Drew Posted March 6, 2010 Report Posted March 6, 2010 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? I struggled a lot with this question. So I hope im on the right track. To listen to the "word of truth" is to have faith in the Lord. He lets us see how we need to live our lives, through complete faith as well as action. In doing this we are "born again". A spiritual life is lived by following the "Word". If we ignore His Word, then we fall to our own desires and sin. Living in this way only leads to death(1:15) Quote
guro Posted March 28, 2010 Report Posted March 28, 2010 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? The Word of God has always guided me in my daily life. From the moment I wake up to the time I go to bed, I try to be inspired God's Word. When challenges cross my path, I always turn to the Word of God for direction, and as expected, I am always at peace with the outcome. The Word of God talks to our spiritual self not to our physical self. The material world is trying to conquer the physical side of humans but the Word of God speaks to their spiritual side. Quote
RodR Posted August 1, 2010 Report Posted August 1, 2010 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? In John 15:3, Jesus tells His disciples, "You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you." I think He was reminding them that the words He had spoken and the example He (the living Word) had given them was growing them up spiritually. In a sense, we are birthed and we grow by His Word in the Scriptures. Without the Word actively living in our lives we will not remain connected to the Vine and will die. Quote
Charles Sanger Posted December 4, 2010 Report Posted December 4, 2010 As it states in John1:1, the Word was there from the beginning and that the Word was with God and the Word was God. This Word that John refers to (according to my understanding) is Jesus Christ, so what James refers to here is that God give us spiritual birth by His will through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the key or gateway and as soon as we accept Jesus Christ in our hearts we shall be spiritually born through the will of God. Quote
Ramon Posted December 13, 2010 Report Posted December 13, 2010 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? Answer: 1 In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? The starting point of our relationship/Fellowship with God is through His Words. As God draws us nearer to His Son(John 6:44- No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day),His goodness(Romans 2:4- Quote
Cindy L W Posted December 19, 2010 Report Posted December 19, 2010 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? Flesh gives birth to flesh. The world we live in can't give us anything but temporary things. Spirit gives birth to spirit. The word of God brings forth New life of abundance and joy. Quote
Kaliyl72 Posted January 13, 2011 Report Posted January 13, 2011 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? We are given spiritual birth by the word of truth in the sense that we are born again by faith in the word of God. Spiritual life has everything to do with the word of God. We grow spiritually by feasting off of the word of God. It is by faith in the word that we overcome the enemy, and that we are strengthen during trials and tribulations. And how do we obtain faith, by hearing the word.(KJV, Romans10:17). After his fourty day fast, Jesus defeated satan by the word of God,(Matt.4:1-11). St. John 17:17 states, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." Therefore are we sanctified by the word of God. Believers are to do just that, believe the word of God (have faith in the word of God). And if we believe as James says, we will show it by the works that we do, being not hearers only but doers of the word of God.(James 1:22). Quote
Susan Renier Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 Scripture states that the Word will not come back void. This is actually how I was saved! In the midst of a divorce, a friend invited me to church and I started attending an evening class in order to become a member. During the class no one asked me if I wanted to be 'born again' or accept Jesus as my Savior. Nonetheless, the class consisted of tons of Scriptures and it was by the Word alone that I came to a personal relationship with Jesus the Nazarene - Praise His Name! Anyway, The word of truth builds our faith when we read or hear it. It is by faith that we are saved - born again. The Word is the Life Blood of spiritual life. Quote
Jolly Bean Posted April 29, 2011 Report Posted April 29, 2011 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? The "word of truth' here means Jesus Christ, by accepting Jesus Christ"word of truth' into our live we are going through a spiritual birth. Spiritual Life has a lot to do with the Word, just like the food we take and the nutrients that we take for our physical body growth, the Word is the spiritual nourishment for our spiritual growth whether we take it as solid food or as liquid (daily devotion or serious biblestudy in groups or individual) will digest the food for our spiritual growth. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted August 8, 2011 Report Posted August 8, 2011 We are given spiritual birth by the word of truth in that when we confess our sins and surrender our lives totally to Jesus we receive the Holy Spirit to live inside of us. This is what is called being born again and found in one place in John 3 when Jesus was explaining it to Nicodemus. The Word of Truth is the gospel, the good news of Jesus, His life, His death, His burial and His ressurection. Jesus is the Word, the way, the truth and the life...John 14:6. When you receive Jesus as your personal Savior and the Holy Spirit is placed in you, we are to walk by the Spirit, to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. We now have a spiritual life and not a fleshly life, even though we will fail from time to time. Quote
