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Shalom Saints by FAITH in Messiah.

1. Fear keeps one stagnant and it im-mobilizes one to speak and act. It is a device that the enemy uses to silence us to be a witness of the evangel. We must say to him, Get the behind me Satan for thou art an offense to me for thou savorest not the things of Yahweh (God) but those things that be of men." Matt. 16:23

We have to use the Word of Yahweh like Yahshua (Jesus) did in the desert against Satan.

2. Fear binds the tongue because the enemy does not want people saved. Satan uses FEAR so that we do not proclaim the evangel. People fear what people think about them, many want to be accepted and liked. What people say about you leaves an impact on one's life in leaving them feel, worthless, inadequate, not liked etc. Our flesh cries out to be accepted by the world.

Many think the majority rules, but if you notice Yahshua had only 12 follow him, so in reality it is the minority that rules. Mark 8:36-37 "For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the evangel the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul."

Losing our life for Messiah gives us abundance. The things of this world world will pass away, everything we own will rust and rot. This world will roll up like a scroll. It will not be worth anything,it will vanish.

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures

upon the earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through, nor steal: for where your treasure is there will your heart be also."Matt.

6:19,20 Is. 34:4, Rev. 6:14, Rev. 21:1,2.

That is where I am going to be in the new heaven and new earth with my Sovereign YAHWEH and receive my inheritance in being a daughter of the King for all eternity.

4. What fear is preventing me from being a witness? I don't think there is any at the present. I do have a lady who is very argumentative strong-willed in her belief. When I say something's its never right. As Yahshua stayed silent many times Yah has silenced me. I wait on Him to fill my mouth with loving kindness before I speak. HalleluYah

Shalom Saints...


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Q3 (Phil 1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness?


​Fear is a God-given emotion given to enable us to run from a threat or to retreat when we sense danger. When fear hinders a bold witness (or a timid one as well), it may be due to a wound from our past or having been hijacked by the enemy and is being used against us and against God's purposes in us.


​Why does fear of people bind our tongues?


​Having been severely abused as a child by violent parents and their death threats, this was a huge issue for me. The "fear of man" kept me out of bad situations, but when I became a Christian, this fear paralyzed me from entering into all that God had for me, including witnessing for Him. Because of potential backlash from a listener I was afraid there might be a confrontation or push-back, and I wouldn't know how to handle it or know what to say. It was an irrational fear exploited by the enemy to shut my mouth. But fear of witnessing can amount to nothing more than worrying about what someone might think, or the loss of a relationship or just awkwardness, and is enough to stifle the Holy Spirit which gives our enemy victory in His hatred toward God and His children.


How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life?


​"Losing my life" for Christ's sake, means that I am totally and unashamedly "sold out to Him" regardless of what my flesh or others may want or think, or what our enemy has in mind, and has come about for me through surrendering to the Holy Spirit countless times over the years as I've seen how emotionally crippled I had become, and through His power and patient work in my life to restore my soul.


As He became my Lord and not just my Savior and gained more and more "territory" in me, the fear of man lessened and lost its' place in not only my thinking but in the "gut reactions" which used to happen unbidden.


The abundant life is freedom that only Christ can bring, to live in Him, for Him, through Him and is the joy of knowing that the enemy who used to look like the monster of the black lagoon, is just a toothless foe whom Jesus defeated on the cross when He defanged and declawed him of any power EXCEPT that which I allow him to exert over me.


What fear is keeping you from clear witness?


He has overcome that fear. I can now share unhindered, about the abundant life available in Christ, and the joy of His love, forgiveness, restoration and salvation for those who will say "Yes" to His gift.


Fear can hold us back from being a bold witness if We live outside of Christ....When We give our lives to Christ We come to realise We must embody Him....And He will equip us with a boldness to proclaim His word. Still today We see persecution of bold witnesses of Christ..but We must remain fearless and Pray ! God will sustain us...draw on the TRUTH of His word.at such times! knowing even through trials and tribulations He is with us! We are His Sheep! He WILL watch over us....

We never really loose our life to Christ...In Christ we can only ever gain.....Paul tells us this rather beautifully..when He proclaims that He considers everything before Christ in His life to be garbage! Yes! Put the trash out! Let the bin men take it away! You are renewed in Christ! You have gained the whole world! ....you are free!


