wifee Posted October 16, 2011 Report Posted October 16, 2011 1a)Sinful nature surfacing,pride,wealth,education,temptation-People putting more emphasis on job,works,going to church,seeking approval &acceptance from congregation- rather living as a Christian in thought/action, needs of others. We should be content to know serving the Lord, not for human aproval. b)Try to not be hypocritical&,resist temptation esp when receive people’s affirmation,&think more of myself than I should. Jesus has done so much for me,so try to remember this& be humble in actions,giving Jesus praise, knowing I function only in His strength, He forgives me.He is my true blessing & source of direction in everything! Quote
jacquie7 Posted May 15, 2012 Report Posted May 15, 2012 I cannot pin point it specifically, but I know that confidence in the flesh is throughout my church because many are fleshy and pretend to be otherwise. On occasions, my pastor will talk about members (without naming people) who are fleshy to include his ministerial staff. Although I have been born again, I am not immune to struggles with the flesh. Quote
Sank T Monius Posted August 5, 2013 Report Posted August 5, 2013 Philippians 3:2-6Q). How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation?A). When members try to upstage each other by doing the most religious works#Q). Have you ever struggled with it?A). Yes I like to feel above average because I read the bible often. Bible reading makes me feel like God is more pleased with me than those who don't read the bible as much. Feeling superior because I read the bible a lot is an example of me having confidence in the flesh. Quote
WinstonY Posted February 14, 2014 Report Posted February 14, 2014 question 6.1 How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? "confidence in the flesh" as used by Paul in 3:2-6 applies to those who put great stock in their own accomplishments, the things they do, their cleverness, their social life.. They are the one who say 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' or 'to succeed all you need is hard work'. Those with no confidence in the flesh are those who put their confidence in the Lord to help them in times of trial. These latter would agree with Paul " whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ." Nothing of our own doing improves our standing with God who loves us with the love of the Father for the prodigal son. Parents love their children very much and it is with this same love that God, the Father loves us. It is a matter of humility and Our church has a problem with humility- a problem of expecting more from others than from ourselves. a tendency to think that we are better than the rest, a little better in the eyes of God than the rest. Yes having the correct degree of of humility is hard for me. winstony Quote
Aleezah Posted September 4, 2014 Report Posted September 4, 2014 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? 1. I attend a weekly Bible study every Saturday, “confidence in the flesh”, doesn’t show up. Everyone is respectful of each other. We give our all to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2. Yes, when Jesus Christ was not leading and guiding me. The consequences were too painful to continue in that mode. Quote
Aleezah Posted September 4, 2014 Report Posted September 4, 2014 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? 1. I attend a weekly Bible study every Saturday, “confidence in the flesh”, doesn’t show up. Everyone is respectful of each other. We give our all to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2. Yes, when Jesus Christ was not leading and guiding me. The consequences were too painful to continue in that mode. Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 16, 2015 Report Posted February 16, 2015 I think a lot of decisions in the church are made by the “confidence in the flesh”. Some of the building projects are because of the “confidence in the flesh”. I have struggled with it also. Some of the decision I make is because I know that I will be able to do it. I don’t think of to many things that have been done because we thought that God was going to provide the resources but as a rule that has been the case. Quote
DebLam3teach Posted March 13, 2015 Report Posted March 13, 2015 "Confidence in the flesh" still is a problem in the modern church. Many have been brought up in the church since infants. Many are part of famlies who have been pillars of the church for years. Others know the Word of God so well, but not enough compassion goes with that knowlege. Others in the church fight best against other Christians over petty issues (ie. clothing, music, tongues, etc.). They lose persepctive and seek uniformity instead of being sensitive to the Holy Spirit to save the lost. In my own life, I can become over-familiar with the Gospel, and forget to share its most important message. It's easy to empahsize something other than Jesus. It's easy to get addicted to the praise of other believers who like what you do for them. Our motivations should line up with the Word of God, and not for the praise of man. Quote
charisbarak Posted May 21, 2016 Report Posted May 21, 2016 I'm sure it exists in our church because it has existed with me. I don't think any of us are perfect, but we are growing closer to Jesus each day. We all fall at times and have to be brought back on track. Sometimes we just have to examine ourselves to see if we are doing things in the flesh or if we're led by God.... Quote
