Tom Gilbert Posted February 4, 2003 Report Posted February 4, 2003 The war strategy Gideon uses is most effective. He is able to give the appearance of an army many times the size of 300 men. Each has a horn, each a lamp (hidden in the jar until breaking). Each shouts out a battle cry "For Gideon and the Lord". Clearly God was on the Israelites side in this battle and inspired the strategy. It's interesting that the army at this point didn't actually have to commit much of the bloodshed as the Midianites in their confusion and darkness turned on each other. The strategy worked because the Midianites were overwhelmed by fear of a massive army in a surprise attack at a vulnerable time at night--and because Gideon and his men followed closely God's directions. Quote
David Maher Posted February 5, 2003 Report Posted February 5, 2003 Why does Gideon divided into three companies? This was a normal strategy of the time. Armies were normally divided into a right wing, a left wing and the body of the army. This is also similar to a strategy that his father Abraham used when he attacked the army that had taken Lot captive. What is the strategy with the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches? The strategy was to appear larger than they were. There would normally only be one trumpet per company, and only a few torches per company. The sound of three hundred trumpets would suggest a very large army is attacking. The same holds true for the number of tourches. The empty jars probably hid the torches initially and the noise they made when breaking would help add to the confusion of the Midianite army. What was the result of this strategy? Judg 7:21-22 21 While each man held his position around the camp, all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled. 22 When the three hundred trumpets sounded, the LORD caused the men throughout the camp to turn on each other with their swords. The army fled to Beth Shittah toward Zererah as far as the border of Abel Meholah near Tabbath. (from New International Version) Why did this strategy work? Gideon was being faithful and obedient to the Lord. He was completely following the Lord's direction. Quote
linda bass Posted February 5, 2003 Report Posted February 5, 2003 By dividing his men into companies of 100 each, the enemy would feel like they were surrounded. Also by attacking late at night they would surprise and confuse the enemy. Trumpets are used in battle to sound the charge or retreat. By using 300 trumpets instead of just one, Gideon's men would make the enemy believe a large army was attacking them. The pottery jars hid the light of the torches until Gideon's men were ready to use them. The jars would also make alot of noise when broken which would confuse the enemy. The 300 torches appearing all around the Midianite camp would give them the impression that the were surround. The Midianites,unable to see in the dark, start killing each other. This strategy worked because God had already given the Midianites to Gideon and his army. All they had to do was act on faith. Quote
Audrey Hill Posted February 7, 2003 Report Posted February 7, 2003 Gideon divided into three companies to make the enemy feel like they are being attacked from all sides. The strategy of the trumpets - one trumpet is usually sounded to direct each company of soldiers. When the enemy hears 300 trumpets they imagine a huge army is attacking them. The empty jar strategy - This served two purposes (1) to hide the light of the torches until the right time and (2) to create a lot of noise upon them being shattered in order to confuse their enemy. The torches strategy - The torch lights suddenly appearing all around the Midianite camp gave them the impression they were surrounded and they paniced. The results of this strategy were: The Midianite army panics and being unable to see in the dark, they ran into each other and began to strike each other down with their swords. Many were killed by thier own soldiers there in the camp. This strategy worked because it was God's plan. God helped Gideon fight the battle. God told Gideon that He would win the battle for him and Gideon trusted Him. Quote
Wendy Reid Posted February 7, 2003 Report Posted February 7, 2003 Q1. Why does Gideon divided into three companies? What is the strategy with the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches? (7:16-20) What was the result of this strategy? Why did this strategy work? (7:21-22) Gideon diveded into three companies in order to seem to be much more that they were. Trumpets - Because one trumpet normally sounded an attack, 300 would mean that they had a huge army. Used to deceive the Midianites. Empty Jars - To hide the light and then to make a great noise, used as a fear tactic Torches - When the Midianites "saw" what they believed to be a huge army, they paniced. God was with Gideon, he had planned everything, down to the last detail. Quote
Donald Henhawke Posted February 10, 2003 Report Posted February 10, 2003 Gideon was inspired by God, to follow according his guidance and spirit. The stategy was succesfull to frighten and confuse the Midianites with some falling on the own weapons,following Gods plans always work to an sucessfull end as long as one follows its meaning faithfully and leaves out the human frailities. Quote
Marjorie Knight Posted February 10, 2003 Report Posted February 10, 2003 Gideon's plan was to confuse the Midianites, thinking there was a large crowd attacking them, when in fact they were attacking one another. Quote
