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Trial have had value in my life but I must say that that my responses were not always positive in the way I would approach them or react in the midst of them. I learned more after I saw the hand of God in the situation which sometimes took a while after the trial was over. Overall however I can say that trials have equipped me to endure and to trust God in a way I otherwise would not have. Why bad things happen and why God does not intervene readily has settled in my mind that God is sovereign and that His hand is always at work to protect HIs people and is more interested in our character. I was able to see that I did not trust God in the way I thought I did. I feel God has to let us see ourselves in trials and has to sift us. Often He was the only one that I knew could intervene in the situation.

I did however shake my fist at God a lot in my earlier Christian days as I only saw the selfish means of having my needs met. Ishook my fist at God because He did not answer my prayer like I would have wanted Him to. Our limited human mind cannot compare with the wisdom He holds which I now know that He knows me better than I know myself. Thank God He did not answer all my prayers as can now see what a disaster it would have been.

Trials has indeed strengthened me in my walk with the Lord which is now almost 30 years.

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Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Trails have had a tremendous value in my life. I think up until recently, I did let satan destroy with those trails. I found myself turning to alcohol, anger, and jealousy. But through those trails I came to realize how important is to let the lord work in your life, in every aspect. They have allowed me to get on the path of a maturing Christian. For that I am so thankful.


Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

I have been through many trials in life, and for some time during and after those trials, I allowed Satan to destroy my relationship with God and many earthly relationships as well. I allowed Satan to lead me into temptation and believed him when he told me I no longer deserved a life free of shame, guilt, and other bondage that was formed as a result of those bad choices. Recently, however, I have allowed God back into my life and have given myself over to Him completely, and he has revealed the beautiful truth to me that I am not defined by anything that happened to me or anything that I have done in the past.

One of my favorite verses now is Heb 12:10-11, "God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." God disciplined me greatly for my sins, but I have allowed him to refine me through the process and my life is better now than it ever was before, and I truly believe that my self worth, confidence, and relationship with God, my husband, and everyone around me is better now than it could have ever been without God's intervention.

Sometimes our trials are absolutely necessary to fulfill our callings, and I am so excited to find out what God has called me to do with this new and glorious testimony He is writing for me.

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?


Well, like many "I'm praying for patience!" :unsure: As I allow God to teach me what He will from this Letter of Jacob! <><


a fellow servant in Christ's true* grace & grip,



*John 1.12-14; Col 1.6; 1Pet 5.12

  • 2 months later...

I have experienced trials in my life and I struggled with being the person Jesus wanted me to be. However, Jesus never gave up on me. As I've grown older, I have learned to trust Him more and He continues to bless me and meet my needs. I want to read more and learn more of the Bible. I know that I've experienced trials in my life for a reason. Last year, I experienced a trial on my job. Some of my closest friends knew of the situation and began to pray. I was determined to not give up and in the end, Jesus answered prayers!! God is good, all the time!!

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Yeah, God is real god.He was with me thoug trials, I exprince tough time but after a while they became to really joy. Thanks to God who refine me!!!

God bless u.I have learned a lot.


Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

I've heard that trials can make a person bitter or better. My experience has been that it depends on my response. Trials will come but God intends for us to grow through them and Satan intends for them to destroy us. I am learning to choose growth. smile.gif

  On 2/28/2010 at 11:00 AM, Drew said:

Trails have had a tremendous value in my life. I think up until recently, I did let satan destroy with those trails. I found myself turning to alcohol, anger, and jealousy. But through those trails I came to realize how important is to let the lord work in your life, in every aspect. They have allowed me to get on the path of a maturing Christian. For that I am so thankful.

Thank you for your service. May God grant you the strength to endure trials and live for Him in all that you do!

  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

I believe the trials of this life have a great value to us as believers. I personally have gone through some huge trials in the past 20 years & each one of them brought me out a better person. I did not let Satan destroy me during them--although I was not a born again Christian at the start of some of the worst ones. In the last 7 years, I have allowed God to lead me & "refine" me. Becoming a "born again Christian" 7 yers ago has helped me change dramatically. I no longer try to do ANYTHING in my own strenth. I let God lead me where he wants me to go. Is it always easy? NO. Am I happier when I let him Lead? ABSOLUTELY.


