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Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Growing up (age-wise as well as spiritually), I can look back and see how God has always been in my life no matter what I was going through and no matter if I failed or succeeded. With that understanding now, it is much easier to "consider it pure joy" when I am facing trials. It also gives me experience to help and encourage others that may be facing trials of one kind or another. How can I be compassionate to my fellow man if I am not understanding what they are going through also? So I take these trials now as life lessons so I can stand strong as one of Gods' children.

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I have not faced any extreme trials such as a flood, fire, or loss of child or spouse. And I only pray that if or when one of these trials of such magnitude comes my way that the Lord will be my Rock and He alone will I turn to. I can not fathom the emotional and spiritual battle that can take place at such a time.

I ashamedly have to say that it is during the "daily" trials of life while raising and schooling four children and keeping up with household chores and all other life responsibilities that I at times fail to overcome the trial set before me. These trials are character building moumental moments to work out my salvation and be an example of Christ's love... to be loving, patient, nurturing, unselfish, giving and full of mercy and grace. Each day I am given many oppurtunities to overcome my natures weaknesses and allow Christ's light to shine through. It seems such an easy task, and yet I fail at certain obstacles (or trials)... such as a consistent calm spirit during the day without hollering or just sharing God's grace with my children when they sin. This is when I know I allow Satan to bring me down instead of looking to God and seeing these moments as a chance for His strength to be in my weakness! What impact we can have on others when God freely has movement through our hearts and we are sharing His joy despite our circumstances.

I realize these daily trials are part of my growth as a Christian. The value of them are tremendous as I am being refined into His likeness!


Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

When we returned from Christmas in N. Carolina, we met 3 feet of snow in Southern Indiana. The road was cleared, but that piled snow higher in our drive entrance! We had to walk up the long hill to our home--taking over half an hour! My endurance and agility at age 80 is not what it used to be and I almost gave up. But the Lord strengthened me when I called upon Him, and I made it! I know He answers my prayers. Today, Sunday, it is snowing hard. There is already about an inch and a half on the ground, and it is rapidly adding to that . Am I distrusting God by staying home from Church (seven miles away), or am I just using the sense He gave me? I know He can get me home again, but I still have not totally recovered physically from the effort in December! :(

Have I changed? Not in my trust in Him! He answered when I needed it. I pray that I am just heeding His warning to stay home. :mellow:

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life?

They are helping me to produce the fruit of the Spirit.

Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials?

At times Satan has tried and came close to defeating me, in those times I cling to the scripture, and reach out to others whom our Lord can work through because, "He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world"(John 14:12)

Or allowed God to refine you?

I have allowed God to refine me because I have learned that the only way out of a situation is to go through it, with the strength and peace that Jesus left us with, that which comes through the Holy Spirit.

How have you changed?

I have and still am growing in His love. . . instead of turning bitter, I am turning better.


Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

The value of the trials I've had is to bring me closer to the Lord and to keep me there. When life is going smoothly I tend to backslide, but the bigger the trial, the more I study and pray. Satan has not nor will he succeed in destroying me. God continues to refine me with each and every trial. I grow closer to him. My prayer life has increased measureably. God has blessed me with peace that truly passes understanding. Worry is becoming a thing of the past. Trials have taught me that God is in total control and His will be done. Now when I face a trial I talk more about what God has done or is doing for me than all the troubles of what could happen. My focus has changed from me and my situation to God and His glory.


Last year was a very trying time in my life. My mother in law was called home, I had my business fail, but, the lord called me to the ministry, which I fought for some time. I gave in to the call and my life has changed greatly. Satan tried to destroy me and my family. But for the grace of GOD, he lead me out of the trials to spread his word to those that have not heard the truth.


When I was 17 ( yes it was a lot of years ago) I received an award after two weeks of paddling in Northern Saskatchewan. "Canoeman of the year" I didn't expect it. At all. My paddling partner was the one who deserved it. He was fun to be around, always carrying somebody else's gear as well as his own. Looking for the heaviest loads. When two kids got in a fight on a portage, he stepped in the middle and we took one into our canoe even though he wouldn't paddle.

When James talks about this "crown of life" he is talking about something we can be proud of in this life. When I realized that as good as my partner had been, I had been better, I took more pride in that award than a lot of others that I have had.

It fascinates me that this reward is clearly after a passage that talks about being humble and the uselessness of being rich.

What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

So when I look back on trials, I have to look at them in the light (I think) of choices that I make.

