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To keep His word in our hearts, on our minds and on our lips at all times by reading it daily and speaking it daily. We are not just to memorize His Word but to live it and tell others of it. Jesus commanded His church to spread the gospel to all nations. However, sometimes it's hard for others to digest His truths when the messenger has obvious sinful addictions, i.e. overweight, alcohol, smoking etc. The Church must practice what they preach because the eyes of the world are watching. My non-Christian friend is too quick to point out my faults. I tell him he must be reading the bible in secret since he seems to know so much about it.


In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life? In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life? How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

I believe 'holding fast the Word' refers to us clinging to Christ and learning all that we can about his teachings. In 'holding forth' the Word, we are in a sense, bringing or showing Christ to the rest of the world.

As to relating to the purpose of the church, isn't that what it is? Learning about God and giving His message of Love to the rest of the world? In my opinion, that's what Paul is trying to tell the Phillipians.


Have you ever seen anyone with a do-it-yourself kit? Say it's one of those build a replica ship kits. They study it, and follow all the instructions vigorously. At the end they are immensely pleased with the result which, obviously they could not otherwise achieve. I think holding fast to the Word of Life is like that. We need to study it to do everything in it in order to win the prize.

Holding forth the Word of God is similar, but perhaps means showing to others as the way to go.

How does this relate to the purpose of th church is a topic for a long essay. The purpose of God is demonstrated clearly in Scripture for us to follow. There are heaps of wise saying, tips, commandments, etc for us. We need to get them all into our way of functioning. We need to be very vigorous and effective in walking in all the good works God has prepared for us to walk in.


The purpose of the Church is to show Christ to the world. When we 'hold fast' - cling tightly to the commitment of becoming Christ-like - then we BECOME the Word and 'hold it forth' to the world as they look on and see Christ in us - in all we do and say and are, in the choices we make and the beliefs that shape our lives. The rest is up to God. We shine the light, His love draws them, they choose to come, He meets them there.


In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life?

Fast is defined in Webster's dictionary as, firmly fixed, adhering firmly, not easily freed, stable, and firmly loyal. I think there is much stated in that definition relating to God's Word of Life. James 1:18 states, "Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

I am also reminded in Rev 3:16, "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." (KJV) God does not like lukewarm people. I think that is another factor expressed in holding fast to the Word of Life. We cannot waiver in our decision to follow Him and be His disciples. He demands loyalty and commitment from us, we can give no less.

In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life?

Forth is defined in Webster's dictionary as, "out into notice or view." Yesterday, I had an opportunity to speak to a group of people who I did not know about God. Before I met with them we all prayed that they would receive God's word, that it would change their lives. I put God's word in front of me and held it out for all to see. He did the rest.

When we show others His word, they are affected. Sometimes not as anticipated, but never-the-less they are affected. One may have to be affected many times before change occurs, yet all I have to do is hold forth the Word of Life, God will do everything else. It is mentioned in the great commission in Matthew 28: 19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (KJV)

How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

I think Acts 2:42-47 answers this question best, "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers. Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and had everything in common. So they sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. And every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.


In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life?

holding fast is to learn the WORD of GOD and trying your hardest to practice it. i say try because we are humans and will not completely achieve it.

In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life?

holding forth is sharing what you have learned about Jesus and GOD. even if you don't have all the answers.

just like when a child learns something that they are excited about they run home to share it with thier parents. do the same with everyone. i do.

and if someone asks a question that i can't answer i tell them that i'll find out and proceed to do so.

in my bible or to someone else who is more educated than i am in Christ.

How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

to start with the church is not the building but people. and we are all of Jesus' disciples. and that is what Jesus told us to do. to spread his WORD and to follow in Jesus' footsteps.


Lesson 4 Q 3

(a) The sense we Christians are to "hold fast" the Word of Life is we are to grasp the Word and not let it go. We are not to drift from one idea to another. "Hold fast" to the Word instead of Societies way.

(B) The sense we are to "hold forth" this Word of Life is we are to live it, we are to proclaim it, preach and teach this Word of Life.

© This relates to the purpose of the church by bringing the Good News to all. The church's purpose is to "hold fast" and "hold forth" the Word of life.


Paul tells us to hold onto the Word so we don't loose it. In our churches we should preach and teach the true Word of God and all the Word of God. In recent years some churches have become what is called churches that tickle the ears. They are preaching and teaching what the people want to hear and not the true Word of God that is in the Scriptures. Churches are reluctant to even mention hell any more because they are a fraid to loose members if they do. If we loose the Word out of the church the church is ineffective.

We as the body of Christ are to go out and proclaim the Word of God. We are to go and tell our testimony and to hold forth the Word. How are they to know if we don't tell them. When we give them the Word, Jesus Christ, we offer them life and life eternal.

As a local church we are not to just keep it for ourselves, the Word is to be shared with all. If we are just pew sitters on Sunday morning what good does that do to bring others to the Kingdom of God. The churches purpose is to be the body of Christ and to spread the good news. The harvest is right, but the laborers are few.


Hold fast and hold forth is to be firm and rely on what we know. To read, hear and heed His Word, in our minds and hearts. To live a life as compared to what we know God's will to be. To NOT be swayed by men's ways and know the truth and stand firm. And as we live it - to use that testimony to show others the truth and be the salt of the earth - - so others can experience His glory.

