Pastor Ralph Posted October 19, 2004 Report Posted October 19, 2004 Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? Quote
peggysue Posted November 6, 2004 Report Posted November 6, 2004 they wanted children but had insufficient faith to beleive in God for children,Lot drank to deal with his situation instead of trusting God Quote
sunilbernard Posted November 9, 2004 Report Posted November 9, 2004 Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? They did it to have children and continue to have a family of their own. Nothing wrong in their thinking. Only the means adopted were wrong, as the saying goes, the ends don't justify the means. This action of thiers meant that they didn't have any moral values. Thier faith was non existant. Because the city itself didn't have any moral values. They grew up in such a place. We can't find fault with their thinking. Lot turns to drinking to drown out his sorrows. He has lost everything and finds no reason to enjoy life. All because of wrong decisions made right from the day of separation from Abraham. How terrible. This sordid incident has a lot to teach us as family. We have to make the decisions depending on the Holy Spirit's guidance. Where we decide to live, what schools we send our children to, which church we go to, the parties we attend and the friends we have. All these affect the family immediately. We should be very careful in these matters if we want to really care for our family. In essence, the Holy Spirit should be our guide and helpmeet. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? They had no husbands or apparently any chance of one, for they lived in a desolate country in a cave. They apparently wanted children so badly that they used their father in this evil way. They had no religious values, since they did not care about the fact that they were sinning in this way. Their faith? In what? They cared only about themselves, no one else--not their father nor the children the professed to want. Lot felt alone and could not see any way out of his predicament. Why didn't he go to Abraham? Perhaps he was ashamed--who knows? Apparently, his faith was not in God. He had been in Sodom long enough to know that the city was full of evil, even if he didn't participate in it. Yet he chose to remain there. He seemed to have no hope for a decent future. He chose Sodom for a place to live, perhaps because it seemed full of life and music. No matter that the life and music was counter to the belief he had shared with Abraham. Soon, apparently, although he knew this was against God's law, he felt comfortable in it and just pushed God out of his life. His influence on his daughters caused them to follow the evil so rampant there. The last thing we want to do is be an evil example for our children and for others who touch our lives! But, if we do not fight evil and condone it by not speaking up, and/or getting out of the situation, we are the same as saying it is okay. Then others may come to believe in this too. Sad. Quote
PressThrough Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 (edited) Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? I deleted the whole message I just posted not to long ago. I am sorry. I got caught up in my own pain. Thank You CCS for your compassion. I fell out of line once again as the pain of remembering the pain over took me in a fit of rage. I have always denied myself the right to get angry and would stuff it and forget about it, and move on. I am thankful to God for reminding me though because I never gave it to Him, or asked for His help, I just got mad at Him and mad at the world. God has forgiven me and comforts me this morning, as everyday I lean on Him, and so now I let it go for real and am healed of those deep inner wounds because Jesus died that I might be saved, delivered, & healed. Thank You Jesus!!! I won't forget again though, so as to not become indifferent to the suffering all around us, in which I haven't on that anyway. I don't ever want to be comfortable with any part of my sin at any time. My answer to these questions are posted in CCS responce as well as the others. The only thing I can add to what I learned is to REPENT and keep on REPENTING. And I didn't just learn it, but guess I need the reminder once in a while. Hallelujah!!! Edited November 10, 2004 by PressThrough Quote
MannyVelarde Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? I see this story as an insight to how we are today. For many of us "Christianity" is something we put on on Wednesday night and Sunday's and then forget about the rest of the week. Oh we have our quiet time and we do the outward signs, but we must reflect, is it really a part of essence, our life, our being, our very breath. For most of us I think not. We break the Bible, the Word down and pick and choose which application we want to use. So to with Lot's daughters. It never says that Lot and his daughters have great faith or obedience or walking with God -- it seems that everything Lot did, had a lot of the World's Ways in them. Therefore, when it came to time of choices, they unfortunately were poor ones, that caused grave consequences. That is how it is for us today - - the more we study the Word, pray and apply that Word and Wisdom - - the closer we grow to God because we get to know Him better and know His ways - - so we can walk in His steps. This question has caused me to reevaluate where my walk is and by the power of my Lord, I am going to pray to the Spirit within me - - that God said would cause me to walk in His ways! Quote
ccs Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? They were fearful that they would loose their family line so they took matters into their own hands instead of going to God with their problem. What does this tell us about their values? Worldly About their faith? Weak Why does Lot turn to intoxication? Lot's wealth -- his flocks and herds -- have been destroyed along with Sodom. He is now lives in fear and retreats to a cave, he hasn Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 4.) (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story 4.) Good answers above can't add to them. Quote
