Pastor Ralph Posted December 17, 2004 Report Posted December 17, 2004 Q10. (James 2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with “evil thoughts”? Quote
Peggie Posted January 30, 2005 Report Posted January 30, 2005 Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? Because it shows in our minds that we believe one to be deserving of favor more than another, deeming ourselves worthy to make that call. How does favoritism make one a judge with "evil thoughts"? Because when we show favoritism, it is usually with selfish motives whatever they may be. Quote
kas Posted January 30, 2005 Report Posted January 30, 2005 When we choose to be more attentive to and care more about a particular individual over others, we are judging that person to be more time worthy or more worthy of our time. Who are we? This egotism is pride/selfishness which is evil. The truth is that everyone was made by Him and in His image. He sent His Son to die for each and everyone. Jesus was a model showing us that wealth and appearances make no difference. The only reason Jesus took Peter John and James with Him to various places was because they loved Him. When we come closer to God, He comes closer to us. Jesus wasn't showing favoritism to the three, but rather, they chose to come closer to Him. Jesus wasn't going to spend more time with those who didn't want (desire) to be with Him. Quote
sunilbernard Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with “evil thoughts”? When we look upon another by their outward appearance, or by what we perceive as their worth to ourselves, we are judging them--something the Lord told us we are not to do! We cannot know the life they have had, nor what they have had to overcome to get where they are. Nor do we know the pain--nor the intent--of their hearts. Favoritism shows we are judging others. Just as a teacher observed one kid who was dirty, smelly and a troublemaker as not worth her attention, so enjoyed giving him "F"--until the day she learned he had lost his mother a few years before, and had faced a horrible home life that had him on a downward spiral. She reversed herself, making an effort to show him his worth by her work and praise of him. This "worthless" kid went on to become a famous doctor whose work improved the lot of many persons! What if she had not cared enough to try??? What would be the result in our neighbors or the people we meet if we were to show them that God thinks them worthy of His love? By our acceptance and showing them love, we can do so. Yeah, I know. I can only do so also by His enabling! I pray daily for that! Quote
Rachel Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 Showing preference of one person over another because of appearances, friendships or status is wrong in the sight of God. In God's eyes we are all equal, and His word tells us that we should judge not so that we are also not judged. This practice is evil because through favouritsim some persons are held back and not allowed to achieve their full potential or to realise their goals. Quote
lindaparadise Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 sorry but Sunday's are to busy a day for me to have the chance to get to the computer. but i don't want to miss the 1st question. hope no one minds if i answer it on Mondays. thank you What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? i'm being more cautious about my thoughts these days. but in the past i couldn't understand how a person could be dirty or smell. What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? A i'm trying to help anyone that will let me. even if i have to take verable abuse. B as for my church that depends what you mean. if you mean where i go on Sundays they seem to want to help anyone of the same denomination. C if you mean the church i believe in (which is the church of GOD) same as A D see i go to church and teach at a catholic parish yet i go to a baptist women's bible study. i also communicate with proestians,hindu,budist,...non be- lievers,etc..i just feel i belong to the church of GOD In what way does favoritism make one a judge? showing and believing that one is better than an other. in GOD's eyes we are all equal. How does favoritism make one a judge with "evil thoughts"? 1st that you have the power to judge(that's GOD's job) 2nd that you treat people diffrently according to how you feel about them. Quote
Jen Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 In what way does favoritism make one a judge? When we show favoritism we decide that we know what is worthy and what isn't. Matthew Henry says "we should not show respect for men so as to cloud or lessen the glory of our glorious Lord". How does favoritism make one a judge with evil thoughts? We prefer the outside things that are seen that make us look good whereas God looks on the heart. Quote
travisd Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 This question really got me thinking and left me with just one thought. Thank God that He didn't come for only the rich and powerful, the prideful and selfish people of this world, nor for only the "perfect" people of this world...He came for for that matter specifically you...lowly sinners undeserving of the grace He cast down upon us. Each of us knows just how depraved we were when He reached down to save us and in that knowledge, who am I to say that I was good enough, but this person wasn't or that person was. The truth of the matter is everyone we look at in this world we should look at as a fellow brother or sister in Christ...if not today, then maybe tomorrow...and maybe based upon how you react to them today. Thank you Jesus for loving and choosing me...Amen. Quote
Margaret Asuquo Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 When we are biased agaisnt any and pay undue attention to any for any reason, then become judges for we esteem one more than the other. Our preference for one over the other more often than not is motivated by our selfish interests. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 Usually favortism shows our selfishness. We seek them because we probably want something from them. That is not the motive God shows to us (thankfully). All are important to God - each of us serves the body in our own unique special way. Churches/synagogues tend to concentrate on the money people, but we need to give that much attention to all people. When we play favorites, we have already judged the one we are shunning - - saying they are not as important or worthy of OUR time. Jesus loved all - - especially the sinful - because He came to show them the light. We should be that light that shines in all the darkness of people's lives. Loving all because He first loved us. 3 This is how we are sure that we have come to know Him: by keeping His commands. 4 The one who says, "I have come to know Him," without keeping His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoever keeps His word, truly in him the love of God is perfected. This is how we know we are in Him: 6 the one who says he remains in Him should walk just as He walked. John 2:7 Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command, but an old command that you have had from the beginning. The old command is the message you have heard. 8 Yet I am writing you a new command, which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. 9 The one who says he is in the light but hates his brother is in the darkness until now. 10 The one who loves his brother remains in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. 11 But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and doesn't know where he's going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. If we love Him, we will walk in His Light! Quote
