Pastor Ralph Posted April 18, 2005 Report Posted April 18, 2005 Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? Quote
pickledilly Posted May 19, 2005 Report Posted May 19, 2005 Righteousness through obeying the law is dependant on self and how well you obey. The problem for humanity is that when you disobey even one single thing in the law by thought or deed, you have violated the whole law and you Quote
kas Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Righteousness cannot be obtained through law observance. The law showed us that we all fall short. The yearly sacrifice atoned for our sins but did not clean our conscience. The blood of Christ cleans our conscience and we gain righteousness by faith which is belief in Christ. Belief is synonomous with obedience. Merely verbalizing our belief without actions to back it up, renders it dead. I'm not seeing any law observance in my church. We are expected to obey His Word. Being justified by faith is very difficult to grasp because we're taught that we must earn everything. It's hard for me, when I've fallen, to grasp His forgiveness. I'm waiting for the axe to fall and I get love and forgiveness instead. What an awesome God we serve! Quote
MannyVelarde Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? The law NEVER made them anyone righteousness nor saved anyone. God has always been a God of Grace - - showing lovingkindness and mercy. Jews before Christ looked forward to the Messiah coming and those of us who come to faith - Galatians 3 - It has been by faith and that faith implies obedience. Law or torah is God Quote
MARY T CAVAZOS Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Righteousness obtained through the law can only fail. Jesus Christ is the only human who could keep every law that was given( remember there was over 600 laws to follow, not just the 10 commandments). If we believe that Jesus will give us the grace we need to be righteous, then that righteousness can not fail because it comes from God. I think that society in general looks at a person Quote
Magnus Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Righteousness through law observance is an easy to understand principle. You obey the law, and you are recognized as righteous. The problem is in the implementation. We find the law unfair and ignore it. We find excuses to take exception to the law when it is inconvenient. We see the law as applying to others, not ourselves. And in an emotional moment, we fail completely to recognize the law exists. Despite the seeming simplicity of lawful righteousness, we just can Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? Righteousness by law observance is depending on myself--not the Lord! I know myself. I cannot depend on me! I will fail. Righteousness through faith is depending on the Lord, and He never fails! I sometimes don't understand what He is doing, but when He is in charge, I can rest assured in His love and know He will enable me and do His will as He desires! I'm sure many people who are called "pew sitters" do not understand this concept. They feel their "duty" is done when they spend one hour (pastor, don't dare go over that 60 minutes!), and then they are free for another week of doing as they please. Society has no concern with the Bible. The only Bible they read is a Christian's life--and they search to find examples of hypocrisy! Today, it seems that they can see only mean-spirited, bigoted people as what a Christian is! Lord, forgive us that we give this picture of what a person who loves You and You have forgiven to our world! People want to control their lives--they don't want to give up control to another, so they refuse to see that this is what truly sets us free! To know we can depend on the Lord to guide and carry us through the hard times is wonderful! Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 3a.) (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? 3a.) Righteousness from faith is a gift from God. So that we cannot boast. Righteousness from the Law is man centered and impossible to obtain. 3b.) (3:9) How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? 3b.) I guess I would have to gauge this by how the leaders teach from the Word and live their lives. Not very much. 3c.) (3:9) Society's view of Christianity in general? 3c.) Is a view of goody two-shoes; do's and don't's. They do not know the freedom we have in Christ. 3d.) (3:9) Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? 3d.) Because we are a vain, selfish nature. Full of pride and ego. Righteousness by faith is the antithesis of these character traits. Quote
lindaparadise Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? through faith is what GOD wants us to be like. 1st he sent us laws through Moses...then he sent us himself in the flesh(Jesus)known as his son.. the laws were writtened and then the people interpret them to suit themselves.(ex) when Moses came with the 10 commandments the people lived by them. when something would occure such as [thy shall not commit adultry] if this occures now the people approach Moses to see if they can put a clause in the original laws. if wife (only) commits adultry the husband can divorce her and re-marry. yet through faith the laws are followed because you are with Jesus who is guiding you and all will be alright no need for interpretation. How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? it's difficult to grasp because people want to lead the way and not be lead, by Jesus or anyone else. Quote
