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Q17. (James 3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word? Why is greater strictness appropriate? Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

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It's a heavy responsiblity because it entails practicing what we preach which is very hard for man to do. Teachers are held to a higher standard because of their high position. They have more knowledge to impart and must back up their words with actions. Belief is synonomous with obedience (action). We speak what we believe and our actions are a reflection of our beliefs. Who will listen to someone who preaches to love our neighbor and we find out he beats his wife and kids.

I do and I should set higher standards for my pastor because he was called by God to lead the flock. He is accountable to God for what he was called to do. Everyone is accountable to God for what God has called us to do. However, a leadership position does hold more responsiblility and thus more accountability. My pastor also has more spiritual knowledge and experience than I. I also realize pastors are also human and subject to weakness and failure. I mainly pay attention that his preaching is scriptually based and that his and his family's actions are in line with TRYING to obey scripture.


Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word?

James discourages people from teaching because they are held to a higher standard than others. Not only do teachers of the Word have to be careful to live up to their teachings, but also have to be very careful that what they are teaching out of God's Word is exactly the way GOD means for it to be.

Why is greater strictness appropriate?

To hopefully keep teachers from teaching God's word in a careless and irresponsible way. If a teacher knows he/she is being held to a higher standard, they will hopefully be more careful.

Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

Yes! We should all be very careful of the examples we set before the unsaved. But when a pastor shows a poor example, it tends to alienate the unsaved just that much more if they see it.


Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word?

It's not an easy position; a teacher is held at a higher standard and should be a living example for others, because of this they will be judged more strictly.

Why is greater strictness appropriate?

Because a teacher should know better. A teacher leads and those that he/she is leading learn from watching the teacher.

Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

Yes, much is expected from those who much is given.


The calling to become teachers is one of serious responsibility. Teachers are often seen as standards or role models and are therefore judged more sternly.

Pastors command very great influence and should therefore be held to higher standards.


Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be

teachers of the Word? Why is greater strictness appropriate?

what i think james is saying that you are now teaching others. you'd better know what you're talking about. for these people you're teaching don't know and will take you on your WORD (all of them) which could lead them in the wrong direction.

Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for


YES even though they're human and can make mistakes. because in the past i stopped going to church (this lasted for 5 years)(and i'm the one that kind of leads the family towards GOD, so it wasn't just me that was lost now ) because of the way a priest handled something that was very dear to me. i didn't stop to think of him being human, i was vunerable at the time and hurt.( a great time for the devil to jump in )


Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word? Why is greater strictness appropriate? Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

James is discouraging because teachers of the Word are responsible for the spiritual lives of others by both their words and actions. A teacher of the Word should be held to a higher standard and greater strickness because he represents God and the spiritual life of someone else is an awesome task which should not be taken lightly or done incorrectly. And since scripture tells us God will judge the teacher with greater strickness we should do all we can to aid our teachers to meet those higher standards.


Teachers of the Word will will be judged more strictly.

Those who teach the word should know better, and endeavour to live what they preach.

Pastors have the call of God upon their lives, the grace of God and the anointing at their disposal and so schould live by a greater standard.


James cautions those who want to become teachers in God's Word, because

of the high standards they must set for themselves and the MODEL they

must show in their own personal walk. They must maintain a high standard

of righteousness, when they teach those who are not yet mature in the faith

and who look to the teacher as one who knows God's Word.

Greater strictness is appropriate because the teacher's leadership is vital

to the spiritual growth of those under him.

A higher standard should be set for the pastor, because he is the shepherd

of the local body of believers. A year ago , my pastor fell and it caused the

church to have a distrust in the leadership , and as such some left the church

It also would affect the community around the church and put shame on the

name of God for the church's presence in the community.

1a.) (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word?

1a.) Most of you have said it..if you're teaching it, then you know it and you have no excuse to claim ignorance.

1b.) (3:1-2) Why is greater strictness appropriate?

1b.) Paul writes Timothy: "Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." (1 Timothy 4:15, 16) Quite a responsibility for those who teach, isn't it? :ph34r:

1c.) (3:1-2) Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

1c.) Luke writes about the early church: "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (Acts 17:11) Be a Berean! That is ultimately why we left a local congregation after eighteen years to find a church which honors God and teaches the Scriptures. :lol:


Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word?

Teachers need to be willing to live what they teach! and to know what it is that they believe! They can influence all those who are taught by them! What an awesome responsibility! We felt this while teaching the children in the orphanages in Far East Russia, but what a great joy to be able to offer Christ to these impressionable ones! :)

Why is greater strictness appropriate?