MyBeloved Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 Lot's daughters turned to incest because of the kind of environment where they had been living. They had the values that were prominent in Sodom and they evidently had no faith in the true and living GOD. The Bible does not tell us they were born in Sodom, but they could have been and since the Bible does read in Genesis 13:13 that "the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD.," they were reared in a city full of wickedness. Lot turned to intoxication because he was far from the LORD and he had lost everything including his wife. He didn't have faith in the LORD and he had no hope for his future. Even when he was in Sodom he had no influence that would cause anyone to want to know the LORD. He should have gone to the town where the angels told him to go instead of where he wanted to go. We should learn from this story that we should seek the LORD's direction in our lives and strive to walk in fellowship and obedience with Him and not let our surroundings influence us. Quote
Jen Posted November 11, 2004 Report Posted November 11, 2004 Wy did Lots daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? Choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? Lots daughters turned to incest because they wanted children and didn't trust God to supply all their needs or wants. What kind of faith would I have with a dad who was willing to send me out to a pack of wolves to do with me as they wanted. I don't think they felt valued or were taught that. I think Sodom and Lot's values affected their faith. Frankly I have a lot of sympathy for them. What they did was disgusting to me but in those days and raised in that culture what would you expect. Look at our culture with all the knowledge of the Word and we have the Holy Spirit. Doesn't seem a whole lot better to me. Why did Lot turn to intoxication? It seems Lot's relationship with the Lord was not as important as all the wordly goods he left behind plus compound that with the loss of his wife, two complaining daughters who were left with a probably nonexistant father and maybe a propensity to drink anyway. And it is the easy and temporary way out of your problems. After all I'm sure their was a lot of that going on in Sodom and that Lot had at this time become rather immersed in the culture of Sodom. Although he knew it was filled with perversion he choose to stay and raise his daughters in this environment. J Vernon McGee says "he lost everything except his own soul". I hope in all this Lot became closer to the Lord. I believe God has all our needs planned for us when we just listen. Lot should have gone to the place the angels told him to flee to. To often we don't trust God to meet our needs and we are to willing to just sweep sin under the carpet rather than confront when we need. I am just as guilty in many of these things. I am actually wondering if Lot actually pouted when he asked to go to Zoar. Can't you just see him escaping in his little velour suit. Too often I am so used to my comfort and when things go wrong instead of running to God and praising Him for His mercy and thanking Him for the privilege of worshipping Him through the gift of His Son and my eternal savation I come pouting and complaining. What lessons should we learn from this story.? LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart mind and strength for He is worthy and He is merciful and listen to Him! Live as a warrior for God for we are in a spiritual war and Satan roams as lion seeking whom He can devour. Have sympathy on those lost in sin and pray for them that God would reveal the truth to them. Be willing to suffer for the Lord instead of just turning on your color tv set. I'm sure Sodom had its equivalent of the color tv set. Live your life in a way that is pleasing to Him so you don't end up loosing it like they did. You may loose it anyway but at least you stand for Him. I have a long ways to go. I have found mysellf complaining lately about some of my circumstances. I think it is honorable to stand up under hardship and give God the sacrifice of praise of which He is so worthy. May the God of grace and mercy be with each of us and may we live live lives that shine as lights for Him. May His name be glorified in each of you by the lives you live. Lets pray for each other. We are family. God Bless! Jen Number6:24-26 Quote
heatherdills Posted November 12, 2004 Report Posted November 12, 2004 Lot's daughters turned to incest to preserve their family line. This tells us that their value lied in their lineage. That their faith was little. Lot turns to intoxication to numb his conscience to what he knew was wrong. This incident tell us about his faith that he had little to none. His hope was nonexistant. His influence gone. His choice of residence earthly. Lessons we should learn from this story are that if we trust God that He will restore what is lost, to not take matters into our own hands, and that we reap what we sow. Quote
princesskitty Posted November 12, 2004 Report Posted November 12, 2004 Good answers. The only thing I can add is an observation. Abraham's impatience with God's plan led to Ishmael and the Arab nations. Lot's daughter's faithlessness and immorality led to enemies of Israel as well. This should inspire us to get it right, or else we only create more problems for ourselves. That God foreknew all of this and allowed it out of love for those he had a covenant with, being that He is love, gives me great hope and patience. We are all brothers. It's unfortunate we can't get along. We don't have to understand everything. <------Unfortunately, it has taken me years to come that conclusion. Quote
