LearningaboutGod Posted September 11, 2008 Report Posted September 11, 2008 I try not to discriminate against anyone, however the Holy Spirit convicted me one Sunday morning that I was indeed falling into this sin. There was a lady who had come to the altar and she had a body odor that you could smell before you got close to her. My natural instinct was to back up but the Holy Spirit convicted me and let me know that if I could not show her compassion I didn't deserve to be at te altar. I immediately grabbed her, hugged her, prayed with her, and we both wept. This let me know that anyone can fall into this trap very easily. Thank god for the Holy Spirit. I believed that the church I had attended was one that accepted those who were downtrodden, however time and time again I saw that those who were well off were treated differently than those who had the least. Without saying I no longer belong to that church. Quote
helenjane Posted November 7, 2008 Report Posted November 7, 2008 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? It is my heart not to discriminate toward anyone, but one who has killed another person a murderer is one whom I would find it difficult to treat with God's love and forgiveness. As God knows my heart there is no one that I am attempting to impress. God is the one who I desire to please first and foremost. Quote
hanks Posted March 9, 2009 Report Posted March 9, 2009 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? Not that I consider myself better than anyone, but I can honestly say I do not discriminate against other people. I tend to shy away from those that flaunt their wealth being much more comfortable with the Quote
Peggy Crans Posted May 7, 2009 Report Posted May 7, 2009 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I believe I'm harder on myself than anyone else. I know my faults and I get angry with myself sometimes. I know that God is still working on me and will never stop because He loves me. I do know I have a problem with phony people. I know God knows their heart and can change them. He is a good and merciful God and our life should be pleasing to Him. As for the church I go to, I really don't think anyone is trying to make agood iimpression on anyone. We go to fellowship and to worship God. Quote
C Riv Posted May 19, 2009 Report Posted May 19, 2009 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I believe that I used to discriminate against those that believe in same sex, especially the leaders of the church that promoted and accepted it. I have come to realize that sin is sin no matter what or which one it is. This was very hard to accept at first, stealing a candy was not as bad as same sex or murder or adultery, thats what I thought for the longest time. The sad thing about this is that I am not new to scripture or Christ, or am I? Seems to me that God has opened my eyes and heart and has shown me how wrong I was. I am not here to judge or critisize for I am not worthy of that. I do wonder how they say they love God, they read the bible yet they continue on, not all continue on in that sin but the ones that do how is it they do not see what scripture says about it? I learned that stealing was wrong and corrected myself, "with the Holy Spirit of course," it was a sin no matter how small I thought it was, now I wait upon the Lord to see if He will use me to help others. I believe that the leaders of the living God should stand up for what the word says, if they are not going to and they twist the meanings around just to make things easy for those who are reaching but don`t like what they hear, then how will those who are stumbling ever hear the truth? I am not trying to impress any one or God. God already knows me and my heart. The church I belong to is not out to impress any one either but are there to help, guide, show love and live love. We believe that Gods word is true and needs no apology when spoken. So keep smiling God bless. Quote
smithj7 Posted June 13, 2009 Report Posted June 13, 2009 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I have many faults but I don't feel that I discrimate against anyone. I've visited various churches and all but one I attended in this year did not appear to overtly discrimate anyone. One even taught this lesson. Quote
royk Posted August 9, 2009 Report Posted August 9, 2009 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? The Sunday church I belong to is very conservative. It has the view get a steady paying job. I have been angry at people who keep hinting or directly saying this is what I need when many times I feel god is calling me to be a sales agent on commission for products that really help protect people from Identity theft and help clean up when they do get hit with it. I'v e started to realize that the uncertain way I'd presented myself until very recently is the real reason they are discouraged me from this path. Before 2009 I didn't like fat people and disrespected them. God has put some wonderful fat people in my life and I am now PRAISING GOD because He has help me be able to feel and act lovingly to them in the Agape sense. In 2008 I had a hard time with this same church where no musical instruments are played. God has washed this limitaiton away form me. It is my prayer he will wash the rest away ASAP. Time to laugh, since He knows what to do and when with me, and for this I'm greatful and have the joyful heart as long as I can reflect on the path He is leading me to know Him. Quote
