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Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)?

Strife, selfish ambition, and contentiousness motivation is self serving. Whereas humility goal is not self serving.

How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing?

If one has bitter envy or selfish ambition, than one isn't right with God spiritually. I feel that if one humbly repeats, which appears to be in contrast with these, then one can receive healing. So if one cannot humble themselves then they can't be healed.

How does boasting about these prevent healing?

Boasting about such would appear to make this state of "unhumbleness" even worse and therefore serve as a barrier to God's grace and healing.

  • 5 months later...
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Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

Bitter envy dislikes others to have better things whereas selfish ambition only serve ownself first, without having the concern for others. These are the work of the sinful nature of man yeilding to the carnal desire out from the evil heart. However humility on the other hand, always rejoices to the success or upgrading of others and desires to see others in a better state by helping them. Humility is the delight to God's heart but the formers are hated by God because humility comes from God regardless the relationship of anyone with Him.

Denial of these negative elements make oneself fall short of God's mercy. Therefore prevents healing of relationship with God and others. Nobody wants such kind of people to be good friend.

Boasting about having such mentality and attitudes implies God's way is not the better or right way for man to live on. Such a foolish life also prevents healing of one, towards God's Righteousness because God rejects the people who are proud by boasting always.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

Bitter envy and selfish ambition mean that 'love' is out of the picture. Someone has to 'pick up the tab' at its not the selfish person. Humility is putting yourself out of the equation . Both denial and boasting prevent healing as they are side stepping the truth. It is the truth in prayer that brings us to the humility.

  • 11 months later...

Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?


In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)

Bitter envy is equivalent to ****,and covetousness..covetousness is also idolatry,which God hated.For he said Worship no other God(Exodus 34:14-For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: ).

Selfish ambition will sometimes lead you to resort to all kinds of trickery just in order to achive such selfish desire.It is a desire,that started in he Heart,and we can compare also this in the desire of Eve,one of the factors that lead man into the Fall..selfish desire..equals ****..Genesis 3:6- And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereo, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

2. How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

James here emphasized that everybody has selfish ambition and bitter envy.Maybe He was exposed to a lot of Pretentious Christians during His time,that He can’t almost trust anyody to be speaking the truth.If you are born again in LIPS only,and does not really have the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your Life,then no matter what you do..YOU CANNOT HAVE HEALING..If you don’t believe on what Jesus ha done in the Cross,IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IN THE FINISHED WORK OF JESUS..THAT BY HIS STRIPES,BY HIS WOUNDS 2000 YEARS AGO,HE HEALED YOU..IF YOU CANT ACCEPT THAT FACT..IF YOU CANT BELIEVE THAT IT IS DONE ALREADY,AND THAT YOU STILL NEED TO ADD A LITTLE BIT SOMETHING TO WHAT JESUS HAS DONE..THEN YOU CAN’T HAVE YOUR HEALING…I THINK Y THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT..ON WHAT JESUS HAS DONE IN THE CROSS,AND NOT OF US,LOOKING AND CHECKING WHAT IS INSIDE OF US,WHETHER WE HAVE SO CALLED “BITTER ENVY”OR SELFISH AMBITION”.




Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

bitter envy and selfish ambition are the opposite because humility is humble and thinks of others.

Things in our hearts that are sin block our hearts from receiving healing. Boasting is pride, that blocks healing also. It's selfish.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

If you are humble, you give God the credit for the good things you do. If you are filled with envy and ambition, you think you can do it all by yourself. You must admit to yourself that God is the only one in charge.

  • 1 month later...

Humility speaks nothing for itself. Envy and ambition seek only to gain something for themselves - they believe they are better than and more deserving than any other. Denial of bitter envy and selfish ambition can promote humility which in turn will promote healing. Boasting about them will have the exact opposite effect and prevent healing.

  • 4 months later...