ServantOfGod Posted August 22, 2011 Report Posted August 22, 2011 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? Jesus is the answer to both parts of this question. John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God"; in other words, Jesus. The Bible is the inspired living Word of God. No other book is alive. By reading the Bible and believing it's truths and allowing the Word to manifest itself in us (the Holy Spirit), we live a godly life. We are born again by accepting the words of Jesus (written in the Bible which is living and true) that tells us to believe on Him and we will be saved. Quote
Old Jerry Posted April 9, 2012 Report Posted April 9, 2012 We are given spiritual birth by the “word of truth” because if we hadn’t read the “word of truth” then we would have no idea about God. That is the only way that we could be given spiritual birth. The spiritual life is what keeps us in contact with God. Without that we wouldn’t even know how to pray. Our sprit moans for us when we don’t know how to put our feeling into words. Quote
ragnew Posted October 16, 2012 Report Posted October 16, 2012 (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? I am reminded of the verse "the truth will set you free." It is the truth of God's Word that reveals our bondage to sin and makes us aware of our need for a Saviour. Salvation is only possible through the knowledge of the truth that God sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins. When we come to that saving knowledge/ faith we are reborn as spiritual sons of God. In that sense our spiritual birth is through the "word of truth" which is God's Word, the Bible. We need to daily be feeding on the truth of the Word of God for our daily sustenance, much like we eat daily to maintain physical health and strength. Without daily time in the Word of God we will become weaker and less effective in our spiritual life. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted June 29, 2013 Report Posted June 29, 2013 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of Truth is the way to new spiritual birth. We hear . . . or read in the Bible . . . that God loved us so much that He gave His Son to die for us so that if we believe in Him we have eternal life. So therefore we hear or read the Word of Truth and apply that truth to our lives and we are born again spiritually. What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? To understand what James wrote here all we need to do is look at John's writings. The opening verse of John's Gospel states that: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In Revelation the triumphant Jesus is also called "The Word of God". In His earthly life we're told Jesus is the Word become flesh. God spoke the world into being. Created it out of nothing just by saying: Let it be!! Nothing that was made was made without The Word, i.e. Jesus. What I'm trying to explain here is that Jesus IS the Word. So hearing the Word (and of course accepting and believing the Word) is what gives us spiritual life. Peter told Jesus straight out: You have the words of eternal life. He was so exactly right, even before his mind had been opened to fully understand Scripture! Jesus praised Peter for that incredible insight. Quote
Craig Posted July 31, 2013 Report Posted July 31, 2013 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? The 'word of truth" informs us of our need for spiritual birth and how to obtain that birth through Jesus Christ. The "word of truth" renews our mind and changes our views and attitudes from a worldly or fleshly perspective to a Godly perspective. So you say that the when a person reads and receives scripture with an open mind and heart it births within that person a spiritual view of life. A person then becomes enlightened and aware of spiritual things. God gave His Word through Holy Men that the world might be informed of who His, who we are, and how we can have a relationship with Him. In fact, through His Word God has informed us of the nature of this world and why we need Him. Quote
GoRaysXD Posted July 31, 2013 Report Posted July 31, 2013 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? The 'word of truth" informs us of our need for spiritual birth and how to obtain that birth through Jesus Christ. The "word of truth" renews our mind and changes our views and attitudes from a worldly or fleshly perspective to a Godly perspective. So you say that the when a person reads and receives scripture with an open mind and heart it births within that person a spiritual view of life. A person then becomes enlightened and aware of spiritual things. God gave His Word through Holy Men that the world might be informed of who His, who we are, and how we can have a relationship with Him. In fact, through His Word God has informed us of the nature of this world and why we need Him. Quote