I read all of the answers and they were good, but they are seemed like it was what somebody wanted to hear. That's the reason we have a hard time getting people in the church we all say the same thing. Like we're all programed.

I don't mind being a bold witness and will witness wherever I am. For I'm not a shame of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has done to much for me to be a shame.


I read all of the answers and they were good, but they are seemed like it was what somebody wanted to hear. That's the reason we have a hard time getting people in the church we all say the same thing. Like we're all programed.

I don't mind being a bold witness and will witness wherever I am. For I'm not a shame of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has done to much for me to be a shame.


I read all of the answers and they were good, but they are seemed like it was what somebody wanted to hear. That's the reason we have a hard time getting people in the church we all say the same thing. Like we're all programed.

I don't mind being a bold witness and will witness wherever I am. For I'm not a shame of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has done to much for me to be a shame.


I read all of the answers and they were good, but they are seemed like it was what somebody wanted to hear. That's the reason we have a hard time getting people in the church we all say the same thing. Like we're all programed.

I don't mind being a bold witness and will witness wherever I am. For I'm not a shame of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has done to much for me to be a shame.


I read all of the answers and they were good, but they are seemed like it was what somebody wanted to hear. That's the reason we have a hard time getting people in the church we all say the same thing. Like we're all programed.

I don't mind being a bold witness and will witness wherever I am. For I'm not a shame of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has done to much for me to be a shame.


I read all of the answers and they were good, but they are seemed like it was what somebody wanted to hear. That's the reason we have a hard time getting people in the church we all say the same thing. Like we're all programed.

I don't mind being a bold witness and will witness wherever I am. For I'm not a shame of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has done to much for me to be a shame.


Fear is debilitating, tormenting and literally dominates when allowed.  It can not only prevent you from being a strong witness for Christ, but literally cause one to be spiritually dwarfed in their growth in the Lord.  I know because the Lord delivered me from the stronghold of fear, and once it is dealt with by the power of Christ your spiritual eyes are opened to just how much you were bound by fear.  


When we allow the fear of people to rule, it takes away our identity in Christ. Our tongues become bound because we are afraid of the people's opinion of us; however, when we believe that God is with us we can do all things through Christ.


Entrusting our lives fully to our Lord and Savior releases God's blessings and abundance in our life.




When we are afraid of death and when we are not quite certain that beyond death is Christ' presence.

When we are of death and loss of this material world then our tongues are bind.

As Christ has taught us " For whoever want to save his life will loose it, but whoever looses his life for me will find it". So if we are bold witnesses of Christ then we get an abundant life.

Not enough abundant faith and not having good knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Fear of what others would say would keep us from being a bold witness. Instead of focusing on God gving you the words to say, through weakness of how and what to say people loose heir boldness and fear set in. Losing our life for Christ sake gives us abundant life because we no longer live for ourselves, but live through Christ who is in us.


Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does 

fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake

actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness?


1. It will cause shame, insufficient courage; no confidence, and not willing to

do God’s will or tell anyone about God.


2. We have fear that we will say the wrong thing or people will not like us. We

do not have confidence in ourselves or God. 


3. Death is considered as "gain because we can live with Christ forever and

and one day eventually be with him.To depart and be with Christ is far

Better. If we die things get better.


4. I would like to know more of the word of God.  

Q3. (1:20-21) 

How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? 

Why does fear of people bind our tongues? 

How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? 

What fear is keeping you from clear witness?

As Christians we should never fear the outcome of events, therefore, we can witness with confidence and courage. 

This courage and confidence is, of course, obtained by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. 

We will be equipped with a boldness enabling us to proclaim the good news of salvation to the lost world. 

Without this, we can be gripped by fear, preventing us from boldly proclaiming the Word.

This fear is actually a fear of rejection. Perhaps this occurs because we are focusing on ourselves, being self-centred instead of being Christ-centred, and trusting the Holy Spirit. 

When we ‘lose our life,’ we can regard death as the ultimate gain – to spend eternity with our Lord and Saviour.

But when applied to our life here, it can refer to us focusing more on the needs of others, becoming more and more like Jesus. 