Christopher Smith Posted February 11, 2003 Report Posted February 11, 2003 I believe that Gideon divided his troops into three companies in order to make them more manageable. In delicate night operations, smaller groups of soldiers are needed in order that commands need not travel as far, and men can keep track of their comrades more easily. Leadership is not just about being the top banana, but being responsible to play one's part as commander of those below one, and servant of those above one; these roles are executed simultaneously. Gideon is simply following good military strategy by setting up a chain of command, not falling for the deceit that he can directly command 'such a small army' of only 300. Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted February 12, 2003 Report Posted February 12, 2003 Sorry already answered this one Quote
debs4jc Posted February 14, 2003 Report Posted February 14, 2003 Why does Gideon divided into three companies? What is the strategy with the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches? (7:16-20) What was the result of this strategy? Why did this strategy work? (7:21-22) The three companies made the apprehensive Midianites feel like they were being attacked from all directions and added to their confusion. Plus it was good military strategy, as many already mentioned. The trumpets, breaking jars, torches, and even the shouting added to the illusion that a large army was attacking. The Midianites were already on edge because of the dream, news of which probably had spread thruoghout the camp. While some were surprised others were panicked because they knew something awful was about to happen and it did. The result was utter confusion, many Midianites killing each other (and no Israelite casualites that are reported) and the rest of them retreating. This strategy was from God and worked because they followed His instructions and allowed Him to get the glory for the victory. Quote
linda biloni Posted February 20, 2003 Report Posted February 20, 2003 He did this to surround the Midianites. The strategy was to make the midianites think the army was larger than it was. The result of this strategy was chaos and confusion within the Midianites. The strategy worked because Gideon was obeying God and God was there with him in battle Quote
leo Posted February 24, 2003 Report Posted February 24, 2003 I agree with the point that the army was divided and that they used the torches to create confusion among their enemies. In fact, I think that Gideon's small army was divided to create the illusion that they were in fact a bigger and more numerous army than they really are. This was also done to create the illusion that they were comming from different directions thus giving the illusion that they had allies who came to help destroy the enemy. The jars and the torches were used to capitalize on the one element that will help them win...surprise. Imagine yourself camping outside, sleeping peacefully when suddenly you wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of jars breaking and torches waving all around you. I think anybody would be confused as to what's happening if they're suddenly in that situation. That's what the Lord planned to help His people win the almost impossible situation that His people were facing at the time. Quote
Joanie Posted April 6, 2003 Report Posted April 6, 2003 Gideon Lesson 4 Question 1 Why does Gideon divide into three companies? What is the strategy with the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches? (Judges 7:16-20) What was the result of this strategy? Why did this strategy work? (Judges 7:21-22) Gideon now knows the Lord is going to give him and his 300 men victory over the enemy. Gideon divides his skeleton force of 300 into three companies, with a line of men a few hundred feet apart. This way the enemy will feel like they are being attacked from all sides. Especially as the enemy thinks that one trumpet sounded is to direct an entire company of soldiers. But Gideon has given a trumpet and an empty jar with a torch inside to each of his 300 men. 'Watch me,' he tells them. 'Follow my lead. The jars are to hide the torches until the right time and then the jars will be shattered. Gideon has instructed his men to do exactly as he, Gideon does. The shattering of the pottery jars at night time will create a great deal of noise in order to confuse the enemy. Then, with torchlights suddenly appearing all around the Midianite camp, will give the impression of being surrounded. This strategy worked because in the confusion, while Gideons' men, each one, stood in his place, The Lord caused the enemy troops to begin fighting and killing each other from one end of the camp to the other. And they fled into the night to places far away. Quote
Dennis Hatlestad Posted April 11, 2003 Report Posted April 11, 2003 By separating into three companies it looks like there is more warriors then there is. By blowing the trumpets and smashing the jars it cause a lot of commotion among the enemies for they were not ready for such a strategy. The Lord was with Gideon and that is why Gideon was successful. Quote
