Tony I Posted April 15, 2005 Report Posted April 15, 2005 To live as God wishes them to live. their love and commitment to God will grow progressively. Its easy to think of your needs first. Don't settle for good enough go after the best. ( God ) Quote
ideal Posted April 15, 2005 Report Posted April 15, 2005 I think Paul asked God to give the Philippian Christians discernment so that they will clearly be able to identify the Spirit of God working in their lives. Just as the Phillipian Christians, with the Spirit of discernment in our lives, we will not be easily swayed by false teachers or teachings, because we will have that Spirit to teach us how to identify the difference. Selfishness is not of God. Selfishness clouds discernment by causing us to focus only on ourselves. A discerning Spirit gives helps us to see others. Quote
ideal Posted April 15, 2005 Report Posted April 15, 2005 I hadn't responded to the last question in my first response; how is the good the enemy of the best in our lives; but when i went back and look at it, it was as if a light bulb came on in my head . The good is the enemy of the best, because as long as we only aim for 'good' we will never reach our 'best'. Good is easy, its comfortable. Best on the other hand, takes a little more effort, a little more time and many of us aren't prepared to invest what it takes to reach our best. Good is the enemy because it encourages us to settle for mediocrity, which is not what God intended for his children. Quote
June Posted April 15, 2005 Report Posted April 15, 2005 So they would achieve purity and be blameless when Christ returns and to be filled with the fruit of righteous. That they would know the ways of God and His values and to know the "best" from just "good". Selfishness would cloud discernment because they would be only looking at their own concerns and not other people and things. Sometimes we are satisfied with just good , mediocre things and fail to look for the best or more important things. We should be looking for the best at all times, because God wants only the very best for His people. We need to pay heed to our consciences( discernment) of what is around us at all times. In the spirit realm there is always activity, and not always good, that is why God helps us to discern those spirits. Quote
FrazierNC Posted April 15, 2005 Report Posted April 15, 2005 Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? Paul wants God to give the Philippians discernment so they will know what is God's will for them all so they can fulfill God's plan. What will be the result of discernment in their lives? They will be more aware of God's will and not let their own way take over. How does selfishness cloud discernment? Selfishness prevents us from seeing God's will clearly. How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? The good live can pretend us from completeing God''s will in our lives and can fool us into thinking that "the good live" is what God wants us to have instead of pursuing a "God life" of service and love to others in the name of Christ Jesus. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted April 15, 2005 Report Posted April 15, 2005 4a.) (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? 4a.) "But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil (Hebrew5:14) 4b.) (1:9-11) What will be the result of discernment in their lives? 4b.) "Then their eyes were opended and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight." (Luke 24:31) 4c.) (1:9-11) How does selfishness cloud discernment? 4c.) Selfishness reflects seeking your own glory, not living a life exalting and glorifying to God. 4d.) (1:9-11) How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? 4d.) Good in this context reflects satisfaction, passionless faith. "..that you are neither cold nor hot, I wish you were either--I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:15-16) But Jesus tells us: "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10) Quote
DebChats Posted April 16, 2005 Report Posted April 16, 2005 Q4. (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? So that they might be better able to carry out the will of God, both in their lives and in the earth. What will be the result of discernment in their lives? God's perfect will is carried out. How does selfishness cloud discernment? It is too easy to confuse what seems good with what is truly good. How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? When we settle for good and never seek best, we will not attain the perfect will of God. Quote
luvHimalways Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 God give us the ability to discern what is right and true and from Him, and then we are to base our responses and decisions and choices on what we know to be right, true and from God. By having discernment we are able to live in the will of God. When we are selfish we are unable to have clear, true discernment because we are putting ourselves and wants and desires before what we know to be what God's will is. We tend to miss out on what God has for us when we are selfish. A Quote
luvHimalways Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 God allows discernment for us to know what is HIs will for us and others. Being selfish ignores Gods' will and puts self first. We are not the "slaves" of Christ if we are selfish. It may be a good thing but might not be a "God" thing. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 Q4. (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? So they would be able to tell what is good and what is best for them. What will be the result of discernment in their lives? They will remain pure and blameless until Christ comes again. How does selfishness cloud discernment? Our selfishness clouds discernment when we forget that it Quote
