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  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Trials Have shaped My life. I have not had a difficult life however I have been challenged deeply at different times. In retrospect I believe that I have learned from most trials and been subject to satans deviousness many times during these trials. I must say that I feel I would never have made it through without my faith.

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  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

As a relatively new Christian I haven't faced that many trials as a Christian. With hindsight I don't know how I survived through previous trials as I believe I've had my fair share. I can only conclude that although my faith was not strong God was there for me.

As I mature as a Christain, what I've learnt from these trials helps me to fulfill God's plan.


  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

I guess I feel pretty grumpy about some of the trials I've had in my life. But now that I look back they have changed me a lot and for the better. I think I can understand what James means when he says they are there to complete you.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

I guess I feel pretty grumpy about some of the trials I've had in my life. But now that I look back they have changed me a lot and for the better. I think I can understand what James means when he says they are there to complete you. I'd like to take credit for not letting satan destroy me but I think that was more Gods work than mine. These days I am a lot more God shaped than I was

  • 3 weeks later...

I am currently reading a book called "The Way of Agape" by Chuck and nancy Missler. I ran across this and thought I might share it with you since it sums up the question pretty well.

Why does God allow trials? 1. because He loves us and he wants us to be healed, to be whole and to have abundant life. 2. so we might see our true selves. 3. so we might hear His voice. 4. so we might choose His way 5. because He wants us to love Him. Good huh?

I couldn't believe how this chapter I was reading went along so well with what James has to say about trials. All these things are attainable to us if we handle our trials right. I am still working on this. My first reaction is to be fearful, to run and hide or try to take things into my own hands until they are fixed. I usually end up having to have God fix it all for me only after I have spent a lot of time trying to do it on my own and getting no where. God knows me so well and He is always right there when I finally get it right and turn it over to the One who knows me best. Thank you Jesus. Donna


Is it Satan doing the destroying or sin?

Also, what makes "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds" the proper translation instead of say, "Look to joyful things, my brothers, when in trials.

  • 4 weeks later...

I think the trials in my life lately have made me realize I can't do things through my own strength, or intelligence, or hard work...I have learned I need God with me every step of the way. I think Satan tries to use trials to distract me, to keep me so busy with dealing with my circumstances that I don't immediately turn to God for help. I'm trying to hold on to the verse from the old hymn "What a Friend we have in Jesus"..."Oh what needless pain we suffer..take it to the Lord in prayer"

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

As I have grown in my faith my perspective on my trials has changed. I realize that trials are a way for God to refine us becuase he loves us. I have, however, not always handled these trials in a

Godly manner. I find it easier to run from God than towards him in the trials. I know that I should be on my knees in communion with God. I am a sinner and I sometimes find it hard to humble myself before him. It is something I work on everyday.

  • 4 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Values? well- I can not say during the trial that I valued the situation, but afterwards, when I could stand back and reexamine it, I could see how it brought me closer to the Lord. Forcing me to realize that I can not live without the Word, Prayer, and Him.

I have changed in a sense that when trials come it does not affect me, or it does not seem like the end of the world. I can handle it knowing that God will see me through.



I am currently going through a trial and to be honest, this is the first time I have truly submitted to God. In

the past I have done things my way, thinking as long as I didn't sin in a major way, I would be ok. But this

time I have fully submitted. I realized God allowed this trial to "get my attention" and I am so grateful! It is teaching me to count it alll joy--and see the big picture. When I come out of this I WILL be complete, mature

and able to STAND against the devil's future attacks. God has already given me the victory so all I have to

do is perserve until it manifests. :D Praise God!