Julie Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 When we show favor for one and not for the other, we are judging we are making an opinion whether or not it is right or wrong. When we favor one over the other we are doing so with evil intentions for we are being selfish and unfair we then expect too much of one and too little of the other we are being hypocritical. Quote
Tom Nabors Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with Quote
Renee Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with Quote
June Posted January 31, 2005 Report Posted January 31, 2005 By being prejudice (pre-judging) and not knowing the circumstances. Our love of money and whom can give the most tend to make us discriminate. Selfishness and discrimination give way to evil thoughts of how we'll look or how we can benefit from it rather than Christ or the Church. Quote
DebChats Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? When we show favoritism, we are telling others who is worthy of our attention and who is not, and this can make an impression on those that witness our favoritism. Jesus treated everyone as worthy. How does favoritism make one a judge with Quote
Emma Vega Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 In what way does favoritism make us a judge? Huh, I had never really looked at it that way;however,analyzing it, it simply makes sense. It all leads back to what really matters to God--the condition of the heart. God ONLY cares about an individuals' heart, because remember whatever proceeds out of the mouth, comes from the heart. For "Christians" it is very easy to fall into this trap. And the book of James is an exellent mirror we can use as believers to look deep within us. We have no right to determine who or what deserves our special attention or favoritism. I can agree with everyone in the forum that extends this very notion of favoritism; I believe that we are all just searching for TRUTH and through God's living word, we shall continue to find it. Praise God for His Wisdom, may it make us better followers of Christ in our daily battles. Quote
Emma Vega Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 Emma Vega said: In what way does favoritism make us a judge? Huh, I had never really looked at it that way;however,analyzing it, it simply makes sense. It all leads back to what really matters to God--the condition of the heart. God ONLY cares about an individuals' heart, because remember whatever proceeds out of the mouth, comes from the heart. For "Christians" it is very easy to fall into this trap. And the book of James is an exellent mirror we can use as believers to look deep within us. We have no right to determine who or what deserves our special attention or favoritism. I can agree with everyone in the forum that extends this very notion of favoritism; I believe that we are all just searching for TRUTH and through God's living word, we shall continue to find it. Praise God for His Wisdom, may it make us better followers of Christ in our daily battles. How does favoritism go hand in hand with evil thoughts? Its quite simple: through our own selfish desires (anytime it is not for Gods' glory and for our own is a N0-NO) is just proof that the flesh that we live in is "wretched" as Paul had described it--the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak kind of thing. We are all GUILTY of doing this-judging. Thank God that HE brings it to our attention, to change our hearts, attitudes, and mind. We just need to be more conscious of what we do, think and say. Quote
PHILIP_TAN Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 When we show favoritism, we are being partial and fall into the mould of prejudging(prejudice) and thus become judgmental. It is sin. Indeed Jesus condemned such hypocrisy(Matt.7:1-5). When we judge someone, it is usually with a critical spirit. It stamps from an evil heart (Jeremiah 17:9,10), that puts down one human and sets up another (meaning showing favoritism and partiality). Quote Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 TO THE QUESTION: FAVORITISM IS ALSO KNOWN AS CRITICISM. THE ONLY JUDGE IS GOD. WHEN WE FALL OUT OF PRAYER, I BELIEVE WE BECOME MANY THINGS, EVIL, BEING ONE OF THEM. THANK YOU, DEBORA Quote
JoyceAlaska Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with Quote
grace Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 . To show favouritism is to make one a judge, and to do such is to SIN. It should call for self-assessment to determine where we stand before a Holy God, in whom there is no favouritism. Favouritism makes one a judge with evil thoughts, because it is a sin to show partiality towards another person, and usually at the cost of the feeling of another soul. He that will be greatest among you shall be a servant of all. Quote
MyBeloved Posted February 1, 2005 Report Posted February 1, 2005 I Samuel 16: 6. 7 When Samuel saw Eliab he thought that because of his appearance GOD had chosen him as the next king of Israel. But GOD told Samuel that He "does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." When we look at a person that appeals to our human nature we tend to favor them above others. Favoritism will cause us to judge for that one that appeals to us and our ways over those who do not meet our standards or approval. Quote
preacherping Posted February 2, 2005 Report Posted February 2, 2005 Judging others is about nothing but self-pride. You judge because you think that you are better than they. You think you are more righteous. You also secretly think that God loves you more and that you are held in higher regard by the Lord than those that you judge. Oh, I know we would never admit it, but if you judge, that is exactly what you think! Quote
Magnus Posted February 2, 2005 Report Posted February 2, 2005 When we favor one over another, we are making judgments as to which is best Quote
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