Our purpose is to do just that -- to spread the Good News to all the ends of the earth


IN what sense are we christians to hold fast the Word of Life?In what sense

are we to "hold forth" the word of life?How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

We are to hold fast the word of life in the sense that we are to STAND FAST

in the liberty , wherewith God has set us free and not be entangled in the affairs of this life, to be brought under bondage again.

We are to 'HOLD FORTH' the word of life in the sense that we are to let our

light so shine that others may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven. Also, to be ready to give an answer to every man that

asketh us of the reason of the hope that is in us with meekness and fear.

The church is to HOLD FAST & HOLD FORTH the word of life and to be a light-

house in the community to shine out to a dark world, to be a place of refuge

to give shelter to those who are in the storms of life


We are to hold fast the Word, we are to live it. It is not enough to just believe, even Satan believes the Word of God. He quotes scripture, but we are to put that Word to use in our daily lives. The purpose of the Church is to seek and save those that are lost. How can we get others to live the Word if we are not living IT ourselves? If we are applying it to our every day lives then we won


To "hold fast" we must study the Word every day and apply it to our lives. To"hold forth" would be to witness to others and "shine" before them so they see Jesus in your everyday living not just when you go to church.

The Church is a hospital for sinners not a resting place for saints. So go out and let your light shine for Jesus. Minister to those that come in but also reach out to those that don't .


Q3. (2:16) In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life?

The only way to hold fast or hold onto the word of Life or the word of God is for us to read and know it. We must study to show ourselves approved and not let things of this world cause us to replace our study time with thing that are not important to our walk with Jesus. Gods word the bible is life unto our bones and hope unto our lives.

In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life?

The world tells us we are all given a commission and that is to tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ. He let us as a witness to tell others of his love and that he is our Lord and Savior and will be more than happy to come into their lives to help them and be their Savior. We are all called to witness. I pray all are doing what they are called to do " TELL OTHERS". :o

How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

The church is one of the main ways for us as Christians to reach out to others. I do not believe it is being done today the way it should be for we have become complacent and want to sit and let the Pastors and Evangelist and Missionaries do all the work. The Church is not just the leaders we are all part of the church as we are all part of the body of Christ we need to do our part and that is to love one another and to witness to others, yes even those that don't want to hear the word need the word, it is our job to come out and tell all about Jesus and his Love for us and for them. Thank you Lord. :D


Q3. (2:16) In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life? In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life? How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

We need to hold fast to the word, to helps us grow. So that we can be better witnesses to others. If we don't know it how can we live it? We need to study it and learn all we can from it. :rolleyes:

As a church if we know it and practice it we will be better witnesses for Jesus. :rolleyes:

3a.) (2:16) In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life?

3a.) Jesus tells us: "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31-32) This is the Word of Life.

3b.) (2:16) In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life?

3c.) In our lives as we reflect the light of Christ working in our lives.

3c.) (2:16) How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

3c.) Paul also writes: "For since in the wisdom of God the world though its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe." (1 Corinthians 1:21) The church proclaims Christ crucified and through Him the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of those who believe.


Q3. (2:16) In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life?

Holding fast to the Word of Life, means to read His Word daily and keep the Word in our hearts. We should


Holding fast to the Word means to obey the Word as it was inspired by God to be written-not to alter the meaning of the words or to take passages out of context. We are to hold forth, or proclaim, the Word to all people.The purpose of the church is to be a vehicle to worship God and to proclaim the Good News to the world.


In what sense are we Christians to hold fast the Word of Life? In what sense are we to hold forth this Word of Life? How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

The Word of Life is the gospel by which we are saved. We are to tell others about the gospel either through the way we live our lives or by speaking the truth of the gospel to the unbelieving. The church should proclaim the gospel and the people should act in such a way as to adorn the doctrine of God so others will be attracted to the Word of Life.

God Bless!


Numbers 6: 24-26

We need to hold each other up in prayer!!



We need to "hold fast" to the Word so that we don't lose it, so that it remains forever in our hearts.

We are also to "hold forth" the Word of Life so that others may see it and come to believe.

A church is supposed to be bonded to the Word of Life. The Word is the Truth and if the church doesn't show the world, teach the Word, live the Word, the church will fall and the message forgotten. The church will fall away from its calling. A church is to stand on the Word and live the Word. Hold Fast and Hold Forth. A church is to be bonded with the Word and reach out to the world at the same time.



Q3. (2:16) In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life? In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life? How does this relate to the purpose of the church?

Hold fast means to hold it tightly to you and do not let it go. To obey and live what the Word tells us to do.

Hold forth means to hold something out, to offer something. We are to extend ourselves and share the gospel. This relates to the purpose of the church because Christ told us to go in into all the world and preach the gospel. I believe we are to do that in word and deed.


To 'hold fast' to the Word of Life means we are to read and study the scriptures daily. We are also to memorize God's Word and hold it fast within our hearts.

We are to 'hold forth' the Word of Life by sharing Christ with others and by senting forth missionaries to go to the areas of the world that haven't heard about Jesus.

It is important that churches preach from the Bible. Sadly many pastors and ministers no longer to this. They preach a social gospel, the brotherhood of man,et al.

:unsure: In our daily Christian life we seek guidance of Holy Spirit and meditate on the word of God, holding it fast unto our hearts and mind, there by shining like stars in a dark sky, out for the world to see us. This in way is best example to the world while we try to fulfil the last commandment of the Lord to go and preach the good news of his kingdom. :rolleyes:

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