Bitter envy and selfish ambition is opposite of humility in that envy and selfish ambition is all about self, what the self wants and being jealous of what someone else has or has accomplished. Humility on the other hand is having a lowliness of mind or meekness, gentleness about the good works that your faith in Jesus produces. Humility does not boast or brag about any good that you do. Humility recognizes that the glory belongs to God. Denying envy and selfish ambition prevents healing in that if you are in denial you don't know that your heart needs changing. And you will continue to have these negative ways in your heart causing you to act on them eventually. Boasting prevents healing in that you you think you have really accomplished something and you begin to rely on yourself and giving yourself the praise and glory never realizing that you yourself are basically nothing and that you are denying that the Word of God says that if you have these things in your heart that you are not wise in the sight of God that you are actually lying against the truth. Denial of problems will produce no change in your heart and life.

  • 5 months later...

Real wisdom is demonstrated by faith humbly lived out in actions. When we harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition, we cannot act humbly. Our actions are motivated by our own selfish desires and are denying the truth. Boasting in ourselves makes us believe there is no need for healing and therefore prevents its possibility.

  • 2 months later...

The way that “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” is direct opposites of “humility” is that humility we are trying to do things for the other person. Bitter envy and selfish ambition is doing something to other just to get even with them or to beat them is some kind of competition.

The denial of “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” prevents us from seeing that we really do have this problem and if we can’t admit to it then we will not be able to correct it. And if we are boasting about this then we are proud of what we are doing and we will never be able to be healed.

  • 6 months later...

(3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

Humility causes us to act with gentleness, kindness, peaceable and is self effacing. Bitter envy and selfish ambition will lead to conflict, unnecessary fighting, behaviour designed to attract attention to oneself and will cause a complete lack of peace.

God will not be able to bring about a change in our hearts until we acknowledge that this sin is lurking in there. Boasting about anything reveals pride in the heart and the proud person is not ready to admit that there is sin in his/her life. Until we acknowledge the sin and humbly ask God for forgiveness and to help us turn away from that sin, there can be little in the way of healing or reconciliation.

  • 8 months later...

Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)?


A truly humble person puts the needs and wants of others ahead of his own agenda. To be consumed by selfish ambition and bitter envy a person places himself on a whole higher level and regards everyone else as tools and cannon fodder for his own agenda. If someone has the things we desire and we let that get to us in an unhealthy way we embrace bitter envy. If we walk all over people and treat them badly to further our own purposes we embrace selfish ambition. Both traits are definitely not what Christians ought to have in their lives. I worked with a man whose entire being was possessed by bitter envy and selfishness and he was the most unpleasant person I ever knew.




How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing?


God can't sanctify us while we're in denial. We have to confront envy and selfishness and bring them under the rule of God. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.




How does boasting about these prevent healing?


While we're comfortable with how we interact with people and boast about how we've used them and brought them low to lift ourselves up we're of no use to God at all. We must confront the unpleasant aspects of our personalities and deal with them under the lordship of Jesus.



  • 5 weeks later...

Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?



When a life is based and centered in bitter envy and selfish ambition it excludes Godly wisdom and understanding.  God's way is not the way of ego-centricsim.  God's way is the way of humility and the love of others.  Humanity must walk humility with God because we are prone to make ourselves gods and to live as though we are the most important person at the expense our relationship to God and of others.  God's way is the way of giving and not always consuming. 


You cannot heal or address what you don't or wouldn't address or acknowledge in your life.  Thus denial of bitter envy and selfish ambition cannot be dealt with if it is denied.  Likewise, if I am boasting and taking pride in bitter envy and selfish ambition I am in another state of denial and no healing can take place.


Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing? 



When a life is based and centered in bitter envy and selfish ambition it excludes Godly wisdom and understanding.  God's way is not the way of ego-centricsim.  God's way is the way of humility and the love of others.  Humanity must walk humility with God because we are prone to make ourselves gods and to live as though we are the most important person at the expense our relationship to God and of others.  God's way is the way of giving and not always consuming. 


You cannot heal or address what you don't or wouldn't address or acknowledge in your life.  Thus denial of bitter envy and selfish ambition cannot be dealt with if it is denied.  Likewise, if I am boasting and taking pride in bitter envy and selfish ambition I am in another state of denial and no healing can take place.


  • 2 years later...

Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

To have ambition is a good thing if we use it for good purposes, as seeking the Lord and understanding of his word. But most people use ambition to further their own selfish purposes. This type of ambition can cause a person to develop a bitter attitude and envy towards other people who are advancing faster then they or people who stand in their way of achieving what they want. A pure and humble heart with good moral wisdom of God's word, helps a person from becoming selfish and full of envy.

A person who deny's having a selfish or envious ambition is lying to himself if they refuse to humble themselves because of their greed or objective to power and prosperity. 

If a person continues to deny their selfish ambition they can never be healed, that is if they never want repent of their greed. There are people who want more and more of anything they can get, even if it is impossible for them to even use in a life time. They have hardened their heat and can not become humble and are stone cold to the Holy Spirit. We need the love that the Lord offers to fill our hearts. 

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?


Bitter envy and selfish ambition is about self, humility is about others


If we deny the problem we cannot fix the problem.  Either we don't see it or we don't want to but you cannot fix what you don't acknowledge as needing fixing.

When we boast about envy and ambition we are not repentant and not desirous of healing.


God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26



  • 1 year later...

Envy and selfish ambition leads to ****, pride, greed, and deceit. Humility leads to serving, honesty, and forgiveness. Earthly resources like: position, knowledge, and experience tend to manipulate people and situations for its own selfish ends, ultimately it is this kind of attitude which keeps people out of God’s kingdom. Also, boasting in this way causes non-practicing Christians to see Christians setting ungodly examples of God’s kingdom.

 James assures us that such “wisdom” does not come from heaven but its origin is earthly, unspiritual, and of the devil. Heavenly wisdom shows itself in deeds done in humility. When we understand the gospel, that God gave Himself for us to redeem us from our sins, we are motivated by the love of Christ to serve God and to serve others in a way that brings glory to God. Jesus lived on earth as a man walking in perfect heavenly wisdom, yet it gained him neither riches nor earthly comforts. He had no earthly wealth, no earthly title, what fame he gained through His good works soon turned to infamy as He was rejected, betrayed, deserted, tortured and killed. While heavenly wisdom does not always give the immediate gratification that earthly “wisdom” offers, it does give a reward that far outlasts anything this world could offer.

  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q19. Selfishness vs. Humility
  • 1 month later...

In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

I have to admit that I'm very ambitious, thus love competitions. I love a square, straight competition that's not weighted toward any viewpoint or person ... a fair competition, that is.  What's wrong with winning ... and losing? That's the idea of competition, isn't it, that I rise to the level of my ability, and then start losing. The humiliating part comes from realizing that I will lose inevitably, that there's a top limit to my abilities which may be lower than I had thought.

Does my love of competing make me proud? (un-humble)  Perhaps. I love that little frisson that comes from besting someone good, someone I admire. I'm not sure that's a sin, though. Real humility doesn't necessarily come from losing, either, though losing certainly helps humility grow! Still, I've lost many times only to redouble my effort and expectation. Is that pride?

Life's a competition. A struggle. It's "me" v my circumstances, abilities/disabilities, other people, etc. It is even "me" v "me": I compete against myself. I know when I do well and when I slough off, and actually chart (excel spreadsheet) certain metrics so I can compete against myself. I think of this as self-betterment, a lesser form of sanctification.

There are plenty of competitive metaphors and goals of "winning" in the bible. The obvious one that comes to mind is Paul's racing metaphors --  "pressing toward the mark ..." -- but also in the OT, the desire to be victorious in battle, to win against competitors ... this is all over the scriptures. 

The word ambition has to be paired with the word selfish to make sense in these passages. SELFISHness is the sin. Ambition is morally neutral until paired with a negative motive, in this case, selfishness.

What I find interesting is selfish ambition is mentioned with bitter envy. I can see how healing would be prevented by passionate emotions, particularly the grating or continuing kind. I go to an acupuncturist who told me, yesterday, that the healing of my leg/hip injury was progressing fast because I slept well and smiled a lot.  She's a Buddhist, but perhaps understands the power of bitterness and selfishness intuitively.


  • 2 weeks later...