Ashech Posted November 23, 2009 Report Posted November 23, 2009 in church we say we welcome everyone. if i checked myself i found myself inwardly had favoritism. my gesture did not seem to welcome people who had body smell that were disgusting such as those who smoked or always bodily not cleaned. (may God has mercy on me). because that would effect those who were sitting nearby in church service hours. i also disliked those abused the love of other saints and taking advangtages of their generousity. my church i attend, consists mostly with elderly ones, there are people who are stroke victims. we allow those suffering of mental sickness to join our fellowships too. maybe God want to impress, this church has this kind of grace to love others. Quote
bower Posted January 10, 2010 Report Posted January 10, 2010 I do confess I try to avoid the 'super christians' the ones who have to report in how wonderful a christian they are. I didn't really think about this until you asked but I do try to hide from them or roll my eyes when they phone. I am grateful that ;you have brought this up - I certainly appreciate the chance to pray about this. It also coincides with a launch of our church into changing the service to please the younger members - to recruit a generation (30's with family) Although I do feel it is a good idea to look at what the church is offering it has made me aware of the balance. So many churches today have to create two services due to the compatability of the ages of the members. Lots to think and pray about. Blessings Quote
parakaleo Posted January 10, 2010 Report Posted January 10, 2010 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? Wow interesting question.... I am REALLY prejudiced... I just cant stand it when a Church doesn't care about what goes on outside of its own walls... I am really prejudiced towards those that portray that only a "perfect well respected person is acceptable in church"... If we were all that blinkin perfect we wouldn't need Jesus... And I am prejudiced to those that think that a women's place is in the kitchen, and that women are second class citizens in a church... Yeah I have ALOT of prejudices to reflect on in the light of reading James. I guess this is sitting pretty close at the moment as I recognised I was annoyed yesterday when the "welcome committee" on the door gave me a hard time for being 4 minutes late to church. Yes I could have been earlier and probably should have, but the message I heard was "you are not good enough for here"... I think our church on the whole is a great place, we have the best pastor I know of :-) a truly amazing guy and a fabulous preacher. But I think in reflection that our church probably tries to make a good impression on those 45 - 65 as this seems to be where our music style etc is aimed at and our newsletter content. Youth stuff happens but it is never in the newsletter... Men also seemed to be favoured as they take most of the services. I don't think a Women led service would go down well! But we do have our mens group leading a couple of services each year. I am really happy at our church but in reflection maybe we do "favour" some over others??? But this is probably just my own prejudices coming through!!!!! Quote
davidjjj Posted January 10, 2010 Report Posted January 10, 2010 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? I think I struggle with a few Quote
betty anne Posted April 4, 2010 Report Posted April 4, 2010 I really appreciate the comments I've read. Everyone wants to be loved and accepted and they try to make a good impression on people. I really see this as I watch our teenagers and their friends. It is so hard not to discriminate. I am trying to be a good example to my kids by not talking negatively about others. On the other hand sometimes people can be difficult to accept. Sometimes the kids that hang out in youth groups are the most difficult to accept. Often my kids are embarrassed by the kids at youth group and they don't want to be seen out doing an activity with some of them, because they are so "different". I try to encourage my kids to be accepting, but I can appreciate their feelings. Their friends at school are easier to accept. I have mixed feelings about all of this. On one hand, I want them to accept everyone, because Christ accepts us. On the other hand, I don't blame them for their embarrassment and I don't blame them for not wanting to associate with certain people. Quote
Ramon Posted December 20, 2010 Report Posted December 20, 2010 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? I think I descriminate on judgmental type,backbiters,opinionated,gays and lesbians,..I mean when I judged them,I dont do it in Love or care for them to repent,but more on pointing my accusing fingers at them,..that they are not worthy.. I am wrong in this,and I ask the Lord for guidance and will power not to engage in this kind of moral accusation,which sometimes I also fell into(exclude the gay and lesbinism).. I have not arrived yet,to be perfect..but I already left(to quote from Andrew Woomack)....and I know I still have many road to trudge,before I meet my maker.. What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I am trying to impress maybe,in our church that I am more Spiritually discerned than others..I say maybe for unknowingly maybe my actuations will tell that I am doing so,without the slightest intention in my heart. This is the area that I also want to chage Lord Jesus.. Please removed this pride,in me overcome it by Your WORD and not the other way around wherein the Pride will overcome the Word you sown in my heart..(1 John 2:16-For all that is in the world G, the **** of the flesh , and the **** of the eyes , and the pride of life , is not G of the Father , but is of the world . Thank you JESUS..I WILL RECEIVE IT ..IN YOUR MIGHTY NAME. AMEN[/font] Quote