:D Back in late 1997, just before Thanksgiving, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. I never really talked to God in prayer, but for some reason something drove me to my knees and I cried and asked God to please help my father, to either cure him or not let him suffer long. My father passed away on April 1, 1998. Ever since that time, even though it was sad to lose my earthy father, I found a Heavenly Father in exchange. I never knew the love I could have or feel since my Lord called and I answered. Ever since that day my desire for a closer walk with Christ and the Father has grown stronger and stronger. I been through I lot of trails in my life, between sexual abuse as a young child, physical and emotional abuse and I could not handle the reprocussion of any of it. I was going down the wrong path in my lifestyle. But, everything has changed since I dropped on my knees back in 1997. Praise God

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

The value trials have had in my life is that they have helped me realize that the Lord is trying to teach me things! Also, I have come to know that the Lord holds my times in His hands and that is a comforting thought when I am struggling through a trial. Because I finally got it through my head about the purpose of trials, when I go through one, I am now able, by the grace of God, to ask myself what He is trying to get me to learn? If we can stop the panic or anger at the onset of a trial long enough to think through and search the Spirit about what we could learn, I believe that that is taking our thoughts captive and disabling satan in his work. Although I dread the refining process, I know that somehow the Lord will use the trial to strengthen my faith and perfect me in Jesus Christ! That is a huge change from a few years ago - thank you Jesus!

  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen many trials and tribulations in my 61 year journey. It was not until I submitted to the will of God that I was able to deal effectively with these challenges. Trials and tribulations have made me strong in the Lord. I realized that I could not triumph over them if I relied on my own strength. It was only through relying on the power of God that I was able to have victory. I am faced with challenges every day but now I count it all as Joy.


The lesson states that:

When we are brand new Christians we have genuine faith, sure enough, but our faith is innocent, untried. As faith is tried, it deepens and matures, and is able to flourish in all sorts of circumstances. And as we know God's faithfulness in various places of testing, we develop the boldness of faith that only a tried and tested faith can possess

I've been part of God's family for only 6 years now. I remember still what that "genuine" and "innocent" faith was like. I was walking on cloud 9 for at least months after my conversion. But then came the trials. I recognized that I wasn't seeing the world in the same light I had after my walk with Jesus began. There have been many ups and downs in the past 5 years or so, but each time I struggle through by God's grace... my faith builds. My resolve strengths. More and more, I am actually considering it "joy" when tough times hit... knowing that I will be changed somehow through the difficulty.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Trials have played an important role in my life with the LORD. They have allowed me so many times to see somethings about myself that I needed to change. Most times I don't allow Satan to destroy me, however occasionally I notice that I will act out in a way not pleasing to my LORD. ;) I know that God is refining me through these trials and even though it is hard I try to face them with joy. Sometimes though, I notice it takes a few days into the trial for me to remember that! :o I have also seen trials about my family members that have allowed me to grow in my faith. It is much easier to grow in a "faith trial" than to grow in a "pruning trial". I am thankful that the LORD is pruning me, though. I want to represent HIM well on this earth. Plus it is a great reminder that we sometimes aren't as separated from the world as we think. I also believe that it is great to endure, so that we can look back and see what the LORD has done!

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?Every trial I see as a joy. Because it helps me grow spiritually closer to God my creator. In my household there is a lot of disfunction and disharmony a lot of anger and violence also exists. The challenge for me with Gods help is to remain calm and focused. Today my son was angry because of his fathers lack of understanding towards smoking. Even though I may not like it in the end he is 17 and the decision is his. He looks at his father as a hypocrit because he smokes who doesnt want him to do it. I prayed to God to give me the right words and didnt allow for the violence to esculate. Dave listened to Alexs concerns and respected the decision. No violence occurred.


My life had been a disaster. 27 years of cross addiction and all of it's "benefits". Loss of family, jobs, depression, suicidal, homeless, evil, all of it. When I came to the Lord 14 years ago all of the hardship, all of the agony became defined. I now recognized the whole of my life as a series of trials. Satan had dominion over during those times and he did try oh so hard to finish me but he lost as the entire time, unknowingly, I had the Rock as my protector. While being knocked down and kicked by the Adversary, it was my Buckler and my Shield that halted any fatal efforts.

Now, I look at the whole of my life as God using my sufferings to mold me and make me as He would have me to be. I am now a missionary, ministering to the very people that I had been. I couldn't do this unless I was able to have the compassion that comes from experience, empowered by the Holy Ghost.