Sue Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 Lesson 6 Q 3 (a) Righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance by righteousness through faith is accepting God's own acceptance of us. Through faith in Christ, God accepts us as "righteous". Only the covenant of promise, the covenant based on faith in Christ grants us acceptability before God. Righteousness through law observance is by keeping the law, we are relying on our own efforts to establish our acceptance with God. This is doomed to failure. The covenat of the law could never grant acceptability before God. This "righteousness" was available not just to those who possessed the Torah but to all who professed their faith in Christ, including the Gentiles of Philippi. ( How seriously does righteousness by law infect my congregation? I think a lot. My denomination believes if you observe the rituals you are okay. Do whatever you want but partake of Holy Communion and be involved in the different levels of boards/ government in the Church. © How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect Society's view of Christianity in general? Once again a lot, because Christianity do not appear in many cases any different from Society's way of life - relying on our own efforts with no relationship, fellowship or intimacy with Christ. (d) This concept of justification or righteousness by faith is so difficult to grasp because of unbelief. It is to good to be true. It is hard to have faith - trust, confidence that is not from ourselves but from an Almighty God. It is amazing how faith confirms what God has done and activates this Salvation for us. It seems to simple, it is like activating a bank card or telephone card but that is how simple justification/righteousness by faith is. Amen? Quote
Alicea Posted May 25, 2005 Report Posted May 25, 2005 Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? What is obtained by faith is spirit by law self. To society it is all by law because they are not able to discern the spirit. It is difficult to grasp because we are carnal beings. Quote
randi Posted May 25, 2005 Report Posted May 25, 2005 Righteousness obtained through the keeping of the law is just that. It is based on how well your behavior is. Under the law considers a persons righteousness based on their behavior. God says there are none righteous, no not one. All have sinned and fallen short. God says our righteousness is as filthy rags. We can not keep the law. Righteousness through faith is in believing that Christ died for our sins and rose again from the grave. Jesus is the only righteous one and He chose to come and die for us taking our penalty for sin upon Himself. He took our place on the cross that we could have eternal life through Him. By our faith in His Son God declares us righteous. In my personal congregation I believe there is no problem concerning righteousness. We believe in righteousness through faith in Christ and His blood does the saving. Society's view of Christianity in general is righteousness through law. They believe it is in being good and not doing bad. People want to believe it is something they have acheived themselves, for their own egos. I believe that righteousness by faith is hard to grasp because it is a gift, the plan of salvation is so simple people always want to add things on to it. Human nature wnats to do things for themselves and they think they don't need anyone else. Our human nature wants to boast about itself and we have no place to boast it is all in Christ. Our pride wants to make it harder than it is. Quote
June Posted May 26, 2005 Report Posted May 26, 2005 Righteousness under law is when a person is in good behavior. Righteousness through faith is when aperson is considered so by God and He will judge. Sometimes aside from Church we forget that God sees all so we are not on good behavior and that all our actions will one day be judged. I think society really believes that most christians are hypocrits. It is hard to imagine that someone loved me enough to take the punishment that I deserved. That I have been justified and made righteous through confession is hard to comprehend. To just go on faith is hard unless you stay prayed up, read the Word daily and have communication with God daily. Quote
DBLK Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Unfortunately, we Christians can be guilty of legalistically setting "Christian laws" and then judging others by how they measure up to them .. . do they go to the movies .... do they wear suits to church ... do they attend all the services ... do they send their kids to Christian schools ... do they do this ... do they do that. If they meet these standards we consider them righteousness, if they don't, then they fall short. But fortunately, God's righteousness is not by our works but by grace through faith. Otherwise we'd al fall short. We will probably be surprised who we will see in heaven. Quote