Surely I did the right thing, helping a widow with her computer problems, an elderly man move shortly after he was diagonosed with Parkinsons, meeting regularly with a manic depressive to help him monitor his moods? So when I can hardly meet my monthly obligations where is God? How can I boast of this life when I have to deal with creditors calling? How do I explain to them that it is more important to see young people get a focus on life and living than it is to earn the money to pay for their corporate jet?

Yet people who know me comment on the serenity and joy that they see in me, a joy that wasn't there when I worked three jobs, (worked so hard I lost my family), had physical aches and pains that sent me to the doctor and chiropracter on a regular basis?

"sola fide" says Luther.



























TRIALS!!!!!!!!!!!!Over the past 40 years there have been many, many trials of varying degrees. All of these trials have brought me to where I am in my journey today. It was many years before I realized that God was using all my problems to mold me into the person He wants me to be. However, the closer I get to God and the end of my journey, the harder Satan works to destroy me. About a year ago, Satan sent one of his henchmen to my "then" church in the form of a pastor. Although God revealed this to me at the time of this man's first visit, I was only one voice in the crowd. He was indeed hired, and within 6 months had reduced the church to about 6 members. This encounter face to face with an anti-Christ has left me beyond shock and disbelief. Because God has given me the gift of discerning spirits, I have seen Satan many times, but this last time has affected me greatly. I have yet to know what lesson this experience is teaching me, but am confident that His purpose will be revealed in His time. Satan has no permanent hold over me, and I know that I am always and foremost a child of God, and try to live my daily life in His image.


Last year was the scariest of my life. I knew something was up when I quit smoking after years of addiction, and I did it with ease. Next we got a chance to take the kids to Disney. An opportunity I never thought we would have but we came into some unexpected money. I knew something was up. As soon as we got back (or so it seemed) my husband was put on orders to go overseas, the hurricanes hit, and then my husband shipped out. As soon as he left the bills started rolling in from unexpected places, my daughter started having trouble in school, things in the house were breaking, work turned ugly and my ministries all fell apart. Oh yeah, then there was the holidays. Yup Satan was in full force.

If you want me to tell you that I responded in sweetness and light - forget about it. I wailed, cried, and screamed like a bear in a cage. Did I lose sight of God, no, I was aware He had His hand on my shoulder but it wasn't easy and isn't easy but I figured all this bad stuff was happening to me because I didn't deserve the good stuff. In my mind, I was a bad wife, mother, employee and Christian so therefore God was letting the storms of life attack. Of course, that is not true and I am trying to work myself slowly to the real light and not Satan lies.




When hit with a large trial, fear and confusion set in. As the trial continues, on my knees I grope for God. I grew in the knowledge of Him during the trial and thank Him for bringing me back into the fold. The trial still continues but with His strength I will overcome and am being strengthened in the process. The trial is God's way of showing His love for me. He guides me and I've grown closer to Him as a result. I can now say that I am joyful in the trial because I know God is holding my hand and we are becoming closer.

Satan has not and will not destroy me. God has allowed satan certain freedoms but like a flu shot, the body builds up defenses to the virus when injected with a small dose. The trial is like a small injection of satan to which my spiritual body is building defenses against so when the real deal hits, I'll be immune through Christ. I have and am being refined. I can honestly say my mindset, words and actions are very different than what they were prior to this "big trial". I know the Lord will help me overcome so He can use me for bigger things down the road.


What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

:unsure: Well, my life has been a difficult one. I came to Jesus late in life and prior to my being saved, Satan had his way with me. Then I accepted Jesus into my life and things changed dramatically! :D While I still have trials, I know where to look for help! Now when things are difficult, I ask for assistance from the Master and turn to Him for strength. With His help I have even been able to overcome post traumatic stress syndrome and panic attacks. :D He is my source of strength. Without Him I am helpless in the face of the enemy.

So I guess I can say that I do not look at adversity the same as I used to. Because I know where my weakness can be of value to the Lord. I have been sent to another Church besides my own and spoke briefly of my trials and how Jesus saved me. He is using my trials to help others. So I consider them well worth while although I would not have at the time I was experiencing them.

1a.) (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life?

1a.) They continue to help me mature and grow. The past year and a half has been interesting and I am still being refined.

1b.) (1:2-4) Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials?

1b.) No!

1c.) (1:2-4) Or allowed God to refine you?

1c.) Refined and still refining.

1d.) (1:2-4) How have you changed?

