Pastor Ralph Posted March 17, 2005 Report Posted March 17, 2005 Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Why was Paul's witness so powerful? What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? Quote
lindaparadise Posted April 16, 2005 Report Posted April 16, 2005 From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? anyone can say or do things when all is well. the real test is when all isn't well, but hard to almost impossible Why was Paul's witness so powerful? he had nothing left to live for. all hope was gone..NOT! there's always GOD and what is to come. and with Paul showing his faith through all this it only makes it stronger. more believeable. What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? i've already gone through a large struggle. in May of 2003 i had a brain tumor (the size of a baseball) which i had removed (in this process they had to take a small piece of the brain to remove it as well as leave a very small part of the tumor (which might re-grow) this left perminate damage. the brain had this tumor on it about 1 year. so it crushed the brain which left damage. it's been almost 2 years and i think that i'm as healed as can be. i'll never work again and many other things. but i'm not angry, not then and not now. i was at the point in my life that i had wished i was dead anyway nothing was going well. not at home or at work. with this happening GOD released me of my situation. i was now able to spend time with the ones i love. instead of spending 50+ hrs. at work. get to know my mother, daughter and yes even my husband. i was born again in GOD and teach religious classes, am able to go to bible study classes, and visit a 90 year old inbound woman (that's a peach) which i never would of meet. i am disable, but would rather be this way than able and the other way. i've also saw who really cares for me. the only thing that i had a great deal of trouble with and sometimes still do is humility. i was great on being miss independent doing thing myself. now i need the help of others for some things. because of the way i handled it my daughter, husband and i are a real family. because i set the tone of GOD in my life, my home and all around me. i do feel i'm doing good. yet not completly. this shows me that GOD's in control not me. he knows what to do and when to do it.then we choose. Quote
ReJoyce Posted April 16, 2005 Report Posted April 16, 2005 I think it's about faith being the certainty of things that are not seen. Even while troubles and danger surrounded Paul, he saw beyond them, and he showed others how to do so as well. In like manner, our witness becomes more powerful when we are undergoing problems because I feel that most people realize that struggles are not "normal". There is an innate understanding that there is more to this life and time than just the present set of problems. Our witness bears witness to the promises of God. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 1a.) (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? 1a.) Paul writes: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows." (2 Corinthians 1:3-5) 1b.) (1:12-14) Why was Paul's witness so powerful? 1b.) Because even in affliction and imprisonment he rejoices in the Lord. He never lost sight of the prize. Preaching Christ crucified and His resurrection. 1c.) (1:12-14) What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? 1c.) Right now our daughter has had quite a year with a number of illnesses. The Lord has used this to make me rely in Him in our powerlessness. Quote
mitchz1 Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? If my life looks "perfect" to those that I'm witnessing to, I might come across as arrogant and false. How can I talk to those going through struggles if I haven't experienced struggles myself? On the other hand, if I am seen to have struggles, but still continue to trust in the Lord to bring me through them, I am that much more believable. Why was Paul's witness so powerful? Paul was a person who showed himself to be faithful and true to the Lord despite his struggles. To say nothing of having a "captive audience" in the form of his guards, who had no choice but to listen to his preaching! What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? A lot of it is far to personal for a public board such as this, but suffice it to say that the Lord has brought me out of an abusive marriage to a place of safety, although I still have to deal with my abuser due to children's access. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Why was Paul's witness so powerful? What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? When others see you in the midst of stress and problems, your witness can become a drawing power to God--IF you respond to that stress and problems with the peace of God evident in your behavior and speech. When people who do not know this peace--or God--see that you handle such problems without rancor, showing love and concern for others rather than yourself, they wonder what makes you different from them! When they then come to know you are a Christian, they understand and often come to believe on the Lord Jesus who alone can make such a difference! Paul was in chains, suffering from being unjustly imprisoned--yet he could write encouragement to the churches he had started, showing his deep love for these believers and concern for their needs, downplaying his own. What a powerful chance to give witness to God's enabling power! Right now, my husband and I are in the process of selling our farm in Indiana and moving to a new city in Florida. The house we are buying is smaller than our home here, so we must sift through our "stuff" that has accumulated over the 57 years of our marriage, deciding what to sell, what our children will want, what to toss, and what to take--then packing them up. Buying a home--partially long distance--is stressful, particularly as we now have the inspection report and see things that disturb us that are wrong with the place. We toss and turn, concerned if we should continue with this purchase, and when that settles a bit, the logistics of the auction, packing and move from here take over. Nowhere near the suffering of Paul, but it does make for snappy moments between us! Not good. Only with His help will we be able to go through this in a manner pleasing to Him and of use to Him! Quote
