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Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

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I have learned to trust God to provide for me by having faith in His Word. He has provided security, comfort, and renewal for me in the past. I am facing serious debt right now that will require God to be my Jehovah Jireh. He has been faithful and continues to be so.


Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

I know to trust God in all things - do I do it - no, unfortunately not. When things get hairy - we run to friends, pastors, counselors - before we consult God - - I strive by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit to rely on God first - - My prayer each day is for the Holy Spirit to empower me to do it better for the new day, then I did yesterday.

My uncle died today, unexpectently - and I know that God will provide the means with strength to see me through the sorrow - -

I pray that I will rely on my Provider as He is there beside me!


I have learned to trust God to provide because I have asked Him to and He has done so.

I had a very troubled tennant in my house and did not want to add to her stresses. However, I badly needed my house for myself. I took it to God, told my agent that I needed the house but that he was not to say anything to the tennant at this stage. Within a couple of days my agent rang me saying that the tennant had made a decision in her life and wondered if she could break the lease. The agent said he didn't think there would be any problem!

I am studying to be a life coach, (looking for something to do in my retirement that will be of value, and possibly introduce people to Jesus). I definitely need Jesus to bring me the people I can minister to, to help me minister, and provide excellent service, and help me financially.

Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

When I asked Jesus to be my Savior, Who died with my sins on Him, to dispose of them, and lock them away, never to be remembered again (that is ALL Sin for All time - Once and For All), and Rose from the dead on the third day, that I (we-Gentiles) may Live in Him, in the Kingdom of Heaven, when I am presented to Himself without spot nor wrinkle at the end. That I am a member of His Body - in righteousness, justified, and redeemed from death. I am no longer guilty. His Grace (Provided) is sufficient for me in the mortifying of my physical body, as I move on in life here on earth, loving and helping others because He Loved me first, not because I have to be good, but because I want to do good, and possible win other's to Him.

That is when I first trusted Him. When I asked Him to forgive me for all of my past, present, and future sins, and accepted His Forgiveness, and Him as my Savior with Faith that He did. I was SEALED in Christ right then, and although I was tossed about by every wind of doctrine, The Word Not Rightly Divided for way to many years, God is Faithful and brought me back to Him in my consious as I sawt to know Him better and am learning how to rightly divide The Word of Truth, to be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, for again, sin is dead and I no longer live for it, but in God, even though I am currently in the carnal flesh. :wub:Hallelujah

Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

How have you learned to trust God to provide for you?

I have learned to trust God through my trials and through prayer.

How have you learned to trust God to provide for you?

I have learned to trust God through my trials, through prayer and through a growing relationship with Him.

How has he provided for you in the past?

He has given me a Savior who in turn has given me life through His Spirit; a Spirit of hope, strength, forgiveness, mercy, comfort, guidance and deliverance. He has made a way for me to be able to conqueror my fears and live a life of growing in trust towards Him.

[Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? (NIV)[/color]

What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

The Lord's will for mine and my husband's future work for the kingdom here on earth, as we face a career change for me and full time ministry work for him. And also the future of our young adult children and their relationship with our Lord.

(After living in the same home and community for 22 years I starting packing our home up about 7 months ago, we are living with the very minimum, and waiting on the Lord for direction)

Kind of like Noah, building the ark, waiting on the Lord...


Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

By having trusted Him and found Him faithful! When I have needed words to teach the children--and others--in Russia, He gave them to me. He has always taken care of details of our missions that were far beyond me, so I know He will take care of anything that comes up in the future! :wub:

I am facing the sale of our farm and a move to a smaller place in town where we do not have to drive as much. It isn't easy, for we love our independence as well as the peace and quiet of the country, but it is necessary. He has provided in the past--whether it is "things" or peace of mind. He has this project in His hands--and it will come about in His timing and in His way! :)

3a.) (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you?

3a.) By faith, by prayer, by study of His Word. Sometimes I fall back into my old way and don't, but that is occurring less and less.

