Pastor Ralph Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? Quote
pickledilly Posted May 19, 2005 Report Posted May 19, 2005 Paul saw that all his past religious Quote
Magnus Posted May 22, 2005 Report Posted May 22, 2005 Imagine that you were born into a family of wealth, prestige and respect; of unmixed Jewish blood; son of a Pharisee; a privileged Roman citizen. Imagine you attended the finest university and studied for years under the celebrated rabbi Gamaliel, graduating as a rabbi Quote
kas Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Paul sees that he was living legalistically- following rules, which is nothing compared to the joy, love and peace of knowing Christ intimately. My religious background was very legalistic. We followed man made rules and each service felt like a brain wash; it was robotic. Reading the bible and knowing the Lord intimately was never promoted. I was led to read and seek the truth because God forced me to. After reading the bible, I realized how wrong my former religious beliefs were. I was raised in my former religion and never questioned it. Now I question everything. I try to match His Word to everything. I can detect red flags more easily now, equipped with the knowledge I've gained from reading His Word. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? Paul isn't merely neutral about his religious pedigree because he wants to make the point that no amount of "religiosity" or zeal can possibly save us! That only makes it prideful--a sin! He recognizes that some might think he has it made because of his background, and he wants to tell them that that is the same as rubbish--or dung--that could only make a wall between him and the Lord! He wanted to state his "qualifications" merely to show the people that they could not possibly "do" enough to earn their salvation! If he couldn't do it, then neither could they! If I considered my religious background a reason to believe I am saved, then I am giving in to pride--a tool of the devil! NO!!! I believe that Jesus is Lord, that He came and gave His life for my salvation, He arose on the third day, reigns in Heaven, and one day, He will take me to Heaven--totally because of His great love for me--for all of us! I have accepted Him, not only as my Savior, but also as my Lord! My life is not my own. Everything I have, everything I do, everything I look forward to is totally due to Him and what He did for me (and for all)! Halleluja! Quote
lindaparadise Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? well showing where he started from shows the people that if he could do it, then why can't i . Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? being brought up a certain way, wanting to change it for another, creates waves with the family and all you know. and now you're standing on new grounds by your self. ALONE! In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? it could be against Jesus. which means you are now not starting from scratch, but have to ask GOD's forgiveness for believing in what you were brought up as. Quote
Alicea Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? Paul was what Jews considered as the impeccable jew, had the best jewish background. Before Christ it controlled his very being, which is why he put such vehemence in his persecution of the Christians. It was dung, an ostacle because it kept him from seeing who Christ was, it kept trying to perform in the flesh what needed to be done in the spirit. If we have so much pride and self identification tied up in our religious background we can be dependent and that as our salvation and it can blind us to truths in God's word. I recently have come out of a situation where many that I counted as brethren stayed in a religious denomination which they admitted freely had become apostate and left the scriptures, but could not bring themselves to leave the denomination they had grown up in. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? Religion is from man's ways, not God's intention. We begin to feel WE are doing something to 'cause our righteousness and then we lose focus of God - - just like Paul didn't want to do. We then get tied up on the "things" we are doing instead of the "heart" in which we are doing them. Our religious background could make us lose the love we have for God and for other people - - WE COULD begin to love the religion instead of God. I have seen so many people be hung up on the trappings of their "religion" even after studying God's word for truth and fail to leave the institution of religion. They become stagnent not growing in their faith. Jesus warns us in Revelation 2:12 "To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: "The One who has the sharp, two-edged sword says: 13 I know where you live--where Satan's throne is! And you are holding on to My name and did not deny your faith in Me, even in the days of Antipas, My faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan lives. 14 But I have a few things against you. You have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to place a stumbling block in front of the sons of Israel: to eat meat sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality. 15 In the same way, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Therefore repent! Otherwise, I will come to you quickly and fight against them with the sword of My mouth Quote