Charles Sanger Posted December 27, 2010 Report Posted December 27, 2010 I used to discriminate against plenty of different type of people or sinners. Even as a Christian I used to discriminate, but it was only when I became a born again Christian did I realise what I was doing. I am not sure if I still discriminate against sinners or not, but I pray that if I do that the Lord would open my eyes and help me to realise what I am doing wrong so that I can repent and change my point of view. I am not trying to make a good impression on anyone neither should any Christian try to do so. We have an obligation to be different, not to impress others, but to be examples for others so that they can see and witness how great our God is and how never ending is love is for us. Quote
Cindy L W Posted December 27, 2010 Report Posted December 27, 2010 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I always try to examine my hear and give my discriminations to the Lord. But, I tend to judge people who have riches and are prideful. I do struggle with that. My church tries to walk out the law of love. Trying to grow in Love and breaking down prejudices. I think there is slack when it comes to the Senior saints in our body. They tend to feel pushed out with not much ministry opportunity. My prayer is, there can be more opportunity for the Sr. Saints to shine. Quote
Kaliyl72 Posted January 31, 2011 Report Posted January 31, 2011 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I would have to say that I tend to discriminate against child molesters. Well, child abusers altogether. Yet, I believe I am more repulsive towards child molester. I find myself wanting molesters to suffer pain that is unfathomable, or for the Lord to just take them away. But, the truth is that even though the world has attempted to put crime or certain sin in categories based on what man sees to be the least and the greatest, the Lord God doesn't favor one more than the other. He is disgusted by them all. A little white lie will get you into hell just as any act of a child abuser. The good thing about that is that to whomever we see to be the worse type of people, based on their sin, they have to only take the same steps to receive salvation. Total deliverance, total forgiveness, total freedom from damnation. If there were two individuals asking that we obey two different commandments and we do obey one and not the other that would be different. We would atleast get props for the one we obeyed. But there is only ONE God, and He only sees sin as sin. Wrong is wrong and as my Bishop says "There is no right way to do wrong".The Lord is so righteous that there is no way that He can be attached to any sin. And I know unquestionably that his love is unconditionalbe. Kissing up to him (obeying, praising, worshipping, being filled with faith, doing ALL things right, with perfection) will not cause Him to love you any more than He already does. He may be moved to being about great blessings, yes. But His love is what it is. LOL!!! It is what it was over 2000 years ago. The end. LOL! Now, as of the kind of people my church and I are trying to make a good impression on, I would have to say we are trying to show Christ to sinners. We all should keep our eyes on Christ and not try to show ourselves to be so great. The Lord Jesus' interst was to draw men back to God. Being that the Lord is mindful of us, we know that we are his number one priority. Therefore, the body of Christ is to build one another up and go forth drawing sinners to the Lord. He will impress them. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted August 15, 2011 Report Posted August 15, 2011 This question and the Holy Spirit has opened my mind and made me look deep into my heart and has showed me that I have shown favoritism. I have discriminated racially, and the example that James is talking about here in James 2. Being a poor person myself and you can be poor and have a decent income, I have discriminated against the poor. I have discriminated against the rich. I have discriminated against political parties. I have discriminated against people who commit sins that I thought I did not or could not commit. Oh the Lord has given me so much to ask for forgiveness for and to overcome this sin. When I think about whom I have been trying to make a good impression on in the past it was basically everyone. And the only One I need to please is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Help me Holy Spirit to humble myself before God. Quote
ServantOfGod Posted August 29, 2011 Report Posted August 29, 2011 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I try not to discriminate but if I do, it is usually toward the wealthy not the poor. I may look at the wealthy and think they are not doing enough to help the poor and less fortunate. I will think to myself they probably don't care and before I know it, I have an attitude against them. I have to give that to God and let Him handle the situations involved. It is very likely that the person I am snubbing is giving behind the scenes and I know nothing about it. God has been teaching me not to judge a book by its cover and in my case, it means do not look down on someone because they have money. Pray for them that they will use their wealth wisely to further the kingdom of God. I believe my church has the right attitude and does not discriminate against anyone or try to impress certain people and not others. My church has the attitude that we will be known for our love toward each other and those around us and, especially our love for God. We welcome all in to our church but will not compromise the truth. We pray for the Holy Spirit to work in peoples lives as only He can save. My pastor prays for all that come into our church to be saved but He preaches from the Bible and if it convicts someone or offends them, he will not take it back. He will tell them he loves them but they need to get right with God. Quote
