Pastor Ralph Posted December 17, 2004 Report Posted December 17, 2004 Q22. (James 4:4) Why does James refer to church members as “adulteresses”? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? Quote
AngelOnLine Posted February 20, 2005 Report Posted February 20, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? He uses the feminine term Quote
kas Posted February 20, 2005 Report Posted February 20, 2005 The church is the bride of Christ, thus it is feminine. Adultery is anything that takes priority over Christ in our hearts. Christ, the Spirit, and God are aggreived. The world hates the Lord and if we side in any way by action or inaction to the world's ways, we are in effect agreeing with the world, thus disagreeing with God. (We cannot have two masters, we will either love the one and despise the other). Quote
Julie Posted February 20, 2005 Report Posted February 20, 2005 1. To make it clear, He means All believers 2. Friendship with the world 3. God 4. You can not be friends of the world and of God, for the world does not follow God, Christians are in the world but not of the world, if you love the world then you do not love God for the world is sinful, our love for God marks us apart from the world Quote
Faithd Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 Why does James refer to church members s adultresses? Because we, the church, are married to God and should not be unfaithful to Him What does the adultery consist of? The adultery spoken about here is our preference of pleasure and things of the earth above God which makes us unfaithful to Him. Who is the agrieved husband God is What is wrong with friendship with the world? Friendship with the world is wrong because then your focus is no longer on God but on earthly things whereas God wants us to leave everything of this world and follow him. Quote
Margaret Asuquo Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 We are the bride of Christ and so the term adultress is used. Adultery consist of taking your mind off yourtrue love, selling your integrity, and indulging in false pleasure. The agrieved husband is God. Frienship with the world puts us in enimity with God. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? Because they were concerned with the world and wanting the things of the world. Members of the church are considered "the bride of Christ". They are to be concerned with things of the Lord, not spending all their time getting and being concerned with earthly things. Adultery consists of being married yet giving yourself to a "lover." This type of adultery Pastor Ralph speaks of here means giving yourself to things of this world, not things of the Lord. God is the aggrieved husband. When we spend our time, talents and money just to get something from worldly pleasures, we take these from their rightful owner-the Lord-and waste them. Quote
ccs Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? Because they are Christ Quote
lindaparadise Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? God is considered the bridegroom and we the people the bride. By not doing out of love for the groom (GOD), but for our own pleasure it's like committing adultery against your husband.(GOD) Pleasure seeking being the person you do it with(adultry) against your husband(GOD). Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 2a.) (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? 2a.) I go to the epistle of Jude: "They (Apostles) said to you, "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires." These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit." (Jude 18, 19); John writes: "I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will have nothing to do with us." (3 John 9) James warns us about trying to love the world and love God at the same time. It can not happen. 2b.) (4:4) What does the adultery consist of? 2b.) Trying to love the world and loving God at the same time. Jesus warned the disciples: "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." (John 15:18-19) 2c.) (4:4) Who is the aggrieved husband? 2c.) Many of you have answered God, but the Scriptures tells us that: "For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." (Ephesians 5:23) John tells us: "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God--." (John 1:12) We are children of God through Christ's redemption. Quote
MyBeloved Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 James refers to church members as "adulteresses" because we are the bride of Christ and when we love this world system more than we love Christ that is what we are, adulteresses. 1 John 2:15 "Do not love the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." The aggrieved husband is Christ. The American Heritage Dictionary explains "friend" as one who supports, sympathizes with, a comrade. If that is the way a believer in Christ is toward the world system then that believer is unfaithful to Christ. Christ should be first in our lives. Quote
grace Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 Why does James refer to church members as adulteresses? He does this because they are more into the World than for the things of God.They are trying to mix God with Mammon; they are unable to shake off the worldly influence from their spiritual walk. Adultery here leaving your first and best love for that which the flesh lusts after God is the aggrieved husband. Friendship with the world is wrong in that it will conflict with your love for God. "Come ye out from among them (The World) and be ye separate says the Lord and touch not the unclean thing". For what fellowship hath light with darkness? If any man love the world , the love of the Father is not in him. Jesus said, " The prince of this world has come and I have no part in him." Quote
Jen Posted February 21, 2005 Report Posted February 21, 2005 Wy does James refer to church members as adulteresses? We are the bride of Christ. What does the adultery consist of? Friendship with the world. Putting anyone or anything over Christ. Who is the aggrieved husband? Jesus. We are His bride. What is wrong with friendship with the world? How can I love the world which treated my Savior so? God Bless, Jen Numbers 6: 24-26 Quote