grace Posted November 13, 2004 Report Posted November 13, 2004 Some excellent understand from the forum members. Lot's daughters turned to incest, because it was not only the custom to make sure the family line continued, but it was also frowned upon by the community if the daughters went without children. I would also believe that this practice was not unusual in Sodom, where anything was acceptable. The daughters had no values because I believe Lot was self-centered (as indicated by choosing the best pasture lands, instead of giving the choice to his elder). Such a person would not have given Spiritual guidance to his children, thus rebelling against God , to bring up his children in the way that they should go.Also , the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children. Intoxication for Lot was probably what most members have indicated- the loss of material things and family.I still believe that Lot has some faith having been with Abraham, and therefore, he looked back at the wrong decisions he made regarding God's position in his life and knew that HE BLEW IT. The lesson I believe we should learn from this story is , "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you". "BRING YOUR CHILDREN UP IN THE NUTURE AND ADMONITION OF THE LORD". Quote
June Posted November 13, 2004 Report Posted November 13, 2004 Low moral standards for their lives and low faith. Lot was a believing father whose faith & committment were just enough to save him, but not his family. He learned too late that he needed to teach his family to not love the world and to stand apart from others. Because Lot lost his family he became intoxicated. His descendants became pagans. He was weak in his faith because he tolerated the evils and allowed them to go on. Go where God tells you and don't settle in some " little" place just because it is closer to familiar surroundings. GOD IS FAITHFUL!! Quote
Helenmm Posted November 15, 2004 Report Posted November 15, 2004 Lot's daughters were not operating in faith in the God of Abraham. Probably they had none, not having ben so educated. All they could see was a future with no husbands or children, and they wanted that future at all costs, so they planned it. It was a godless future. Their city was ful of sexual misconduct, homosexuality etc so they probably had no real moral values. They got what they wanted by whatever means they could devise. I think faith for Lot's daughters was a vague and distant thing that old dad sometimes talked about, and no-one had a clue what he was raving on about anyway! Lot had few pleasures in life, now that everything he ever valued was lost. He could have gone looking for Abraham, or directly asked God for help, but he didn't see this far. Alcohol was a good old "faithful" way of getting out of problems, so why not console himself a little? I think Lot's faith was a second hand faith, a derivative of Abraham's faith. He knew and even feared God, but had never developed any relationship with Him. He did not know God. He did not even respond with thankfulness to God for his salvation from the fires of Sodom. Hope was gone for Lot. His "lot" was a cave, poverty, loneliness and two unhappy daughters. Alcohol would blind him to his own misery. His choice or residence was made by his rational mind, not through prayer to an alknowing God. I think we can see the irrationality of human rationale. I know God selected my home for me. Several times I have thought to leave it but could not because I know this is His appointment for me and there is no peace in leaving. What looks attractive about other properties can't bear up in the face of God's plan for me, as borne out by His peace which passes all understanding. I praise Him constantly for keeping me. Also it's no good having a second hand faith (from parents, Christian friends, the pastor). It's no good expecting them to exercise faith for us all the time. We are to exercise it ourselves. God made us with that capacity and we must rise to that. So many times I see people dependent on pastors for prayer and support, and it's wonderful that they give this. However as we mature I think we should be giving them our support and not leaning on them for everything. Pastors have a hard time meeting everybody's expectations. How different would it have been for Lot if he had the faith of Abraham and moved constantly under God's blessing and protection. Instead he was saved through Abraham's prayers only, and then did not understand what had happened. Quote
cct1106 Posted November 15, 2004 Report Posted November 15, 2004 They did not see any men in the land and therefore did not see any future. Since sexual misconduct was wide they became involved with it also. Lot's daughters really had no values whatsoever. How disgusting this must have seem to God that this immoral act was conducted. They actually could have waiting for the right time in other words eventually moved on and found men and became mothers in the right way instead of committing such a sin by getting their father drunk and laid down with him in order to become pregnant. Lot was afraid and plus his daughters kept giving him wine to drink so that is how he turned to intoxication. Not only was he afraid but he was weak. Lot did not have any hope whatsoever and he was very influential and his choose of residence was very very sad. The lesson is to never give in to fear, weakness and people who are influencial in a negative and harmful way. Quote
linda bass Posted November 24, 2004 Report Posted November 24, 2004 Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? There were no other men around where they were and they wanted to preserve the family line. They didn't want it to die out. I read a commentary somewhere once that said that Lot's daughters believed they and Lot were the only ones left of the human race. Sleeping with their father was their way of making sure the human race would go on. What does this tell you about they values? About their faith? They obviously lacked any values and their faith was practically non existent. Again, I find it interesting that Lot's daughters are never mentioned by name. I'm sure God has a reason for this. Why does Lot turn to intoxication? Because he has lost everything. Anything that had mattered to him is gone. He has gone from prosperity to eking out a living in the mountains. What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? Whatever faith Lot had has been lost and his situation is without hope. Abraham made God promised He wouldn't destroy Sodom if 10 righteous people were found in it. How sad that Lot couldn't even convert the members of his own family. Lot made a bad choice in choosing Sodom as his dwelling place. Just because something looks good doesn't mean that it is. The sad thing is, if Lot would of been willing to swallow his pride and return to his uncle, Abraham probably would of forgiven him and gotten him off to a new start. Quote