It means that we will derive our strength from Christ. We will have the mind of Christ, rejoice in Christ, live for Christ and bring glory of our Heavenly Father. 

We will have become a new creation: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17).”

My favorite verse is exactly Phil. 1:21. I want to live for Christ and I know that dying will be gain.

I just returned from Israel. Before and after my trip, people ask me how I could have the courage to face the possibility of "being blown up" in Israel. I tell everyone the answer is in Phil. 1:21. 

If I would have been killed, what an honor to die in Israel and to be whisked up to Heaven in a flas. If I didn't get killed, I would come back and tell everyone about this beautiful Holy Land. Isn't this a win-win situation? I have NO FEAR in dying. The opposite of fear is FAITH!!!!!


Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness?

Fear can keep us from being a bold witness, if we are ashamed of the gospel; if we fear for our lives; if we fear we will be rejected by loved ones; our loved ones will be persecuted for our belief. These are just a few reasons that would keep us from declaring Christ and the gospel.

Fear of people alone can bind our tongues because we know that they do not want to hear of the gospel and the truth. People also may think we are freaks for Jesus or have fallen into a cult type belief.

However, losing our life for Christ sake is a gain for us. Whether we lose all personal positions, loved ones or what other worldly things, all is lost for the abundant life God can give us by witnessing and living for his Only Begotten Son, Jesus.

The fear that may keep me from being a good witness for Christ is that I may fail in word or speech to declare his word correctly.


Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness?



Those who don’t believe in God, life on earth is all there is, and so it is natural for them to strive for this world’s values: money, popularity, power, pleasure, and prestige. For Paul, however, to live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ, who alone could help them see life from an eternal perspective. Paul’s whole purpose in life was to speak out boldly for Christ and to become more like him. Thus, Paul could confidently say that dying would be even better than living, because in death he would be removed from worldly troubles, and he would see Christ face to face. If you’re not ready to die, then you’re not ready to live. Make certain of your eternal destiny; then you will be free to serve God and devoting your life to what really counts, without fear of death.


Paul says "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" What fear is keeping me from clear witness is  ear of the unknown Lord help me.


How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? FEAR OF RIDICULE FROM OTHERS



Why does fear of people bind our tongues? CRAVING ACCEPTANCE instead of CRAVING CHRIST.



How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST & WHAT I CALL 'PROTOTYPE LIFE.' LIFE.  ETERNAL LIFE IS THE GOAL







Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness? 


Fear is the primary tool of our enemy to keep us silent and weak in our ability to testify to the great power that is ours through our Lord Jesus. We become afraid that people will consider us to be "weird" and "extreme" in our views and will not accept us into their communities. Since our very existence depends on the help that we can get from others (we were not created to be "loners"), we fear that we will become outcasts and will suffer physical deprivation if we are not acceptable to others. This is the main problem with becoming so "politically correct" that we try to be sure that our words and actions are such that no one can possibly take offense at what we say or do. This essentially makes our testimony weak and even ridiculous as we try to make it acceptable to everyone. 


"Losing our life" for Christ's sake means becoming emboldened to give truthful account of what He has done and is doing for us--our real experiences as He reveals Himself in all His glory to  us. When we give Him the glory for what He does in our lives, others can't help but be affected. Some will reject us, and we pray for them that God will reveal Himself to them in a way that they cannot deny. Others will be blessed and encouraged by our testimony. Those we give thanks for and rely on to strengthen our resolve when we become weak and discouraged. 


The greatest fear that I have in regard to my witness is that in my human weakness I will become a stumbling block to someone who is watching to see whether my actions match my words. I pray that God will grant me the opportunity to confess my weakness to those I might have hurt and to allow Him to heal any wounds that I might have created. I often wonder if I could be bold enough to face execution for Christ's sake as so many have done before me. I can't say that I know the answer to that question. I just pray that in whatever I do, wherever I go, whomever I encounter, Jesus will be exalted and God's name will be praised throughout my circle of friends and acquaintances.


Fear is the result of lack of faith, or doubt, or have no confidence.  Simon Peter is the Apostle who gave us many examples of fear:

Mat 14:30  But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

Mat 14:31  And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Mat 26:73  And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee.