  JustJeff said:

My life had been a disaster. 27 years of cross addiction and all of it's "benefits". Loss of family, jobs, depression, suicidal, homeless, evil, all of it. When I came to the Lord 14 years ago all of the hardship, all of the agony became defined. I now recognized the whole of my life as a series of trials. Satan had dominion over during those times and he did try oh so hard to finish me but he lost as the entire time, unknowingly, I had the Rock as my protector. While being knocked down and kicked by the Adversary, it was my Buckler and my Shield that halted any fatal efforts.

Now, I look at the whole of my life as God using my sufferings to mold me and make me as He would have me to be. I am now a missionary, ministering to the very people that I had been. I couldn't do this unless I was able to have the compassion that comes from experience, empowered by the Holy Ghost.

Thankyou Jeff for inspiring me not to give up. I too have been through depression suicide and evil. Now I just call on God and His Holy Spirit to calm the savage beast and miracles seem to happen.

  • 2 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life?

The trials in life have made stronger in my faith as peservarence has began to produce results in my christian life. My mind has been renewed by the word so much that I only see the glory of God in all circumstances.

Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials?

No ways - the devil is not a factor. For I know that the bible says " he comes only to steal, and destroy." And it also says that "resist the devil and he will flee".(James 4:7b)

Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

The word of God has refined me and is working in my life. I keep saying what the word says am. I have changed the way I talk and think. The bible says in Hosea 4:6 "My people(me) are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge" and know that "Nay, in all these things we are (I am ) more than conquerors through him that loved us."(Rom 8:37)

I know that trials are bread (crumps) to be eaten for my spiritual growth. You know that computer game called snake - the snake only grows when it eats the numbers or the fruits. The more numbers it eats the longer it gets. My spiritual growth is like that the trials I have the more joy I have, and the more I grow in Christ.

  • 3 weeks later...

I've never really thought about trials as such, although many of the things I've gone through in life have made me angry with God; but I've never questioned my faith although satan did nearly destroy me once. This was during a period of bad depression when I contemplated suicide. Now though I see things very differently, I feel that 2006 has been a very defining year for me. I feel that at the ripe old age of 43 I have finally grown up and I now understand what trials are and why God sends them.

This year God took away from me someone I loved very much and I've had to learn to cope with life without him, he really was the love of my life. Then in April my mother had a stroke and has gone from being a very active woman to someone who can just about wash herself. It is heartbreaking to see her now, so old and frail. There have been many problems at work and I've also had a lot of financial problems. All these things have made me a much stronger person and I know that I'm certainly not the same person as I was at the start of 2006. God has sent me these trials to teach me and to teach me well, and although I feel it has been a bitter sweet year I thank God for that. Lots of my colleagues have all gone through tough times this year, and I feel that I now understand suffering more and I have more compassion. I have felt very angry with God and I've spent many hours on my knees crying and asking God Why, Why, Why? Especially over the loss of my beautiful friend Antonio. But deep down God has my best interests at heart, after all Jeremiah 29: 11 says '' For I know the plans I have for you'', declares the Lord, ''plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.''' NIV. I now feel ready to take on board all that God wants to give me and I know with His help and grace I will cope, thanks be to God!!

  • 4 weeks later...

I have had many trials, when they hit I would pray... and stick close to God, still try to praise and thank him for all the good, to get my mind off the suffering. Because of this I have come more close to God in my spiritual walk with him. When I have used this technique, I have found thing actually end up better than before the trial began.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

1) A great value!...It seems that trials as well as circumstances have brought me to where I am in my life.

2) Most definitely!...I let him tear me down to the core!...Going around in the same never ending cycle time

after time again.

3) Before it made me bitter and depressed, but now I know the TRUTH and the TRUTH has set me free!... :lol:



Dr Ralf Wilson,

First and formost let me thank you for your first leson from the book of James Chapter 1.

Let me me take the apportunity to answer to the question of your lesson to me on "Experience Joy in Trails"

I have experience the Bigest Trail in my Life which started in the Year 2001.

