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I really like Joyce's car analogy and have used it often over the years!! :rolleyes:

I believe that we equate going to church on Sunday morning and dropping a few dollars in the plate as fulfilling our "Christian duties" for the week. We often fail to take what we have listened to and have been taught on Sunday outside the doors of the church. I think we are easily decieved because it is the simplest, easiest, most uncomplicated thing we can do. It doesn't require thought and it doesn't require any action on our part to go through the motions a couple of times a week and then live our lives the way we wan the rest of the week. Satan has his ways of lulling us into that, too, by bringing along every distraction he possibly can to draw us away from service to God.

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Because listening and doing are two different things. Sometimes was as Christians become holier than though just because we have heard and think that we know the word. But acting out God's word is requires more. We can listen to something and not act upon it or it not become a part of our make up. ...it may not phase us....it's not until we study the word and seek deeper understanding...asking the Lord through that process to illuminate the word in our everyday lives; can we begin the process of righteous/holy living.

The nature of this deception is our own self righteousness. We are too quick to pat ourselves on the back for attending Church on Sunday and not seeking his face the rest of the week. Or maybe its because it requires action on our part so we deceive ourselves into believing that we are doing what God wants us to do by listening to his word....when He requires us to do...be his word.


1. Listening the bible teaching alone is fooling ourselves. In hearing , we look for counsel and direction, but when

we study and meditate on it and apply it, it turns to

spiritual life-Do not forget the remedy, APPLY IT.

2. The nature of the self-deception is looking into the gospel mirror, seeing the spots, and not wiping them off.

AS JAMES says, faith without works is DEAD. If we talk the talk , we must walk the walk.

P.S. Thank all of you for praying. Management decided to

side with the evil and not acknowledge the truth which

was so evident. In Canada, it is more popular to be

politically correct, than to deal with evil. However, Psalm

35 is powerful, and God says that He will plead my cause

with them that strive against me. I endured a lot of inner

pain over this matter and many doubts and anxieties flooded over me. I truly believe that God will be my champion and render the evil that was planned for me, to

be returned unto them . For anyone going through trials,

Psalm 35 is an excellent healing balm for you. God Bless.


What a wonderful question! It is so easy to log onto Bible studies like this one, go to church, watch In Touch, Hour of Power and whatever else comes on the Christian TV station, listen to and sing praise music and think that we are following God's Word because our lives are full of "Christian busyness". Not only is the 'busyness" the root of our deception, it's also the need or desire to let other people know what good Christians we are. While, we can set an example to non-Christians, it's the motive that counts. If the example we set is to draw others to Christ, our motives are pure. And that should be the only reason we should let people know who we are. It shouldn't be because they will think that we are holy or some how above everyone else. That's spiritual pride.

It's important at the end of the day to take an inventory of our life with Christ for that particular day. One of the books I read and treasure is The Imitation of Christ. It's a wonderful way to check our Christ-like character.


According to the world if we are well educated in an area of study we are an expert on that topic. We might know about the word of God, we may even know the word of God and are church goers but are not doers. We become self righteous because of knowledge. On the ouside we look clean, but oh when you look on the inside you see the real picture. Let us not be deceive!

We have a tendency to look at others and see what they are doing or should not be doing. We are expert in pointing the finger at others. I have notice that when we are pointing the finger at others we have several pointing back to us. To see a true picture of oneself just look at the Word of God. His word is still speaking to us today. IT IS TRULY THE TRUE AND LIVING WORD!

We need to hear the Word and also doers of the word.


Some people think because they go to church on Sunday they are living a good life. They may be but the Bible says to be doers of the Word. If you go to church and don't get involved in the Word until the next time the doors open, what good is that? We must be like sponges and soak up what we hear and do as the Word commands us to do daily.We must discipline ourselves to study and put it into actions.

Just going to Church is not enough to keep Satan at bay. We must study and keep prayed up so he will not be able to get a toehold because if he does he gradually takes hold of more. Listen and study the Word and put it into action. Don't be deceived by the tactics of the enemy that will say it's alright to not apply what we learn.


Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

This specially happens to the regular church going people. We happily listen and sometimes enjoy the sermons and attend seminars and sit through days of intense Bible teaching sessions and come out refreshed. But thats it. We don't do anything practical after it. We don't think about going out of our comfort zones. We are so lulled into a comatose position that we seldom venture out. This is the deception that we are led into and seldom want to get out of. :o

The nature of self-deception is between theory and practicals. We feel that we are doing something after we have heard the sermons and sessions at a seminar, but in fact we are not doing anything. We have to really fight lethargy and get out of our comfort zones and do the work of the Lord. :rolleyes:


For we may become so familiar with the Bible teachings without practicing them that we do not get it and may see it in others and not ourselves, which can lead to self deception which is knowing without practicing.


(1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? Because we know the answers and we think we are that much more righteous than others who do not know the Word.

What is the nature of the self-deception? Self- deception is seeing the speck in someone elses eye and not the log in your own.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

What is this "perfect law" that James mentions?

"Love your neighbor as yourself"

How would you define it?


How does it relate to the "royal law" (2:8)? The royal law is the law that is written in our hearts not just our heads

In what sense does it bring liberty? Perfect love casts out all fear. . .


Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives?

