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The joy in knowing that we have aided in the salvation and personal blessing of many that we do not know personally or may never see or come into personal contact with - also knowing that we have fulfilled the commission assigned to us by Jesus - reconciling men back to God through Christ Jesus.

Other kinds of support we can give to missionaries, ministers, ministries, and churches are to pray with and for them and we can lend our gifts and talents, whatever they might be.


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  • 3 months later...

When we become financial partners with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church we receive and share in the same spiritual and material blessings. Why? Because of our communion, fellowship, and relationship with God, we are both serving Him for the same reason, for the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ and we will share in the eternal reward of the ministry.

Other ways that we can help a ministry beyond financial support is through our own service and participation. We can take part in the ministry by promoting the ministry, working side by side with the organization that we are supporting, and through prayer. For example: Visiting the ministry, helping with mailing, publishing ministry newsletter, make calls, etc. There are numerous ways that we can support ministries, with or without financial support.

  • 11 months later...

Q2. (1:6) when we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership?

We receive "joy" in knowing, we are contributing to the gospel going forth.

What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

One of the other ways we may offer support is that of

  • 9 months later...

Financial partnership with things and institutions of God means that we are in partnership with helping maintain the work and services that are provided through those entities. We mutually share in assurance that the gospel is preached and share in the spiritual and material rewards as well. In addition to money, we can be supportive by showing and giving love, time, spreading the Word through our testimony, and praying.

  • 9 months later...

You share in their reward in heaven. For many, giving money is easy. In many countries we have a high standard of living and so we can give, but if you have no money, you can still give. You can give of yourself, especially if the ministry is nearby or you can raise money to give by telling others about your passion and encouraging them to give.

Although foreign missions are important, there are so many places nearby to minister. Even if you have no money to give, you can teach a class, hold a hand, love a homeless person, sit with the sick, bring food to a mission, or help a lost child with their homework.

You can pray and you can get others to pray with you. You can join a prayer group. You can find a mission to raise it up to God.

  • 4 months later...

Philippians 1:6


Q). When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership?
A). we receive spiritual and material blessings

Q). What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?
A). Two kinds of support we might offer beyond financial are love and personnel (philippians offered Epaphroditus) to support the ministry

  • 6 months later...

Paul uses the term 'partnership in the Gospel'  ; he feels that the Philippians have in their gifts of aid to him have actually participated in the ministry of the Gospel. Because of this participation the Philippians share in the eternal rewards of the  ministry of Paul. In the same fashion when we are partners in ministry with , say, a missionary we also share in the rewards repeated by that ministry.  


As well as financial support we can give support in the form of gifts. We also can give prayer support and  we can also work together in a project that can give support to the ministry in a spiritual fashion. If we cannot become a full time ministry we could also participate in a short term  'overseas.'

  • 6 months later...

We receive joy. There is joy in giving. God loves a cheerful giver. We can offer love in addition to finances to a partnering ministry.

  • 5 months later...

The things that we receive out of the “partners” with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church is the fact that we are involved in what is happen in those ministries. We know that we are supporting the work that God has put us on earth to do. The other support that we can offer beyond financial is our talents.

  • 3 weeks later...

When we are financial partners with someone in ministry, we share in the eternal reward of that ministry.  We also receive special blessings, and our needs will be met (4:19). Besides financial support, we can offfer prayer support, love and encouragement, and even man power by getting involved in their ministry.

  • 1 year later...

Partnership to me refers to traveling in the same direction.  Amos 3:3 how can two walk together unless they have agreed to do so.  When a team wins all members of the team win.  Partnership contributions include:  emotional support, prayers, advice, a listening ear, help when needed.  Simply knowing that a brother or sister cares means a lot. 


This is actually what my church & many others are missing.  We speak on Sunday's & Wednesday's & that's it.   A two day a week marriage probably wouldn't last that long.  Partnership is a mutual desire for the well being of another & your actions will line up with your heart.


By offering our substance in the service of the Lord, the Lord will be pleased with us for keeping His commandment. Therefore, His peace; Joy unspeakable will be our portion.

More so, we can also support with Selfless Service (meaning surrendering our selves wholeheartedly). This is all God wants from us.


We are filled with joy knowing that we are a part of the Lord's work being done around the world! Our Pastor always asks us to pray for him that he will have the strength to carry out his work each day. So I would say prayer and encouragement are just as important to give as money.


Q2 Phil 1:6 When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church what do we receive out of the partnership?


​We receive the joy from giving our tithes and offerings as we are instructed to "bring our gifts into the storehouse of God."  He gave us His all....we give in return for all we have been given.


​We receive the blessings that missionary, minister, ministry or church receives.


Paul said the Corinthians gave gifts, "but first gave themselves to the Lord"....as directed by the will of God. If we have given ourselves to Him, our resources are not held in a clenched fist, but are freely distributed as He directs and that in itself is a gift!


​Proverbs 28:27 says "He who gives to the poor will not want" ....that is a promise, that we can't out give God!


Best of all, I think, is that those who receive the gifts often pray for those who have given.

What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?


​Our prayers and words of encouragement to missionaries and our pastors, who are constantly facing opposition and discouragement, are another way of giving, letting them know we "give thanks to God" for them and appreciate them.


Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?