Frangena Posted September 5, 2014 Report Posted September 5, 2014 The Bible is the written word of God and we can be made alive by reading it knowing that it's main theme is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the Living Word. Now accepting Jesus as our Saviour we are spiritually born. The Holy Spirit that is in us as believers of Christ guides us and continues to teach us so that we keep on growing in faith. Quote
Frangena Posted September 8, 2014 Report Posted September 8, 2014 First we have to hear the Word in order to believe and have Faith. Faith will the lead us to New Birth - spiritual Birth. Once born of the spirit we become new beings and we start being more interested in the Word of God and begin to grow from strength to strength in our Faith. As we do this we become more like our Saviour - Jesus Christ and we focus on things above instead of worldly things. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? In the sense we are given spiritual birth by the "word of truth" is that we are chosen by God before we chose him. By his grace and word of truth we are enlightened or born in a spiritual life. Whether we hear or read his word our spirit is brought to life, to be a first fruit of his atoning work. Our faith has brought us to the creator of all things to share in his love for all mankind, if they chose to believe in his word and allow it to grow. The spiritual birth that is brought into us by the word of truth from God has everything to do with being born again. God's word is the light of truth, if we believe and live a life worthy of holiness, we are sure to have eternal life with God. Quote
Tyreek Posted March 26, 2017 Report Posted March 26, 2017 Let’s begin with what it means to be “born again” or spiritual birth. "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but Spirit gives birth to spirit." -John 3:6 (NIV) This “birth” involves our being born again by being filled with the Spirit of God. God can only be worshipped in spirit and truth. Spiritual birth is completed in us by allowing Him to mold us into Christ’s image, living in Christ, and growing in faith by the “word of truth.” The “word of truth” is the gospel (Eph. 1:13). Paul observed, "Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ" -Romans 10:17 (NIV). By connecting these verses, we can conclude the Word produces faith and faith is our spiritual life. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body -2 Cor 4:11 (NIV). Sufferings will come but, never let God out of your life. He gave us a new life in Christ and we have an eternal status above all the rest of what He has made. Quote
Krissi Posted May 19, 2022 Report Posted May 19, 2022 In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? This question is difficult for me. The "word of Truth" is the past and ongoing revelation of God, w the which includes the bible. All words are heard or read. All give knowledge. Our spiritual lives are contingent on knowing God which means knowing and hearing His word. Quote
Anne coffey Posted May 21, 2022 Report Posted May 21, 2022 This passage of scripture very much encourages the belief in universal salvation, perhaps those harvested as the first fruits are to help in the initiation period of the restoration of all men eventually to God though Jesus Anne Coffey Quote
hanks Posted May 22, 2022 Report Posted May 22, 2022 Q5. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? “He chose to give us birth” – Here we read that God saved us by His own free will. We must remember He was not forced to do it by any merit in us, and that His love to us was unmerited, un-bought and unsought. It is by this spiritual birth we become His children - a relationship that can never be changed since a birth can never be undone. How did this happen? We read further: “Through the Word of truth” - the Bible is the instrument of the new birth. In every genuine case of conversion, the Scriptures are involved, whether orally or in printed form. We need to hear the word of truth, the gospel. “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them (Rom 10:14)? Apart from the Word, we would not know the way of salvation. Indeed, we would not even know that salvation was available! The Word is the mighty weapon which the Holy Spirit uses to bring light and life to men in darkness and death. It is the Word of God alone that is the instrument of our new birth: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ (Rom 10:17). It is them up to us to repent and put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. It is the Word alone which tells us the truth about God, man, sin, heaven, hell, repentance, faith, life and death, and many more. Quote
blezed Posted May 22, 2022 Report Posted May 22, 2022 (James 1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the “word of truth”? We were born thru the word of truth. In the beginning was the word and the word was God. What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? We hear the word and believe and have faith. Thru faith we are saved. Quote
Katy Posted May 22, 2022 Report Posted May 22, 2022 Q5. The “word of truth” is the gospel, which when we hear it gives us faith which in turn gives us Spiritual life. It is all God’s work and nothing to do with us. When we become Spiritually alive it means that we have turned from sin and been renewed by the Spirit of God. Quote
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