blezed Posted May 22, 2016 Report Posted May 22, 2016 (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? "Confidence in the flesh" shows up in my congregation by some who feel that their works made them believers rather than the free gift of grace given my Christ. Yes, I have struggled with it in the past. Once I reached a maturity level in Christ, I recognized that it is not just my works that makes be a believer but acknowledging that Jesus died, was buried and rose for me. Quote
Nikka Posted May 22, 2016 Report Posted May 22, 2016 Until we understand the workings of the Holy Spirit, I am sure we all struggled with this confidence. Confidence in the flesh is not talked about in the churches much, or in mine. It can be a confusing statement until we learn about it through the Gospels and the Epistles. I believe we are making progress in that area, I surely hope so. Quote
hanks Posted May 23, 2016 Report Posted May 23, 2016 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? We often see it when our sinful nature takes over. By putting our confidence in the flesh, we are putting our confidence in self - the same self that seeks to justify itself, resulting in self-effort, self-complacency, and self-importance. It is the opposite of the humble Christian who realises that they have nothing in which to glory, save the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and who have no confidence in themselves, but wholly rest upon the unmerited grace of God. In the flesh we have human ability apart from God, and it cannot do anything to please God - it is more concerned with gratifying the desires of the corrupt nature. As Christians we are not to walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we will be empowered to love God and neighbour, and that we become more occupied with the Word, prayer, worship, Christian service, and things eternal. Yes, when I have tried to do things my way and in my own time. Especially, when done without first praying and asking my Lord’s help and advice about any decision I have made. Something done in haste – normally resulting in not the planned consequences. Quote
forgivenforgivenforgiven Posted May 24, 2016 Report Posted May 24, 2016 Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. I believe it is human nature to have confidence in the flesh and in the congregation. As a believer if we want to live in the Spirit we are to walk opposite to the flesh. When the flesh wants something we don't do it. The Household of Faith chooses to walk by Faith not by sight thus we see the manifestations of Yahweh's doings in our life which is exciting. 2.Yes we have just recently struggled in our confidence in the flesh. My husband had a car accident in 1986 diagnosed as a silent brain injury. He had bruising on the temporal lobe and cognitive difficulties. Thus it is known in later years to grow scar tissue where the bruising took place. In this occurring it caused him to have seizures. When we heard this we just accepted the Drs. diagnoses. Trusted in their confidence rather than Yahweh's. The Spirit of Yah revealed to me when I was looking up another scripture verse the one with epileptic healing came up. I thought of the one when He healed the little boy. I got on line and read a few articles and was determined to call out these spirits that wanted to control my husband's body. We started calling out the demon of seizures, deaf and dumb spirits, confusion, in- balance, ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. The demons would manifest with a noise, deep breathing, panting as soon as we heard their arrival we would start praying and casting them out. All of a sudden they would not make themselves known before they manifested in my husbands body,now th st they had been found out they went silent they would come with no warning. I prayed and asked Yah to let me know wake me up in the night so we could cast these demons out and He did. My husband has now been seizure free close to a month. He got off all herbs also. Praise Yah for delivering him. Yahshua said, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall hurt you." When we renounced accepting what the doctors said, stopped putting our confidence in them Yah delivered him. HalleluYah. As for circumcision I believe it is an everlasting Blood Covenant with Yahweh, between Him and man. Read Gen. 17:10-14 Many people have head knowledge that means no change in their life. You can be circumcised as a baby and have no change in your life when you grow up. Circumcision means nothing. Then you can have heart knowledge meaning you see changes in your life from the old man to the new man. Then you make the decision to be circumcised like Abraham did at 99 year's old because Yah told him to enter into that Blood Covenant as well as his seed and future seeds. Yahshuas parents dedicated Him to Yahweh and later He matched that physical Blood Covenant by living a righteous life. He says in His Word, a male child is to be circumcised on the eighth day. Why on the eighth day? Because the blood has the cauterizing element and it is the highest on that day. Normally hospitals will give them a vitamin K shot, however Yah had it already covered thousands of years ago. Then we see Abraham as an example to be circumcised later in his life, was Yah giving a message at the age of 99 it was not too late to enter His Covenant? But his life had already been converted in Faith he trusted Yah and a heart change accrued. Yah wanted him to still enter His Covenant of a physical blood Covenant in the flesh because that's the only way a blood Covenant could be made. Its not whether you are Jew or Gentle it's a matter of whose children you are. We all come from Yah. Through our circumcision of flesh and heart we become children of Abraham in entering the Covenant of Yah. If we claim to be the seed of Abraham where Yah calls all males to be circumcised then what right does man have to say it's not necessary when the Scripture days, Gen.17:10-14 "This is my Covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the Covenant between me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; and my Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting Covenant. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken my Covenant." So here we read it's an everlasting Covenant, for all generations and those that do not do it their soul is cut off. If you can get a chance to read a book called, "None of these Diseases," Excellent book talks about when you do this it's not only a Covenant with Yah, but for health reasons. Woman that are married to men that have been circumcised they do not get cervical cancer, also those men that do get cancer in his organ, it has to be cut off. Do you think that would be a curse? Interesting Yah would say that man would be cut off from him and literally his organ is cut off because of his disobedience. May Yah fill you with His Spirit so that your eyes would be opened to see and ears to hear, in the mighty name of Yahshuas Ha Mashiyach. HalleluYah. Many Blessings, FAITH Quote
forgivenforgivenforgiven Posted May 24, 2016 Report Posted May 24, 2016 Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. I believe it is human nature to have confidence in the flesh and in the congregation. As a believer if we want to live in the Spirit we are to walk opposite to the flesh. When the flesh wants something we don't do it. The Household of Faith chooses to walk by Faith not by sight thus we see the manifestations of Yahweh's doings in our life which is exciting. 2.Yes we have just recently struggled in our confidence in the flesh. My husband had a car accident in 1986 diagnosed as a silent brain injury. He had bruising on the temporal lobe and cognitive difficulties. Thus it is known in later years to grow scar tissue where the bruising took place. In this occurring it caused him to have seizures. When we heard this we just accepted the Drs. diagnoses. Trusted in their confidence rather than Yahweh's. The Spirit of Yah revealed to me when I was looking up another scripture verse the one with epileptic healing came up. I thought of the one when He healed the little boy. I got on line and read a few articles and was determined to call out these spirits that wanted to control my husband's body. We started calling out the demon of seizures, deaf and dumb spirits, confusion, in- balance, ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. The demons would manifest with a noise, deep breathing, panting as soon as we heard their arrival we would start praying and casting them out. All of a sudden they would not make themselves known before they manifested in my husbands body,now th st they had been found out they went silent they would come with no warning. I prayed and asked Yah to let me know wake me up in the night so we could cast these demons out and He did. My husband has now been seizure free close to a month. He got off all herbs also. Praise Yah for delivering him. Yahshua said, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall hurt you." When we renounced accepting what the doctors said, stopped putting our confidence in them Yah delivered him. HalleluYah. As for circumcision I believe it is an everlasting Blood Covenant with Yahweh, between Him and man. Read Gen. 17:10-14 Many people have head knowledge that means no change in their life. You can be circumcised as a baby and have no change in your life when you grow up. Circumcision means nothing. Then you can have heart knowledge meaning you see changes in your life from the old man to the new man. Then you make the decision to be circumcised like Abraham did at 99 year's old because Yah told him to enter into that Blood Covenant as well as his seed and future seeds. Yahshuas parents dedicated Him to Yahweh and later He matched that physical Blood Covenant by living a righteous life. He says in His Word, a male child is to be circumcised on the eighth day. Why on the eighth day? Because the blood has the cauterizing element and it is the highest on that day. Normally hospitals will give them a vitamin K shot, however Yah had it already covered thousands of years ago. Then we see Abraham as an example to be circumcised later in his life, was Yah giving a message at the age of 99 it was not too late to enter His Covenant? But his life had already been converted in Faith he trusted Yah and a heart change accrued. Yah wanted him to still enter His Covenant of a physical blood Covenant in the flesh because that's the only way a blood Covenant could be made. Its not whether you are Jew or Gentle it's a matter of whose children you are. We all come from Yah. Through our circumcision of flesh and heart we become children of Abraham in entering the Covenant of Yah. If we claim to be the seed of Abraham where Yah calls all males to be circumcised then what right does man have to say it's not necessary when the Scripture days, Gen.17:10-14 "This is my Covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the Covenant between me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; and my Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting Covenant. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken my Covenant." So here we read it's an everlasting Covenant, for all generations and those that do not do it their soul is cut off. If you can get a chance to read a book called, "None of these Diseases," Excellent book talks about when you do this it's not only a Covenant with Yah, but for health reasons. Woman that are married to men that have been circumcised they do not get cervical cancer, also those men that do get cancer in his organ, it has to be cut off. Do you think that would be a curse? Interesting Yah would say that man would be cut off from him and literally his organ is cut off because of his disobedience. May Yah fill you with His Spirit so that your eyes would be opened to see and ears to hear, in the mighty name of Yahshuas Ha Mashiyach. HalleluYah. Many Blessings, FAITH Quote
forgivenforgivenforgiven Posted May 24, 2016 Report Posted May 24, 2016 Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. I believe it is human nature to have confidence in the flesh and in the congregation. As a believer if we want to live in the Spirit we are to walk opposite to the flesh. When the flesh wants something we don't do it. The Household of Faith chooses to walk by Faith not by sight thus we see the manifestations of Yahweh's doings in our life which is exciting. 2.Yes we have just recently struggled in our confidence in the flesh. My husband had a car accident in 1986 diagnosed as a silent brain injury. He had bruising on the temporal lobe and cognitive difficulties. Thus it is known in later years to grow scar tissue where the bruising took place. In this occurring it caused him to have seizures. When we heard this we just accepted the Drs. diagnoses. Trusted in their confidence rather than Yahweh's. The Spirit of Yah revealed to me when I was looking up another scripture verse the one with epileptic healing came up. I thought of the one when He healed the little boy. I got on line and read a few articles and was determined to call out these spirits that wanted to control my husband's body. We started calling out the demon of seizures, deaf and dumb spirits, confusion, in- balance, ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. The demons would manifest with a noise, deep breathing, panting as soon as we heard their arrival we would start praying and casting them out. All of a sudden they would not make themselves known before they manifested in my husbands body,now th st they had been found out they went silent they would come with no warning. I prayed and asked Yah to let me know wake me up in the night so we could cast these demons out and He did. My husband has now been seizure free close to a month. He got off all herbs also. Praise Yah for delivering him. Yahshua said, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall hurt you." When we renounced accepting what the doctors said, stopped putting our confidence in them Yah delivered him. HalleluYah. As for circumcision I believe it is an everlasting Blood Covenant with Yahweh, between Him and man. Read Gen. 17:10-14 Many people have head knowledge that means no change in their life. You can be circumcised as a baby and have no change in your life when you grow up. Circumcision means nothing. Then you can have heart knowledge meaning you see changes in your life from the old man to the new man. Then you make the decision to be circumcised like Abraham did at 99 year's old because Yah told him to enter into that Blood Covenant as well as his seed and future seeds. Yahshuas parents dedicated Him to Yahweh and later He matched that physical Blood Covenant by living a righteous life. He says in His Word, a male child is to be circumcised on the eighth day. Why on the eighth day? Because the blood has the cauterizing element and it is the highest on that day. Normally hospitals will give them a vitamin K shot, however Yah had it already covered thousands of years ago. Then we see Abraham as an example to be circumcised later in his life, was Yah giving a message at the age of 99 it was not too late to enter His Covenant? But his life had already been converted in Faith he trusted Yah and a heart change accrued. Yah wanted him to still enter His Covenant of a physical blood Covenant in the flesh because that's the only way a blood Covenant could be made. Its not whether you are Jew or Gentle it's a matter of whose children you are. We all come from Yah. Through our circumcision of flesh and heart we become children of Abraham in entering the Covenant of Yah. If we claim to be the seed of Abraham where Yah calls all males to be circumcised then what right does man have to say it's not necessary when the Scripture days, Gen.17:10-14 "This is my Covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the Covenant between me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; and my Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting Covenant. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken my Covenant." So here we read it's an everlasting Covenant, for all generations and those that do not do it their soul is cut off. If you can get a chance to read a book called, "None of these Diseases," Excellent book talks about when you do this it's not only a Covenant with Yah, but for health reasons. Woman that are married to men that have been circumcised they do not get cervical cancer, also those men that do get cancer in his organ, it has to be cut off. Do you think that would be a curse? Interesting Yah would say that man would be cut off from him and literally his organ is cut off because of his disobedience. May Yah fill you with His Spirit so that your eyes would be opened to see and ears to hear, in the mighty name of Yahshuas Ha Mashiyach. HalleluYah. Many Blessings, FAITH Quote
