Pastor Ralph Posted April 22, 2005 Report Posted April 22, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? Quote
pickledilly Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Failures of the past can make us feel defeated and worthless. Successes of the past can make us feel self-important and prideful. Over the years, I Quote
Jen Posted May 28, 2005 Report Posted May 28, 2005 How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? WE can learn from the past both successes and failures but to focus to much on the past is obsessing with it and it prevents us from focusing on Christ and the goal and prize ahead of us. Satan loves to bring up the past so one way to defeat him is to focus on Christ and what He has done for us. As in the words of Susanna Wesley "When I am peevish and morose, it is not because of religion but of my want of it. Help me not be discouraged by my own failures, nor spend to much time in thinking of them, remembering that perfection is my Savior's endowment and sincerity is mine. Help me with firm faith to rely on His merits, joined with my sincere endeavor to obey Thy whole will." As always I have a lot of work in all these areas. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6: 24-26 Quote
MARY T CAVAZOS Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 I think that sometimes we can look at the past and get depressed over things that might have turned out differently. When that happens we feel sorry for ourselves and lose our focus on Jesus. I sometimes think about the things in this life that I used to have and don Quote
trenton Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 there is a song out there that says thanks to Jesus I don't go there anymore. thanks to Jesus i am learning to forgive myself. it is not easy. but noone said it would be easy but it is good. Quote
Alicea Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? Guilt and remorse about past behavior can keep up from prayer, stud, just seeking the face of Christ. I need to forget when I have not lived up to what I feel the standard of my christian behavior should have been. There is forgiving always to be done and t he hardest one for me to forgive is myself. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 Quote 1a.) (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? 1a.) Preconceived notions or beliefs can harden or veil our hearts and eyes to God's gift. Quote 1b.) (3:13) What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? 1b.) The missed opportunities for the Lord's work. Quote 1c.) (3:13) Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? 1c.) Not now, but my sin nature living in me will provide something in the future. Quote
randi Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 The past keeps us looking back at our losses, failures and regrets, when we do this we can not stay focused on Jesus. We loose a lot of time looking backward instead of forward. The past can stop us from pressing on because we may be afraid we will fail again. Staying in the past does not allow us the opportunity to see what God has for us now. We change a little every day in Christ. We are not who we were. Yes, there are things I have trouble forgetting, but I try not to concentrate on them. I know God isn't finished with me yet and I am a work in progress. Quote
kas Posted May 29, 2005 Report Posted May 29, 2005 It clouds our thinking and we don't see Christ. If the past is on my mind, then Christ isn't. We need to forget things that hinder us like doubts and anything that breeds negativity. We are to think of what's pure, admirable, honorable, etc. not on things that serve to bring us down. As the Spirit edifies the Church, we must edify our minds. I forgive daily before I pray. Sometimes I forget to forgive myself. Sometimes when I thought I forgave someone, they pop up again and I have to forgive again. The fact that it's still on my mind and that it creates an emotion must mean I haven't fully forgiven them. I know it's important to forgive others whether they ask for it or not because your prayer life and growth can be hindered. Quote
Helenmm Posted May 30, 2005 Report Posted May 30, 2005 I suspect there are a thousand answers to the first question. I see many peole so intent on their "healing" that they are completely self focussed, do not "prefer one another", demand all the attention of the pastors and anyone else they can rope in, and are completely unable to empathise with another's perspective. Secondly, everyone has a past which has to be left behind. It is their previous culture, with it's sham ideas and values. Many vacillate between this culture and their new Christian family or teachings. A man in two minds will receive nothing from the Lord. This culture includes friends who want you to remain under their control and need to be left behind. Sometimes it includes family who are not happy with the new you and let you know it. Thirdly there is just the memories where one can dally, old ideas waiting for a renewal! Fourthly, disappointments in the Christian life can turn the vision backward towards old comfort zones. BEWARE! All our hope is in Jesus, even if people let us down. We must forget what is behind, ie all the above! Our new life is in Christ and it is today that is new and insofar as our focus is on Jesus, we shall live it well Yes, I have a boarder who is extremely rude (leaving tomorrow). My friends become very disturbed at her behaviour and sympathise with me. Then I find that my behaviour towards her deteriorates with their sympathy. I have to be on full alert to keep my act together with her and be as Jesus to her, not indulging in the concern of my dear friends, but in what Jesus asks of me. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted May 30, 2005 Report Posted May 30, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? Sometimes we seem to forget that God truly forgives our past sins and gives us a clean slate--when we truly repent. That, of course, makes us doubt and doubt is always a deterrent to truly trust Him! Sometimes, also, we need to forgive others for their sins against us. That can be hard to do--but we need to realize that we are all fallible and do things we are usually sorry for afterward. I can't think of anyone I need to forgive as of now. I try to keep "forgiving" up to date, just as I try to keep short accounts with God on my sins! Quote