3b.) (22:14) How has he provided for you in the past?

3b.) Through talents for my work, a wonderful wife, a wonderful son, a wonderful daughter, a roof over my head, food on my table, deliverance from sin, eternal life, the fear of death is no more. What more is there?

3c.) (22:14) What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

3c.) Our daughter is having coughing fits which we believe are allergies. In particular because of the heating systems in buildings. She is unable to attend her school right now. It is in the Lord's hands and her allergist appointment on December 8. Prayers for Melissa will be deeply coveted. :rolleyes:


Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

There are so many instances where God has taught me to trust Him completely. The space here will not be enough to enumerate them all. But His experiences are like the potter's fire, purifying and burning the chaff and bring out the best in me. I can surely vouch for that. Day by day the chaff is being burned and the shine is coming out. :blink:

God has provided me in the past and trust Him for the future too. Most of us face financial problems. Not all of us are Bill Gates. But we have a promise keeping Father who fulfills all the promises and we are sure of the results.


I have learned in the last few years how much God loves me. God is faithful to me. He heard my spirit cry out to Him in one of those most tragic moments of life and He faithfully provided all I needed to come out of that experience intact and ready to serve Him. God has been faithful to provide salvation for me, to transform me, to answer my prayer. I have learned to trust God through no effort of mine, but because He is faithful to me. Through the study of the Word of God, I have His examples of faithfulness. God


I learned to trust GOD to provide salvation by grace through faith. His Spirit identified with my spirit that He had forgiven all of my sins.

In the past He has provided for me in answering my prayers, not always the way I wanted but according to His will. What a privilege to go to Him in prayer and know that He listens and answers.


1.I trust God to provide for me, simply because He has promised to do so,

and cannot go against His Word. It , however, sometimes proves to be

difficult as I am still waiting on a 12 year old promise from the Word.

2.God's word tells us that He loads us with benefits every single day; maybe

they are things we take for granted. I would say that if we really knew all

the things He has done for us over our lifespan, we would be amazed and

probably fall upon our face in repentance for questioning His provision.

3 I am presently facing some health problems, and a desire to know where

I can serve in the body of Christ , either in the church or outside of the church.

eg. I noticed that several people have expressed their needs; this is an excellent opportunity for all of us to pray for one another.


Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past?

God has provided for me throughout my life dispite my efforts to foul things up in the past.

It is only in retrospect that I can appreciate his provision for me and indeed all mankind.

Indeed it is only in retrospect that we can appreciate any of His workings

All Christian love JohnK-Cov


Have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has He provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your provider, your Jehovah-Jirah?

Yes I have learned that I can always trust God but I don't always act so. And I don't always like how He answers my prayers but when I read the Word I am brought to conviction that everything He does is out of His goodness and that He is working all things out for my good and the good of others. His is a heart of love. In the past He has provided for me in many ways such as obvious wonderful answers to prayers. I know He is working now on my behalf. There are several things going on right now in which I am trusting Him to be my Jehovah Jirah. If I didn't have any problems I would never know of His faithfulness and His love for me. He is so faithful to us even when we "foul" things up. There is a book called Failure The Back Door To Success. I think its one all of His saints can relate too.

God Bless!!




1. I can say that I have learned to trust Him to provide my needs.

2. When I was homeless and living out of my car, He provided that I had a place to stay, and sometimes even a warm couch! When I was hungry, I found enough change for some chips! When there was danger, He guarded my life. (amazingly!) And when I cried, He was with me. He was always with me.

3. I'm now expecting Him to provide the abundant overflow, that I may move forward quickly into the rest of His plan for me! He has already provided all that I need and then some. Now it's time for me to move past that and start giving to others! I expect to hear later today that I have a job that will be the stepping stone to what's next! And if it doesn't happen today, well, then it's just too soon. But it's going to happen! He's not going to lay the plan out and show me where to walk without providing the means! I just have to go when He says, and that's what I did, so it aught to work out! :lol: I'm soooo excited!


