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Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

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We can also support missionaries, and other things in prayer. Financial gifts are necessary but as needed, I also think that food, clothing, thoughful things like cards or bibles when able. Housing if available is a great way to support a ministry or anything of the like.

We share in the eternal inheritance of knowing that our contribution touched a life and that when we see that persons in heaven we will know that a part of our generousity touched there lives for the futherance of the kingdom.



Sounds daft but I don't particularly like giving money I would much rather buy something for someone and give them it. I do tithe my income and find that if I don't I get into a financial mess. On the other hand if I am out shopping and see something that I think would be useful for the church kitchen I will get it and take it church with me next time. Same with charities, I would much rather buy something or even use what I bought to make something and then give it away. I would much rather buy wool and make a hat or a blanket than just send money.

One thing that I do find myself giving others is useful information. This can be something like so you want to do this so why don't you go there as they will be able to point you in the right direction. Or you said you had this problem and here is a printout of something I found on the internet that you might find useful. Something I found myself doing today I tried contacting a particular church and had a look on their web site then emailed them a copy of the error message I found pointing out in as gentle way as possible their web site needed some attention.



It seems that in this letter of Paul's the idea of giving to a ministry was on a more personal basis. The person who gave knew the person he was giving to. Sadly, in our big, big world that concept seems to have disappeared.

I much prefer to give to someone directly, someone whom I know and have seen the fruits of their ministry. The idea of giving does connect a person to a ministry, but it's important to know that ministry before entering into this type of communion.



Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

We reveive fellowship with other believers and a sense of knowing that our financial blessings which come from the Lord are being given back to His work. I feel missionaries, ministers, church staff . . .well all believers need encouragement and emotional support. They need friendship from fellow believers. Sometimes a pat on the back but other times just a smile or a simple 'thank you" for all the hard work they do can mean so much, especially to someone whose ministry may not be noticed or acknowledged in the mainstream. We all need to feel worthwhile and appreciated. I think we can also offer support through prayer and by sharing our resources and gifts.


In answer to question 2, when we financially support a ministry we receive God's promise of blessing us and seeing that all our own needs are met. It ties in with the law of tithing -- trusting so completely in the Lord and giving him the first of the firstfruits, etc. When we trust so completely that he comes first before looking to our own needs, he will pour out a reward so large that we cannot contain it. That is his promise.

I'm not sure that I know anyone who is really demonstrating this. Even the most generous still seem to struggle financially, so there must still be an element of self-interest involved in some way. I know it is true for myself. God's promise of reward would make everyone millionaires if their giving was done the right way.

But, being human, most of us can't do it. Even if we don't realize it, we give in order to get, rather than giving just because we love God and recognize that everything is his to begin with. When we tithe the first grain or lamb or 10% of our paycheck, we are only giving him back what is already his. We give it back for two reasons: 1) as a way of thanking him for taking care of us; and 2) because he has commanded it.

It is only our humanness that makes us question who we are giving it to and whether they will use it correctly, etc. It is humanness that makes us want to receive something in return for our giving or to receive something from the partnership. What we all fail to recognize is that we don't own anything to begin with.

I wish I could remember all of this when I pay out my tithes.


We receive spiritual blessings from the pastor who ministers to us with the Word of God. We are also blessed in that we not only hear the Word which increases our faith but we get to practice the Word by tithing and assisting our pastor, congretation and everyone in a financial and spiritual capacity with prayers and acts of mercy. Other types of support: praying for everyone around you, helping others by donating your time, your ear, your services (a drive to the store, etc.) are far more valuable than offering financial aid. In our "it's all about me" society, it's easier to give someone $100. than to spend a day with them, listening and praying with them.


As a long-time member of a church, I realize how important money is to a church. As they say, "somebody has to pay the bills." Salaries, electric and water, insurance, building maintenance, and other every things necessary to the running of a church. To over look our monetary obligation puts terrible stress on loyal church members.

God has given each of us a huge amount of talent in many areas, some of which we may never come to use to the glory of God.

As Rich Warren says, "We were made to please God." To not use our "God-given talents" is an affront against our Lord Christ Jesus.

