Pastor Ralph Posted March 14, 2005 Report Posted March 14, 2005 Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? (Note: to answer this question correctly you'll need to refer to the notes on the precise word meanings.) Quote
durhamlass Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 A slave does what they are told no questions asked. It means absolute and instant obedience no matter what the cost to them personally. They have no alternative as they are bound in chains by their master who is quite within their rights to punish them, even to kill them for not doing what they are told. They may be allowed something to eat and drink if the master sees fit. They may be allowed to have a spouse or children but this is not their free choice but that of the master. He decides if they are allowed to have contact with a spouse or their children. In other words every single decision about their lives is taken by the master and they have to learn to live with whatever decisions are made on their behalf. No wonder a slave was thankful when they had a genrous and kind owner who thought of their needs when decisions were being made. I know I am a long way off the sort of obedience that should be expected of me. I fight and I struggle and I argue for a long time before giving up and doing what I should have done in the first place. Part of the reason I want my own way far too much and part is because I find it hard to trust God the way that I should. Susan Quote
daeBee Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 Shalom to you! In response to this question, I find the concept of slave and saint to have similarities in that they require putting aside all desires of 'self' and choosing the desires of the Master above all. However, I also have the thought running in my mind that the concept of slavery in this context has more to do with us - OUR submission, OUR total commitment and OUR obedience to God, while the concept of sainthood has more to do with God's part of it - HE has set us apart, HE has made us to be holy in Christ Jesus, HE has set us as sacred vessels to be used for specific purposes and to be honored and well cared for. Together, it makes us complete. The paragraph in this morning's study on Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ was most interesting to me, since I so often say Christ Jesus, and now I understand better where I am at in my spirit when I do that. AWESOME beginning! Quote
lindaparadise Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 . (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? a person that serves one master. What is the root idea of "saint"? a person that serves only Jesus Christ (GOD) In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? if you are a true Christian you are serving one master. and that is Jesus (GOD) in everyday life and in all that you do. Quote
Helenmm Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 A slave is one who is committed (or compelled) to serve a master for a lifetime. A saint is one who has committed himself to a lifetime of service to Jesus. The common idea is a lifetime of service to a master. Quote
Alicea Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? (Note: to answer this question correctly you'll need to refer to the notes on the precise word meanings.) Slave: Committed for life, compulsory service. Saint: Consecrated to the service of God. They say the same thing in that it is a life long commitment, totally given over to the Lord. Quote
Marymi Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 Greetings and Salutations all! Slaves, are bound, with no choice. The stigmat of slaves is that there is no joy usually involved in there servace of there master. However, when Paul talkes about it, he makes it clear that although he is bound to Christ as a slave he does it with great joy. Servant is someone that does that same things, in serving there master, but that implies there is a choices more then at slave does. Either way, they both BY CHOICE are completely sold out to serving that whom they call Master. Its funny how the difference is, I looked a those words as negative, but as I grow closer to Christ, adn start to equate my hearts desire with descriptive words, those words are totally what I feel. THat i want to be that is. I just also wanted to share that I so far,love this study and am grateful for all the other comments. They are edifiying as a fellow believer. Thanks, Bless yoU! Quote
hausmouse Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? I remember being taught about the OT custom of releasing slaves under the Law. If a slave who had been given his freedom VOLUNTARILY placed himself back under submission and service to his master FOR LIFE, his ear was pierced with an awl, and he was forever marked as a bondservant -- one who voluntarily gave himself in service to his master. What it meant to anyone who saw him was "Wow! What an awesome Master that slave has -- He (the master) must be wonderful, for someone to voluntarily give himself to such a man." -- This just reminds me of what an awesome and wonderful Master we serve as 'saints' -- set apart, totally consecrated to live for no-one else except Jesus Christ. Quote
sherrylynn Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? (Note: to answer this question correctly you'll need to refer to the notes on the precise word meanings.) Slave: One who is solely commited to another - for life Saint: Being dedicated or consecrated to the service of God - set apart for the service of God A Christian's relationship to God is one of total commitment for life - we are set apart, or made holy for Him and by Him. He is our master and we are obedient to Him. We are commited to Him and will serve Him on this earth and into eternity. Our commitment and service to Him encompass every aspect of our life - we give our all to Him and He has set us apart for service to Him. Quote