kas Posted December 4, 2004 Report Posted December 4, 2004 They took it upon themselves to preserve their father's lineage instead of praying and relying on God. When our will takes priority over God's will, nothing good results. God's values were most likely not ingrained in them while they were growing up. Living among sin, it is extremely important to guard your mind and spirit by praying and obeying daily if we don't, we weaken and accept rather than resist the evil around us until, we too lose hope and harden. Lesson: Keep feeding the spirit and not the flesh lest we live in the flesh. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted December 27, 2004 Report Posted December 27, 2004 Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? Instead of turning to God when they wanted children, and trusting Him, they took matters into their own hands and lay with their father. What does this tell us about their values? It tells me they had no morals at all. About their faith? Their faith was nonexistent. Why does Lot turn to intoxication? Because of depression. He had left behind everything he had; his flock, his possession, he had no friends, he had lost everything. He turned to wine to help him forget. What does this incident tell us about his faith? His faith was nonexistent also. He didn Quote
The Word Posted January 8, 2005 Report Posted January 8, 2005 Lot became isolated having lost his material wealth,wife... and all hope.Having scratched through life by rubbing from blessing from Abraham what he encounters now represents how the devil isolates individuals to the point were there is darkeness in their hearts. Unlike the prodical son LUKE15:11. Lot does not repent instead he is now ravaged by self distructive bondages alcoholism with no one to help him out unable to seek God's for assistance.He does not realise all the wealth he had before, had been acquired through Abrahams faith and obedience now isolated the devil takes hold of him, his family daughters.Without seeking the Lord Our God and fellowship the suffering.???????"a thought whose blessings are you rubbing off from"? Quote
obnubilate Posted February 20, 2005 Report Posted February 20, 2005 Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? Immorality or desire to have children..can't really say. What does this tell us about their values? Should say they're pretty Sodomite then, that is, non-chalant in sexual matters About their faith? Don't know if they know the LORD God as Abraham did. Although He just rescued them from the inferno, they must still have some sort paganistic mindset that does not recognize a God that has control over all..the One True God Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? He's a wordly man who's lost everything. A man far from God that he turns to alchohol for answers. We are reminded to keep ourselves pure and abstain from sin by getting far and away from them. FOr though as children of light, we should not put ourselves up near the darkness unneccessarily Quote
Alicea Posted March 10, 2005 Report Posted March 10, 2005 Q4. (19:30-38) Why did Lot's daughters turn to incest? What does this tell us about their values? About their faith? Why does Lot turn to intoxication? What does this incident tell us about his faith? His hope? His influence? His choice of residence? What lessons should we learn from this story? Lot's daughters turned to incest to have children and preserve their family line. They values were to have their own way in spite of what it took. They knew it was wrong which is why they got Lot drunk. They knew he wouldn't do such a thing sober. They don't demonstrate any faith of their own but were apparently familar with their father's. Lot turns to drunkeness to deal with his situation. He knows he failed in his faith, he is without hope, he did not influence his neighbours, wife or daughters to do any good. He realizes too late to get away from the city and leaves Zoar and dwells in a cave. Lot thought he good mix with the "world" and it would not touch him. He lived a life of compromise and it cost him everything he held important. Quote
Sue Posted March 16, 2005 Report Posted March 16, 2005 Lesson 8 Q4 (a) Lot's daughters turn to incest because they wanted to preserve their family line. They were driven by desperation - they feared they would never marry. The two daughters say, "as is the custom all over the earth". Because of where they lived (Sodom) it was not difficult to turn to sin. ( This tells us about their values is it shows their acceptance of the morals of Sodom. © Their faith it shows is the same as Sodom's. No fear of God. (d) Lot turns to intoxication to drown his sorrows. His potential and dreams of prosperity are gone. (e) This incident tells us about Lot's faith is it was not very strong. He had his trust in material things rather than Godly ways. (f) Lot's hope was gone because he depended on wealth more than he did God. (g) Lot's influence was not strong, if he had any at all. His daughters did not seem to fear what their father would do when he found out what they did. (h) This tells us about Lot's choice of residence is he was afraid, so he went to a cave. Lot picked whatever was a cover for him and did not care. (i) The lessons we should learn from this story is: (1) when we are desperate for what we feel we must have, we are most likely to sin if we do not have our faith grounded in our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ. (2) We will reap what we sow. (3) Our decisions affect not only ourselves but our children, spouses and others. (4) We need to be watchful at all times. Quote
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