RodR Posted February 6, 2012 Report Posted February 6, 2012 The scripture text refers to favoritism based on the outward appearance of one coming into your assembly. We all have a tendency to prefer those who are most like us and avoid those who are most different. This kind of discrimination stifles evangelism and discipleship even before it starts. This question, however, refers to a kind of sinner that we tend to discriminate against. Since I’ve served in a home for at-risk, abused, and neglected children for over 40 years, I’d have to say I am most offended by those who take advantage of and sin against children. I am learning that sin is sin and we all fall short of what God desires. In the last 20 years or so we have been actively building relationships with parents and relatives of our placed children in order to create what one dad called a “heart level change in him.” Sinners will only turn to the Savior when drawn by the Father (John 6:44) and they can’t be drawn by the Father if we avoid and/or reject them. Quote
Old Jerry Posted April 16, 2012 Report Posted April 16, 2012 I tend to discriminate against people that try to impress me with whatever they have. I don’t know if I discriminate or I get irritated with them. But either way I don’t want to be in their company. I don’t think that our church is trying to make a good impression on anybody. We accept them all with open arms and try to integrate them into the church. Quote
ragnew Posted October 24, 2012 Report Posted October 24, 2012 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I hadn't thought about it as discrimination, but I certainly shy away from some types of people. I would say I shy away from people who seem to be putting on a front of wealth, professionalism, charisma or seem to have a domineering spirit. As much as I shouldn't be favouring these people, it is probably equally wrong to disfavour them, especially as it is likely that I could easily misjudge the true nature of their character. I would say that there are some people in our church that might favour the professional person over say ...a new immigrant, but in general our church is very welcoming to people from all walks of life. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted July 8, 2013 Report Posted July 8, 2013 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? Me personally? None that I can think of. I've only been involved in typical suburban churches where the typical suburban type of people attended. I've never had any issues with the "wrong crowd" coming into any church I've attended. That is, in the last 30 or so years. Back in the early 1970s I was involved in the surf culture and used to atttend a church run by the founder of the Christian Boardriders, who was the pastor. The whole church was made to be as attractive to the surf enthusiast as possible, while in no way diluting the Gospel. The pastor's mentor was a retired old-school evangelist and he'd get the old gentleman in once a month on a Sunday night to preach the Gospel. There was no discrimination anywhere in sight. The pastor opened his home, the manse next door to the old church, to anyone who needed shelter . . runaways, people trying to kick drugs, teenagers who'd been kicked out of home, etc. Once they had 15 people living there! God provided everything they needed and even with a shoe-string budget no one went hungry. When Pastor Alan came to that church it was in the verge of being closed down. It was what at the time was classed as a Home Mission church, where there was insufficient funding from the members and so it had to be funded by other more financial churches. There were seven little old ladies left in the congregation and you know, they never missed a service. All the surfers who made the church their place of worship loved those ladies and the feeling was mutual. It was very much of its time of course but I always regarded that church as being true to the principles of the first century churches, as I understood them. What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I can't really answer that. At the moment I can't get to church because I'm mostly on tour every weekend. Quote
Guest Akkjl Posted July 15, 2013 Report Posted July 15, 2013 This is such a painful question! Of course I want to think I don't practice favoritism in any way, but every time I think of people as "those people," I do. Until I truly see everyone as God's beloved child, I am. Quote
Craig Posted August 14, 2013 Report Posted August 14, 2013 Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I tend to discriminate against people who intentionally don't try to better themselves on any level. I have a low tolerance for people who whine and cry about their condition and don't do anything about it. I personally try to pray for, bless, and make a good impression on all people. Quote
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