jaunita Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 Hi all, good to be back! Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? I see here in the word slave, one being an indentured servant; If you look up the word 'indentured' it actually means one under contract, bound to another for service. I like that. For that is what we, as followers of Christ are. The word 'saint'...which by the way, can and is misused in many cases today, includes all believers that have been made righteous and Holy through the blood of the Lamb; Jesus. Both words point out our utter dependence on the one we are inslaved [through love and sacrifice, on His part ] to; And our inability to attain 'sainthood' or 'right-standing, by any other means except by being washed in the blood. Our own righteousness being as filthy rags. We owe Him all, so we offer Him all. Quote
FrazierNC Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 A slave is "compelled" to to serve his master. A saint is a servant of God striving to do God's will, knowing that he is not perfect but also knowing that Christ has paid for his sin so that he can work for God in whatever God needs him. Since he has asked for and been given forgiveness, he can concentrate on doing God's will without feeling the burden of his imperfection. To quote a great saying: "God asks for your availability, not your ability." Paul, in spite of his imperfection, knew that he could be a tool for God to use. Quote
randi Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 Slaves are solely committed t their masters for life. Slaves are not like hired servants who come and go. Saints are born again Christianswho are consecrated to God for life, to do His service. Saints are not perfect but they are dedicated to serve God for the long run. When we are born again and set apart for God we become His possession and agree to work for the rest of our life in service to Him, therefore our being a saint is as being a slave is to his master. Quote
Cynthia Morales Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 I feel that the basic idea of a slave is that the slave is bought for a price and once bought they are to do their masters bidding. Saints, according to our Brother Paul, are those who no longer do things according to the flesh but instead are led by the Spirit of God. The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to those who have confesed Jesus Christ as their Savoiur and who believe that His death on the cross was the price He paid for me, thus I am bought. This is the common denominator for a Christian's relationship to God, that a great price was paid on our behalf and so now I willingly and obediantly do His bidding! Quote
durhamlass Posted April 9, 2005 Report Posted April 9, 2005 For anyone who wondered what on earth was going on when I wrote the last post. I am in the middle of a battle that revolves around the issue of obedience. I have God in one ear saying you are taking too much and allowing yourself to be abused and it is about time you stood up for yourself. In the other ear the evil one is saying no matter what is said or how it is said you will obey it. A saint is a called out one set apart for God's purposes and given the rights of an adopted heir. As a child of God obedience is expected but the motives for obedience is quite different. For the child obedience is supposed to develop character and to be something that is done out of love for the parent. For the parent obedience is something that is seen as a way of helping a child build character. For a slave obedience is forced upon them by their circumstances. They are bound up and forced to be obedient. Aristotle for one thought that it was not possible to develop a virtuous character in a slave. Susan Quote
kate882 Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 As a slave of Christ we have become God's property...we were bought at the cost of his blood...We have a serious obligation to realize that and to serve him in full knowledge of it. As a saint in Christ we have been set apart for his use and to his glory...simply stated we have a purpose in Him and for him. These are essentially the same in nature regarding our relationship to God as Christians. We are required to determine our actions as people who are devoted to God and his glory out of our love for him and his love for us. Quote
Troy Pearson Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 a slave to the Lord follows w/o question,even Most gladly ! Quote
ReJoyce Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 You've all had such wonderful answers! I would like to add one more idea. A slave serves only for the benefit of his master, while a saint is blessed in his work for the Lord. Joyce Quote
Kelli Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 A slave is someone committed totally to that person. A saint is someone who is consecrated or set apart -holy for God. It is saying to me that I am totally committed and set apart for God. I am in total dependence upon Him and my hope and faith is in Him and Him alone. I am here to serve God and God alone. Quote