Sue Posted May 30, 2005 Report Posted May 30, 2005 Lesson 7 Q 1 (a) The past can get in the way of our quest to know Christ by it may distract us from being effective Christians. We will lose our focus on the spiritual world and lose our bearings. We will be defeated. Paul was concerned about the Philippians and their disunity; he urged them not to lose ground in the race. ( What we need to "forget" so that we may focus on Christ today and tomorrow is yetersday. The past - looking ahead instead of looking back. © Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? No, not now. About seven or eight years ago, but now that is taken care of and we have moved on, loving each other in the body of Christ. Amen! Quote
Candygoo58 Posted May 31, 2005 Report Posted May 31, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? The past has a way of coming back trying to get us to think on it. When we start thinking on it holds us back so that we can draw what we need from Jesus. We need only to choose not to think about it and press on in our relationship with Jesus. The only one i need to forgive is me. I have trouble doing that. Quote
Adetomi Popoola Posted May 31, 2005 Report Posted May 31, 2005 Our failures can get in our our way of having a deeper relationship with Christ i.e. when we dwell so much on what could have been, then we might not be able to move forward as we ought to. Also our successes could be an hindrance when we feel we have it all, we are contented with where we we are which could be the beginning of our being puffed up. The Bible says He that think he standeth, take heed lest he falls. We need to forget our successes/failures in other to focus more on Christ. Whatever happened yesterday is in the past, whatever happens today is now and whatever will happen tomorrow is in the future. We just have to move on to become better christains. Quote
TennLady01 Posted May 31, 2005 Report Posted May 31, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? The word says he that looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God. I know he does not mean we will never think of our past but the day we desire to step back into what he delivered us out of is when we are not longer fit for the Kingdom of God. What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Yes anyone that has been hurt in any way by family, friends, church people and just anyone needs to forgive. We do not live in a perfect world so we will be forgiving the rest of our stay on this earth as we will be hurt in some way the whole time we are here. We are not excepted as Christian and that is how it is supposed to be. That is why Paul said I die daily he knew sin or unforgiveness has to be stopped at the day it happens. Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? There was someone that hurt me in the recent past at church and they upset me because of broken trust in them. I had to do a lot of praying. I never wished harm on them in any way. Nor did I pray that anything would happen except this one thing. I prayed and fasted and ask God to help me to move on in the relationship. They are good people human as I am and we all make mistakes. None is perfect no not one and I also ask God to help me to work at being good friends again with them and I thank him it is happening. Quote
June Posted June 1, 2005 Report Posted June 1, 2005 By looking back we loose focus on what's ahead. We can not live on yesterday's blessings, there are new ones everyday if we just look ahead. There was a time when I had an issue to deal with but today I have given it to God and let Him deal with it. I can not do anything about certain things so I can only pray and concentrate on Christ. I have learned a long time ago that I am not God, I must forgive all errs and move on. Quote
Magnus Posted June 1, 2005 Report Posted June 1, 2005 Have you ever driven the highway with your eyes transfixed to the rearview mirror? Were you prepared to react to unexpected events that were just ahead? When we Quote
grace Posted June 2, 2005 Report Posted June 2, 2005 How can our past get in the way of our quest to know Christ?What do you need to forget, so that you can focus on Christ today and tomorrow?Is there forgiving that you need to do so you can grow in Christ? Our past can get in the way because it was the thing that kept us in bondage and ignorant to the things of God. Being in Christ, we are dead to the things of the world having no further affection for those things that oppose the work of God in our lives. "No man , having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." I need to forget the failures and disappointment of living a selfish life. I need to put the past behind me and like Paul, press toward those things that bring pleasure to God. I believe I have forgiven all those who have caused me hurt; I know that it is my desire to do so. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted June 2, 2005 Report Posted June 2, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? The past is still the path that God directed us to get to our faith today. If we can't see the saving grace of God and the past sins n our lives are forgiven, we will forever miss the blessings God has in store for us. We have to remember that we are new creations, with a new man in us - - Forget the past, I don't totally agree, as the Israelites were told before enterint the promised land, remember from where you came and who delivered you. We must remember that it is God's calling that brings us out of the past. What we must forget is that we are no longer under the condemnation of our past, we are forgiven, and with that we must be able and willing to forgive ourselves, in order to grow in Christ. Quote