sunilbernard Posted February 22, 2005 Report Posted February 22, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? In some translations it is adulterous and in some adulteresses. The meaning is same. We the body of Christ, the Church, is behaving in an adulterous way. Leaving the true husband and going after others. That is leaving God and going after Mammon or the evil pleasures of this world. Adultery consists of flirting and having extra marital affairs. Our flirting with the world and its evil desires amount to the same. Leaving Christ, the head of the church, and going after worldly pleasures tantamount to Christ as the aggrieved husband. Friendship with the world produces conflicting situations. The interests that we serve here on earth are in conflict with God's ineterests. That's why it is a wrong procedure to adopt. Quote
brian Posted February 22, 2005 Report Posted February 22, 2005 God uses the female form because we are the bride of Christ . God is the aggrieved spouse. Friendliness with the world is firendliness with the devil as he is the god of this world. Quote
June Posted February 23, 2005 Report Posted February 23, 2005 Because believers are married to God. Adultery is flirting with sin of any kind. When a believer is out of the will of God we are entertaining another lover. When we do worldly things it grieves God and we are saying that we don't trust and believe Him. Loving worldly things is adulterous. God is the aggrieved husband. When people get too friendly with worldly things they tend to push God out . They then become an enemy of God. Quote
TennLady01 Posted February 23, 2005 Report Posted February 23, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? He use the word adulteresses and not adulterer because he wanted to let it be know that the church is the bride of Christ. Adultery is looking away from one on husband and taking on desires for others that you have no right to. They are not your and you step out of line when you **** after another. When we **** after things of this world we are replacing God with them. That is wrong and it will not be excepted by our Lord. The aggrieved husband is the son of God, Jesus, The one that gave his life for us so we might live and be with him forever more. We have to be careful not to have a love affair with the world for that is not pleasing to God the Father or the husband his son Jesus Christ who died to pay the price for our sins. He put us first and we should do the same for him. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted February 23, 2005 Report Posted February 23, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? We are the bride of Christ. When we put other things before him it becomes adultery. Adultry is taking the love of God and giving it to someone else, or into our evil desires. We should not want to greive God. God's place in our lives should be first place, not anything from this world. Lets get back to placing God first in our lives. And turn away from the things of this world. Pleasures that belong in this world should not replace our first love. Quote
DebChats Posted February 23, 2005 Report Posted February 23, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? James is comparing the Christian lifestyle, to one who is married to a husband. To flirt with horoscopes, or witchcraft, or any number of other worldly acts, is the same as committing adultery against Jesus. What does the adultery consist of? It can consist of anything that is contrary to God and His Kingdom. Who is the aggrieved husband? Jesus Christ What is wrong with friendship with the world? Fellowship with the world is in exact opposition to fellowship with God. To choose to be a friend to the world is to choose to be enemies with God. And to choose to be a friend of God, is to choose to be an enemy of the world. Quote
Bob Reeves Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Q2. 1. God refered to the church as His Bride in the New Testament and Wife in the Old Testament. 2. The wife desireing affection from another. In this case, affections from the world system. 3. In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were addressed by God as His wife. In the New Testament, the Church is addressed as God's Bride. So that makes God as our husband. We are married to him. Sure wouldn't want my wife to be walking hand in hand with someone else. 4. According to James, ". . . a friend of the world is the enemy of God." Quote
sherrylynn Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world? James refers to church members as adulteresses because we are Christ's bride, He is our husband. The adultery consists of being unfaithful to God by being disobedient to Him. The aggrieved husband is God. Friendship with the world is hatred toward God. We cannot serve two masters. We must not be of this world nor conform to the ways of the world. Quote
JoyceAlaska Posted February 25, 2005 Report Posted February 25, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? I would say, that Paul was addressing Christians--not simply church members. And, the church or the body of Christ is referred to as His bride-- What does the adultery consist of? Being unfaithful to Christ by embracing the carnal pleasures of the world and by being seduced by deviant doctrine-- allowing the things of this world to become foremost in your thought and allegiance-- Who is the aggrieved husband? Christ--who died for us. What is wrong with friendship with the world? It dilutes the love/allegiance to Christ-- you cannot love/serve two masters!! If you serve the world, you will not be serving Christ--you can't do both!! You cannot fellowship with the dark things of this world and still cling to the light of Christ--- And, it is a choice we make--we can choose to follow the world--or we can choose to follow Christ. Quote
Renee Posted February 26, 2005 Report Posted February 26, 2005 Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? Well, the church is the bride of Christ and if we are loving the world more than Christ then we are adultresses. What does the adultery consist of? Loving the world and things that are in it more than God and all of the things that He wants us to do. Who is the aggrieved husband? Christ. What is wrong with friendship with the world? When we put things of this world before the things of God then it is wrong. A lot of the time I think of my job when I think of the world. I work for Wal-mart and I really like it but my family and God come first. Wal-mart, the world, wants to be first and formost in my life but it's just not going to happen. God and my family come first and I know that He will bless me for that commitment Quote
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