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Q2. (2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky? What does this shining as stars signify? Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God-place? If so, what can you do to change this?

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Complaining/arguing indicates that we are not trusting Christ and that we are not being humble. To obey His word is to love one another. There is no love shining forth when we walk around in a complaining attitude. What is at the root of complaining? Selfishness- Love is selflessness. I'm not aware that we complain. I don't see any divisions. We are a very small group of 15 people, half of which attend weekly bible study on a regular basis. We're not perfect but I think we operate in unity.


Lesson 4 Q 2

(a) Ceasing complaining and arguing enables a church to shine as stars in a dark sky by it shows it is different from the world. It shows that the church is Christ-like. The unifying power of Jesus Christ is seen. The world will see Christ.

(B) This shining of stars signify, is a transformed life. A clean, radiant light shining for God. It is a life of moral purity, patience and peacefulness in a crooked and perverse world.

© The church I attended before I moved to this town, there was complaining and arguing. Yes, it did compromise the church's witness as a God-place because it caused a lot of gossip in the Community and people did not attend church because they would say, "I'm just as good as those that go to church". Rightfully so!

(d) What can be done to change this is take Paul's advice, Cut it out! Stop complaining and aguing! "Become blameless, pure and without fault". This is not easy but repentance and change is of vital importance for the church to become Christ-like, so it can be a witness to the Community. God calls us to a higher standard. Amen!


We have to look always at Jesus in answering any of life's questions.

As a part of the Body of Christ, the more we Christ-like we become in our actions and thoughts the more others can come to know who He is and be drawn to Him. This is the light that draws them - Jesus is the Light. Such attitudes as Paul addresses in today's study puts a covering over the light that causes it to dim and give out less warmth and hope and guidance. Jesus didn't complain, however, He did address issues of wrong very clearly and firmly - He did this out of love, hoping it would help those in danger to turn from their sin. I believe it is so feared that we would complain and be in sin that we too often do not address in love - firmly and clearly - the sin before us. That leaves others in great danger and us joining them. To make a difference here, we need to concentrate more effort on obtaining a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit, so we might know the difference and act when called. To no do so would be as much a leaning to sin as complaining.



How does ceasing murmuring and complaining help us to shine as stars in a dark sky?What does this shining as stars signify?Have complaining and arguing compromises your church's witness as a God-place?

By ceasing murmuring and complaining, we can shine as stars in a dark sky

because we are able to give a witness, especiallly in times of trial, that we

have placed our life and trust in the God who we serve.

Shining as stars signify that we will not compromise our faith in God, and we

will take a strong stand for what we believe, even when everything seems

to be going against us. The world may critizize what we believe and stand for, but our separation from the wickedness of the world should at least make them wonder what is different about us.


How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky?

1st if you're grumbling or complaining how can you hear anyone but yourself.you're missing out on what someone else is saying and it may be important, or enrich you being. 2nd do you really want to listen to someone else if they're complaining. well neither does anyone else. try to find a peaceful solution to the problem. then you'll have listeners and possibly a solution. then you'll shine like a star and so will the rest of the church

What does this shining as stars signify?

giving off light like Jesus did. being bright. and Jesus did it without any arguing or complaints.

Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God-place?


If so, what can you do to change this?

help find peaceful solutions to the problems.


Complaining and arguing is like a cloud covering up our love. When we do this it is not letting love show. When we stop the complaining and the arguing and see other peoples opinions as valid points we are able to grow and develop a deeper relationship. We let the light of God


We must not be complaining and arguing in our church body, if we do that we look just as the world does. People are looking for something to make sense out of their lives. They are looking for the void they feel in their heart, that can't be filled by the world. People read us sometimes as their only Bible. They have to see something in us that they want before they will want it. They have to see something different than what the world has to offer. Therefore there must be a difference in the church from other places. We need to show Christ love and to do that we must be a loving example to them. Only unity and harmony one with the other will achieve this.

We need to shine as Christ did. We need to be trying to show Christ as we know He is: merciful, forgiving, filled with unconditional love.

At this time we are not experiencing a lot of cmplaining and murmuring in my church we are working together out of love and humility to bring others to Christ. But if we don't stay attached to Christ this could very well happen.


Once the church body quits infighting, there is the opportunity for unity. If each individual is just one candle , how much brighter the light from a whole unified church! This light signifies the glory of God


When we complain and argue, most times it is because we see things only from our perspective, we believe we are right and it should be done in our own way. When we cease from complaing and arguing, peace and love will abound because we will see others as better than ourselves and we want to listen to them.

Shining as stars signify humility which makes us stand out in the crowd.

Well, in my church there has been some arguing and complaining here and there. The way forward is for every party involved to sit down, talk through the problems, listen to one another and reach a decision. It should all be :rolleyes: done in humility and love.


Complaining and arguing reveal pride, selfishness, and lack of discernment and trust in God - things Paul has been addressing since the beginning of this letter to the Philippians. The whole world is already in that darkened state. A person who shines with loving humility, joyful self-lessness, and peaceful unwavering faith in the Lord is going to make an impression. To see an entire group of people treat each other that way, especially in conflict, would definitely be noticed like the light of a star breaking through the darkness of night.

Jesus is called the Light of the world. As believers, the very light of His own Spirit is within us. A light is meant to shine bright and dispel darkness. That means WE are meant to shine. Do we glow with the light of holiness? Do we twinkle with joyful hope in the face of conflict? Do we illuminate the better Way to live by love? Do we dispel the darkness of sin by humbly but firmly standing for the Truth? Do we burn brightly with energized, focused, brilliant Life?

