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Jesus was God in human being form. The word "pretending" means lying. Jesus doesn't lie. Does it make a difference that He was human? I really can't articulate an answer for that. I'll pass.


Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

Pretending is defined in Webster's dictionary as: "to give a false appearance of being, possessing, or performing, to make believe."

I do not think Jesus was pretending to be a man, I do not think He was trying to perform like one; I do not think He was making believe He was one. I think He chose to be as one, I think He put aside His glory, His power, His position, to be as we are and be born of a woman. He chose to take on a human form, yet that does not erase who He was then and is today.

To be a sacrifice for our sins required Him to be like us in all ways. He could not stop being who He was when He lived with the Father. What He could do was become us in all ways. In His earthly body He was like us, yet everything He endured was allowed. We had no control over Him. Remember when He spoke to Pilate, He told Pilate you have no power over me, other than that which was given to you from above. (Paraphrased) This tells me that He was still one with the Father, one in all ways. Was He in human form, I believe so, when He was with us prior to the resurrection.

What do these verses teach?

I think it shows us that if we are to be His disciples we must adopt His ways. We must do the things that He commands us to do within the bible which is our guide. I think we must study, learn and allow our minds to be renewed through His word, to learn His ways, to love one another, to be one in unity and peace. A great example of this is found in Acts 2:42-47, it speaks of the church and how individuals existed and where blessed by God.

What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

If God had not taken human form He could not have experienced pain, hunger, temptation, or any other feeling or emotion. If he only acted out because He could not experience anything then it would have been false. In God there is no variation, no deception, nothing negative. He had to take on human form for us to see the significance of His actions, understand the pain suffered and be able to comprehend the sacrifice made.

This is a very difficult subject and one that is written about in many books. In my studies I have come to realize that the bible is the best teacher of itself. The Holy Spirit guides me and helps me to understand it. All I have to do is apply myself. I urge each of you to do the same if you haven


Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

yes i believe that he was a human being. yet i believe this is GOD in human form. so it was done out of choice.

What do these verses teach?

that GOD belittled himself (humility) by becoming human. but because he's our father he did this to save us from our selves and the devil.

What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

well in the old testament when things got out of hand GOD illminated the evil with a flood. and the evil returned

it didn't give these humans the chance of seeing thier wrong doings and being able to start anew.

yet when he sent Jesus to forgive our sins it made it alright to make mistakes as long as you acknowledged them asked JESUS or GOD for forgiveness and learned from it and were truly sorry for what you did. hoping to not repeat it.(don't forget this is GOD you're dealing with he knows if you're full of it or not)


Hebrews 2:14 -- "Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives"

If Jesus Christ, fully God, had not become fully human, He could not have redeemed us. In order to buy us back, the Redeemer had to be a near relative, had to be a kinsman. In order to take on Man's punishment for sin, Jesus had to be human.

But if He were not fully God at the same time, then He would not have been perfect, without sin. His sacrifice would have been blemished, imperfect, and therefore worthless. He had to be God-man.

He had to have both natures -- fully God, fully man. Aren't we all so very thankful that He took this upon Himself, -- He who knew no sin becoming sin, so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

Amazing truth... amazing love.


Jesus was fully God and fully man. I believe He chose not to access the God part of Him - He said He sought the Father on everything He did and said while here. No man could have taken on the sin of the world and survived it. No man would have chosen to.

It makes a huge difference that Jesus was human - I don't believe He needed to be in order to know what we go through - God knows everything! I believe we needed Him to be in order to understand what He chose to go through for us.

What a wonderful, amazing God to love us so much.


Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

Of course He was a human being. I don't know how anyone who has read the bible could deny this. I do not see how any Christian could go down the road of saying He could pretend. He did no sin, in Him was no sin, He knew no sin, He was undefiled, He could not sin because He was still God.

What do these verses teach?

I am amazed at His humility and His great love for me. Whenever I read them I love Him even more.

What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

Jesus had to become a Man in order to be our Substitute and bear our punishment. There was none other good enough. Also He showed us how to model our lives, and He shows us He understands, and I think that when we reach heaven we will not see God the Father but we will see God the Son because He put upon Himself humanity.


I believe that Jesus was really human. He got hungry,thirsty and tired.

These verses teach us that Jesus came to us as a servant, and as a human, having voluntarily put aside his deity.

If Jesus was only pretending to be human,and we knew it, His example would have been of no value to us. His death on the cross would not have significance for us if he merely

3a.) (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

3a.) Fully human and fully divine.

3.) (2:7-8) What do these verses teach?

3b.) I think I answered it in question two. Jesus left His fellowship with the Father, to take on the imperfect body of man.

3c.) (2:7-8) What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

3c.) The writer of Hebrews reminds us: "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin." (Hebrews 4:15) C.S. Lewis noted, "The higher one is on the order of being, the greater the temptation to disobey."


Yes, Jesus Christ really became a human being. Christ's great object was to identify Himself with humanity; not to appear to men as divine but as human. If He had come into the world emphasizing His equality with GOD, the world would have been amazed, but not saved. He was in human form but still GOD.

If He were not a human being He could not save us from our sin. Galatians 3:13 "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written 'Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.' What great love is this!


Lesson 3 Q 3

(a) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

Jesus was really a human being.

(B) What do these verses teach us?

These verses teach us that the references to his being in human "likeness" and "appearance" do not mean that He did not become fully human but point to the fact that He was not fully describable in human terms. Though fully human and sharing humanity's likeness, He was more than human; He retained His divine nature as well.

