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  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q1. Value of Trials
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Trials have definitely made me stronger and help me to become mature Christian over the years they have also helped me to develop my prayer life in my intimate devotion time with the Lord I thank God for trials and tribulations I haven't always said this attitude but I've learned in time that without trials it's literally impossible to grow your faith in your walk with God and how will the world know that we belong to Christ if we can't make it through the trials that come our way they help me to die to myself and learn to walk in the spirit with the love of God more each day I do count about Joy because God is perfecting as will in me. I'm a disabled Veteran who loves God but still I struggle in areas of my mental health that's a trial but God daily through the help of the Holy Spirit and His Word and Prayer help through each day.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1.When I was a young Christian I used to ask God why He was allowing me have such difficult times in my life. As I have grown and matured I have learnt that because I am a Christian does not mean I am immune to trials and tribulations. In fact I have more difficulty because I am a Christian following in the footsteps of Jesus! However I now know that God is working out His purposes through each and every difficulty and is honing me into what He wants me to be. I also know that when the way gets really tough once I turn to Him in prayer He always without fail lightens that load.


I had a very troubled childhood and adolescence (ill-treatment by mother and siblings). In my loneliness and isolation I turned to God because He was the only one left!  I learnt to pray often and fervently (usually, I'm afraid, through gritted-teeth, so "with joy" is a new concept). As an adult I find I have been given a "gift" that helps me to identify, and minister to, people who are suffering emotional and spiritual suffering; as one of my spiritual advisors explained it "out of your brokenness you can bring healing, a seed has to die before it can bring forth grain"!


A lot of my trials came before me coming to Christ, l know now that what ever comes to me and no matter how hard, it is God refining me to his perfection for his glory, l find peace in this now because this world is not kind but cruel. My trials did change me, l use to think for the worse, but now l see how God uses these trials for his glory. I am sure the enemy will try to the end to bring me down, l rely on Christ for the strength and wisdom (study the Word) to overcome.


What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

I've suffered greatly the past few years and am climbing out of a dark valley now. I can see His light again.

At no time during my trials did I praise God. I never "counted it all joy" but begged Him to end the trials. Though I admire people who are able to face trials with a smile, I am not one of them. In my experience, trials are indescribably painful. They draw blood. Every trial becomes a marathon "hanging on" until it's over. 

At one point I had nothing of value left in this world -- nothing! Without any of life's props, I clung to God angrily and desperately. Since He had scraped my life raw, I had nothing to lose, or so I felt. I begged to die. Death would have been a welcomed relief.

I thoroughly doubted God's love yet never doubted His power. I knew He controlled everything. When in the darkest period of the trials, God didn't "feel" loving. In fact, I remember thinking God hated me.

In retrospect, I can see how God took away everything I valued -- put me through a Job-like experience -- to make me quickly and intensely focus on Him and not myself. Controlling my thoughts ... no, channeling them, became the biggest hurdle I had to face as I crawled out of the valley of despair. Trusting Him was the key to controlling run-away thoughts. It wasn't, and isn't, easy.

I still don't know why He put me through these trials but do sense He had ongoing reasons and purposes. Yet. I will know someday.

If this gives any reader hope, I want to emphasize that trials actually end. They don't last forever. Either death or victory results. Even the deepest, most severe trial eventually ends. Remember that!! And remember to be patient for most trials don't end suddenly but slowly and imperceptibly. As the dimmer switch gradually and haltingly rotates, the light goes on, and as the light gets brighter, you will see how you have been radically changed during the trial.

In the dark, He changes us.

Less in the light. 



The Lord is pruning me with the trials. I am learning that He is in control of everything. I just need to submit myself to Him in all situations. He will strengthen me. I have had various trials in my life and everytime the Lord has taught me to trust Him. The Satan is very active but my Lord is bigger than the Satan 


What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refineyou? How have you changed?