If the teacher is careless about what he/she teaches, then those students can be led to believe things that are not true! What an awesome responsibility that is! What if, after I die I find that I have caused someone to miss the mark and be denied eternity with the Lord?! I shudder to think of it. That's why my husband and I spent so much time preparing for the classes. :o

Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

He probably will reach more persons than I will, especially now that I am (again) retired. But, in reality, all of us are teachers in one aspect or another. We are all required to bring Christ to others who do not know Him. So, we should all be considered teachers and tremble! Lord help us to meet Your standards! :huh:


Many false teachers and preachers have come on the scene because they had a "feeling" in a Sunday School class or heard some loud preaching that was not anointed by the Holy Spirit. These people teach their "feelings" while they copy some others teaching styles. Peter in his writings of II Peter 1:10 tells the "called" to "give diligence to make your calling and election sure: For if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:" I've listened to the "feeling" (without any Bible knowledge) preach and teach. In most cases their teaching is not consistent to the Word of God. For example, One time you are saved by Grace and not by works, then, maybe in the next breath or sermon you better make yourself good enough for The Holy God to accept you into His Kingdom. Preachers and Teachers of the Bible are truley accountable for what they teach and preach. These teachers will do a lot of shouting, pointing their finger, and scream out words that I know they themselves do not practice. Paul in II Timothy 2:15 said to "study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Paul said in I Timothy 3:1, "This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work." In fact the whole third chapter of I Timothy lays out the path of a bishop (preacher).

Many are called of God that do not want to study.

Greater strictness is appropriate for the man of God who teaches or preaches the Word of God. I've seen men voted into preaching and pastoring churches because they can sing, play music, and cry. Preachers, teachers, Pastors, and any that hold a high office in the church should be tested and tried.

Those who teach/preach should have higher standards because they are the ones that are teaching our young ones, and of course the body of the church how they should live to the Glory of God. Their life should be an example. The church body is depending on the teaching they are getting for their eternal destiny.


As teachers we have a great responsiblity to those who we teach and set examples for. We need to understand that we must live the life of the lord 24/7 not just on Sunday as a lot of people think. Following the life Christ is not an easy on, but certainly is a rewarding one. I cannot think of my life with out him. Who do you turn to when time are tough. I feel for people who don't have Christ in their life, they are definitely missing something and must have an emptiness in their heart. As far should be set higher standards for our pastor than ourselves, I know this is not going to be a popular answer but no I don't feel a pastor should be held to higher standards than I am held to. He is not God, he is only God's representative on earth, but aren't we all as christians God's representative and should we not all be held accountable in the same manner. We all make mistakes and we all have to repent for those mistakes. I was torn many years ago when a Pastor friend of mine was expelled from the ministry because of a mistake he made. He was one of the finest men I have ever met, what they did to him was very hypocritial of them. The church teaches us to forgive as God would want us too, but they themselves don't. This is wrong. Remember a pastor is also only a mortal man. We need to remember that.


A teacher/preacher has to be careful in the message that he conveys to his hearers. Congregations usually hold to that which their minister preaches, so at all times, the words of the preacher should have their origin in the Word of God. It is important that their lives reflect that which they proclaim as the standards for others to follow.

But, it is important to note that as preachers or teachers, errors will be made as no one is perfect. The Holy Spirit will help to guide us into all truth.

The preacher is no more responsible before God than we are, as each person has to give an account to God for his/her stewardship.


Teachers are held to higher accountability. We must be willing and serious about living our faith - all the time. We will still error and make poor choices but our lives must reflect that heart's desire to reflect our Messiah.

Teaching must be a passion - - it is as if God shows us truth - we want to share with our family. That is the call of the teacher. When Jesus gathered His disciples, He was their Rabbi - and in traditional Jewish thinking a Rabbi is teaching others to be like himself. That is what we do too, we have been annointed by God to teach others to be like us, because we are reflecting our Rabbi, Jesus -- We have entered into Covenant with Jesus - - we have exchanged His garments with ours and people should see Jesus in us first instead of ourselves.

They key is having the right heart - - allowing the Holy Spirit to cause us to walk in God's ways - - if we are teaching because we want the glory - - then we are in danger. We must not be feeling driven, but we must be scriptural - - we must study God's Word witht he Spirit's lead.

Once we learn something -- we are all responsible to share the truth with another - - so that means in a small way we are all teachers.


Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word?

I don't think James is trying to discourage anyone from aspiring to be a teacher of the Word, as much as he is trying to encourage anyone to become a doer of the Word, and not just a talker.

Why is greater strictness appropriate?

I find bridling the tongue to be one of the hardest things a person can do .. we are such creatures of habit before becoming Christians. Everything depends on the spoken Word .. everything and everyone. We cannot preach one thing and do another.

Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

Hmmm, good question. But in the end, we are all responsible for ourselves. No, I don't think we should set a higher standard for anyone than we do ourselves.


1. We are judged more strictly.

2. For teachers know what is right and wrong they know better.

3. You should set higher standards only if you are a babe not a matured christian.

What an awesome responsibility we accept when we teach. How similar to teaching the Word is our obligation as parents. The Pharisees let self interests interfere with their teachings. Jesus warned

Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word? Why is greater strictness appropriate? Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

Teachers of the Word have a responsibility that is second to none. Many are the false teachers abounding in every nook and corner. To counter the false propaganda, Teachers of the Word should be thoroughly inspired by the Word to 'Walk the Talk'. If you are not willing to walk the talk, then don't try to become a Teacher of the Word as it involves living a life that is a cut above the rest.

Discipline is desireable in every field. Adhering to strict standards in living is very appropriate to Teachers as no one can point a finger at them.

We are nobody to set standards. If at all we set standards, they are for us. Pastors are responsible for themselves. We are not responsible for them. Because they teach the Word of God and are trained to teach, they should set a higher standard for themselves than normal lay people.


1. Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the


James is sounding a note of caution here because he had come to

realization of the important role teachers play GODs house.

Been a teacher of the word is not a title for decoration but a tool

for transformation in the hands of the LORD. We certainly have tobe in

the know before assuming the title TEACHER OF THE WORD.

The Bible tells us clearly the position of GOD on his people that,

judgement will begin from the church. Since we are all suppose to be

teachers of the word also according to Heb. 5:11- , we have greater

responsilbility to exhibit that ''CHRISTLIKE'' character and attitude as the

master(JESUS) did. The disciples and many others addressed him as teacher whenever they sought clarification on a subject.

His life style wherever he was always reflected what he taught and

lived. Since Jesus is our role model then we have a greater responsibility

to conform to his lifestyle.

We have this as a check on strictness as teachers by practising the

things todo with the word of GOD as in Joshua 1:8.

The word of GOD clearly outlines who and what a pastor must belike

and do. If my pastor doesn't live upto this, which is the standard the

LORD has set, then I will go on my knees interceeding for him because he

at this point is deputising as one that oversees the congregation of

the LORD and bearing in mind that i can also be called on at anytime as a

head(pastor) in charge of a department. Will i now be looking forward

to living upright? NO!. So it meanse as high standards as i set for my

pastor, the greater i must strive to catch and keep up with him for the

LORD is coming for a church.

Stay Blessed


Hello, fellow students of God's Word. :)

Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word?

Because he knows that people will tend to measure the life of the teacher with a more stringent measuring standard. The teacher is supposed to know not only what to do but to be blameless in all he/she says and does. Because the teacher represents the One in whom he teaches.

While this may not be fair as we are all sinners saved by God's grace, it is human nature to expect those who are in a superior position to act accordingly.

I honestly don't think that there should be a double standard as all God's children are to be His abassador's and we all should be striving for maturity.



Q1. (3:1-2) Why does James discourage people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word? Why is greater strictness appropriate? Should you set higher standards for your pastor than you do for yourself?

The standards should be the same for the pupil and the teacher here because this is God's Word and we are all his representatives.

I have a very hard time with this as I used to belong to a tradition that separated the people very strickly along so called ecclesiastical lines and the so called ordinary layman actually put the so called clergy on a pedestal and came to almost worship them and put them on the same level as Jesus Christ! Then when one of them fell it was like people almost and sometimes did lose their faith but their faith was not in Christ like is should have been but their faith was put in man.

All Christains should attain to high standards in all they do and say with the help of the Holy Spriit. Also, we should afford one another grace and mercy too.

Do I expect my pastor to live a moral life, sure I do, but I expect this of myself also.

Do I expect my pastor to live a giving life, sure I do, but I expect this of myself also.

Do I expect my pastor to be holy as He is Holy, yes I do but I expect this of myself also.

Somtimes I think that some Christians think that as long as they are not teachers that they aren't required to have high standards but this is the lie of the evil one. :angry:

I guess that the teacher needs to have higher standards when it comes to the world as they would more than likely be put in positions in the world more than the so called layman.


James discourages people from aspiring to be teachers of the Word because teachers, more than any one else, because of what they know, should walk the talk. This takes discipline and he doesn


By being a teacher we will be judged more strictly and we can not say we didn't know any better. God and everyone else expects us to practice what we preach. We are being watched by everyone to see if we walk the walk and talk the talk.

If we are going to teach we should be held accountable . Study and show yourselves approved. Likewise with the Pastor. Although he is human and can make mistakes, he is more responsible because God ordained him. He is watched closer to see if he lives what he preaches. Once we are saved, we should all live under the same standards.

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