When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, out of the partnership we receive spiritual and material blessings as we support their ministry in the kingdom of God. Beyond financial support there are other kinds of support that we can offer, some of them being prayers for their ministry, their health, family members, opening of doors for ministry, material resources, introductions and networking; etc. to name a few.


Financial support is very important. There is a saying that Goes.......What is on above, corresponds to wich is below. Ok, there are the Ideas and plan. There's the manpower. But the biggest question is about budget. We need to empower church members by allocating money for them, so the plans may be pushed through. There is transportation allowance, food and hotel accomodations for the comfort of the missionaries.


Another angle to look upon is that, when we are not able to go with the missionaries, then, even by monetary help, we are involved. I am not saying this to have an excuse, saying, I contributed, and that's my help. Instead, I give because I love.


Money is the most challenging part of the ministry, it is difficult to contribute especially if it is a huge amount of money. But God promises and challenges us in the bookof Malachi.


  1. When we become diligent financial partners, we will receive the same reward (supporting God’s work and meeting the needs of people) in their ministry of preaching the gospel, and will also share in the eternal reward of that ministry.  We are making an investment in our eternal future and “laying up treasures in Heaven” (Matthew 6:20);  We will experience God’s faithfulness in providing for our material needs.

  1. We can be in prayer continuously, send men and women to help, collect and send supplies, clothes, send letters (thank-you) or greeting cards of encouragement.  I am sure that there are many many more ways to support.  Let’s pray and ask God what else is needed.


Partnership: We share in the eternal reward of that ministry.  

Instead of money: We could offer prayers, our time by serving as well.


For a missionary or church to reach people with the word of God, it takes someone with time, training, money and the Holy Spirit. The missionary or church supplies someone called by God who can take the time to go out and reach people. The congregation supplies money, prayer and material gifts. It is a partnership because neither could properly do the work of spreading the Gospel without the other.

By obeying God, both will be rewarded.

It is very hard in this cynical culture to freely give money without wondering if it will be misused.

Other forms of support are prayer, comfort and encouragement, childcare, and hospitality.


Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?


When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership?

For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth. – (3 Jn 7-8)

It’s not an easy thing – this partnership definitely requires faith and certainly must be God’s call upon a Christian missionary to develop ministry partners. And the following needs to be in place :-

  1. ministry partnership/relationships must be built on deep foundations
  2. communicate consistently, as often as possible
  3. one needs to step out of one’s comfort zone and talk to as many people as one can to secure financial donations

What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

Jesus Christ said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13). Besides financial support, doing small acts of kindness for neighbors, involvement in community service, fulfilling responsibilities within local congregations and contributing to the humanitarian efforts, can go a long way in supporting the needy. These actions, whether big or small, will let one feel the happiness of connecting with others. These things if done out of sincerity will remind one that God often allows other humans to be the answer to someone else’s prayers.


(1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?          

We receive out of the partnership participation in growing the ministry by spreading the Good News.  Other kinds of support could be prayer, love, encouragement and giving of self to help the ministry. 


The church I attend is a mission-minded church. We spend much of our budget supporting those who work to spread the gospel of Christ among populations who are not likely to have heard the message. Currently we support a family involved in translating the Bible into the language of a people in Guinea, West Africa. They have been in that location for at least 10 years and are just now beginning to be able to complete some of the books of the Bible. The language of the people they serve was not a written language until they went to their village. Their living conditions are what most of  us would consider quite primitive, but they feel blessed to be able to do the work they do. They have 4 children who are growing up in that environment. Their youngest child has Down's Syndrome, so it is quite a challenge to make sure her needs are met in such a place. Other works we support, both monetarily and with prayer support, are located in the Czech Republic, China, Ukraine, Brazil, and Chile. We are a small church of about 150 people, including children, so we don't have a large budget, but hearing about the work that is being done in those places and the lives that are being changed by the gospel makes our "investment" in those works a source of rich blessing for all of  us.


In addition, we support ministries in our city that serve the homeless and unemployed people that live here. We have 3 Christian universities here, so there are quite a number of ministries that target those who might be hungry and cold living among us.


Each Sunday, in addition to the prayers we offer for those of our number who ask for prayer, we include by name those who are working in the places we support as well as others who give their lives to take the good news of Christ to a hurting world. Twice a year, our entire Sunday morning service is focused on the work that is being done in those far-off places and at home.


I know personally many of the people we support in these various ministries. My life is blessed, not only by knowing those who serve, but by becoming acquainted with some of the people who are served by these ministries. I realize that my life is richer when I reach out to those who have not had the blessing of being raised and educated in a Christian home. I know the love of Jesus in ways that cannot be expressed in words. 


Praise God for the work He is doing to restore His creation and bring it under His Lordship!!


By becoming financial partners we partake in the legacy of Love already bestowed upon us by Jesus.

We continue to build on the firm foundation of Our Rock.....which is God.

We glorify His name by our Faith and set an example for others to follow.

We show our Love for Him to others and to God.

We give something back to God and not just take from Him...

We recieve the abundance of Christ into our Hearts

We realise how blessed we are to be able to give.

We place our self in Gods will for our lives.we recieve fellowship.

We recieve the opt unity to strengthen God Church and our Brothers and Sisters.

We recieve the continued call of Christ as Our Good Shepherd.

We affirm we are a child of God.

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