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If he didn't vanquish them, they would come back in the future as a thorn in his side to attack again the Israelites. We always must finish the tasks that God has asked to do, failure of doing that will bring chaos and toils in our journey.

:o He wanted them to be vanguished so they wouldn't become a burden on him when they attacked Israelites again, if we do not finish :) what God has asked us to do, things will not be different, they will go back as they had been, so always finish what God has asked you to do, even when you are tired and worn out. God will always pull us threw. :wub: Because he loves us he will see us threw.

Question 3

The reason that Gideon had to vanquish the Midianite Army of 15,000 in Karkor was because there was always the danger that if any of the army had been spared they would rebuild an army and retaliate at some time in the future.

With regards to our own lives we have to learn to be honest with ourselves and the problems we may be facing at a given time. We must also be prepared to admit to ourselves our own deficiencies and if necessary seek the help of a fellow Christian or leader within our Church. What we must avoid is the feeling that just because we are Christians we are beyond any kind of suffering and that when we do experience any type of trial in our life we take the necessary steps to seek the Lord in order to strengthen us throughout this period. It is when we do not seek the Lord's help that we will feel so alone and helpless but with the Lord on our side nothing is impossible.


+ One can only depend on a victory being sustainable if the enemy is destroyed. The only way to claim victory is to be certain it will last in our personal lives as well.

+ We see this in the world today. We didn't destroy Iraq's army and the leaders when we could have. Today we face a greater threat, if we invade Iraq now we face a much stronger and more dangerous enemy. :(


Q.3) :D Gideon disolved the midianite army of 15,000, so he could protect his family his people from further attacks.

In uncertainties, God reminds us that he is here to protect us and guide us and see us through when we are deaf and blind to his word.

He is a faithful God.

:o Gideon had to destroy what was left of the Midianite army so they could not cause his people trouble later. If we think temporary or partial solutions are good enough we are gravely mistaken. The problem must be solved and steps taken to prevent it from creeping up again. As Jesus said when demons are cast out if you do not fill the vacancy left by them more and greater demons will move in. We must use the Word of God, prayer and fellowship to completely get rid of the problems we are facing and to be protected from future occurances. Satan will throw something else our way and it may be serious if we aren't ready for his attacks.

Gideon needed to destroy the other 15,000 enemies to keep them from coming back, risking the exact same problem all over again. This is similar to a surgeon who wants to make sure he/she has removed ALL the cancer if possible!

When we only do a job halfway, it's the same thing as sweeping dirt under a rug, the problem still exists, it's just not as visible for awhile. :)


When we each face Christ, it will not be acceptable to say " I quit telling most lies" or I forgave almost everything" How about " I had almost all good thoughts" The enemy has to be totally defeated. As God led and carried Gideon through the war then, He will guide, lead, carry, and give us strength for our battles. Oh What a Savior.


The Midianites were idol worshippers. If any were left, they could mix with

the Israelites--as happened so often in their history--and tempt them away

from the worship of God into idol worship. Also, they might regroup and

come back to fight them again. But I think the first concern was their

influence on the Israelites relationship with the Lord.



blondesmiley.gifThe Lord knows all hearts, even those against Him. If He wanted a people destroyed, He had good reason! Time and time again, the Israelites had fallen to idol worship. (See Judges 1-2 for only one example) The Lord knew that all temptation to do so again must be removed. "For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you." Deut. 23:14

The Lord delivered me 9 years ago from "partying." Now, I am sickened just to eat at a restaurant that has a bar...the "enemy camp." We, as God's adopted children, must keep our camp clean and holy and stay away from the enemies' camp!


Q3. Why must Gideon vanquish the Midianite force of 15,000 men in Karkor? What danger do we face when we deal with problems only half-way? (8:10-12)

Gideon must vanquish the Midianites to ensure that they do not rise again. If we only do things half way it leaves at lot loose ends that could come back to give us grief.

In Christ Jesus,



Gideon was letting nothing stop him from staying focus-destroying the remnants of the midianites army. This had to be done to protect them from future attacks. We see a change taking place in Gideon-a darker and vindictive side. He wasn't letting anything get in his way not even his own people.

When we only deal with problems half way, we will forever be looking over our shoulders for them to return. If we are to run this race we have to run with faith and to finish it.