I have been tested and failed which came at a great cost but when I came to myself asked for forgiveness and truly felt forgiveness. I continue to be tempted but I remain firm. It's very hard. I wrestle with questions and doubts daily but stay firm if the faith that God'sstandards are different from society's. It's very difficult. That's why I've joined to have someone else in my life that desires to follow God's path through daily Bible study.


Trials are not enjoyable. They can be very difficult as I have gone through them. Put through prayer and faith I have overcome many. When I think back on the trial and see how when I turned it over to God I was very thankful I did that. I felt releif and a release.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?


Trials make us sometimes wonder,If God making it personal in us

  • 1 month later...

I have to admit it took me awhile to realize that the Lord was still with me through all of life trials. I used to feel as if I did or was doing something wrong at times. But of course I was sadly mistaken. I've learned that the Lord's love for me never changed. The love He had for me when I was a sinner was enough. But when I saw and understood what Christ prayed to the Father on my behalf which was that the Father would love me even as He loves Christ, my whole perpective on life trials changed. I then knew that there must be another reason that certain things came my way. One may be because I can overcome the situation, or that I can pass the test. Another may be to strengthen me in an area where I was weak. Another may be so I can see that I need Him, in case I've gotten big-headed and started leaning on my own understanding. Truth is, I am and can do NOthing without the Lord. And at times I still do get case-hardend when trials come my way. Yet, this I am constantly reminded of, the Lord is relentlessly before God the Father on my behalf. God the Father wants the best for us. Therefore, I must step back and evaluate the cause, if possible. I have found that sometimes I had been the reason for some of life trials.

  • 4 weeks later...
  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

My trials has been of great value to me. They have allowed my patience to become greater than before, my faith to build, and humbled me with humilityNo wepon formed against me shall prosper. I continue to rebuke satan and pray. I am so blessed to have the Holy Spirit working in me, leading me, guiding me, and directing me. Standing on the word of God during trials bring great wisdom and Knowledge of our Father God.


Without trials in my life, I would never have met Jesus or made Him Lord of my life. Therefore, I'd say those trials were quite valuable to me! Since my salvation (in 1976), there have been other trials which tested my faith, but our God is faithful and He held me in the palm of His hand during those times as well. Trials have only strengthened my love of God as well as my faith in His ultimate goodness. I've come to the point of realizing the sovereignty of our mighty and awesome Creator. Praise His name.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Trials in my life are meant to shape us spiritually sometimes through this trials our faith in God is strengthen, sometimes we fall short and fell into the hands of satan doubting God works.

To sum up this spiritual journey is tough we can let God refine us through these trails and gain spiritual maturity or we remain as spiritual babes or infant.

As for me i hope by God grace I can grow spiritualy through this trails by looking up and towards Him.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

The value of trials in my life have made me a stronger Christian, by learning to rely on God strength just like a child and at the end of it I will become mature spiritually and complete with God.

Well, sometimes because of our fallen nature and lack of faith we do at times allow Satan to destroy us with those trials, because simply we find it very difficult to trust God when something adverse is happening against us. A good typical Biblical example character is Job. But unfortunately how many of us can be like Job. But I am sure at the end of the road, it is God desire and intent that many of us can be shape like Job, otherwise why would He being such a loving and gracious Father allow us to be trial, His purpose is that we can become mature spiritually from this trial and be perfect in Him through this trials.

I have not being completely changed but the changing is still an ongoing process sometimes there are hard knocks and some time there are sweet success, but whatever it is the main point is we must learn to trust God even in our most difficult times. Remember the story of Jesus and His disciples out at the sea, there was a storm all the disciples were so worried but Jesus was sleeping soundly until the disciples wake Him up ,then it was where when He reprimand them 'O, Ye of little faith'

  • 1 month later...
  On 12/17/2004 at 6:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

So many trials in the past and really have helped Satan due to my ignorance fear, lack of trust for God, using my brain and powers trying to help God but thank God for opening my eyes. I now rely on Gods promises for my life and pray for His will alone to be done in my entire life

  • 2 weeks later...