TennLady01 Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? Law observance means you do what you have learned from another. Like your parents, sunday school teachers or any that have told you right from wrong and tell you not to do the wrong. Faith is something God has given you through salvation in Jesus. He is the one that is the giver of faith unto righteousness. It was counted for righteousness for Abraham because grace by the death on the cross had not taken place our faith that Jesus lived died and was buried and rose again on the third day is our faith unto righteousness something the old testament could not offer since it had not happened then. Now the only righteousness that can stand before God is through the blood of Jesus our Lord and Savior. How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Jesus said he came to fulfill the law not to do away with it we still live with laws faith does not take them away it is still how we are to live we are blessed that we have grace and mercy of forgiveness to cover our sins and let us walk on with Jesus in hope and faith. Society's view of Christianity in general? People that live according to the word of God they do not understand the act of faith if they have never stepped out in faith to receive Jesus into their lives. Sometimes I think society in general think we are a bunch of nuts that think we are better than other that is not true we are not perfect we are forgiven. Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? It is impossible to grasp something you have never excepted or tasted. I can tell you all day that chocolate is good but until you put it in your mouth and chew on it for yourself you will not know if it is good or not. The same with righteousness by faith until you have faith to see what it is like you will never understand it. Quote
Dick Ross Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 By believing in Jesus, through faith we are saved and become justified by the Father, thus securing for us a place in heaven. Being a good citizen, and obeying the law, will only make us a good citizen. Most all of us, including our church congregations, periodically lapse back to thinking that by living right and obeying secular law that we get double coupons for heaven. However, we know that the only way to heaven is through a true faith in Jesus Christ. Subsequent to our being justified by faith, we begin to be sanctified by imitating Jesus and how he taught us to live. Society in general rejects this notion, and considers Christians to be extremists. Indeed, many people attempt to label us as dangerous to society. I think the idea of being justified and sanctified by faith alone is difficult to grasp, because the concept of a triune God is hard to grasp. Quote
revking88 Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Hello everybody. Righteoustness through the law is like living a good life, doing awhat is right in man's eyes. Righteousness by faith is standing and basking in the light of the Lord and putting all of your faith in Him. Doing what is right in God's eye, righteousness by faith, is not always acceptable by man's standards. At times righteousness by law observance effects us badly. Unfortunately we begin to think our "works" are more important. Also we have had a couple people brag about being the "only one's". They may be right by God's instructions but their motives are wrong. Our motive should be on doing God's will and be righteous because that is what He wants. Society's view of Christianity is not necessarily a good one. [U]"The most common cause of atheism is Christians, who acknowledge Him with their lips behind closed doors and not in their works in the open. That is what our unbelieving world simply finds unbeleivable."[/u] Righteousness is difficult to understand because our minds can't grasp the concept. It is hard to distinguish, at times, righteousness of the flesh and the righteousness of the Lord. Righteousness by faith falls on the narrow path that we are supposed to chose to walk on. Faith that God took our sins is hard because often times we wnat to take them back by saying that He can't forgive us for the awful things that we have done in our lives. Our minds can't wrap around this. When He took our sins He made us righteous so we need to give it up and let him have it for good. JESUS LOVES YOU, HE REALLY LOVES YOU!!! Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 27, 2005 Report Posted May 27, 2005 Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? Righteousness obtained through law is dependant on our following the laws of man. Righteousness obtained through faith is dependant on God Quote
Jen Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? Law observance is what I did before I came to know Jesus and I failed miserably thank the Lord or I might not known of my dependance on Him for eternal life but kept on going through thinking I was okay. I would have sailed right past the harbor that is ours in Christ. How seriously does righteouness by law infect your congregation. As I said before I usually just feel like a visitor but I think it infects most congregations to a serious level. WE can get to comfortable with the rituals and routines and forget about our Lord and how much He loves us and died for all of us. It puts an emphasis on being the perfect person and picking and choosing who to choose to hold a little candle at Christmas or who to greet based on who will make the church look good and not based on Christ. It leaves many people, who would love to serve, out when just the favored few are chosen. Societies view of Christians in general? We are no different from them or any other religion or organisation. Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? I don't think it comes natural to man to comprehend a God so rich in mercy and forgiveness and love like we know Him to be. It sure caught me by surprise! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
