Busy Lizzie Posted December 29, 2007 Report Posted December 29, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? I have found in my life that when I have no other way to turn and have to rely on God, then my faith increases and I see answers to my prayers as never before. However when it comes to greyer areas of my life where there are options for my faith I do have to make a conscious effort to stay focussed on Him, and not waver. Sometimes it would be so easy to shake my fist at God and shout "Why now and why me!", but I have a choice. If I keep close to God I know he will strengthen me and I will overcome. Keeping my Bible readings up to date and this study is helping me to stay on track at the moment. In fact with the things going on in my life at the moment this study has been a real "God send"! Quote
kpflounder Posted February 5, 2008 Report Posted February 5, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? Trials allow us to put into practice what we read in God's word. In our beginning trials, we slip, but as we keep on reading and believing, our faith grows, and we begin to see God working in our behalf during our trials. We learn to turn first to God, not our friends and family, which is what God wants and He blesses us for that. By learning to turn to God first and more, we build our faith. Quote
riyamg Posted March 14, 2008 Report Posted March 14, 2008 Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? I think that when you are faced with trials it help us get over our doublemindedness which I would like to refer to as "to be or not to be".. Trails help us to lay aside all the doubts and leave all in the hands of the Lord and to trust Him to take care of things by guiding you in the right direction inorder to deal with the trial. So it ends up curing your doublemindedness little by little over time to be oneminded in the love of God. And trials absolutely helps us to grow in faith when we learn to depend more and more on God and trust Him to lead you on.It strengthens us in our mind and spirit which will unify us with our Lord. Quote
Mephibesheth Posted May 7, 2008 Report Posted May 7, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? I understand "doublemindedness" to mean that a person wants both God's will and his own will at the same time. I think trials help cure us from maintaining these two contrary positions by forcing us to choose one of them - we either abandon God's commands during hardship and sin as a means to obtain comfort from the hardship, or we remain faithful to God and perservere in obedience to His commands. If we choose to perservere, we quickly perceive God's purpose in the trial - and this is the wisdom that James states that God freely gives to the single-minded. Quote
Randy Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 It's all about faith, when I go through a trial, I always ask the Lord to help me work through it as if it is already done. If I question the Lord in prayer, it is a meaningless prayer. Quote
Ruth56 Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 The more we give God our trials the less doubting, hesitating (doublemindedness) we have to deal with on our own. If we just trust in Him, have faith in Him. We will see that we will hesitate less when trials come up against us. with each trial we learn to lean and depend on God a little more! Quote
JennMacK Posted August 13, 2008 Report Posted August 13, 2008 Double-mindedness the way it is used here is like "hedging your bets".. You ask God for what you need but, if you don't truly believe, you won't receive it and then will fall back on "Well, I didn't expect Him to answer anyways.." It's a self fulfilling prophecy instead of true faith.. Trails help us grow in faith by allowing us to lean on God, to see his power at work in our lives when he carries us through the hard times.. Quote
paulcbe Posted August 18, 2008 Report Posted August 18, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? * In lot of time im having the Doublemind whether we will get this blessing are not * Yes surely.. After the Trail we will be getting New faith towards god Quote
LearningaboutGod Posted August 22, 2008 Report Posted August 22, 2008 Trials within themselves cannot cure us of double-mindedness but if we study and meditate on the word of God it will show us the way out. IF we truly believe on the Lord Jesus we know that every Word in the scripture is true. God will be and do what we allow him to do in our lives. Our faith grows by us believing, then seeing God work in our lives as well as others. This does not mean everything is easy but we can endure all things through Jesus Christ. We must remember that everything belongs to God including us. Quote
jason Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 How do trials help us of " Doublemindedness"? I think that it makes us look at our faith, if God is truly in your heart you will consult him with all your life and with all of your trials. How do trials help us grow in faith? When God tests us we should ask for his guidance in the situation and all throughout our lifes this will strengthen our relationship with God and help us grow in faith, also showing that we trust in him. Quote
John Matthew Posted December 23, 2008 Report Posted December 23, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? wELL when I face trails and I face many trails . It teaches me that all things will work out and that i just need to trust in the lord because he wont ever lrt me down as man does. Quote
John Matthew Posted December 23, 2008 Report Posted December 23, 2008 John Matthew said: wELL when I face trails and I face many trails . It teaches me that all things will work out and that i just need to trust in the lord because he wont ever let me down as man does. Quote
Pastor George Posted January 2, 2009 Report Posted January 2, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? When you're in a trail you have two choices, either to choose to look at God's Word for the answer or continue to do it your way. When you choose God's Word you become a person who is lead by His Word. So then you no longer have to choose from your own point, just His. The Bible teaches us that we should be led by the Word of God, in that case our mind should be the same mind that is in Christ Jesus, not a doubleminedness person. As far as trails go, each trail should increase our faith cause we have just experienced something that on our own we have not been able to do. But God gives us an increase of faith to continue through the trial. We look back at the trail we just went through and see how God got us through and the next time we face a trail we will have more faith. Quote
Charles Sanger Posted January 26, 2009 Report Posted January 26, 2009 I think it starts with prayer. Every time we encounter a trial in our life we should pray to God (without any doubt) that he will guide us in this decision we are facing, whether we choose how to approach this trial and whether we shall falter or not. Praying without doubt shows/proves our faith and strengthens it. Quote