Gideon had to vanquish the Medianite army of 15000 men to prevent them from regrouping themselves and causing further problems in the future. The danger of completing half the job is that the problem will come back and haunt you and perhaps cause more distress than it did in the first place. When God asks us to do a job we must complete it.


Gideon had vanish the Midianites so that the couldn't regroup and attack his people, this was also to protect his people.

If we don't finish the job, it will still be there and just keep getting bigger and bigger. God wants us to finish what he has given us to do. :lol:


Gideon must destroy the remnants of the Mideanite Army in order to protect his people from future incursions.If not they could raise their army up again against Gideon's people and it could be a great loss.This battle has to be completed.,down to the very last remnant of the Mideanite Army to be destroyed.

You should always complete what you have started.Make your plans,and look at what the outcome would be,if it be for the good of the situation.Always pray to God for direction,and for God to help you.Make sure it is what God wants you to do.If it be building a church,or helping someone else,maybe even going through hard times.Once you have stepped in to that situation and have positioned yourself you must have that respect to finish what you have started.Sometimes situations you get into are not for your advantage but is related to someone elses life,so you should do your best if you offered your help.

If you were building a new home,would you leave the roof off and not complete the home.??What would happen if you put your nice funiture and clothes in that home <_<:( .Sooner or later your belongings would be destroyed.This could be someones life,just as well as materialistic things.Material things can be replaced,but someones life could take a long time getting it back together.

Even before I started this course,I had to make up my mind"I am going to finish it.The outcome will be a very possitive one as I learn Gods word,I will also learn how to live Gods word.Amen :rolleyes:


Why must Gideon vanquish the Midianite force of 15,000 men in Karkor?

However, he lets nothing deter him from his single focus -- destroy the remnants of the Midianite army. That he must do in order to protect his people from future incursions.

The above quote from the exposition explains why it was important for Gideon to finish the job.

What danger do we face when we deal with problems only half-way?

We will continue to face the problems if we do not deal with them completely. They will continually resurface and need attention. The real danger here is that we would be so busy dealing with our problems, that we will not be aware of the Lord's plan for us ar have the time to spend with the Lord to keep our focus.


Why must Gideon vanquish the Midianite force of 15,000 men in Karkor?

Gideon must vanquish the Midianite force of 15,000 men in Karkor in order to protect his people from future invasion.

What danger do we face when we deal with problems only half-way? (8:10-12)

All the efforts exerted will be futile and senseless. It's like treating a disease, when you stop taking medicine half-way, the disease will still be there and may get worst and later hard to cure. You have to go back again to the basic of treatment. This means lack of patience and obedience to the one who help you to make your health better. Same as in the case of Gideon, he should finish the task assigned to him by God and do what is instructed to him or suffer from God's wrath. A good example to this is to be found in the Book of Samuel wherein Saul rejected The LORD's commandment and in return God rejected him as King of Israel when he did not follow God's order completely.[1 Samuel 15:1-34]:



Gideon must vanquish the Midianite force of 15,000 men in Karkor in order to protect his people from future attacks.

The danger we face when we deal with problems only half-way - is when God gives us a task - we should not quit until the job is totally finished. God is an awesome God and we don't want to let Him down by doing things half-way.


Q3. Why must Gideon vanquish the Midianite force of 15,000 men in Karkor? What danger do we face when we deal with problems only half-way? (8:10-12)

To protect his people from future incursions.

That the problem will only come back to "attack" us again and again, making us weaker in the things of Christ.


Because Gideon has them on the run and afraid now. He must follow through with defeating them or they will gather their wits and retaliate sooner or later.

The danger is .. the problem will always return at some time or another, if we do not deal with it fully.


Gideon routed the Midianite remnant and captured the two kings, Zebah and Zalmunna, to preclude future attacks from them.

Gideon was acting under the power and guidance of God who wanted the idolatrous Midianites utterly destroyed. He didn


Gideon must vanquish the remaining Midianite army to prevent the enemy from coming back again to oppress them.

If we do not deal with problems in a decisive manner, problems will creep back up to the surface, bigger and more difficult to overcome. The danger lies in being ambivilent in our desire to be rid of things that shouldn't continue in our lives; we will fight the same battles over and over. Sin can be this way if we don't seek the Lord's help and decide to be rid of it once and for all. :angry:

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