luray mcclung Posted April 18, 2003 Report Posted April 18, 2003 Gideon divided his army of 300 men into three companies, giving the appearance of a surrounded Midianite camp. Also, the strategies with the trumpets, the empty jars and torches created such noise and distaction in the night that the Midianites were baffled and confused. These strategies resulted in the enemy killing each other. Obviously, the plan worked as Gideon still had his 300 men unharmed, but getting hungry. Meanwhile, the remaining Midianites fled for their lives. lmc Quote
Liza Posted May 10, 2003 Report Posted May 10, 2003 I believe he divided them into three companies because he wanted them to spread out Quote
Walt Woodbridge Posted May 12, 2003 Report Posted May 12, 2003 Why does Gideon divided into three companies? What is the strategy with the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches? (7:16-20) What was the result of this strategy? Why did this strategy work? (7:21-22) To project to the enemy that they were being attacked from all sides. While Gideon was relying on God's help, he utilized every available tools to confuse the enemy. In the dark of the midnight hours, the phenomina of lights and sounds, would be magnified and thus interpreted differently than in daylight hours. Confusing the enemy was the basic strategy, and it worked. Quote
bjcollin Posted June 10, 2003 Report Posted June 10, 2003 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. Why does Gideon divided into three companies? What is the strategy with the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches? (7:16-20) What was the result of this strategy? Why did this strategy work? (7:21-22) See exposition. Gideon divided the men into three companies of 100 men each to totally surround the Midianite camp. The strategy with the trumpets and empty jars and torches is a sudden surprise which puts the Midianites into a mass confusion and they begin slaying each other. The strategy worked because the Lord caused it to work (v22). Quote
Derek Posted June 16, 2003 Report Posted June 16, 2003 Divided into three companies they were able to come at the enemy from three different directions and give the impression that they were an overwhelming force. Attacking at night the sudden blast of the trumpets, combined with the shattering of the jars and the torches in every direction were meant to cause confusion. All succeeded. The architect of the strategy was God who gave them the victory. However Gideon's [art was to obey God and follow His guidance by faith. Quote
kitty Posted January 23, 2004 Report Posted January 23, 2004 Gideon has the army divided into 3 groups so that all 300 men could surround the Midianite camp. By having the men sound the trumpets, break the pottery and raise their torches is to confuse the enemy. The result was the enemy was confused. The spirit of the Lord brought this on and the enemy killed each other and fled from the scene. The strategy worked because God created the plan. Quote
heatherdills Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 Gideon divided into three companies so the Midianites would be confused by thinking they were surrounded. The strategy of the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches were to make the enemy think there was a larger army than there actually was. The result of this strategy caused the Midianites to turn on each other and flee. This strategy works because Gideon did as God instructed. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 21, 2004 Report Posted May 21, 2004 Q1. Why does Gideon divided into three companies? He was trying to confuse the Midianites and make them think they were surrounded. What is the strategy with the trumpets, the empty jars, and the torches? (7:16-20) Making a lot of noise made the Midianites think they were surrounded by a large army. What was the result of this strategy? The Midianites fled. Why did this strategy work? (7:21-22) Because Gideon obeyed God. Quote
Helen Posted June 18, 2004 Report Posted June 18, 2004 Dividing into three companies will enable Gideon to appear to surround the Midianites. The trumpets were to create a concerted cacophany. The jars were to hide the torches until the appropriate time when they could seem to appear out of no-where. Also the jars were to be broken noisily to add a different chord to the cacophany. The torches, appearing suddenly with the cacophany were to terrify the Midianite army and to create the effect that they were immediately and closely surrounded by an impossible enemy. The result was mayhem in the Midianite army, ie they began to fight each other. It worked because the word had got around about the dream and they were expecting to be defeated by Israel, and all this noise and lights suddenly coming upon them seemed to confirm their expectations. God's psychology is astounding! Quote
mairead Posted June 18, 2004 Report Posted June 18, 2004 Gideon divided his army into three companies in order to trick the army into thinking that they were surrounded on all sides. The trumpets were used in battle to sound different orders. There would be one trumpet per company. When the enemy hears 300 trumpets they think that there is a huge army attacking. The empty jars were to hide the light of the torches until the right time and when they were broken the caused a huge noise that further confused the enemy. When the torches suddenly appeared all around their camp they increased the enemies fear that they were surrounded and caused further panic. The Midianites panicked and killed each other in the dark and the confusion. The rest fled. God was with Gideon and his men. Quote
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