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3a) To achieve unity we need to take on the sacrificial love that Christ showed us. We need to be selfless, thinking of how he would react in situations we may face, thinking of the needs of others first before ourselves, striving to seek away through our differences keeping together rather than splitting off into factions. Seeking what is best/excellent and not just good.

b)When small number chose lack of humility &a path that caused division, it caused great pain.

c)I am seeking as part of body of Christ to ensure folk are encouraged, supported, pastorally cared for as they need by prayer, cards, and to come to God with any sadness, and not hold resentments against others..

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Humility allows one to consider the needs of others. It is not selfish and focuses on God. My pastor occasionally talks about “clicks” in the church that I believe can cause a division in the church; if one is not part of a certain group for whatever reason, that person is treated or looked upon differently. I attend a very large church and it is not always easy to see where humility is lacking. Though I cannot identify where it lacks, enough to respond to the question, I know that no church is perfect. Jesus knows all about it and will deal with it as He did the seven churches in the Book of Revelation.

  • 1 year later...

Philippians 2:1-4
To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary?
Humility is necessary to achieve unity because it eliminates selfishness and vanity which can destroy unity.
Paul wrote in Philippians 2:3 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 3:4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."

  • 6 months later...

Humility is the most important part of church union as we cannot be working together if one side thinks that they are better than the rest. It gets in the way. The humility of which Paul is speakimg is not a negative humility of self deprecation . It is instead a positive christian humility that has its focus on God the lord Jesus. We must be able to say with love, awe and humility Jesus is Lord! With this humility we are not to consider ourseves better tjan others but remember " there is no longer Jew or Greek, slave or free nor male or female, for all are one in christ. " if we remember this we must be humble.

Self is not part of humility, self is to be put in back, at the end of the table. It is " get behond me Satan. " . As humble christians we are to notice others and their needs. We are not to ignore these bit to help them as a loving neighbour. Paul writes "each of you should look after not only your own interests but also the interest of others. " paul puts rhese two on equal footlng. Each ic important but it seems easier to remember self than others,

Division s are often caused by lack of humility. Revently a group in our church agressively began to push for what they desired while othets pushef for what they wanted. The result chaos.

I try to show love and humility.

Winston y

  • 6 months later...

Q1. (2:1-4).  To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary? Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church? What are you doing to bring unity in your church?

  1. 1 Peter 5:5 (KJV) states, “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.”  2.  Many were fighting for positions that would put them in authority, that caused utter chaos.  3.  Praying and staying humble. 
  • 5 months later...

I think that humility is necessary to achieve unity in the congregation because we need to recognize others talents. If you don’t have humility then we could never work together because you would think that you are the boss and don’t need to listen to others. By listening to and supporting our pastor is one of the best ways that I know that will bring unity to the church.

  • 3 weeks later...

For unity in a church, humility is necessary so that God and others are the focus, and not our personal selfish opinions and ambitions.  We need a TEAM (not an "I") mentality in the church.  This attitude must be within the leadership as well as the membership.  In the past, I have seen the lack of humility more in the leadership than the membership. It has split churches I have been involved in. Very sad and hurtful. I try to support the leadership's direction for the church by participation.  I watch what I say, but also lovingly discuss with others about issues that concern me.  Not everyone can handle questioning, so I am carful when doing this.  Once in a while scriptural confrontation must occur, but overall if I just be an agreeable team player, the fellowship overflows!

  • 1 year later...

(2:1-4). To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary? Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church? What are you doing to bring unity in your church?
When we humble ourselves, we consider others before ourselves.  Care about others need over our own.  Achieving this we will have the same attitude, love, spirit, and purpose.  Ambition can cause a division in the church by pitting one Christian against another.  I am one that prefers to work in the background.  I do not need to be seen.  I pray for all members that they will be humble or remain humble so that we can, together, build up the Kingdom of God.  I continue to be humble to exemplify Christ.


Humility is necessary or we would be self-seeking in all we do.

Divisions caused by one person demanding attention and right status around us.

Serve and pray for others. Keep reminding myself--less of me--more of HIM.


Shalom to the Saints by FAITH in Messiah. Greetings;

1. It is necessary because that is the only way Messiah's Light will shine. In being expressed as the true assembly of Yahweh. (God) If one does not have humility we are not teachable. Being teachable means change. An elder shepherd of the sheep is not humble if he does not look after the needs if his flock, physically, financially and spiritually. He is not doing the work of the Master Yahshua (Jesus). We have seen pastors worry about outside interest and the flock is suffering, this is not an assembly of Yahweh but Satan, greed. Messiah came to be a servant to teach others to do the same, He humbled Himself to the stake of death for us. Our humility is dying to self and follow His servant hood. He had a love to die for, US. Our love as a believer should be the same a love to die for others.

2. Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused division in your church? Yes, we were appalled at how the elders of the church, mocked, said unkind words, put downs about the people in the congregation. We did as Scripture said, spoke to them privately, if they did not listen then bring people from the congregation to address it to them, which we did. Matt.18:15-17. They did not want to listen to us and asked us to leave.