The main thing that trials have done for me in my life is to know that I have to go to someone other than myself to help me to endure the trial. They have made me realize that I cannot depend on myself or others but God. There have been times when I have not thought of God first and I would just be hanging on by myself unsuccessfully. I guess you could say that I let Satan have his way at times by griping and complaining and wishing that I did not have this particular trial. But when I turn to God is He gracious and just waiting on me to seek Him and gives me the endurance and peace of mind to get through the crisis. As I have stated I have changed in that I know where my Source of Help is and that I have gained SOME patience and endurance and learn not to ask God to remove a trial from my life but to help me to gain whatever it is that He is trying to bring about in my character while I wait on Him to bring the trial to whatever it is His will to do. It is not easy all the times to just wait, but I just have to keep going and reminding yourself to wait on the Lord. WHAT GOD IS DOING IN MY LIFE IS AN ONGOING PROCESS AND I LOOK FORWARD TO THE DAY WHEN THE LORD RETURNS AND THEN I CAN SAY THAT I HAVE FINALLY GOTTEN IT RIGHT.


Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? My response in each trial has varied to some degree but each trial has left me with a testimony of victory through Christ. I've learnt more than ever the faithfulness of God. I've also learnt more about myself and the distance I'm yet to traverse for perfection. Though I hate trials I love the testimony they produce which empowers me.

Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Altogether, No! I have not let the enemy destroy me through my trials BUT I have not always responded right. There were times when I succumbed or spoke or reacted in a way that did not glorify Our Father or dignify me.

Or allowed God to refine you? I'm not sure to the extent I have allowed this. In retrospect of a trial I have my faith reinforced in the faithfulness of God. There are some trials where it's not difficult for me to trust My Father. There are others that are more difficult, yet I hold on in faithfulness to Him. Since a message I heard early this year or last year, I'm now newly poised: Jesus must find faith in me when He comes.

How have you changed? As I said above, I have greater faith in certain trials than others. For those where I have more faith I continue in full expectation of deliverance. In others, I pray for God's mercy and faithfulness to deliver, though the resonance of faith may not be strongly pressent in my heart. I've learnt in either case to confess the word of Faith and expect results accordingly. I'm still long way off but I am growing in the right direction.


Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? My response in each trial has varied to some degree but each trial has left me with a testimony of victory through Christ. I've learnt more than ever the faithfulness of God. I've also learnt more about myself and the distance I'm yet to traverse for perfection. Though I hate trials I love the testimony they produce which empowers me.

Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Altogether, No! I have not let the enemy destroy me through my trials BUT I have not always responded right. There were times when I succumbed or spoke or reacted in a way that did not glorify Our Father or dignify me.

Or allowed God to refine you? I'm not sure to the extent I have allowed this. In retrospect of a trial I have my faith reinforced in the faithfulness of God. There are some trials where it's not difficult for me to trust My Father. There are others that are more difficult, yet I hold on in faithfulness to Him. Since a message I heard early this year or last year, I'm now newly poised: Jesus must find faith in me when He comes.

How have you changed? As I said above, I have greater faith in certain trials than others. For those where I have more faith I continue in full expectation of deliverance. In others, I pray for God's mercy and faithfulness to deliver, though the resonance of faith may not be strongly pressent in my heart. I've learnt in either case to confess the word of Faith and expect results accordingly. I'm still long way off but I am growing in the right direction.

  • 1 month later...

I am currently going though a lot of trials. Been unemployed for a year, am being forced to move because landlord is selling condo and I just lost my mom a month ago to cancer. I feel like I am repeating 4 years ago when my husband died, I had no job, and I had to move in with my son and his wife. Am I bitter toward God? No.

God teaches me through trials to trust Him. I have to walk by faith not sight (II Cor. 5:7). He will always provide for my needs; He always has and always will. He has a plan for my life and sometimes He doesn't show me what it is right away, I just have to trust that He knows what is best. I don't like the struggle but I know the outcome, if I learn what I am suppose to, will teach me many things. Patience, trust and humbleness all come from trials. Sometimes I have to allow others to do for me and that is the hardest thing of all because I want to be the one that gives not receives.

I have been knocked down by the devil on many occasions but I do not stay down because He who is in me is greater than He who is in the world! My Lord already has victory, it was won on the cross. I get knocked down and grab Jesus' hand and He pulls me right back up. I used to be a lot slower getting up but through trials and trusting God, sometimes I can spring right back to my feet and keep moving.

God is refining me everyday. I am not perfect by far but I am not what I used to be. I try to live my life through the eyes of my Savior, it is my heart's desire to serve Him to the fullest. He is the one that changed my heart to think this way. He is the one that helps me to put others first and to love others around me unconditionally the way He loves me. It is not perfect yet but it is getting better. I am definitely not the person I used to be but I can't forget that I still have a ways to go.

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