Sue Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 Lesson 2 Q 1 (a) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. This is so because this is when we are given opportunities to demonstrate our faith in bad situations. In those times, we reflect what we believe. Also our faith will grow. A powerful time to be a witness to others. ( Paul's witness was so powerful because he kept his faith and remained bold to preach the Gospel, even in chains. Paul sees progress rather than difficulties in this bad situation. Every six hours Paul had a chance to further the Gospel with those soldiers, some becoming Christians plus influencing the entire unit, families and beyond. What faith! © The personal struggle I am going through that could enhance my testimony if I handled it right is fear. If I just continue to keep my eyes on Jesus and be obedient, others will see me overcome fear, thus encouraging others that it is possibe to overcome with Jesus Christ. Everyday I think what f-e-a-r is: False Evidence Appearing Real. Amen? Quote
durhamlass Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Why should we be any different from Jesus? He became man so that he could understand the problems involved in being a man. Why was Paul's witness so powerful? Paul had an excellent grounding in God from his Jewish background. All this training would not be wasted but built on by the new ideas he gained as he grew in the Christian faith. Then he had a rather dramatic introduction to Jesus on the Damascus Road. There could be no doubt about his conversion. After that his first task was getting to know the people who he had been going to kill before his conversion. It was not long after that that he experienced what it was like to be one of the persecuted and left the city covertly. In other words he had loads of adventures and situations that would have built up his experience and knowledge about dealing with trials. There is nothing quite like being able to face one trial and that giving you the strength experience etc to get you through the next trial. Each trial and act of obedience would have led to a greater trust and dependence on God and an expectation that he would come through the other end. What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? I find the work I do quite a challenge. First I still have not quite got my head around all the topics I am supposed to teach e.g. determinism libertarianism and compatibilism yet I have done the lecture on these topics and am supposed to be sitting down and marking some. When I took on this job I only knew what the first terms topicswere and I knew those quite well but then I found that I hardly knew anything about the other subjects on the syllabus. The theology part was OK but the philosophy of religion and ethics was weak so I have been madly trying to teach myself these things before sorting out how to teach them to the students. I am supposed to be teaching them but I am finding that I am getting a good foundation in some topics that are useful to any teacher/speaker in the church. Secondly I am not the best of disciplinarians and managing a class of teenagers even ones who want to learn this is definitely required. I did OK in last years inspections but struggled with this years and will need to repeat them next week. Thirdly my lesson planning has to start with prayer and I have seen how useful this can be. I find that doing this when the exams comes around that the bits I have missed out have not appeared in the external exams and vice versa. Fourthly last year I started teaching a completely new subject for me and had very little support. It was a huge change as I went from showing adults to how to use computers to teaching philosophy and ethics to teenagers. I love doing one to one stuff and find that easy but working with larger groups is not so easy for me. I was thrown into the deep end and told to go away and learn to swim. I have learnt to float but I still have to learn to do the stylish strokes and develop my skills and stamina so I can do an even better job. Susan Quote
MyBeloved Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 When we are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems we must wholly lean upon the LORD and when we do it will show in our lives. Paul's witness was so powerful because he had depended upon the LORD since the day he met Him. I am not going through a personal struggle right now but I have been through many and I found that when I went to the LORD and told Him all about my problems He was there with comfort and He brought me through those struggles, stresses and problems. Quote
Alicea Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Why was Paul's witness so powerful? What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? You are more credible when going or have gone through personal struggles because you can personally attain to what God has done. Paul came from being an Jewish unbeliever to a preacher of Christ who endured much hardship to do so. Right now I am having a difficult time at work with being overworked. There is a lot of stress and pressure. If I can keep my patience and temper and "stay sweet" it would enhance my testimony because I know that I can only do this with the help and control of the Holy Spirit. Quote
kas Posted April 17, 2005 Report Posted April 17, 2005 Trials produce our true character. It's easy to be nice when things are going our way but when things don't we reveal our true character. If we remain faithful through the trials we become more effective (credible) because we all know how difficult it would be to do so. In doing so, people are amazed and wonder how we do it - how is it possible to be calm in the midst of a storm? Unfortunately, I'm not always calm because I take my eyes off of God and start sinking like Peter. Right now I'm faced with a difficult behavior someone is inflicting on me and up to now I've been responding as a non-believer. However, I just realized it's a test in which I can allow the Holy Spirit to lead me through and become an effective witness to others as well as build strong character within myself. Seeing through these new glasses, I happily move forward. Quote