I guess I got ahead of mysself by answeriing this question in the previous one. I have retired from the work force and am totally dependent on God to provide. I had to pare down on the spending and am learning that things I want are not necessarily what I need. God is teaching me to spend more wisely and to be more frugal. Most of all, He is teaching me that He is God and I am not. Just to wait upon Him!!


I have learned to trust God to provide for my needs by going before Him in prayer and then waiting upon Him.

I can go on forever with ways God has provided for me in the past. He's provided for me financially when I've been unemployed, He provided a place to live when I had to move out of my previous apt, He saw me thru a lawsuit,

He's provided food and clothing when I couldn't afford it, I could go on and on.

Right now I am trusting God to be my provider in regards to my current financial situation.

Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

By totally believing in him, through Bible Study and faith. Facing alot of trials and tribulations due to severe health and financial situations.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've learned to pray and not be anxious. I am currently unemployed but I know that the job He wants me to have will be the right job. I am grateful for His past provisions and His current provisions (spiritual and physical health, food, shelter & clothes). I know all is His and He's letting me enjoy it.


Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you?

By just turning everything over to Him and trusting that He will take care of me.

How has he provided for you in the past?

God has provided strength when I experienced the loss of loved ones, and when I faced serious illness in my family. He gets us through if we will just let Him.

What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

I live alone and don't make a big salary, but I still tithe and even after that have enough to pay my bills. God provides for us if we will only trust him. I don

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (22:14) How have you learned to trust God to provide for you? How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

I have learned by asking in prayer. One time He miraculously filled our gas tank with gas. We were taking people to church, we had seven dollars, an empty gas tank, and a locked gas cap. After church my husband told me that he had put his five dollars in the offering plate. That left us with two dollars for gas to get several adults and their children home in our station wagon. When we stopped at the gas station and unlocked the gas cap, the gas tank was so full that you could see it. I put in my finger up to the first knuckle and it was wet with gas.

Right now I am trusting the Lord to give my husband a job. He has been off work for a long time.


Lesson 10 Q 3:

(a) I have learned to trust God to provide for me by leaning on Him daily. I try not to worry or fear but to have faith that the Lord will provide.

(B) God has provided for me in the past by giving my family and I the needs we need. He has blessed us with love, health, financial needs and Peace. Amen!

© Right now I am facing or I should say my Husband and I is struggling with my Husband's employment. There are disputes in his occupation and the only thing we can do is lean on God to provide - He is our jehovah - Jireh.

  • 7 months later...

How have you learned to trust God to provide for you?

With each trial I go through it helps to have the milestones to look back to when I think I can't make it through this one. I didn't think I could make it through some that have come and gone but I look back at how God worked it out and it amazes me that my flesh never thought of solving it the way Jesus worked it out.

How has he provided for you in the past? What are you facing right now that will require God to be your Provider, your Jehovah-Jireh?

I have had to trust him to send food my way when the pay check just wasn't there. Right now I'm facing having to set in a church where the people are in comfort zones and just don't want to move any closer while I have a hunger that is causing grief in my spirit and sleepless nights due to the burden I have for God has revealed some things to me that will happen unless the people get hungry. I see these things coming to pass and I can only pray since they are not listening to the Word, the light of truth that is being sent to us.

  • 1 month later...

As I have mentioned in other postings, I have had to battle my willfulness, my pride, and just plain old contrariness that I can "fix-it" to let God take His rightful place in my life. God has always provided for me. I found that out many times when I had made a mess of things in my own muddling way. As I look back, I find that God has been caring for me all along, making sure I made the right decisions--or at least decisions that would lead me to the place where I am now with the people I share my life with now. I don't know why. I don't know for what purpose. But I know there is a why and a purpose that he did not let me stray too far or make too big a mess. Right now, God is leading me through trials as I help my children.

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