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  • 1 month later...

Now that I am finished with the Faith of Abraham, I got out of this study of his life that the life of seeking and trusting God is rewarded. I would evaluate the study as very helpful. One thing that could be improved that stands out to me was that it took the first few lessons to get into this study. I didn't see how trying to decide one's morality suggested their faith. They were products of the era and thought of others questions that would have been more topic related. But the last lessons were very topic related and helpful.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life?

The study really brought to life for me Abraham and his family and how nothing is new under the sun.

[Ecc. 1:1-11

9 What has been will be again,

what has been done will be done again;

there is nothing new under the sun.

10 Is there anything of which one can say,

"Look! This is something new"?

It was here already, long ago;

it was here before our time.

It also showed me a humanness with all it


Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

Undoubtdely, faith life. In simple and great things Abraham trusted God even though as a first timer. Simple child like faith is what matters most. Our IQ, wealth, social status etc will not count in God's eyes.

The study was very thorough, specially the Hebrew words and their subject oriented meanings. Hats off to you, Pastor, for your patience in dealing with the subject in great detail. I know that the Lord was working through you to get to us. Praise God!! Feeling sorry that it is over. :(


I enjoyed the study and the thought provoking questions and I enjoyed all the posts. Thank you Pastor Ralph for all the time you put into teaching us more fully the Word of God and how to apply it to our lives. I have enjoyed all the studies and the depth of information is wonderful.

God Bless you all and please pray for my 87 year old dad who is at this moment under going surgery.


Numbers6 :24-26


Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

I received much from the study. For one thing, it reminded me once again that even Abraham--much loved by God and the founder of Israel--made mistakes in his life--yet God loved him and carried out His design that He desired to do through Abraham. Because I know this, I know that He continues to love me--no matter that I fail Him time after time! What would I do if I could not fly back to His arms, confident that He will forgive me and accept me back as His child! Lord, please keep nudging me to remember and return when I go astray!

The study is very good at bringing out the treasures God has for us in these passages. Thank you, Pastor Ralph. Just keep on as you have been through the many studies I've participated in! :D

5a.) Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life?

5a.) Just how faithful God is to us. How God uses us in ways to glorify Him if we step out in that faith as Abraham did. As I stated earlier in one of my posts, this study was a wonderful compliment for me as I am also participating in a study on the books of Romans.

5b.) How would you evaluate the study?

5b.) Informative and edifying. Pastor Ralph; I have participated in a number of studies with you and they have been a wonderful tool in my faith walk even though I am still only four and a half years old in my life with Christ. Thanks again. Looking forward to your next one. :D

5c.) What can be improved?

5c.) Nothing. I enjoy the forum discussion and meeting these brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a nice way to get a snapshot in everyone elses walk. Thanks everyone. Merry Christmas! I wish you Jesus! :rolleyes:

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

This study was deep. I was all over the place as I reflected on the questions and learned some things about myself that were hidden.

I can not recall which questions, but some (mostly in the first 1/2) I felt were leading me out of Grace, and I became depressed as they forced me to look back on much pain and sorrow.

I almost quit the study a lot of times because of that, because God say's to not look back in His Word, and to be ye a new creature In Him. But I do see now how it was important for me to remember, so as to heal from the abuse and to be able to forgive.

I Love Gods Word, all of it is profitable, and good for instruction, for truely nothing has changed sense the beginning. This was a huge study and you Pastor Ralph did a fine job on presenting it. Again I'm not sure which questions I'm talking about here, but some could use a rewording. Thank you though. :) but then again, maybe not.

As I study and am learning to Rightly Divide The Word Of Truth, this study has helped me to see where people are coming from, with questions not related to the dispensation of Grace. It is by Faith, through Grace, that I am Saved and Sealed by The Holy Spirit at the moment I first believed.

Although much of it was painful, I am better prepared now to reach out, not because I have to, but because I want to because of what Jesus did for me, to a lost and hurting people.

God Bless You Pastor Ralph, and All of You who gave much encouragement as I went through what I did. I Appreciate You's and look forward to future studies with You All. :wub:


Great for the first two questions and material but I had problems with "Spam" and lost the next 4 lessons so I am currently revisiting the material and am waiting to catchup, but if the rest of the lesson are as good them I am in for a great time


Initially, I thought this was too historical, but then the questions caused me to delve deeper into the meat of the material on Abraham and his faith. How can I develop a faith like his? This has been a very interesting study and I thank you for providing it.


l. I am thankful for the study on the faith of Abraham. The life of

Abraham was a life of walking by faith, a life of compromise, a life

depending upon God, holding unto the promises of God, for He

believed that what God had promised , He would perform.

2. This study helped me to THINK about the answers to the question

and to research in commentaries and other sources to find out the

truth that God wanted me to learn and apply to my own life.

3. I hope that there will be further study courses.

May all the forum members have a wonderful and happy Christmas.



I think it is a good study in it states early worship in Old Testament times,the faith of Abraham to inspire us,to know he had his weaknesses but still loved by God,Abraham's willingness to obey the Lord


Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

Justification is solely by faith. There was nothing special about Abraham. He was very human and this study has shown. What is special is the mercy and faithfulness of God. The lessons learned here are that we are to be patient and be willing to conform to God's time table. Also, we are also to be absolutely trusting and believe by faith that God's will is only good.