Magnus Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 When things are going well in our lives, it's easy to express faith and confidence in God. It's when our lives are disrupted by unexpected challenges that our true self emerges. When we persevere in faith and seek God during seasons of hardship, our witness attests to the power of God's hand in our lives. Quote
Dick Ross Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Unfortunately, people tend to ignore their nedd for salvation when things are going well in their lives. Only when trouble overwhelms them do they seek God. When we are troubled, persecuted in pain or stressed out-but continue to rejoice in our salvation anyway-we impact the lives of people who need the saving grace of God. By standing on top of, instead of being crushed by our problems, we show others that God offers a refuge that can be found nowhere else. Paul was kept in at least a state of house arrest. He still took every opportunity to tell those around him of the love of Jesus. Even many of his captors came to salvation through his witness. The Christians that were not incarcerated were emboldened by Paul's unshakeable faith, and redoubled ther efforts. I personally am recovering (slowly) from total knee surgery. At the time I was released to go back to work 40 hrs/wk at a desk job, my employer of 16 years decided that I was no longer needed. This blow to my self esteem and my wallet was totally unexpected. I had a little pity party for 2 days, then cast my trouble to the Lord, and got on with being His servant again. I believe that part of the lesson I was expected to learn here was to put my troubles at the foot of the cross-AND LEAVE THEM THERE! Letting this lesson shine through in my life, I pray, can be a strong witness to the awesome God we serve. Quote
randi Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 When under going personal stress and struggles you are a better witness because at these times you are more apt to be walking a closer work with God. When you can stand on faith in tough times this encourages others to be more faithful. If they can see your dependence on God they will more likely to depend on God themselves. Although we should be walking close to God at all times this is usually not the way it is, it is when we are in trouble that we run to Him. Paul's witness was so powerful because he spoke from his experiences and had been through experiences some one else had been through. If we have walked in the same shoes than we know better where people are coming from and we can testify of what God did for us in those circumstance. As for my personal struggles there are many I've been through but there is two I find I have the most trouble with and that is worry and fear of the future. Both of these are sin and I would like to receive the victory for them. Why I say receive the victory is because we already have the victory in Christ we just have to accept it andbelieve it. I will go to the altar lay it down and not long after pick it back up, just to have to lay it down again. If I would just leave it at the altar it would than enhance my testimony because others around me would see the freedom God has given me in these issues. Quote
Sage Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 My most recent struggle came being persecuted in my own church. I found strength to endure for awhile, but chose to leave the church eventually. Looking back, I feel that God was leading me in a new direction. Maybe my usefulness was used up where I was! In reading this lesson, I had to laugh at the part that said show me a person who's effectively working for Christ and I'll show you a person with enemies!!! I am struggling with forgiving those who hurt me deeply in our church and have trouble understanding how I can forgive them effectively when they do not admit wrong doing. Can you forgive without repentance??? Or just accept and try to understand? Anyway, yesterday I received a job offer as superintendant of the Sunday school at my new church. The direction I am supposed to take? I think maybe this is the road that He was nudging me towards! I am so excited about my church life once again Quote
pickledilly Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 As a witness, you simply tell what you know, what you Quote
daeBee Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 God allows trials and tribulations in our lives to TEST our faith - do we believe what we say we believe when things are going smoothly? Yet, all the time He is watching to snatch us out of it when it gets to be more than we can bear. That is a promise of God to every beleiver and one we need to learn to TRUST in. Without troubles, we would never know the measure of our growth level in Trusting God. Paul was innocent and all knew of the trials he was under - they also knew that he never gave up fulfilling his purpose in Christ - to share the Gospel and did it wherever he was - in jail or out. That is the lesson for us - whereever we are, we are to continue to fulfill our purpose in Christ and let God handle the rest - Trusting in His promise of Jer 29:11 and Romans 8:28 all the time. Presently our family is undergoing a most difficult TRUST TEST and because of many faithful Christian friends who remind us of God's promises and hold us up in prayer and love - we have not sunk under the raging waters. It is rather like floating on an inner tube amonst the waves, not knowing where you will end up, but knowing God is guiding you all the way and that love is keeping you afloat no matter what tries to drown you. Quote