It is easy to say in this moment that I am grateful for trials but when I honestly remember my mindset I was desperate for relief and definitely had very little joy. 
The truth is most of my trials have been a result of deception and lies. I have learned that satan will always use the same tactics which we see in Genesis ch. 3 - convincing me to believe a lie. 
I have learned the value of casting down vain imaginations and asking Jesus to help me think about things that are true. 
It truly is a spiritual battle and for me it starts in my mind. 
Praising the Lord has been something that truly helps me shift the focus off my situation and onto the Lord. God is so faithful and I still have so far to go but I am glad for the trials because they also exposed pride and anger that was in my heart and I want nothing more then to have a humble heart and it’s my prayer daily to reject lies and pride. I thank God for being so patient with me and always delivering me. 




Whew! Trials are very valuable, I didn't always understand this. My trials caused me to stand stronger and longer.  My spirit man is tougher which permeates on the natural man, I don't bend easily anymore. Trials has caused me to quickly look up to God for help and strength instead of being so focused on the trial itself which can cause me to doubt,  start complaining and crying. I can wait for God to move on my behalf or trek through it trusting that He has my best interests in His hands. 


When I look back, I see so many trials, so much hurt to walk through . Having no family and then not able to have my own family. Jesus became my family. My Rock. My go to first, my best friend. His love overwhelms me. His grace is all I need. 


What value have trials had in your life?

Value trials have had in my life is that I learn from them and got closer to God.

Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you?

Satan has tried many times to destroy me.  However, my faith and trust in God helped me to get through those trials.

How have you changed?

Over the years, my life has really changed in putting my trust in God.  I try not to worry as much about the trials I am going thru.   I know that God will bring me thru


God does not let anything go to waste and that is including the many trials I have went through in my life. I might have more to come since this is an imperfect world. My trials have value because of the testament I am able to give to God. Initially yes, Satan had rule over me with my trials through shame and condemnation. Then God came and accepted me the way I am, I repented of my sins and gave my life to him and now God has the victory. God refined me, and my trials are more precious than gold to Him. My trials have impacted me, but it was God that changed me.


The values of trials in my life has drawn me even closer to Jesus through prayer and praise!. I read the the gospels of Jesus and the Psalms and the old testament and find comfort and joy in knowing that God takes care of his people no matter what we are facing or going through and I am lifted up and begin to count my blessings and thanking and praising God for all he has done and for just being Good God Almighty that my trials are no longer important but my praise and worship to God bring me joy and peace!! Halllujah!!


I have experienced many trials like most of us. Lost my husband in a car accident when my oldes two kids were 3&1. It was among the most traumatic but there were plenty of others, such is life. What did the trials teach me? The biggest result? Compassion. I have many sins but loving my neighbor as myself is one Biblical teaching I have embraced in spite of them. The other? "Trust in the Lord with all your heart" 

Jesus said, "I am with you always even until the end of the age." 




Hello Pator Ralph! Thank you for this Forum and study! It looks like you had this study in 2005, too! 

Trials cause me to turn to God for help. A huge trial in my life was when my adopted sister, Marnie, was needing help. My brother, who lived closest to her and is wealthy, had “wiped his hands” of her; she had gotten herself into that mess. My husband also did not want to have anything to do with her. How do I live God’s love in that situation…love for God, love for my sister, love for my husband? It was so hard, and it still makes me cry. But God was with me, although I don’t believe I felt it was “pure joy”! 

That trial, and others since then, have made me a stronger person…not as reliant on others opinions. When I was going through it, I often did not know what God wanted me to do; I just did my best, hoping it was the best. Sometimes it wasn’t. That, too, I have to give to God. So, the trial taught me to trust God with the pain of failing.

Thank you, Father! You know what You are doing, and You do it well!

  On 5/14/2022 at 2:56 PM, Krissi said:

What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

I've suffered greatly the past few years and am climbing out of a dark valley now. I can see His light again.