A church infested with complaining, arguing, murmuring, and bickering is going to look like most any other group in the world. It is going to be impotent in its influence for God. And anything that keeps gnawing on itself will eventually consume itself. I saw that in my former church. We must be different. It all comes down to the maturing process of sanctification in every single individual believer. I must be different. I must realize it

2a.) (2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky?

2a.) Jesus prayed: "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." (John 17:20-21)

2b.) (2:14-15) What does this shining as stars signify?

2b.) A great analogy of light and darkness was shared with our Bible study on Romans. Have you ever noticed what happens when you open a door to a dark room and the room you are in is bright with light? Does the darkness spill in the lighted room? No. The light spills into the darkness and what could not be seen can be seen. That is how we are to shine as stars.

2c.) (2:14-15) Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God-place?

2c.) Yes at times.

2d.) (2:14-15) If so, what can you do to change this?

2d.) Clothe myself in Christ.


Q2. (2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky?

When the complaining and fighting stops that lets the love of Jesus in our lives shine through and then people who want in their lives to let Jesus be seen will shine like the stars in a dark sky.

What does this shining as stars signify?

The Love that one has for another and the church will show forth as love and understanding a place where others will want to come to be together and join in for worship.

Have complaining and arguing compromised your churches witness as a God-place? Yes there has been times when satan will raise up his head and those that will allow him to use them to cause problems that goes on in all churches. It is not because we are human that this happens it is because we are not prayed up, fasted up and reading the word of God so we are in the place God would have us to be.

If so, what can you do to change this?

Well I really answered that already read, pray and fast and stand behind your leaders. Let them know if you are out of line they can come to you in love and show you the right way. That you are in a Godly state of mind and willing to change or be part of a change that is needed to move forward in the work of the Lord.


When not complaining, the church has a chance to grow through unity. Shining to me means that Christ can be seen through us. The presence of God will be seen and felt when outsiders come near. Our church is a great witness for God. It is a very loving and caring church and only the true words of God are preached here. A Bible Based Church. The Love of God and His People permeate the premises. I am truly blessed to have this place to Worship my Lord and Savior. We are out to "win souls for Christ." So Let Your Light Shine....


Q2. (2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a

church to shine as stars in a dark sky? What does this shining as

stars signify? Have complaining and arguing compromised your

church's witness as a God-place? If so, what can you do to change


We we are complaining or arguing there is no love shown. When we stop. Then our love will shine like the stars at night.

The shining singifies our love for one another. Everything we do or say should show our love for one another.

Its hard be comfortable in a church that all members don't show Christ love for one another. I have seen divisions in my church becuase of it at times.

I try to show love where ever i am at. I don't like division cause it hurts people. I do what ever i can to show love to all. :rolleyes:


When I looked argue up in the dictionary one of the definitions is persuade or compel by reasoning so I think its the way we argue and what we argue about that makes the difference. If we are complaining we are not showing gratitude to our heavenly Father for His goodness to us and not shining like the stars we should. As I said once before there is a difference between groaning and grumbling and there is a difference betweeen quarelling and persuading for the gospel in love.

God Bless!


Numbers 6: 24-26



When you stop the complaining and bickering and let God's love shine through the Church others will see it and glorify God. Shine the "Light" so that all may come and see what the Lord can do for them.

It shows the love of God, star are light and the "Light" is Jesus.

In the church that I attended in Tulsa, arguing and complaining kept people from coming back after one visit. They could feel and see that the church was not unified. The church also lost many members. Finally it split. People could tell there was no love even when they couldn't hear the grumblings going on.

In the church that I am pastoring now we are very open. Board members often ask the congregation members what they think and feel. What kind of ideas do they have have that might make our church more appealing to others, not in physical appearance but in the ways that we, as a church can shine so that others will see the love and the light of God and come to know Him. We encourage our members to keep us in check and they expect the same. We are a very small church but we are growing a little bit at a time. Our members enjoy being a part of our church growth and see the results when someone comes back a second time. As a board we try to work together and let the congregation see how we work so they have an example to live by.



When a church ceases complaining and arguing,they become obedient to God and develop a spirit of unity.

Shining as stars signifys that non believers will sense the presense of Christ within the church and the love members have for one another.

So far in the 10 years I,ve been attending my present church,there has been little complaining or arguing among members that would affect the church's witness. Visitors always remark on how warmly they were welcomed and how friendly the people were.


When star shines in the dark sky, people can notice, observe and see it clearly. Likewise people around us when they see the harmony and Christlike love being perpetuated in the christian churches, they can clearly observe the difference Jesus makes in one's life and in the congregation. For every administrative problem there are clear directions in the word of God, only we have to study and apply it, instead of using our own intelligence.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky?

When the world sees the church it must be full of love and not arguing. Why would they want what we have if it's not different than what they have now?

What does this shining as stars signify?

I think it's love.

Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God-place? If so, what can you do to change this?

As a whole I don't think my church has much of that. I have a few problems with a couple of people in my church but it's between God and myself.


How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky?

Can become an illuminator in the world.

What does this shining as stars signify?

To show that we are children of God and to show the world God's love and spirit within us.

Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God place?

Some times.

If so, what can you do to change this?

To be honest, I am not really sure. Just keep on praying and keeping the faith and continue to lend support where/when ever needed.

  • 2 weeks later...

Being content with the obstacles and rough spots as a source of growth as we learn from James, enables the brilliance of satisfaction with Christ

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