© The difference it really makes whether or not Jesus was human is being human we can relate to Jesus. We can feel to some extent His suffering and agony on the Cross. We also know that Jesus because He was human can relate to our situations: Temptation; Death of Loved ones; sickness, etc. Jesus came to live on earth and we know He understands us living as a human being here. It makes a bond, a connection. We can follow Jesus because He set an example for us, He was obedient to God's purposes and He humbled Himself.


Yes Jesus was fully human and fully God. I know that Jesus would not just pretend to be or just take the form of one.

These verses teach that He was a human being. That He literally was born of a virgin. That He came in the flesh. He hungered, He thirst, He wept.

The difference it makes that as a man in the flesh we can understand somewhat of the suffering He did. We know that He was tempted as we are, He felt the emotions we feel. He has been where we are walking today and this should encourage us to run the race for Him and not give up.

Praise God for His Son!! The giver of life!!


Jesus was really human. He was born, He lived and He died. He felt emotions and pain. These verses teach that He was human not just pretending. It makes a big difference whether Jesus was really human or not. The reason God came to earth as man was to provide a way to our salvation. Since Satan had taken control of the earth when Adam and Eve sinned, God needed a man that would be able to take back the possession of the earth. If He was not human this would not have been able to be accomplished.


I see Jesus as really human. His real human body functioned just like mine, having pleasure and pain, food and water,feelings etc. His body was taken from the earth just as ours were. There was no pretence about Jesus presence in human form on earth. To me He was more human that we are. His sensitivities - to our Father, and to the other people with whom He populated the earth, were not diluted or clouded. His love was not diminished. His humility was not blemished. He was everything that we are supposed to be or to have been, and He is indeed the model for who we are to become. Sin reduces us to the status of animals - some nicer than others, having only a dust to dust tent and a carnal nature. Jesus was undiminished as a man, and able to display all the full intention of the Father in creating mankind. He, indeed, was the glorious One able to take back the dominion that satan had stolen from humanity, and share it with redeemed humanity by authorising us to use the power of His Name. By Him humanity can be reborn into the power and beauty intended for us. Yes. Jesus was definitely really human.

If Jesus wasn't human then His whole visit to earth was a sham. That cannot be, because God is not a liar!


Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one? What do these verses teach? What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

If Jesus was pretending He would have been sinning, then He would not have been the perfect sacrifice, that is why He laid His Godstuff aside. He was like a man like a human but was without sin, perfect. Sent to die for us and be our example on how to live a full live - - - holy and set apart.

Jesus had to become man because He was taking man's place on the cross. For our sins, we should have been crucified - - - in order to die for us and to be raised again - - - he had to become man - - He took our place.




  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one? What do these verses teach? What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

To me it appears that Christ, God in the flesh, emmanuel- God with us, gave up all that he was ( God ) that we might become all that He is.


Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

He was human he was born of a woman and he had to eat drink and walk as we humans do. He was still God only in human form and that is why he was able to be tempted in the wilderness and that is why he felt pain as with the death of a friend and wept. How much more human can you be to love so deeply.

What do these verses teach?

That he was God and is God and will always be God just as God the Father is and that even though he took our sins upon him he had no sin in him. He was perfect and did not sin while he walked this earth and that a great example for us to know to do our best always.

What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

He could not have gone through and told us that he went through all the hurt the pain and the disappointment that he did as God but as human he was beaten, spit upon and nailed to the cross. He was human to let this happen to him he had to be God for not one of us would be so willing to take this all on for all the sins of the world. Thank you Jesus for such great Love and compassion.


Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one? What do these verses teach? What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

Jesus was really human, born of a human mother. He was not pretending to be human. Verses 7 and 8 teach us that Jesus became a humble human servant who in obedience to his father died on the cross. If Jesus was not human, then his death on the cross would be meaningless and we would not have eternal life. Hebrews 2:17 tells us, "For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high preiest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people."


Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one? What do these verses teach? What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

If he had not become human, we might have never believed in him. He had to had to go through everything we would go through. So that we would believe in him.

It really makes no differnce where he became human or not. But he did that for us so that we would be able to relate to him and come and accept him as our savuor. Its had for us to relate to something or someone that has not been through what we have gone through. So i feel he had to come and show us that what he says is true. Otherwise we would not believe him> :)


Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

Jesus was sent here to be just like us. He faced the same temptations that we do and was just as human as we are. Pretending indicates a lie, and Jesus was sinless.

What do these verses teach?

When Jesus came to this earth, he took our form and became like us. If we are to be His disciples, we must become like Him.

What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

If Jesus had not come in human form, he could not have experienced the same emotions that we do, and would not have experienced temptation. His life on earth would have meant nothing.


Was Jesus a human being or pretending to be one?What do these verses teach?What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

Jesus was fully man and fully God. He was tempted in all points as we are , yet without sin. He identified with man , taking upon Him flesh and blood,

that He might perfectly identify with man, and know what it would be like

to endure suffering on the cross. His human nature cried out from the cross,

"If it be possible, let this cup pass from me." He wept at the tomb of Lazarus. He became weary in His journey from place to place. He was called,

the SON OF MAN as well as THE SON OF GOD.

These verses teach that He knew the plan of the Father that He should endure suffering for all mankind, and set aside His privileges of diety, so that

He might know the full effects of the cross. He knew that ONLY DEATH COULD BRING LIFE to all mankind, being our substitute.

It makes a difference to us that Jesus was human, for as God only, He really

could not identify with the suffering of human flesh, and would not be able

to say that He was tempted in all points like we are.


Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one? What do these verses teach? What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

Jesus was fully human. The verses teach He was made in himan likeness and took the nature of a servent though God.

Scripture teaches us that Jesus understands our temptations and trials becasue he was fully human and experienced them the same as we do. Therefore when we go to Him in prayer we go to someone we know fully understands what we are experiencing.

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