At no time during my trials did I praise God. I never "counted it all joy" but begged Him to end the trials. Though I admire people who are able to face trials with a smile, I am not one of them. In my experience, trials are indescribably painful. They draw blood. Every trial becomes a marathon "hanging on" until it's over. 

At one point I had nothing of value left in this world -- nothing! Without any of life's props, I clung to God angrily and desperately. Since He had scraped my life raw, I had nothing to lose, or so I felt. I begged to die. Death would have been a welcomed relief.

I thoroughly doubted God's love yet never doubted His power. I knew He controlled everything. When in the darkest period of the trials, God didn't "feel" loving. In fact, I remember thinking God hated me.

In retrospect, I can see how God took away everything I valued -- put me through a Job-like experience -- to make me quickly and intensely focus on Him and not myself. Controlling my thoughts ... no, channeling them, became the biggest hurdle I had to face as I crawled out of the valley of despair. Trusting Him was the key to controlling run-away thoughts. It wasn't, and isn't, easy.

I still don't know why He put me through these trials but do sense He had ongoing reasons and purposes. Yet. I will know someday.

If this gives any reader hope, I want to emphasize that trials actually end. They don't last forever. Either death or victory results. Even the deepest, most severe trial eventually ends. Remember that!! And remember to be patient for most trials don't end suddenly but slowly and imperceptibly. As the dimmer switch gradually and haltingly rotates, the light goes on, and as the light gets brighter, you will see how you have been radically changed during the trial.

In the dark, He changes us.

Less in the light. 



“Trials actually end.” That is so true, although in the pain, it seems like forever! Only lived experience can give that knowing. In my life, God gave a new trial to end the old one, and things changed pretty much “on, then off”, not slowly. Thank you for sharing!

  On 5/15/2022 at 12:54 PM, Paula Price said:

The values of trials in my life has drawn me even closer to Jesus through prayer and praise!. I read the the gospels of Jesus and the Psalms and the old testament and find comfort and joy in knowing that God takes care of his people no matter what we are facing or going through and I am lifted up and begin to count my blessings and thanking and praising God for all he has done and for just being Good God Almighty that my trials are no longer important but my praise and worship to God bring me joy and peace!! Halllujah!!


Awesome! That is where I want to be in my faith! “My trials are no longer important” What an awesome place to be!

  On 1/15/2005 at 12:13 PM, Deb Sagvold said:

My biggest trial lately has come from my church. I thought I was doing a good thing, but it created jealousy and hard feelings and I recently left my church.

I expect trials in my daily life, but I was blind-sided by such opposition in my church.

I'm trying to focus on the purpose for this particular trial. I truly felt called to work and teach there, and I know that I was making a positive difference, but obviously God has other plans for me. I guess it lead me to this online bible study, so that's one positive thing to come of it.



  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (James 1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?


I haven't let Satan destroy me, rather God has kept me in faith.  God has reduced my confidence in man-made systems and myself. I am less fearful and more thankful of Jesus' complete and powerful work on the cross and in me.

  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (James 1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?


Trials have largely strengthened me but it is a very difficult process. Some times I got stressed and wondered whether I was on the right track. Sometimes I feel like stopping but I realise I have no better options 

  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (James 1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?


The value of trails is how God refines the image of him in my life. I have made a lot of changes but I have been defeated in the past. I have stop my main addictions and willing to change more!

  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (James 1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?


Every trial is a reminder that it is a reality of life, no one can escape it, no material thing of the world can stop us from it and how fleeting everything is (Ecclesiastes). God can only be our strength and guide to overcome it. When we bring the earthly issues and see through God's lens, it widens our perspective and gives us strength and motivation to fight. It taught me humility, patience and that waiting is integral in our journey with Christ. 


Trials brought me close to Jesus. Our Lord God is with me in every trials. Some trials broked my heart into pieces. But Our Lord Jesus build my heart. He molded me into a new one. Jesus sanctified me and is sanctifying me more.

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