DonnaC Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Paul prays for discernment for the Philippians so that they can better determine truth, God's truth. This is especially relevant as Paul later speaks of those who don't have good intentions even while preaching the Gospel. This also includes the judaizers and those who desire personal profit (the good?) more than the greater prize(the best!) of eternity in God's presence. Discernment results in God-based priorities and choices, bringing glory and praise to God. Selfishness clouds discernment because it is just that SELF-centered instead of Christ-centered. Focusing on our own needs instead of serving God. "The good life" or "the good" may distract us from our inheritance, keeping us from experiencing all that God has for us. The good changes - but our eternal home in heaven is greater than this and will never change. Quote
linda bass Posted April 22, 2005 Report Posted April 22, 2005 Paul asks God to give the Phillipian Christian discernment because He wants them to have a knowledge and understanding of who God is. The result of discernment in their lives will be their lives will reflect glory and praise to God. Selfishness clouds discernment because it's based on what we want or desire. Usually God isn't considered. The reason the good is the enemy of the best in our lives is because we can become so preoccupied with the good things in our life that we don't have time for the important or significant things. We can spend time pursueing good things that, ultimately will have little or no worth,at the expense of the best things that will last for eternity. Quote
revking88 Posted April 23, 2005 Report Posted April 23, 2005 So they will be able to discern what is good and what not good and what is best so that they could continue to grow. Are you like a child, still drinking the "milk" out of the bible or are you an adult and eating the meat of the bible, growing and learning more and more everyday. That they may be pure and blameless and filled with the fruit of righteousness until the day of Christ. We can be so prepoccupied with the good things that we donlt have time for the best. We may think that we have the best already and stop looking for the best. We become complacent and stop growing in the direction or the way that we are meant to grew. We can get so wrapped up in the unimportant things that we miss out on the stuff that really matters. Quote
abiding Posted April 26, 2005 Report Posted April 26, 2005 Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? What will be the result of discernment in their lives? How does selfishness cloud discernment? How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? Paul asked for discernment for the Philippians so they may be able to discern what is best for them, being able to become blameless until Jesus comes. The result will be eternal life. Selfishness clouds discernments because we only think of ourselves. Not thinking about others and their feelings. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted April 26, 2005 Report Posted April 26, 2005 Q4. (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? What will be the result of discernment in their lives? How does selfishness cloud discernment? How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? I believe he wants discernment for them so they always know what is right. To draw them closer to him. It will keep them from making wrong decisions and their fore make their lives easier to live. But when we become selfish. We only think about us not anyone else. I think we miss out on Gods best when we only think about us. Sometimes we choose to not wait on God and go ahead and do something that will keep us from getting Gods best for us. Even though its a good it holds us back from being all we can be for him Quote
TennLady01 Posted April 26, 2005 Report Posted April 26, 2005 Q4. (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? Because the need for discernment is great then as it is now. We need to know what is of God and what is important to God for that is who we live our lives to bring praise too. What will be the result of discernment in their lives? They will be as we will be able to tell if they are growing and able to examine the things of importance's for their growth in God. How does selfishness cloud discernment? We should never put ourselves before what is needed to be done for the glory of God when this is done you have become selfish and no longer walking in the will of God for walking for your own pleasures. How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? The enemy wants us to focus on the things that are best for our lives and not on what is important for the glory and praise of God. He wants us to be selfish and put what we want before the word of God and what will bring him glory and praise. Quote
njjones Posted April 27, 2005 Report Posted April 27, 2005 "Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? What will be the result of discernment in their lives? How does selfishness cloud discernment? How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives?" Discernment, something for which I have desired from the LORD so that I walk in the light of His will and not stumble in my own selfishness. Paul knew that the Philippians would be well on their way in growing in grace and knowledge of the LORD if they had discernment. Discernment will give good judgement and the ability to make right choices in their walk with the LORD. It will also help them to wisely use the gifts which the Lord has given them to honor and praise the LORD. Selfishness clouds discernment because it places our focus on ourselves and not on the LORD. The results can be like stumbling in the dark. The good is enemy of the best because it falls short of the "Glory of God" or short of God's Plan for us. We end up short changed and short changing God. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Quote