hanks Posted February 24, 2009 Report Posted February 24, 2009 Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "double-mindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? We have to approach God in faith; there cannot be any doubting. If we begin to doubt His power or goodness, we will have no stability in times of trouble. He must be our anchor during these times. From His promises we know He loves and cares for us, and that nothing is impossible with Him. By studying His Word we learn general principles that we can apply to any daily problems that may arise in this world. Trials help us to turn to His Word and to prayer. It is during our prayers that we ask for wisdom to solve our problems or trials, this will be given liberally, but here it is crucial that we ask in faith and without doubting. Spiritual wisdom is the practical application of our Lord's teachings to everyday situations. Quote
misslauren Posted March 12, 2009 Report Posted March 12, 2009 How do trials cure us of "doublemindedness" and how does that increase our faith? Well, when we are faced with overcoming a trial it's like standing at a fork in the road. We've got to make a choice. We can either choose to follow God's path or we can choose to follow a different path. Having to make that choice in order to overcome helps us not be doubleminded - we can't go down both paths at the same time, we must be of one mind, whether it be right or wrong. The times that we correctly choose God's path will lead us towards blessings that will help to strengthen our faith. And the times that we choose incorrectly will help us to look back and realize the mistakes we made and hopefully encourage us to rely on God the next time, therefore increasing our need for faith. Quote
discipleterry Posted March 31, 2009 Report Posted March 31, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? hmm well i agreewith renee i know when i do go thru trials i find my self closer to god an his word an wisdom terry Quote
Peggy Crans Posted April 23, 2009 Report Posted April 23, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? I have done this one but I lost it somewhere so I'll start again. Doublemindedness is a tough one. Complete trust is the most important ingredient to avoid doublemindedness. We must trust and believe in what God's Word says. We can't be a fence sitter. We either believe what the Word says or we don't. The Bible says we can't waiver. We don't want to be like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. (James 1:6). If we doubt then there is not complete trust in God and we should not receive anything from the Lord. When we ask anything of God, He knows before we ask what we want, but He also knows what is best for us. We should always ask that His will be done. Trials are painful for us, but they also build our faith. If there were no trials some of us would not talk to our Father. How sad that would be. How heartbroken would our Heavenly Father be. He loves us beyond anything we can even comprehend. Think of our earthly father and never talking to him because everything was going just fine, no problems. The Word says He will never leave us nor forsake us. We can always depend on Him. Trials are tough but they also make us aware that we can do nothing on our own, it is the Lord that is all wisdom, all loving, our everything . Quote
C Riv Posted May 8, 2009 Report Posted May 8, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? When I am being tried or tested I haved learned to turn it over to God. To trust in Him and wait for His leadership. If I step out on my own I start to have second thoughts. Trials have taught me to be humble, to really seek God out and wait for Him. When you wait on the Lord it teaches you patience gives you understanding, helps you to endure whatever the trial may be,this is growing in faith, hoping for what you do not know trusting in God and continual seeking His grace. How over whelming and full of joy it is when God answers no matter how small or great it may be in my mind! Thanks you Jesus! Quote
smithj7 Posted May 26, 2009 Report Posted May 26, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? Many of us - inside our being - fight a battle of the flesh against the spirit. In a sense, this leads to doublemindness. But through the spirit of God, we can overcome the desires of the flesh. We can ask for wisdom, without doubting and God will give us wisdom. Doubting can lead to doublemindness. Trials help us grow in Faith when we overcome them. The trials can help us better focus. We can then gain boldness in Faith through these trials. If we had no trials we could not grow-up. We would be like little children. But when we have trials and succeed we can have joy! Quote
royk Posted July 30, 2009 Report Posted July 30, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? It seems that life is no good without the love of God, anything that blocks this is needing to be fixed of eliminated. the "anything" can be a trial or a situation. What ever it is, it is an opportunity to grown closer to Him. I do my best to not miss such opportunities. Quote
Sherry in Texas Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 How do trials cure us of our doublemindedness? How do trials help us grow in faith? When I hand over the trial to God, and ask him to show me the way and trust that he is going to prevail, it cures me of my doublemindedness. If I ask God to take the trial and turn it into something good and know that he will do that without a shadow of a doubt, then my faith is strengthened. God is glorified in that trial, and I am concentrating more on God's word, and not on controlling the situation; which in turn increases my faith. Quote
lanette Posted October 1, 2009 Report Posted October 1, 2009 On 12/17/2004 at 6:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? well i am not sure what double mindedness means but i hope i am not that as for the second part, when we trust God and depend on him the more we do that the stronger our faith grows and nothing can break that bond Quote
Ashech Posted November 21, 2009 Report Posted November 21, 2009 Trails make us to suffer. The pressure on us depends on our individual understanding of the purposes of trials and the strength of endurance. In trials, God shows out our defects in our lives which ought to be changed. At the beginning, I might brood over the sufferings and tried to solve them. When I was at the wit end, then I would commit them to the Lord, yet with doubts. As time passed I considered those trials that I had passed through, I found out those I had doubted God caused me more pain. So we cannot afford to have one mind wanted to focus on God and another dwells in the doubts. Henceforth through expriences I know trials help to draw me nearer to God and also restore me by getting off the defects in my life. As I count on God's way of helping me out of my own many sufferings, certainly my mind has to single out to God again to help me in the next trial because whenever there is a trail there His loving heart is with me. Knowing God's way of allowing trails in my life, so he is sanctifying me with His love makes me trust Him the more with patience. Quote
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