Overcoming the impediments put in our path to follow Jesus are all sorts of obstacles set up by Satan. To think they are anything else is foolish. Satan wants us to say "I can't" as often as we can. God wants us to say "I will" every time!

If we are "financial" partners with God, we must be willing to go whenever God commands us to "go."


When we are a financial partner to ministries we reap in sharing the eternal reward. In our church we have a thing called "Faith Promise" at a certain time each year we pledge to give a certain amount to missions each week. With Faith Promise we as a small church have increased missions from $6,000 to $26,000 this year. Our pledge is not to man but to God, what each one of us feels God is leading us to give.

Beyond financial support you can love and encourage the workers. Prayer is very important and you can be a prayer warrior. The prayer of a righteous man availeth much.


Becoming financial partners with any ministry gives me a personal interest in that ministry and its outcomes, as well as in the rewards of the outcomes, eg seeing people saved, cared for, taught etc. I am personally involved in the responsibility and possibilities. I have a major commonality with others who also have an interest in that ministry, and have drawn closer to them as brothers and sisters with mutual goals in Jesus. Thus my fellowship is deeper and greater. The feedback of the ministry keeps me informed, and prayer draws me deeper into the fellowship of that ministry, especially where I am in personal touch with other members. Financial partnership gives one recognition as an active partner giving more than verbal assent to the work. All this produces a deep satisfaction at one's investment in the Lord's eternal work and commission.

There are various other kinds of support possible, depending on our personal relationship with the ministry. The obvious one is prayer support. If it is possible to become personally active in the ministry one acquires the challenges, a share in the development of goals and visions, the deep fellowship of the other active personnel in a beneficient family type structure of personal love and support, of encouragement and appreciation for one's efforts, seeing personally the results in the lives of people, and the intimacy of the presence of God over the group. Mail support of the personal of some ministries is a great benefit, encouraging those working in isolated areas, and may give rise to involvement in acquiring some of the items needed, and personal investment energy, at greater that just financial levels. This can mean involvement at a deeper level in the prayer support. The deeper the involvement, the greater the blessing!


Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

We receive the peace from the Lord in knowing that we have been obedient to Him and knowing that we are enabling His work to be done.

Other ways to support are of course prayer, but also telling others of the ministry and the work it does so they can support it to if so led. Sometimes it may involve sending actual items, such as the Christmas boxes Samaritan Purse collects, or clothing and toiletry items to the mission for the homeless, etc.

2a.) (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership?

2a.) Good answers from all. Most of the points have been covered. Giving back to God's work is the blessing to know that it is being used to build the Kingdom. Financial support reflects stewardship of those gifts God has given us. The practical reality is the need for currency to provide for the basics of all.

2b.) (1:6) What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

2b.) Prayer, letters of encouragement; sharing with others the work our "soldiers of the cross" are doing.


I also feel that partnering is with a ministry, yes is with funds, as you feel at ease with.

But we can also give of our time. There are many minsitries that need laborers, that need volunteer time.

Effort on our part. There really are many many way we can give with or wihtout money involved.

THats at least how I feel about it.


Right on! I agree with most of the responses and have enjoyed reading them. I've just finished memorizing a passsage from Proverbs 3 and right in the middle is the admonition "Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of thine increase; so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine". Now I don't believe that this means we will become wealthy in the material sense (I don't have any barns or winepresses), but when we give what we have to His service, He provides all that we really need, in abundance, both materially and spiritually. All that we have - money, time and possessions - should be consecrated to Him. I believe many believers miss the full blessing of God because they don't make Him Lord of their pocketbooks and possessions.

Sharing through our prayer life is also so very important. It is often so easy to say "I'll pray for you" and then forget to do it. It takes discipline to be faithful in prayer. My wife and I used to sing a song "In the Secret Service of Prayer" - what a joy to uplift the Lord's servants and share in their ministry through prayer! Another - often overlooked - way to share in ministry is through encouragement. Servants of the Lord are often lonely, especially when they are in leadership roles. Sometimes they feel like Elijah who felt he was all alone. We can uplift them and share by encouraging them - the telephone, the mail service, and now e-mail make it so easy to do this.

