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To paraphrase Matt. 12:34 "How can an evil person say anything good? Out of the heart the mouth speaks" and 15:18 "Out of the heart come evil thoughts which defile man". We, being evil, (because there is none who is good, not one) are not capable of continually thinking good thoughts and thus speaking good words. In order to tame it we must become believers and allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin so we become repentant and can then exercise self control (attempt) to tame the little muscle.


Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable? What has to happen before it can be tamed?

The tongue is untamable while we still belong to a "generation" or "offspring" of vipers. When we accept Christ, and we become His, we no longer are of that generation instead we are now God's child. :rolleyes:


Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable? What has to happen before it can be tamed?

The tongue is untamable because the words that come out of our mouth originate in our heart which is unclean. We need a clean heart and then our tongue will be tamed. Until our heart is cleansed by God we will continue to say evil things that come from our evil heart. Create in me a pure heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Ps 51:10


I think we all just need to remember the golden rule "do unto others as you would want them to do unto you" . I also live the rule , "I am Third" The lord is first, my family and friends are second and I am third. If you live by this, you will never have any problems that you can not deal with in life.


The tongue is untamable because we use it to speak both good and evil. At times it becomes so restless and uncontrollable that it gets us into big trouble, and we hurt the lives of others.

It is true that the content of the heart determines how we speak. Thinking on those things which are true, noble, right, pure, admirable, lovely, excellent and praiseworthy put us in good stead to have a pure heart. Then we will be able to concentrate on good instead of evil. From this we will also develop the "fruit of the Spirit" which will enables us to speak well of, and do good to others. We should also ask God to set a watch over our mouths.


Our very nature is evil - the tongue will reflect the unchanged heart's attitude. Accepting our Jesus as our LORD - is the start of taming the tongue. But evil will try to surface even after that - and we must choose to live according to God's word to change the man.

As we study, pray and apply God's word - we will see God in every aspect of our lives - - and the tongue will reflect our heart that has become full of God's purpose in our lives.

2a.) (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable?

2a.) I am drawn to Romans 7 where Paul elaborates on what Jesus is telling us: "I know that nithing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." (Romans 7:18) Because of the sinful nature in us, we will continue to struggle with our sin. I know I have to chew quite a hole in my tongue on many occassions, when I would rather be giving a smart retort. :(

2b.) (3:7-8) What has to happen before it can be tamed?

2b.) A transformation of the heart, washed by the blood of the Lamb. As Paul concludes: "Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.." (Romans 7:25) But as Paul reveals, we will continue to struggle with the sinful nature in us. Our refining process, sanctification, will continue until we are called home. :D


Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable?

In order to tame the tongue, one must renew the mind, which renews the heart, which renews what we say and how we say something. It takes a lot of effort, time and constant awareness. The tongue is not truly untamable, but it is a difficult process getting the tongue to speak blessings only and I can surely understand why a man that has taught himself to speak as God speaks, would be considered 'perfect or mature'.

What has to happen before it can be tamed?

The mind must be renewed in the things of God.


The tongue is untamable for it is who you are it speaks from the heart your inner self, if you are evil you will speak carelessly with evil thoughts, if you are saved you will speak with humility.


Until God's word is written indelibly upon our heart, our tongue will echo the evil that resides within us. When we commit our lives to serving the Lord, only then can we begin to control our tongue.

But until we are fully conformed in the image of Jesus, our tongue will continue to bedevil our lives


Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The best solution is to fill the heart with things that are pure, of good report , profitable etc . That way you will speak out of the abundance of the heart but it will be good things.We are admonished to guard our hearts diligently. I for one have stopped watching television since January 1 2005 . I only watch news and that is only occasionally. I am not recommending this to anyone since we all here from God and know what is good for us. I just had so many issues in my life that i felt i needed to take radical action in order to see change.

God bless



Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable? What has to happen before it can be tamed

The tongue is untamable only if it has not been brought under the control of the Holy Spirit. The togue is only the instrument of speaking it cannot speak but what is in the heart of a man. If the heart is good than the tongue will bring forth good Words but if the heart is evil it will bring forth evil expressions.

First of all, a man/woman must be born again for anything good to come from the heart to the tongue.


The tongue is untameable because it is NOT subject to the law of God neither indeed can be. The tongue is of the flesh, sold under sin. As one

of the forum stated, we must be transformed by the renewing of our

mind, so that by grace in us , we will think before we speak. Job prayed

for a guard at his mouth, and to keep the door of his lips. The bible says

be quick to listen and SLOW TO SPEAK.


From these verses Jesus makes it clear that the words that come from the tongue are inspired by something much deeper within. In that sense the tongue is only serving something more powerful, but unseen. It therefore seems as though the tongue is untamable.

However, if that something within inspires the tongue to be tamed, the tongue will be tamed. So if the heart within changes from evil to good, the tongue too will be tamed. This happens only by knowing Jesus and becoming a child of God and constantly renewing ones mind.

The concept is really simple, but the working not so easy. The heart has to be emptied of evil and filled with the truth and goodness on a continuous basis; and as Jesus said out of it will flow springs of living water, which will inspire the tongue to speak as Jesus did.


Because out of the heart the mouth speaks. Whatever is in the heart will be spoken.

We must be humble and purified in the heart before the tongue is tamed. The heart must be drenched in the Holy Spirit and fully submissive to God.


The tongue is the instrument/weapon of the heart. The heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked. Therefore what comes from the tongue is the expression of deceit and wickedness. What is needed to tame the tongue is a new heart, a heart after God. This will produce the tamed tongue, the beautifully creative instrument of God. Interestingly the bridling of the tongue is part of the work of changing the heart! Like faith and works, the two go together!


Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable?

What is in the heart comes out the mouth

What has to happen before it can be tamed?

A new heart attitude.


Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable?

Because with one breath we praise God, then with another breath we lie or gossip about someone.

What has to happen before it can be tamed?

We have to put our trust in our Lord and Savior. If our heart is pure our tongue will be pure also. :rolleyes:


Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable? What has to happen before it can be tamed?

What is in the heart, comes out through the mouth (tongue)---an unregenerate (sinful--evil) heart speaks unregenrate (sinful--hateful) words.

The heart must be changed if the tongue is to change! That change comes through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ as our Savior!


Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable? What has to happen before it can be tamed?

As the Scriptures say emphatically, the tongue is a very sharp instrument in the human body. It can cut through any defences. Such is the power it wields. Because the human heart and mind are basically sinful, what comes out from the heart through the tongue is also very sinful, harsh and caustic. The tongue is the spokesperson for the body. Basically it is evil. Once the heart is renewed and the whole body is purified, 1 Cor 5:17, then only the tongue can change for the better. Unless that is done, the tongue by itself is untameable.


Mans pride makes the tongue untammable. We greatly lack humility. Pride is the most deceptive of all sin, because we can be proud of the fact that we are not proud. I've known preachers, pastors that seem to struggle with this sin more than the average layman.


Q2. (3:7-8) Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable?

These verses tell us that basically what comes out of our mouth is what is in our heart.

What has to happen before it can be tamed?

So that means we have to protect our heart. We need to be careful of what we watch, listen to and meditate on.

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