revking88 Posted June 3, 2005 Report Posted June 3, 2005 When we look back in many cases we are looking at the things that defeated us. It seems as though that we can remember the mistakes better than we can remember our successes. Depression can set in. Second guessing is a big problem also. "If I had only done this instead of that, then my life would be so much better." Hind-sight is 20-20. If we continue to look at our defeats we will continue to be defeated. And how can we get past that to see the good that Christ has for us and truly get to know Him? You can really never forget the wrongs we have done in our lives. Forgiveness is the key. I need to get over myself to see my faults so I can forgive myself, forgive others and ask for forgiveness from those who I have wronged so I can focus on Christ. Once I do this I try put that wrong in a box in my mind and put that box on a shelf. When the thoughts of the contents of that box come out at me I remember that the box has to go back on the shelf. I remember that Christ has already forgiven me for what is in that box. When the temptation to open that box gets really bad I focus more on God and what He has done for me. I reach for Him and grab on tight. Yes, there are some things that I still need to forgive and ask forgiveness for. I started this process 25 years ago. I haven't reached some of the people I need to and some I won't be able to reach so I ask God to forgive me. I also need to forgive others for the wongs that were done to me. By asking for forgiviness and forgiving others I can get on with my walk with Christ. JESUS LOVES YOU, HE REALLY LOVES YOU. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted June 4, 2005 Report Posted June 4, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? If we have done things in our past that make us feel like we are worthless and a failure, then we will not have our focus on God. We will be focused on what was instead of what could be. What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? I have asked for and received forgiveness so I need to forget my past and the guilt of my sins, so my focus will be on Christ and not what I used to be. Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? There will always be the need for us to forgive. I had thought that I had forgiven everyone, but one Sunday, after a Sermon on Forgiveness, I went home and tried to make a list of everyone I had forgiven or needed to forgive. As I was writing down one name under the column "has been forgiven" I tried to move on to another name but kept going back to it. I told myself that I had forgiven him but I knew at that moment that I hadn't really forgiven him but had only said the words. I agree with Alicea, I also need to forgive myself. Quote
Dick Ross Posted June 4, 2005 Report Posted June 4, 2005 We can only live in the now. The past is spent and so becomes irrelevant. We can plan for the future, but we always find that when we arrive at the future point, things are not as we had planned they would be. Our walk with Christ must, then, be in the now. Every waking thought should be tempered by our quest to have a deep and meaningful spiritual relationship with Him. I must constantly Quote
lindaparadise Posted June 6, 2005 Report Posted June 6, 2005 Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? if you continue to live in the past and not for the future, it can get in your way. (ex 1) if it's a good past then be happy for it. then try to share yourself for others to also have a good life to remember. maybe your forfillment and decisions helped (along with GOD's watchful eye) make that life good. share the secreats with others. (ex 2)if it's bad and it made you angry it's better to forget it. for pondering on it can only lead to no good. it can't be changed. but it can be forgiven. and forgiveness is something that makes you feel better even if it does nothing for the other(s). also living in the past wheater it was good or bad is not living now in GOD or yourself and others. how can you disciple if you're not even in the present? Quote
linda bass Posted June 11, 2005 Report Posted June 11, 2005 How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? We can look at our past failures and past sins,feeling we are unworthy of an intimate relationship with Jesus. Or we can look at past accompishments with pride,determining that our Christian walk can't get any better. What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? For a long time,I used to dwell on past sins,eventho I knew God had forgiven me. I had the head knowledge that God forgives our sins when we come to Him in repentence. However, it took me years to realize,that,yes,God not only forgave those past sins,He also 'will remember them no more.' Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? At the moment,I don't think so. Quote
dajady2000 Posted July 12, 2005 Report Posted July 12, 2005 Often we are bogged down with our past failures in christian life and also we get easily satisfied by small revelations or sporadic advances in spiritual life. I need to focus on the greatness of God, the omnipotence,omniscience and to get know and digest more and more of HIM, and HIS plans for me, which I am sure it is a life long steady and concentrated effort and co-operation with the Teacher. As for forgiveness, I do forgive but sometimes act again without the same spirit of unforgiveness, on which I have to work very seriously. I should listen more and more to the little voice and be obedient,. Quote
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