A year later the church dissolved I believe it was Yahweh's judgment.

3. At our Assembly, Household of Faith, we walk by Faith not by sight.

Our goal as an assembly is to walk in love being obedient to His Commandments.Being teachable in that when we hear the Word and are convicted we change our life, "Be ye doers of the Word not hearers only deceiving your own selves."

In our daily walk and in the assembly to speak kind words to others even when they seem unloveable in their actions and attitude. We look as a congregation to take care of the poor, sick, hungry, homeless, and widows. Give of our tithes also to the male and female prisoners who are indigent. When families are in need we provide their needs, physically, financially and spiritually.

He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit of Yah is saying.




Q1 (Phil 1-4) To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary?


​Humility recognizes that we are ALL on equal ground at the foot of the cross....all equal but with different gifts. All bond-servants of Jesus, with a common

​goal: Serving one another, growing in Christ, bringing joy to His heart, and growing the Kingdom through multiplication.


Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church?


At a former church, friction between two associate pastors arose due to competition with one another. One went to a different denomination and got "re-ordained" in that group, and started a church in his home with key people from the church, and ended up taking a large group with him to the new church he started.


What are you doing to bring unity in your church?


​My goal is to treat everyone with the same equality, respect and kindness with which I would like to be treated....refusing to "take the bait of Satan: Being offended." I don't gossip or "stir the pot" if I disagree with someone, "agreeing to disagree" on unimportant issues.  I ask the Lord to give me "His eyes to see others", and His love to permeate my words and actions. I serve quietly without fanfare, encouraging others whenever I can.


​I heard a statistic recently that there are more Christians with "church wounds" no longer attending church, than there are Christians who do attend church. My family

​has felt the sting of church wounds from the past and one of us will not enter a church to this day. The accuser of the brethren, agitated one of the pastors I mentioned above who made a false accusation causing great humiliation....and when the lie was discovered, was too arrogant and proud to apologize to him.


I am highly motivated to pursue peace in the interest of unity, so that no one on my account is ever in the wounded, no longer attending church, category!




Humility is necessary, it takes the focus of one self.

Many of us Christians try to "do good" to earn "browny points". the more points we earn, the more God will love us.

These Christians do not understand the free GIFT of Salvation.

As soon as we understand what it means to SERVE without strife, the more unity we will see in the churches.


Many years ago, the church we attended was very focused on personal "ego" 


We eventually left that church due to the strife. 

Selfishness was the root of the fall of that church, or the split of that church.


"I call the shots, and if you don't like it, then leave...." So we did and it was the best thing that could have happened to us, as we found a church that exuded love, a love where the Holy Spirit reigned and we were all encouraged to be Christ followers with love and humility..


Genuine humility will save the congregation from being decided, which goes to the extent of members leaving that church. Members of the church when they see a negative humility , they leave the church to look for a better worship place.

When church leaders are considering own self and forgetting others, selfish ambition, then they lack humility, causing a division in the church which is the body Christ.

Q1. (2:1-4). To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary? Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church? What are you doing to bring unity in your church? 


Humility is necessary in any relationship in order to achieve unity. It requires us to adopt the attitude that we indeed do not have all the answers to all the questions and that we could be wrong in our approach to things. In order to truly have this kind of attitude, we must be secure in the knowledge that we are valued and esteemed by God as a precious part of His creation, and that He is able to sustain us throughout any trials we may face. When we have this assurance grounded deeply into our souls, we are able to look on others as "better than ourselves." and also valuable to the kingdom of God.


We have had serious disagreements in our congregation over same sex marriages. Some members approve of those; some do not, considering that God's intention from the beginning was male and female unions. There have been some who have expressed their opinions in such a way as to insult the intellect and the motives of those who disagree with them. This has caused some of our members to leave our congregation and attend elsewhere. In situations like this, I think it is important for us to be willing to accept the motives of others as being pure and wanting to advance the cause of Christ, whether we agree with the ways they might want to do this or not. It is important for us to realize that we need to ground ourselves in the Word of God and to allow others to interpret the Word as we do. What seems clear to us may not seem that clear to others, and we must do everything we do, including choosing our words, with love for one another--making every attempt to communicate with gentleness and mercy for others. I try to do this; I do not always succeed. For those times I have not succeeded, I pray that God and those I might have hurt will forgive me.


Q1. (2:1-4). To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary? Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church? What are you doing to bring unity in your church?

Humility is necessary for unity in the boy of Christ because haughtiness, pride and selfishness breaks unity.


Can't think of any


Showing and sharing love to one another


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.


My example didn't cause a division but it did open my eyes. I was in charge of the ministry of help, I would go out and check on the need then report back to the pastor. We had a family that everyone month had the same problem. I knew the mother was on drugs and was selling her food.

One day I (puffed up) decided that I should tell God that I don't want to go there because he knew she was on drugs and why should I keep going there every month.

The Holy Spirit checked me quick all I could do was repent right then. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. I had to pull over people stopped to see if I was alright.

I will never do that again.

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