It is easy to get behind in these studies as I have. However, Dr. Wilson has inserted some times to catch up which are very good. Without those I would have been hopelessly behind. The content of the study is excellent.

Merry Christmas to all!


That in the good times and in the bad times, Abraham never lost his faith and trust in God. He had the ultimate faith and trust in Yahweh.

I believe it was a very indepth study of Abraham and I learned lots on faith and trust. Not only in God but with fellow man. I enjoyed studying the Book of Genesis tho I never was on time in turning in my answers. Thanks to you Pastor Ralph and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


As usual the study was thought provoking and I learned tons of new information. God always shows different insights as we grow in faith.

We learn from our forefathers and all of the lessons are invalueable - -

Everything about the study was good and especially the forum - - altho' I was late most of the times

Blessings to all and

Shalom and simcha b'Yeshua

Manny :D


It truly is a miracle I could keep up since I had my first baby in the middle of it! :lol: This study was just what I needed at this time, as I have been missing church due to all the new adjustments, and needed some good spiritual food! It was excellently timed for my life, praise the Lord!, and fed my faith immenslely, which I needed since I had decided on a natural childbirth and I was nervous. (Had her at home in 5 hours. We'd planned on a birth center, but the midwife and assistant and doula all got there in time and it all worked out wonderfully!) Halleluia!

The biggest revelation I recieved in this study was about the Law. It hadn't been given to man yet and God was just first revealing Himself. I had always wondered about why Abraham would be asked and be willing to kill his son, when that's wrong to do, but this study shed light on those things in his life I didn't understand. It's always amazed me how something so simple can be right in front of you and you never see it until someone points it out!

I really enjoy reading everyone's posts and gaining different perspectives on the questions. I also appreciated the time to catch up, since this was a very long and in depth study. I liked your research into the orginal language in order to gain a better understanding of the scriptures. It saved me some time from diving into my Strong's exhaustive concordinance on my own, which I've done on many occasions to clarify what the word is saying.

Thanks pastor Ralph for such good work! I have enjoyed learning from you and the other people taking this study, and I really don't have anything to say in regards to improvement. It's just fine by me!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and I look forward to meeting you all in New Jerusalem!


My thanks Pastor Ralph for making this study available. It was both insightful and thought-provoking. I see Abraham far clearer than before.

Your website has been a treasure for me. In the midst of mentoring a young confirmand earlier this year, I discovered your website and your series on the Gospel of Luke. It added greatly to my mentoring efforts.

May God continue to bless you in your efforts to bring the richness of his word into focus for all of us. I look forward to the many other studies you offer.

Peace be with you.


I loved the study. I preached a series of Abraham and used your material as part of my study. You did a very through job and I am sorry that it is over. Thanks for sharing this wonderful man with us the past few weeks. ;)

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. Now that you're finished with the Faith of Abraham, what did you get out of this study of Abraham's life? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

Knew somewhat about Abraham's life but this study really brought everything out in the open for me regarding Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. It also has made to realize that during all my trials and tribulations that I have never really lost my total faith in God and by this study, my faith, strength has been renewed.

I would evaluate this study as wonderful and every inspirational.

I can not think of anything that could be improved with this study.

Thank you so very much.


I have read and studied the life of Abraham quite a few times during my lifetime, but never have I done an in-depth study like this one. During this study I learned God keeps His part of a bargain even if we don't always keep ours. I loved how Abraham and Sarah went from doubting God when He told them they would have a child in their old age to completely resting on His promise. So trusting was Abraham in the promise that Isaac would be his heir,that he was willing to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice when God told him to.

I learned the consequences of making wrong choices or decisions via Lot and his daughters.

Also learned that trying to give God a helping hand when He gives a promise rather than trusting Him to fulfill it in His way and in His time can lead to disaster. Case in point-Sarah and Hagar.

Anyway, just want to let you know how much I have enjoyed this study on the life and faith of Abraham. I'm already looking forward to the next study.

  • 3 weeks later...

I found this to be a very rewarding study. We saw Abraham as a man of faith, but also one who failed . We found that there is nothing new on this earth. We learned of the Abrahamic Covenant. I found that this was very rewarding personally because I am a 'senior citizen' and God does use those in our age group.

Overall, I found this to be an excellent study.


Your presentation of the Word, the Greek and Hebrew meanings, and the insightful questions all lend themselves to a thorough study of, not only Abraham's life, but of all people in the bible. Your format is methodical and thorough and causes me to gain deeper insights into the lives and times of the individuals in the bible which translates into a more thorough understanding of His Word. I am very happy with your methods of study and have grown a great deal becuase of them. I also think it's great that you are open minded to ask what can be improved. Jesus also acted as a servant to man. I think great leadership entails a servile attitude, one of which you have. Great job!!!!


I knew that Abraham was a man of God, this study reinforced that belief and helped clarify the man to me. I got a lot out of the study and look forward to more studies from this forum

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