Sassyblue8 Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 Well, slave is more like servant and Christians are God's servants to do the will of the Father and the Son. We no longer have ownership over ourselves. We are now God's property. God is the Master but He is the Father also and He loves us so therefore being His servant (slave) is no hardship or misery. A slave is in bondage and we are no longer in bondage when we come to Jesus Chirst. We are now alive to God, we are His children and heirs of salvation! But also we are no longer slaves to sin but slaves to righteousness! Romans 6:18 As far as saint goes, saint means believer in Hebrew. One preacher I heard one time said you're either a saint or you ain't one. Saint does not mean someone who is granted sainthood from someone else. Believers in Christ Jesus are saints when they believe. Quote
Jen Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 What is the basic idea of slave? what is the basic idea of saint? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christians relationship to God? Slave: A person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a person under the domination of an influence or person. Saint: A person formally recognized by the Christian church as being exceptionally holy; a person of great virtue or benevolence. In Christ we are no longer slaves to sin but saints meaning those who are holy, set apart for God. We have a new Master who we are expected to be wholly commited to and to obey. For those who are wholly commited to Christ there is a joy and a freedom in the journey. God Bless! Jen Numbers6:24-26 Quote
BJ Lord Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 Slave = compulsory service; solely committed to another. Saint = being dedicated or consecrated to the service of God. Paul was "compelled" to preach. He was "obligated." He could not do otherwise. This implies to me that it did not matter what he might have wanted to do, he was completely and utterly unable NOT to preach. There was something about his experience with Christ on the road to Damascus and the following years that made it impossible for him to be other than a slave to Christ. This ought to be our own response as well. A saint is not someone who is perfect, but one who has been set apart for the service of God. It is not something we do, but something that God does -- first through the sacrifice of his Son and second by the giving of his Spirit. We become God's sacred property and "off limits to profane use." . Both words are saying the same thing about our relationship to God because they both suggest that we can't do other than serve Him. As a "slave" he owns us and as a "saint" we are his sacred property. Both indicate our compulsory need to serve him. But through his grace, we want to serve because we love him, not because a whip is applied to our backs. God calls us "saints" because he loves us. He bought us with the blood of his Son. The danger comes when we take the wrong definition of "saint" and set ourselves up as better than someone else. Our world and our use of language can often put up a barrier between ourselves and our salvation rather than opening the way. I was glad for this lesson. It helped me to come to terms with that word "saint." Quote
RWhite6963 Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 A slave is one who is the property of another. He is one who has no rights of his owned. A slave is one who is at the mercy of another and whose purpose is to acknowledge and please his master - who is totally submissive. A slave has no rights or privileges and all that he does is done for the will of his owner. The root idea of a saint is to be separated for specifc purpose and service. There isn't much difference the two - except God is a perfect master who has our best enterest in mind. A true follower of Chist is a sold out person whose sole pupose is to please God. In order to do that one must surrender his total being to God and seek the masters will. Quote
Sue Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 Philippians...Lesson 1 Q 1: (a) The basis idea of slave is a human being who is owned as proerty by, and is absolutely subject to the will of, another. They are committed to their Master for life. ( The root idea of saint is someone who is dedicated or consecrated to the service of God. A holy person. © The way these words are saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God is we will do God's will and fulfill God's purposes for our life. To do this we have to be dedicated, set apart to the service of God. Quote
Sojourner Posted April 10, 2005 Report Posted April 10, 2005 Thank you all for your posts. I really appreciate your comments. I was impressed by the lesson at the similarity between a "slave" and a "saint." They come at the question from different directions, but they end up at the same place! Totally committed to God - when we feel like obeying Him and when we don't. I also appreciate the verse, "you are not your own, you are bought at a price." (I Cor 6:19) Sounds like a slave to me. Two thoughts I haven't seen mentioned yet. I see both Jesus and Paul telling us we ARE slaves. But we have a cohose between being slaves to sin or slave of Christ. And for me that is a constant conflict back and forth! (Jn 8:34 and Rom 7:14. As a "slave of christ" I also so think of Peter's response to Jesus when Jesus asks if they plan to walk out on him, too. Peter basically said, "Where would we go. We have given up everything to follow you. Who else has the words of life?" If I don't want to be a slave to sin, my only option is to cling to the one who has the words of life - Jesus. He is the one who then forgives and makes me holy and acceptable to God. Juanita - I loved your quote, Quote
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