled and I am so fortunate God didn't give up on me.

Lessons learned are don't look back, that's the past. We must look ahead at what Christ has for us.

  • 2 months later...
  On 10/19/2004 at 2:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

Not sure why, but sometimes it's hard to leave the familier even it it's bad. Maybe when she looked back she was longing for the "good ole days". I probably have, but I can't recall any specifics. Leave the past behind and look forward to Christ and a life with Him. My life is hidden in Christ now, It's all about Him now. You know you can't go wrong under God's command.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (19:26)

After being nearly delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping?

What was in her heart?

Have you ever struggled with this in your heart?

What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?


  • 1 month later...

After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping?

She just could not leave that "old" life behind...whether it be the memory of her birthplace or the longing for what was. It is amazing to think that with God's angels at hand, leading them out of harms way that one would even still look back. We are such a puzzle.

What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart?

I think her heart was in utter confusion and she chose freewill not to trust or believe that she would suffer for her actions. Yes, the struggles with these type of issues are what plague us as humans...yes...even as Christians we suffer these weaknesses. It is a call to the cross and to prayer.....to stay in God's will no matter how difficult it feels.

What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

We must always be ready and waiting for the trumpet call of that last coming.....to step into paradise and not look back. Why do we have to be called by the weights of this earth ???? I pray that I remain vigilent and ready.

  • 7 months later...
  On 10/19/2004 at 2:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

I preached a sermon on Remember Lot's Wife. Definitely, her heart was still back in Sodom, whether it be the lifestyle or her possessions or family but her heart was back there. Some other interesting things about Lot's wife.

She was one of the most prayed for persons in Sodom but she was lost. Of all the persons in the world Abraham prayed for her (Abraham, the friend of God)but she was still lost. It doesn't matter how many people are praying for you if you don't want God He will not force Himself on you!

Another thing about Lot's wife - she had a visitation of angels and even held hands with an angel and still was lost. Some people say if I would just have a visitation of angels or if God would come down to me, then I would believe. It didn't do anything for Lot's wife. In the parable Jesus told, Abraham said to the rich man who wanted to go back and warn his brothers of the hell to come, if one would come back from the dead they would believe. Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them. The rich man replied Nay, but if one came back from the dead they would believe. Abraham replied if they don't believe Moses and the prophets they will not believe if someone came back from the dead. God is not required to give us any more signs than He already gave - Jesus death, burial and resurrection.

Of course the saddest thing - she was almost saved but lost. She escaped the destruction of the city and if the people during the time of escaping the city could have seen them they might have said "Look, Lot and his wife made it! They were saved!" She appeared to be saved but was lost. It only took a moment to look back but folks, it was what was in her heart all the time.


Of course Jesus puts this in the context of His coming again. He is saying don't be like Lot's wife. Don't be so caught up with the things of this world because when I come I am coming for my church that is looking for my coming and my coming will be unexpected and it will come suddenly (just like the destruction on Sodom)so if your heart is really here, you will be left behind!

  • 3 months later...
  On 10/19/2004 at 2:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

Probably curiosity to see just how bad it was with the thought perhaps of ,

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

(19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart?

Why Lot's wife stopped to gaze at the destruction taking place behind her is merely conjecture. Perhaps she still harbored some doubt as to the true identity and mission of their visitors, wanting to see if they were on the up-and-up with their revelation...too bad since she was solidified as salt as as she got her answer.

Maybe she was the "mother"to today's accident gawkies. Their curiosity is so great they just need to see the mayhem first-hand. Again, her pause cost her her life.

May haps she was so overcome by the prospect that she paused to look back at her friends never realizing her imminent danger.

Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? Absolutely not...I have always had a great relationship with the Lord and when He says move it...I leave dust trails.

What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

Luke 17:31-33 (ASV)

31 In that day, he that shall be on the housetop, and his goods in the house, let him not go down to take them away: and let him that is in the field likewise not return back.

32 Remember Lot's wife.

33 Whosoever shall seek to gain his life shall lose it: but whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

  • 1 year later...

Q3. (19:26) After being nearly delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?

This is indeed scary. Being saved is not like being almost saved. God will never give us more than we can handle, because he loves us an dis so wise and powerful. His hand directs His will on our hearts and minds; we must submit to His love to have the blessing. and if we don't we become a pillar of salt, or become useless in His kingdom.

This is telling me to let go further, trust God further, realize that my trust before was blocked by my ego and self-reliance and inability to pray before all encounters.

The time has now dome to worship in spirit and in truth and enjoy God running the show, and praising him for His blessing on our life.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I think that Lot’s wife stopped and gazed back was she had an attachment to the place and she wanted to take on last look at it. Probably the thing that was in her heart was that there were a lot of memories being left behind.

I do struggle with this in my heart. I look back quite often and see what could have been if I had made a different decision. The lesson that Jesus draws from Lot’s wife is not to look back at the past because there is nothing that we can do to change it, but to look to the future and give it all to God.

  • 7 months later...

Q3. (19:26) After nearly being delivered, why did Lot's wife stop and gaze rather than escaping? What was in her heart? Have you ever struggled with this in your heart? What lesson does Jesus draw from Lot's wife in Luke 17:31-33?


She had a hard time leaving the family's lifestyle in Sodom.  Her was in Sodom and her hesitation revealed the struggle she having within her heart over having to leave Sodom. 


I think at some time or other all of us have had the struggle of leaving the familiar for unchartered territory even if it is what we needed to do.  Human-beings become complacent and comfortable in lifestyles very easily.  Change, even when knowingly needed, is often a radical and uncomfortable experience.


Luke 17-31-33 is a part  of a discussion of the days preceding his second advent with the Pharisees.  Jesus said it be a day when attachment to earthly things will imperil a person's life.  If they are on a housetop, they should not try to salvage any possessions from his house.  If they are out in the field, they should not turn back to their house.  They should flee from those places where judgment is about to fall.


Although Lot's wife was taken almost by force out of Sodom, her heart remained in the city.  This was indicated by the fact that she turned back.  She was out of Sodom, but Sodom was not out of her.   As a result, God destroyed her by turning her into a pillar of salt.




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