njjones Posted April 27, 2005 Report Posted April 27, 2005 "Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? What will be the result of discernment in their lives? How does selfishness cloud discernment? How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives?" Discernment, something for which I have desired from the LORD so that I walk in the light of His will and not stumble in my own selfishness. Paul knew that the Philippians would be well on their way in growing in grace and knowledge of the LORD if they had discernment. Discernment will give good judgement and the ability to make right choices in their walk with the LORD. It will also help them to wisely use the gifts which the Lord has given them to honor and praise the LORD. Selfishness clouds discernment because it places our focus on ourselves and not on the LORD. The results can be like stumbling in the dark. The good is enemy of the best because it falls short of the "Glory of God" or short of God's Plan for us. We end up short changed and short changing God. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Quote
cct1106 Posted April 29, 2005 Report Posted April 29, 2005 Discernment is asked so the Philippians will grow and mature into true Christians and give them the knowing what is required and pleasing to God. Quote
Julie Posted May 12, 2005 Report Posted May 12, 2005 So they would be able to kow what is right They would become pure and blameless on the day of Christ For we are more concerned with what pleases us that we are not seeking to please God. For it keeps us from what is the greatest importance Quote
TonyCC Posted May 25, 2005 Report Posted May 25, 2005 Upgraded to Roman citizens, they were advanced and forward thinking compared to the neighbouring cities. Pride probably distracted them from discerning good from the best. Godly discernment enabled them to live in a manner that pleased God. Perhaps sometimes we trade the best for good for the sheer lack of faith. May the Lord help us to discern wisely His best for us. Quote
Kim E. Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Paul prays for what God promises. Paul prays that the Philippians will grow as their love grows in knowledge and discernment. Love does not close its eyes to the truth, to reality, to sin. What a horrible thing it would be if love truly were blind. Christian love must operate according to truth. We are to Quote
MoreThanConqueror's Posted June 22, 2005 Report Posted June 22, 2005 Q4. (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? What will be the result of discernment in their lives? How does selfishness cloud discernment? How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? Philippians 1:9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; Philippians 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. Philippians 1:11 Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. I am not sure how you came up with these questions from the Scriptures you suggested, but i'll attempt to answer. I believe the reference to discernment, came from V 9, where Paul pray's that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment. In all judgement would be discerning the spirits; we are able to do that by knowledge of the Scriptures (not only knowledge. try telling the truth 100% of the time (practice) and see how much more discernment you receive) Amazing. Thereby approving that which is excellent. By approving them, they and we, are either found inline with Scripture, or not, and if not, then without offence we use the Scripture for correction. The result can be good, they can get understanding, or the hersie will continue and that to is to prove who we are In The Body Of Christ. Selfishness clouds discernment by putting them together like that. If one is choosing what they want to discern then they are setting their self up to be deceived. you know, like, if you only see what you want to see, then it's likely that that which you closed your eyes to is going to come back and bite you in the rear, and because "whoever" knew it, then the guilt is worse and they have a harder time letting it go, and wallow in it longer. I can't even guess on what you meant by the last part of this question. it makes no sense at all: How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? beats me. Maybe you can furter expand on that question, or word it properly. Quote
scott-montgomery Posted July 6, 2005 Report Posted July 6, 2005 Paul wants the lives of the Philippians to reflect "glory and praise" to God. In order to do that, they must be able to discern what God desires from them and put it into practice. The result of discernment in their lives will be that they will be (may be) "pure and blameless until the day of Christ" and enjoy "the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ," which will "bring glory and praise to God." Selfishness clouds discernment because a discerning individual is focused on the other person (their spouse in the example given in the lesson; God in Philippians 1:9-11). If we are selfish, it will be extremely difficult for us to discern what God wants from us (and, therefore, to please God). Discernment requires that we focus on God - and what He desires of us - not on ourselves. We may be all about "good things" that are not what God wants from us. Those things may not be be bad, but they're the enemy of the best because they hinder us from being about "the best" (or what God desires of us). Quote
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