Candygoo58 Posted May 30, 2005 Report Posted May 30, 2005 Q3. (3:9) How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? Our rightousness obtained through faith is because of our salvation. Comes from our having a relationship with Jesus. With the law. It would only be through our work to do it all right. I think it infects our congregations becuase. We at times think things have to be done a certain way. In stead of folllowing our hearts and doing it Gods way. I think alot of people see us as being stuck up. People who have no fun. People who don't always do as they teach. I think alot of us can't grasp what justification or righteousness by faith is becuase. We try to do everything on our own power. We earned his rightousness when we became saved. But at times still try to do things ourselves Quote
grace Posted May 31, 2005 Report Posted May 31, 2005 How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through the law?Society's view of christianity?Why is this concept of righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? AS indicated by most of the forum, righteousness by the law depends on self-effort or the golden rule. Righteousness by faith is accepting and receiving the righteousness of Jesus as provided by the cross. " For He had made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God through Him". Society sees Christianity as a religion, as a crutch, and sometimes as fanaticism because their works are in the dark and they will not have the light of God exposing their lives. The concept of righteousness by faith is difficult to grasp by society because from birth they have been taught that you must work for everything you get in life. They believe in the self-made man and that they will be rewarded for their efforts and accomplishments when this life is over. Quote
Helenmm Posted May 31, 2005 Report Posted May 31, 2005 Righteousness by faith is something done by the heart, with swift, quick obedience, the motivation being love, where righteousness by the law is something achieved(?) by the mind calculated to impress, with a motivation something like self-aggrandisement. 2. I think righteousness by legalistic observance produces a lot of criticism of each other's shortcomings. There is a sorting out of the sheep and the goats, with many goats leaving unsatisfied, while the sheep rejoice in the beauty of God. Legalism creates disunity, while faith (heavily bound up in love) creates unity and joy. Society seems to view the Christian life from a legalistic point of view and concerns itself with the things Christians do not do or have. Society has not the understanding of the value of the word of God and His law as the word of love, reality and abundant life. Educated Western society seems to pride itself on its cynicism, ability to find fault with..., stand offishness, independent thought, and material ownership. Non of these enable heartfelt response to the deep truth of the Word of God. We have argued ourselves into a corner and its difficult to find the way out. We determine that truth is relative and therefore can't respond to it - can't even recognise it. We've build our little empires and defend them at all costs. To know Truth we have to put all these things aside because they colour our viewpoint and make it difficult to see clearly. We need to divest of these things and have our eyes opened. Quote
EuniceC Posted May 31, 2005 Report Posted May 31, 2005 Q( 3-9) My own behavior is always tainted; even the very best of my intentions can be tainted by the expected rewards I hope for. How then can this behavior make me righteous? How can it give me Quote
linda bass Posted June 4, 2005 Report Posted June 4, 2005 Righteousness obtained by faith is the result of personal faith in Jesus. Righteousness obtained by law observance comes as a result of following the law of the land. As far as I know,righteousness by law doesn't affect my congregation. At least not to such a degree that I would be aware of it. Society's view of Christianity in general is largely negative. Most of society views us as narrow minded,closed minded bigots. Plus they see Chritianity as a bunch of dos and don'ts. The concept of justification by faith is difficult for many to grasp because it is such amazing news. People are used to the concept of paying their own way or working for what they receive. The thought that anyone else would take their place and accept the penalty as the result of their sins is unthinkable. Quote
dajady2000 Posted June 9, 2005 Report Posted June 9, 2005 Righteousness through law is judged by human standards and hence subjective and prone to errors. Also this judging through law brands people as such and such and as offers no permanant redemption but condemnation. However righteousness obtained through faith by grace, continuously restores you, becaus this grace is all sufficient. Quote
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