I think most of us want salvation, but we want the easy way. We try to tell ourselves that since we are studying God


Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

When we gain knowledge, it is sometimes easy to confuse "knowing what is truth, what is right and wrong" with doing what is right and wrong. We don't tend to fall into sins of commission as much as sins of omission. So, instead of doing good, we do nothing. We can talk the talk but don't walk the walk. This can turn into a self-righteous attitude as we try to make excuses for our sins of omission.



Good Saturday morning to all my fellow students of the Word! :D

Well, I answered questions 4 and 3 first and now I am at question number two. :unsure:

I work all week and at night I am too tired to even think so this is why I am answering these questions this morning! The mind has been rested!

Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

I think that we may think that the more we know and the more we learn the better person we will be but if we do not apply what we learn then our learning has no benefit to anyone, ourselves or others.

It's like having a whole refrigerator full of food and going into the refrigerator and looking at it and saying how good the food looks and going to the store and stocking up but if we don't eat the food then we will lose weight and eventually we will die.

Knowledge is good but if we don't use it then sometimes it just puffs us up because it is a head trip not a heart beat. 1 Corin. 8:1 Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.

We use our knowledge to help others! There is nothing virtuous in gaining knowledge unless it is used to better the lives of others and also to better ourselves.

God is a God of action. God so loved the world HE GAVE! So, we too, are supposed to put our faith into action.

The nature of the self-deception is the old man the self. It is sin. I show that I know and love God by doing the things that he tells me to do. Knowledge is a tool that can be used for the good of my neighbor but knowledge in and of itself is not knowing God.

Eph. 3:19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.

The word, agape, describes a love that is based on the deliberate CHOICE



accidentally posted before I was finished?

what I was starting to say is:

This word, agape, describes a love that is based on the deliberate CHOICE of the one who loves rather than the worthiness of the one who is loved. This kind of love goes against the natural human inclination. It is a giving, selfless, expect-nothing-in-return kind of love. from my NKJV of the Nelson Study Bible

This does surpass any kind of so called worldly knowledge or even biblical knowledge. God wants us, Christians, to love like this because He is love and He first loved us. We CANNOT love like this unless we are born again and unless we walk in the Spirit and this is one of the fruit of the Spirit and it needs to grow in us by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit.

Just my thoughts,

SB8 for Jesus


Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that

listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous

lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

Its easier to read or hear the word, than it is to learn to apply it to our lives. So we become foolish and following this world instead if trusting God. B)

Luk 6:47 "Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like:

Luk 6:48 "He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.*

Luk 6:49 "But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell.* And the ruin of that house was great."







Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

Because once we have acquired knowledge in something, we tend to think that is enough. For example, when we learn in school all we have to do is use that knowledge to pass a test, we write down the correct answers and all is well. This in turn makes us look good when we have aced an academic test.

Self deception comes easily to us because we don't like to think that what we are doing is wrong, or that what we are are NOT doing is wrong. If when we looked in the mirror, we saw our inner self instead of the outer, I doubt we'd like what we saw.


Listening is only the beginning --- Hearing is necessary and then practicing what we hear, in order for us to clean up our act and "try" to live the life God has set out for us .

The nature of self deception is putting on the dress of being a Christian outwardly but not practicing it inwardly. Listening without doing!!! Showy practices or faces but no actions!!!


One of the best statements I believe says it all.........................

Deception would not be deception unless it was decieving.

You have no idea you are being decieved.


Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of self deception?

We are fooled because we desire to be fooled so we can feel good about our selves and do not have to work at growing and being more like Jesus.

The nature of self deception is that it is blindness. We don't even realize the danger we are in. 1 Peter 5:2 says Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom He may devour. I fear some are devoured right in their church pews. This is scary.

God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26


Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lifes?

We should not only listen but also the word says to study to show ours selfs approved unto God, also faith without works is dead. We must not only talk the talk but also walk the talk.

What is the nature of the self-deception?

We continue to walk after the flesh istead of the Spirit.

Richard S.


It is easy to fall into a trap of getting the feel good religion-- I confess my sins--I am saved that is all I have to do.

We must live GODs word in our actions, speech everyday lest we become a stumbling block.

We can not try and hide our sins with our religion, unconfessed sin will take over our lives.


Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

I think listening to the word of God and reading and meditating on the bible is a wonderful act of faith and worship; but worshiping God in all your heart, power and mind goes beyound that. We need to live the word of God and be like Jesus in what we say and how we live; that is practical Christianity. But it is often easy to deceive oneself by thinking that when you read and meditate and pray that you are doing great in the kingdom of God without thinking about the other part of the equation, clothing Jesus and allowing Him to live in your heart. We are only encouraged to have faith in the word of God but to act in faith by the word of God.


Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception?

Because when we are listening, we focus on the listening and do not pay attention to the doing. Because it is easier to listen; to do would mean to let the word implant and take root in our hearts. It means tending and nurturing. We listen through one ear and it goes out the other. Tending and nurturing means processing the word, understanding it, thinking about it, meditating on it. This takes more time. What is easier, to listen and forget or to dwell upon it, do something?

The nature of self deception that we really don


Just because we listen to Bible teaching does not mean we are living a complete righteous life because that is only part of living a righteous life. There is more than just listening and reading. We as Christians have to also live and do what God requires of us. Self deception is doing and not hearing or hearing and not doing.

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