What do we get out of this? The joy of sharing in the spread of the Gospel.


Lesson 1 Q 2

(a) When we become financial "partners" with a christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what we receive out of the partnership is knowing that we are working for Christ through those people. It gives us a feeling of joy, and wanting to do more, so others will be blessed and still others may come to know Christ and knowing when we bless others we will be blessed. Amen!

(B) Other kinds of support we might offer beyond financial is prayer, encouragement, material needs, friendship.


When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership?

the satisfaction that we able to help in a way.

What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

how about encouragement and praise to those who are doing the work.

prayer that GOD will continue to lead them in the right path.

telling of the good that they are doing to others so that they may be able to help also.

writing to find out what else they may need and sending or doing it if you can.


When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? When I give I recieve joy that comes with giving from a willing heart, comfort knowing the Word of God is being taught, I learn to not put selfishness before the Lord and recieve blessings.

What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial? Prayer, hospitatlity and our services with what ever gift God has given us to help those around us.


We receive from the partnership the fruit of our works, which glorifies the father.

We can also offer of ourselves-OUR PRAYERS, our material gifts, our labor,our expertise, our attitude and our ears and tears..

Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

The use of the word partnership obviously implies a two way relationship. Yet often a financial partner often means that money flows in one direction. In the world of business we talk of investing in an organisation so that you put a certain amount of money in and are given a certain amount of the profits as a result. The company uses your money and does something with it that brings about a good result that hopefully increases the amount of profit made. What sort of profitable things come about as a result of investing in a a missionary, minister ministry or church. Well primarily what God wants to happen is able to happen. A cyber-missionary cannot work without funds for computer equipment for example.

How could investing in God's work benefit us? I would expect to see God's kingdom on earth growing. I mean growing both in terms of numbers of souls and growing in vitality and capability. Some say that by investing in missionary activities we will bring about the end of the world more quickly and as they think what will come after is better they work very hard towards that aim.

We can make investments into people's lives in other ways providing emotional support, encouraging them, teaching them helping them mature into the people God wants them to be. We enjoy watching our children grow and develop so it is the same with people around us, especially if we know we have done something to help them.

The problem is with this then becomes where do you stop! All sorts of kindnesses whether linked to financial things or spending time or listening are needed by people, just about wherever you go. How can God answer prayer without his people following his instructions? Today many people won't hear him but will hear our lives. Jesus does not walk among people doing good we do. We can go further and do more because Jesus was just one man in one place compared to the multitude Christians around the world. Imagine what the world would be like if it was full of people just like Jesus - in character at least.



I cannot add anything to what has already been stated. When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary we are helping them give the gospel of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to the lost in places where we will never be able to go.

When we give to a ministry that is getting the gospel out we are helping them reach many more people than we can reach in our lives.

When we give to our church we are giving to our minister and we receive blessings from that ministry.

We can pray for these ministries and verbally encourage them.


folding newsletters-working dinners-prayer chain-volunteer for activities-food for shut-ins-praying over prayer shawls- which is a work our church does for the sick and hospital ized .


When we become financial partners with a christian church, what should we

expect to receive out of the partnership?What other kinds of support can we

offer beside financial?

As partners with christian oganizations, etc., we should receive a great deal

of satisfaction knowing that we are obeying the Lord in this work . WE can

expect to be blessed by God for giving in obedience, as indicated in

Malachi , Chapt.3. Our giving helps us continue the fight of faith in combating

those that oppose the gospel. Our missionaries realize that they are not

in the front lines of battle ALONE, but have the financial backing of the body

of Christ .

Other kinds of support would include prayer, letters, etc..


When we become financial partners with a Christian church or ministry what should we expect to receive out of the partnership?

The joy of doing for the Lord. It is a privilege.

What other kind of support can we offer beside financial?

A kind word, a smile, the touch of a hand on a shoulder, a cooked meal, what ever is in your power to do. It may be the very thing that saves a person or keeps them from despair.

God Bless!



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