My wife meet an accident on 27th Jan 2001 whiles traveling on a motor bike in Goa.

It was a serious accident were her head was hit on the road and that cause her brain damage.

Since than she is on bed paralyze for 6 years waiting for Gods time to heal her.

I had to face great trails in my life struggling to pull on my days in supporting my 2 young daughters and one side careing my wife's treatment to recover.

I had to go through many hardship, I could not go to work for 2 years, I had to take care of her treatment visting many Dr and Hospitals, running out of money, becoming frastruated in life. (But) my Lord did not leave me He was at my side. He gave me the strength to face all this trail with Joy, were the joy of the Holy Spirit was within me give patient, understanding, wisdom to do all things right, it produce Faith and endurance in my life, it made me to know the bredth and length, height and dept of God's LOVE (Eph 3:17-19).

Satan tried to destroy me in my trails, but the Faith and Trust in the Lord kept me strong. All His words and promise in the Scripture are TRUE. As Jesus said "I am the Truth" and it is also read "the truth will set you free"

God refine me completly as in James 1:7 says "Every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of Light" It is extremly true cause the light has shown on my wife to belive in God and his work. Cause before she would not know any thing of what the Lord wanted from her.God has saved her from the Evil's work who wanted to put an end to her life, but God send his angels to intrupt in his evil plan. Jesus says "Satan is a murderer" and he was about to put an end to her life. Now as God has saved her He will heal her in His Time and the Glory of God will be shown on her. Amen

God has a purpose in all our trails of our life, as written in the Scriptures "we may make big plans but God has the answer to it"

Dr Ralf we need your prays for my wife to be healed and ask God to bring an to all my struggels in my life. Thank you.

God Bless,


  jamjfk said:
Dr Ralf Wilson,

First and formost let me thank you for your first leson from the book of James Chapter 1.

Let me me take the apportunity to answer to the question of your lesson to me on "Experience Joy in Trails"

I have experience the Bigest Trail in my Life which started in the Year 2001.

My wife meet an accident on 27th Jan 2001 whiles traveling on a motor bike in Goa.

It was a serious accident were her head was hit on the road and that cause her brain damage.

Since than she is on bed paralyze for 6 years waiting for Gods time to heal her.

I had to face great trails in my life struggling to pull on my days in supporting my 2 young daughters and one side careing my wife's treatment to recover.

I had to go through many hardship, I could not go to work for 2 years, I had to take care of her treatment visting many Dr and Hospitals, running out of money, becoming frastruated in life. (But) my Lord did not leave me He was at my side. He gave me the strength to face all this trail with Joy, were the joy of the Holy Spirit was within me give patient, understanding, wisdom to do all things right, it produce Faith and endurance in my life, it made me to know the bredth and length, height and dept of God's LOVE (Eph 3:17-19).

Satan tried to destroy me in my trails, but the Faith and Trust in the Lord kept me strong. All His words and promise in the Scripture are TRUE. As Jesus said "I am the Truth" and it is also read "the truth will set you free"

God refine me completly as in James 1:7 says "Every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of Light" It is extremly true cause the light has shown on my wife to belive in God and his work. Cause before she would not know any thing of what the Lord wanted from her.God has saved her from the Evil's work who wanted to put an end to her life, but God send his angels to intrupt in his evil plan. Jesus says "Satan is a murderer" and he was about to put an end to her life. Now as God has saved her He will heal her in His Time and the Glory of God will be shown on her. Amen

God has a purpose in all our trails of our life, as written in the Scriptures "we may make big plans but God has the answer to it"

Dr Ralf we need your prays for my wife to be healed and ask God to bring an to all my struggels in my life. Thank you.

God Bless,


  • 2 weeks later...

Yes many times in my life I have not stayed in the Word and been drawn away BUT my LORD has always been there waiting when I turn back to him. The biggest trials have produced the strongest faith in HIM. My love and desire to know HIM more grows each day. HE is beyond words.

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