Rose22 Posted May 25, 2016 Report Posted May 25, 2016 I think there is a thread of "confidence in the flesh" possibly running through our Church...but fundamentally the congregation has a deep love of God..and are committed to their Faith...to judge is coming from self which I do not want to do. Quote
ducminh Posted May 26, 2016 Report Posted May 26, 2016 In today’s Christian churches, we can see a lot of confidence in the flesh such as being born again through the water of baptism, obtaining forgiveness of sin through the authority of the church, receiving communion by eating of a wafer representing the Body of Christ, and receiving other sacred rituals invented by the church. There are also some other kind of pride in the flesh by showing off the ability to speak in tongues (a kind of mysterious language that no one can interpret) and performing strange signs. Thus Christians are proud of themselves, and believe they are definitely saved and be the citizens of the kingdom of heaven. That is also another kind of false teaching, a form of anti-Christ teaching that is dominating the Christian world. Jesus said: Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Obviously, I have had that experience and have quitted such Christian churches to embrace a new life in obedience to God commandments and live by the Word of God only. I have found my true freedom in Christ, the freedom of faith that is no longer bound by the rules of men and their false doctrines. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 27, 2016 Report Posted May 27, 2016 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? Confidence in the flesh will show up in our congregation as works of the flesh. I have never to the best of my knowledge, struggled with confidence in the flesh. Quote
van Posted May 27, 2016 Report Posted May 27, 2016 I believe that everyone in my congregation at the church I attend, do not have confidence in the flesh. Several years ago I struggled with it. The more I trust God for everything in my life the more I had start to walk and talk more and more like Christ and living my life the way God wants me. I would be nothing without Him. Quote
haar Posted May 29, 2016 Report Posted May 29, 2016 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? To have confidence in the flesh is to believe that one can gain salvation by works. Many people in church think and bieve that way. I believe that salvation is by faith in and through Jesus Christ but salvation must be followed by good works. Quote
haar Posted May 29, 2016 Report Posted May 29, 2016 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? To have confidence in the flesh is to believe that one can gain salvation by works. Many people in church think and bieve that way. I believe that salvation is by faith in and through Jesus Christ but salvation must be followed by good works. Quote
Commissioned Posted May 31, 2016 Report Posted May 31, 2016 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? "confidence in the flesh" shows up in the reports from so many suffering from sicknesses and diseases; from poverty and lack, from weaknesses and yielding to temptation. There is always a struggle to crucify the flesh and yield to the Holy Spirit. "confidence in the flesh" is overcome by transformation and the renewing of the mind by the power of the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Quote
RD35 Posted May 31, 2016 Report Posted May 31, 2016 How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? Confidence in the flesh arises when we try to obtain a standing before God, to win Gods approval and acceptance with our won effort. It happens in our congregations when we consider what man thinks is important and not what Gods word has to say. Yes I have struggled and keep struggling sometimes when I try to do things in my own understanding and trusting God and Gods ways. Quote
Debra Grant Posted June 2, 2016 Report Posted June 2, 2016 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? It will cause pride in ourselves such as, boast, glory, self righteousness, and bragging. It will be sinful human nature that is rebellious against God. Yes,thinking that I had to be a pretty looking woman and thought about looking dressed well all the time.It cause you to look at others in a bad way. Quote
brucerobert Posted June 3, 2016 Report Posted June 3, 2016 Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? Have you ever struggled with it? I am definitely sure that we do have this "confidence in the flesh" within our UCC church since our human nature tends to like doing wrong things most of the time. I am 100% sure that at several times, our church has struggle with this issue. Eventhough I would say out loud that I trust one person, but in action I never showed the person or persons that I really trust him/her. Quote
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