jaunita Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Why was Paul's witness so powerful? What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? Too many people believe living a life for Christ, is one of ease, lack of pain and sorrow. We that live this life, wonderful that it is, know better. We experience the same hurts, pains and sorrows that others do....we've just got the One with us that makes it all bearable. "Great Sea-men are made in rough waters"...our struggles and problems may many times be the door by which we are able to sympathize and witness to [and with] anothers pain. Like in the saying; 'Been there, done that' can't understand lose if you've never lost anyone or anything. You can never weep along side another and offer comfort, if you've never wept yourself. People watch us...those of us that are followers of Christ. They watch how we react in these times of struggle, pain and stress. We are never a better witness of the grace, love, and power of our Lord, than when we are struggling with the same issues the world struggles with...and do it with peace, by the grace of God. As for Paul...he lost 'all' to gain all. I can honestly say, I have not always suffered in 'peace'...nor have I suffered lose, without doubt creeping in. But I would pray as I've matured in Christ, it is becoming easier to understand the principles behind our sufferings. That it is all for the glory of God, and that 'all things' really do work for the good, for those who love Christ and are called according to His purpose. Quote
DBLK Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Why was Paul's witness so powerful? What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? I would rather take advice from someone who has faced a struggle in the Lord's strength and has experienced the joy which only God can give in this difficult or impossible situation. I am usually "turned off" by those who say "I know how you feel" and give you advice when they have never really faced a similar struggle. A Godly example is powerful! As I read through the problems faced by many of our "online classmates", my emotions were touched. Many of you are going through very difficult times and I pray that the Lord will be your strength and your joy in these hard times. I, too, have faced a multitude of undiagnosed physical problems during the three years since I've retired. I need examples like Paul to keep me going some days. But, I am also learning that not only are many people watching my response to these struggles, but I have had opportunities to share and pray with others in similar sitiations. Sometimes the experiences of these struggles can, like Paul's, provide us with real opportunities to share Christ and His comfort with others. I admit that sometimes I have a difficult time saying truthfully "Praise the Lord for my problems". But, PRAISE THE LORD FOR MY PROBLEMS! May Jesus Christ be praised! Quote
luvHimalways Posted April 19, 2005 Report Posted April 19, 2005 Our struggles make us stronger if we handle them correctly. Handling them correctly means to handle them as we feel would best glorify the Lord with our actions. When our peers see us struggling and still standing firm in our belief that God is in control and everything will be done to His will and not ours. And that we are willing to except that whatever it is we are a living testimony to God. Paul stood firm in his faith unto God no matter what was going on in his life or whaere he was no matter if he was in jail he still believed and continued on spreading the word of God. We should do the same. Quote
June Posted April 19, 2005 Report Posted April 19, 2005 By seeing someone go thru situations makes it more believeable. The eye is the window to the soul ( so I have heard) so if you see it it is more credible to believe. It is when there is a crisis of any kind that Christ is glorified . When we humble ourselves and admit that we can't do it ourselves, that we indeed need devine intervention is when God is most honored to help. He is always waiting for us to call on His help. Paul was seen in his struggles, but he was persistent to speak testimony for Christ. It was not about Paul and his imprisonment,but about the kingdom and Christ and how worthy He is(was).To speak on how Christ intervened in the struggle. Glorify God in all we do and say! Quote
Renee Posted April 20, 2005 Report Posted April 20, 2005 Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Because it is hard to witness to someone about something that you've never gone through. For instance, a person who has been abused can relate to another person that is going through it. Also, once you can relate then you can let them know how Jesus helped you go through whatever it was. Why was Paul's witness so powerful? Paul was in prison, not for doing anything bad, and it never stopped him from sharing Christ. What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? We all have some sort of struggle in this sin infested world but I think the way any of our struggles would be included in our testimonies is if we keep Christ first and just walk through the struggles. Sounds easier than it is, I know but if we fight them then more than likely we'll have to go through something like it again but if we just walk through holding on to Jesus then it's part of our testimony that we can share with others. Quote
Helenmm Posted April 21, 2005 Report Posted April 21, 2005 When we are currently undergoing personal struggle/stress/problems people see us as real people. They can relate to their struggle. The see less of us on a pedestal and more of us winning the struggle with supernatural help, being kind in difficult circumstances, being bold and courageous, not giving up, all the manners they might themselves aspire to being mentored before them. They can join in our walk and allow us in on theirs. We can come alongside them more easily and more really. Paul's witness was powerful because his behaviour was so vitally different from that of others in the same situation. Under pressure he displayed LIFE. They wanted it! My personal struggle is with my healthand energy, also with the faith (or lack of it ) of my children. I see another lady of my age struggling with far greater health problems, and she inspires me to continue in strength. Quote
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