Q19. (3:13-16)
In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (3:14) direct opposites of "humility" (3:13)? 
How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? 
How does boasting about these prevent healing?
Bitter envy and selfish ambition characterise the worldly-wise person. They act according to the principles of this world, which embodies all the traits that the world glorify. This behaviour tells us there is no evidence of divine life within their heart – their hearts are defiled. Full of covetousness, greed, and self-centredness. We have the worldly person who is only interested in advancing his own interests. It is here that we also find confusion, disharmony and every other kind of evil. Directly opposite we have the wise and understanding person characterised by their humility, who manifest the life of Christ, and in whom the fruit of the Spirit is evident. We have the godly person who besides being wise, understanding, and humble, has a heart is full of righteousness. All this bitter envy and selfish ambition prevents healing of the heart since it is not wisdom that comes from heaven, but is earthy, unspiritual, and demonic. We need an antibiotic, a massive dose of humility. Better to self-medicate than wait for God’s remedy. same with boasting which is only promoting our self-worth – no humility here. 


Q19. (James 3:13-16) In what ways are “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” (3:14) direct opposites of “humility” (3:13)? How does denial of “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

Bitter envy and self ambition both deal with self and pride, but humility deals with the deceasing of ones self and knowing it's not you (in other words, you don't get the big head). If you cannot admit that you deal with bitter envy and selfish ambition it will and can cause you to become sick and prevent the healing of your sickness.


Q19. (James 3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" boasting about “and "selfish ambition" (verse 14) direct opposites of "humility" (verse 13)? Where there is “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” is found disorder and every evil practice; whereas true wisdom and understanding is expressed by the good life and deeds. How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing? The denial of, and boasting about, “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” hardens the heart making it impenetrable to Holy Spirit cleansing.



Q3.Bitter envy and Selfish ambition cannot co exist with humility. Bitter envy is when we want something others have and we don’t have. It occupies our thoughts a lot and is like a raw ulcer inside us. Selfish ambition is when we are motivated by what we want to do and get , there are no thoughts about anyone else , whether it suits others , is it helping anyone else. We just don’t think or care so long as we get what we want. Humility is when we recognise our own inadequacy before Our Lord and Saviour, in comparison to His Holiness. It involves thinking about others and how we act and deal with them. Humility is opposite to Bitter envy and Selfish ambition. When we have bitter envy and selfish ambition in our hearts it is like having a wound and a wound cannot be healed until whatever is causing the problem is removed. So it is with these two vices when we realise we are like this we need to come to Jesus in humility and beg Him to help us to be humble only them will the wound slowly heal. If we go around boasting about what we have and what we have accomplished in life we won’t heal until we recognise that what we are doing is wrong and to have bitter envy and selfish ambition in our hearts is wrong and it is sin.


Q19. (James 3:13-16) In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (verse 14) direct opposites of "humility" (verse 13)? How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing? How does boasting about these prevent healing?

Humility is a godly virtue. A Godly person will not be selfish or envious


In what ways are “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” (3:14) direct opposites of “humility” (3:13)?

Humility is doing for others before self.  Bitter envy and selfish ambition is seeking for self first. 

How does denial of “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition” prevent healing?

Ambition is necessary for progress.  As much as be are ambitious for our families, we should be ambitious for God too.

How does boasting about these prevent healing?

When we boast, success becomes our own achievements.  God is left out.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q19. (James 3:13-16)

In what ways are "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" (verse 14) direct opposites of "humility" (verse 13)?

How does denial of "bitter envy" and "selfish ambition" prevent healing?

How does boasting about these prevent healing?

Humility is a characteristic quality of true wisdom, whereas bitter envy and selfish ambition leads to superficial wisdom, which is unspiritual and can even be described as develish or demoniacal. 

Denial of selfish ambition and envy leads to unrest, disharmony and rebellion and is definitely  not a condition where healing can take place. 

Boasting about this envy and ambition shows one is false to the Truth and stays in that condition and cannot get set free.

Not so long ago I witnessed just how evil this envy and ambition can be. Two young boys (9 yrs of age) came in from the field.  They were always striving to be the best (be it the best runner, catcher, kicker of the ball etc.)  Suddenly they grabbed each other, punching and kicking and squirming like snakes on the ground. It was horrific to see. It could really be described as demoniacal.  

Only healing can help those young boys.

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