Alise Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 I agree John 8:32 You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 2a.) (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? 2a.) Because in his lostness, he worked diligently and had the credentials that all "in the flesh" would have envied. 2b.) (3:2-6) Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? 2b.) His eyes have been opened and that "all our righteous acts are like filthy rags." (Isaiah 64:6). 2c.) (3:2-6) In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? 2c.) I think it can make our relationship more ritual and mechanical. Our spiritual pride can close our ears to the Holy Spirit. Jesus points to this when he chastises those by pointing out: "You diligently study the Scrip[tures because you think that by them you possess eternal life." (John 5:39) Quote
Helenmm Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Paul saw that his religious pedigree had given him completely false ideas about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That whole body of learning had completely cut him off from the truth, namely Jesus. It was not a neutral zone but actively prevented him relating to Jesus. It all had to go in the face of who Jesus really is. Paul's religious background was compared to dung because it smelled of arrogance and ignorance of the Truth (Jesus). It smelled of pharisaism, legalism, self-agrandisement, achievement, pride, ambition, etc, and the sweet perfumes of love and the other fruits of the Spirit were absent. My religious background was an impediment to my faith as I came in trying to do everything right, completely misunderstanding that I had come into love relationship, not a job description! This could always get me bogged down if my alignment with His majesty lacks the subtlety, intimacy and real dynamic interpersonal LOVE. Doing/fixing/ can never replace adoration! Quote
Sue Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Lesson 6 Q 2 (a) Paul isn't merely neutral about his religious pedigree because they are empty in themselves. They do not satisfy the heart. They represent pride and stands in the way of Knowing Christ intimately. ( He considers it loss, dung, an obstacle because it means nothing to him without Christ. © My religious background could be an impediment to my faith by if we went to church; did not hurt anyone; done good, then we were called Christians. Knowing Christ intimately was not preached or taught to us. The Holy Spirit was not preached in our church like it is in other churches. Doctrine was top priority. Quote
randi Posted May 25, 2005 Report Posted May 25, 2005 Paul is not neutral about his religious pedigree because these credientails do not satisfy the heart. Paul is more concerned with his heart's condition than with where he came from or who his family belonged to. These credentials represent pride. They have nothing to do with Christ coming to die for us. Paul understood that what he needed was not high credentials but an intimate relationship with Christ. Your religious background could impede your faith if you were leaning on it more than trusting in Christ. Many believe if they belong to a certain church they are automically on their way to heaven or if they are good or if they have been baptized. None of these things will get you into heaven. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. Quote
June Posted May 25, 2005 Report Posted May 25, 2005 He would have nothing to gain and he wouldn't be able to know Christ as the real Messiah. No change of heart which is the heart of the matter. The pride of the flesh would stand in the way of his knowing intimately the Christ. I was not brought up in church although I did go to Sunday school when I was young. I wouldn't have any faith if I didn't decide that I needed God in my life. When I let Him in, that's when everything started to change. He has done a mighty work in me.. Had I not had enough faith to turn to the Lord, He only knows where I would be today. I give Him PRAISE!!! Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Paul wasn Quote
TennLady01 Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Paul did not want to put his teaching he had learned being a Jew above the teacher the Messiah the King whom he knows now as his personal savior. He knew still that what he had learned as a child was important because as with us the Old Testament leads us up to the New Testament that tells us of Jesus. He put things in order in his life the old was there and for learning he was grateful but nothing is more important than Jesus whom we serve and he served. Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? No matter how much we learn as we grow up in a church or in a religion it does not matter to us it does not help us until we except Jesus into our lives as our Savior and Lord. Some times the teaching are not even in line with the word of God there fore it is useless to us to have taken the time to learn him. Some times what we are taught can even get in the way of the truth that we learn as we walk in our life with Jesus Christ as the head that leads us. In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? My background did teach that Jesus is the son of the living God and that you must repent to let him into your life. It gave me the facts as a young child to know their is a creator and you cannot have creation without a creator. It told me Jesus is the Son of God and that he loves me and I need him in my life. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Q2. (3:2-6) Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? Why does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? I think because it didn't satisfy him like having a relationship with Jesus does. It was an obstacle becuase it would block him from being what God wanted him to be. Becuase it holds me back from doing what he is calling me to do. It has casued alot of fears in my life with i am still working to get past them. Pray for me that I do. Quote