Mat 26:74  Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the **** crew.


This is also another form of fear, when Christian reason that suffering should not come upon them, example:

Mat 16:21  From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.

Mat 16:22  Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.


In this world Christian will have to face tribulation in many ways like many other living people; their only weapon against those test is faith.  And faith only comes by knowing God through His Word.  Without securing their faith the Word of God, Christians have nothing to conquer the challenge, so they will certainly succumb and fear will dominate their mind because doubt presides their hearts.


The lack of faith is the proof that we have no support of the Holy Spirit.  This also means we are not yet the “born again” Christians.  We may proclaim Jesus Christ is our Lord, and sing praises unto God, but when facing the tribulation we may see doubt and fear manifest within us.  Thus our lips may be sealed, our tongues may be bound, and we may be swayed by the world to follow its compromised proposal and walk away from our faith.

Mat 10:32  Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

Mat 10:33  But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.


I pray that Christians will deepen their faith in the Word of God, and have no doubt in the promise of salvation that Jesus Christ has offered to all those who have faith in Him. Amen.


Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness?

Fear restricts us from being a bold witness when we know what the consequences are going to be. It would end in disrespect, ridicule, being ostracised from a society/community , loss of family & friends or even imprisonment from false allegations. Like Paul suffered for preaching the Gospel of the Messiah. When Judaism was a recognised religion and even part of the Roman administration in Jerusalem .

When we "Lose our life" as the above listed factors then we are blessed by God and we have fought the fight and won the race nd will receive the "Crown if Life " This amounts to "Gain" as that means Eternal life with Jesus forever and ever and no fear of Condmnation to hell and the tormenting flames of fire forever nd ever

There is no fear from being a witness ... It is finding the opportunity. People are so busy in their lives and don't have time to think anything. They are in fact multitasking. If a person is free to listen then they will be receptive and responsive also. We need to keep the bond and witness going. Very rarely has the person turned away from listening to the gospel of Jesus Christ


Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping your from clear witness?

Fear of persecution and suffering numbs us and makes us give up gospel


Loosing our life for Christ leads to eternity with Christ where we live with for ever


Fear of failure perhaps


Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness?


Fear can keep us from being a bold witness by our refusing to speak out when the Holy Spirit inspires us;  also, when we feel insignificant, inconsequential or unlearned in a conversation that is telling others about the love of God.


Fear of people binds our tongue because we lack the confidence that comes through the knowledge of Christ through the reading of His Word.  Peter tells us: “…be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory…” (2 Peter 3:17-19).


"losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life because Christ is exalted.


Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Why does fear of people bind our tongues? How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? What fear is keeping you from clear witness?


In Psalm 56:11 (NLT) it said, "I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?"  When I experienced "fear", I am denying the chance to boldly proclaim the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST to those who don't know Him personally.  Fear comes naturally to us human since it is in our nature, but when we fear what others are saying about our actions and our minds, we are clearly stating to God who know us 100% that we are not obeying what He wants us to do: that is to proclaim His word from here to the end of the earth.


If I said that I love Christ, then I should go foreword and testify my faith to others and inform them of my believe in God.  When God talked with Moses, Moses said that who is he to go and talk to the Israelite's about God and God promised him that He will be with him through his lifetime.  So Moses boldly obeyed and everything happened as God promised.  In taking this, we should boldly obey all God commands and do as He wants us to do.


We must give our fear to God 100% in faith and knowing and believing that He will give us the Holy Spirit to aid us in our testimonies about Jesus Christ. And trust in God 100%.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness?


Answer: Fear keep us from being a bold witness when we are afraid to talk about God and eternal salvation to other people. Our fear holds us and stops us in proclaiming the good news.


Why does fear of people bind our tongues?


Answer: Fear of people bind our tongues because we feel that we do not have enough knowledge and wisdom about our God, that we do not know where & how to start the conversation.



How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life?


Answer: It gives us abundant life because once we die or give our life to our Dear Lord in return we will be with Him in heaven where there will be no more problems, no more tears, pains, agony and death.


What fear is keeping you from clear witness?


Answer: Fear of rejection and not knowing how to answer all the questions that might be thrown on me.

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