1d.) I am more sensitive to family member loss. More sensitive to my children's concerns. More sensitive to my colleague's fears and concerns. Relying more on God knowing that he is good and righteous. "Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?" Hebrews12:7



I think trials are of a lot of value cause they teach you how to handle things that come along in your life. How to trust God and become and overcomer so you can fight off anything that satan throws at you. I know that by allowing God to work on me and has made it easier for me to stand up and press on through any trial that comes my way. By staying in the word and in prayer I know i can stand up against anything. Cuase he is my strenght. The one i depend upon


There have been many trials in my life and they have brought me closer to the LORD and also they have made me more sensitive to others who are going through trials.

No, I have not let Satan destroy me through the trials. I knew GOD was there all of the time and the trials made me go to Him for strength.

When I see others going through trials I pray for them as I never would have if I had not been through trials. GOD is faithful, praise His name!


I believe that trials in my life are unavoidable if you fully intend to make a

mark for God. A faith that is not tried is NOT faith. A tried faith is evidence

that you are walking in the Spirit. The trials are difficult and sometimes

downright unpleasant, but they serve a purpose in the household of faith.

Trials and temptations build a maturity and completeness in us.

No, I have not been destroyed by my trials, but they do cause discouragement

After I have been tried, God's word states that I should come throught like

FINE GOLD. Trials have helped me see God's perspective in the situation. They

have caused me to live with greater urgency, serious holiness and a desire

to live in unconditional obedience.


For me the trials in my life have brought me into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. I don't know that I could have gone through some of them without knowing Jesus. And I trust that with whatever time I have left in this life I will face many more trials. The good thing is this I know that I don't face them alone. And for that I thank God.


Well.... hmm I truly do count my trials towards my growth. I am an overcomer and can do all things through Christ.

My most significant was a hole ( appeared as a pimple initially ) in my face. Positioned directly between my eyes. Ha ha. Nope not a joke, about the size of a nickel or so. Went to 4 different doctors and was undiagnosed. Well this pushed me to develop in the area of divine healing and so I chose to move forward instead of accepting the situation. Just as the woman with an issue of blood I wasted my resources on man and the I finally gave it to God and asked him and he restored me. This I could not hide it was very visible to all. This was my calling card per say for judgement from others based upon my appearance. Rough yes. But the devil is a liar, praise God.

What man could not get rid of or diagnose for a year God had healed completely within a week.

I chose to move on and move up. During that time I actually obtained insane favor from God in my life and was offered a position in management. Imagine that .... the devil told me how ugly and alienated I was and God stepped up and proved him a liar by promoting me when I was least.

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

It seems the "big" trials are the easiest sometimes - my mother died January 6 - while my 90 year old mother-in-law had colon cancer surgery Jan 4. <_< But now on the 16th - I am weary and not able to handle the day (today) as well.

Yes - I know that God will work His will and that I will be stronger because of these trials and able to serve others with more empathy.


I think we all have trials in our lives from time to time. It how we deal with those trials. I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. We just have to realize when God is talking to us and not just ignore it. I know lately I have taken God for granted and he is in the process of talking to me. Sometime thing go so well for us in life we forget about the simple things. I am thankful God is their to remind us to get back on course.


Trials made me think about the strength (or weaknesses) of my faith.

Do I have patience? My answer is no. I lack patience & I constantly failed when I am tried.

As a result, I always felt I'm a failure and I encouraged myself by referring to Luke 22v.31,32. That is, Jesus cared for me that He won't allow me to fall away though I keep failing Him.

It is my constant prayer as the song goes, "change my heart, o God,

make it ever true.... may I be like you....You are the Potter, I am the clay......."

I had begun to attend my church small group house fellowship more regularly, when previously I couldn't even be bothered, though I

have to admit I am constantly struggling with temptation and

spiritual warfare of the mind.


Trials have helped me to estaablish a closer relationship with God. Through trials I have discovered the limitless expanse of the love of God who is always faithful.

I am convinced that God uses trials to allows us to grow closer to Him and to become who He wants us to be.

It is while undergoing trials that I have been able seek God with all my heart and to find God .


That no matter what you do or how you try to resolve lifes issues on your own you can't. You must get on your knees, confess, ask for forgivness & guidance, but also be willing to accept Gods decision on all matters.

Yes I have allowed Satan to temp me, and through that temptation and weakness destory a wonderful 7 year marriage.

I am in the mist of the aftermath of this, I don't know the out come, but I am putting things in the hands of out father.

Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

Trials has made me a stronger Christian. I believe my walk with the All Mighty God is a lot close and of course, I depend on him more because of the trials.

I'm so thankful that the Lord will never forsake or leave us.

I'm convinced He will be with me in every trial that comes my way.

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