Dick Ross Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Because by taking great pride in his former accomplishments, he would not be able to get past his own personal pride. He, therefore, would not be able to focus upon what is most important-Jesus. For the same reason, all that I have done is as nothing compared to my personal relationship with Jesus. Pride in ourselves is contrary to the way we have been commanded to live. It is NOT about me-it is about our relationship to God the Father. It IS about Him. Quote
revking88 Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Hello everybody. Paul rejects who he was because he knows that he was leading a life of sin even though it was profitable. His "pedigree" set him higher than everyone elso and he saw that he was no different. He chose Christ and I think he saw that he could use some of his 'pedigree" to help advance the Word of God. Because his 'pedigree' was based on man's standards not Gods. If I dwell on it, it makes me question my worth which directily effects my faith..."God can't help me because my past has been so bad." Bad syndrome.[/size] JESUS LOVES YOU, HE REALLY LOVES YOU!!! Quote
Jen Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 Why isn't Paul merely neutral abouthis religious pedigree? Because it put his mind on his own works and who he was and took it off God where our minds should be. Wy does he consider it loss, dung, an obstacle? He learned true worship and it made pedigree and the pride in it dung and an obstacle to true worship. In what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? By putting reliance on works such as going to church and teaching classes and other works in which these are not only not wrong in and of themselves but quite often a result of a true salvation but they can take your mind off the only one who can save, the Lord Jesus Christ through the fiished work on the cross which isn't taught in many churches. I was taught to go to church but never taught about Jesus and true salvation for me through His shed blood on the cross. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6: 24-26 Quote
grace Posted May 31, 2005 Report Posted May 31, 2005 Why isn't Paul merely Neutral about his religious pedigress?Why does he consider it loss, dung?IN what way could your religious background be an impediment to your faith? Paul can no longer give credence to his religious pedigree because of his encounter with the living God on the damascus road. He is a new creature with a new vision and committment. He considers it dung, because his former beliefs have no substance when compared to the Word of the living God. Once he had a religion ; now he has a relationship. My religious background could be an impediment to my faith, because it was all based on manmade religion with no hope for the future. Christ has now given me hope which brings no shame. Quote
linda bass Posted June 4, 2005 Report Posted June 4, 2005 Why isn't Paul merely neutral about his religious pedigree? First,Paul's religious credentials are empty in themselves,they don't satisfy the heart. Second,pride in these accomplishments stand in the way of knowing Jesus intimately. Why does in consider it loss,dung,an obstacle? Paul weighed the balance of his religious pedigree against the value of knowing Jesus intimately. His credentials tipped the scale as rubbish. I know some translations use the word dung,but I have always found that gross and offensive. In what way could your religious background be an inpediment to your faith. It could be an inpediment if you were raised in an environment that taught salvation by works. Or you can grow up in a Christian family where members have personally accepted Jesus as Savior,yet never take that step of faith yourself. Quote
dajady2000 Posted June 5, 2005 Report Posted June 5, 2005 It is Paul's personal experience, that all that he leared and achieved in the realm of religion, is nothing and waste in the light of elightment he has experienced in the revelation of Jesus Christ into his life. It is a profound indication for all such people, even in today's context, who revel in either ancestry or their scholastic achievements. Quote
sandieh Posted July 27, 2005 Report Posted July 27, 2005 Paul had the "religious credintials" to make him a person of importance to the jewish community. How ever it wasn't religion that was important to Paul, it was his relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything he had learned as a Pharisee, was of no use to him, because the old had passed away and the new had come! I was a Jehovah,s Witness before being born again, and I had a lot of junk that had to be undone, as the reality of God and Jesus Christ began to become more real to me. Religion, is an observance. Relationship, is real! Thats what we have with Jesus! Quote
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