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Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?

Paul, after his Demascus experience suffered greatly with the problem he asked God to remove 3 times and God refused. After the experience he knew he was a apostle to the Gentiles. With great confidence and humility he set out to achieve is calling. I am hestiant because I don't want my sins becoming their sins and my leading them astray. Jesus was born and walked this earth and came upon the men he wanted for apostles yet all he said was "Follow Me"......I have too many people trying to be me esp. my neice who is growing slowly but surley in her own way.

  • 3 months later...
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Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him?

Paul can be so bold because he is imiatting Christ, in his living and that is who we are to emulate.

Why are we so hesitant to do this?

We find ourselves hesitant to do this because we put too much into what others may think or say about our righteous living.

How does God use imitation in building disciples?

Jesus' method of discipleship was to have them imitate him. When he sent the disciples out they were to do what they had seen him do.

Who is likely to imitate you?

Those around me, at work, in the neighbor and those at church.

  • 3 weeks later...

He's bold because he's secure in his focus, he knows where he's headed. We are hesitant to do this because we are too aware of our mistakes and tend to hold onto them (look behind us). When people stand up for what is good and right and wholesome, others tend to follow - they see the greatness that God has put in our lives and desire to be part of it.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?

i think paul knew what it was like to carry around such a big to do list, i mean he just poured it out for all to see in these first verses of chapter 3, but he also knew the difference between freedom and bondage. i think he was saying don't get caught up in this religious stuff, but be free in christ. now i get alot of flack for my nature because most people don't want to see christ. they say and your a christian?... or they point out my failures. but thats all they know is religious stuff that they themselves hate to reflect on their own lives.so i tell them you sure can point out my faults well and that's okay, but why don't you also point out when you see christ as well?

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?

Paul can be bold because He is walking the walk, He has an intimate relationship with the Lord, and His love for the Philippians is great.

We are often hesitant because we know our own short-comings. I also think that acting as Paul did, we feel we might come across as arrogant. However, imitation is key in discipleship training. Who is likely to imitate me: my children and those men and women I preach, teach and provide pastoral care to.

  • 6 months later...
Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?

He was a truly dedicated disciple for Christ and he wanted others to be also. I don't know if I would say I am hesitant, I'm still learning that I can't do it on my own.

Jesus lead by example and that is exactly what Paul did. I would hope my friends and family see Jesus in me and would want to have what I have.

  • 3 months later...

Paul ask them to imitate him as he imitated Jesus. We are hesitant to do this because we know we fall short in our walk. There are saints of God in our churches who we learn from, and their prayer is, "Lord help me to be a better Christian." Our family, friends, anyone we're around is likely to imitate us. If sin is contagious then Godliness should be too.

  • 2 months later...
Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?

Paul ask others to imitate him, mimic his walk, his talk, and his over all action in pleasing God. Paul says follow me as I follow Christ, acknowledging Christ as the head of his life.

He tells me that I am not perfect and that I will make mistakes, but as I follow Christ invite it gives other the experince to learn from my example. When I make mistakes admit it, ask for forgiveness and go on , don't dwell on them, don't let past experiences stand in the way of being a discipler for Christ in an effort to gain others for His up building of His (God) Kingdom.

Who is likely to imitate me? Those who want a right relationship with God through Christ Jesus > It is my hope and pray they be meny that want to experience living for Christ while they have a chance to be on the battlefield at an early age in their life for Christ, rather than waiting until they get of old ages.

  • 6 months later...

Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him?

He admitted he had "not yet attained the ideal", but was pressing on to win the prize. I believe he was asking others to follow his pattern of pressing on with all his strength to become all that Christ desired for him to become and to attain, to imitate his zeal to follow Christ and to be obedient to Him, regardless of the personal cost to himself.

Why are we so hesitant to do this?

Because I lack that same zeal. I'm a faithful follower of Christ and am obedient, but don't believe I live as Paul does, all out regardless of the cost. Although I've followed Christ into homelessness through obedience to His leading, I didn't relish the experience...I hated it. And though I've continued to follow Christ and to obey, I felt sorry for myself and humiliated...not things I'd want others to imitate. Paul considered what I lost as dung and moved on to prison with joy. I felt the losses as anguish and wept and felt grieved by the whole circumstance.

How does God use imitation in building disciples?

Monkey see monkey do...children imitate what they see not what they are told. As adults we mimic what we see. Knowing that, we are to live lives worthy of imitation....not how we dress, etc., but how we live...our hearts, our focus on Christ. In the Ephesian Q. 3 I just answered today, faith and belief are built and imitated by we see and hear from the pulpit and in other leaders. Likewise, unbelief is imitated and followed.

Who is likely to imitate you?

My children have acknowledged my faith. My son told me "you have more faith than anyone I've ever seen!" I live at home as I live elsewhere....I've endeavored to be an example to them. When I've not measured up to Christ's standard, I've admitted that, and have encouraged them to follow Him as their pattern, as He is perfect. When I get feedback that others have been imitating me...that's a blessing to me to hear that something I've done is worthy of their respect, and recognized as "Christ in me".....I wish that were true ALL the time. When I went through those losses, I felt like a failure in faith because I was in pain.... yet I was told that my faith was amazing...that I didn't turn away from God or get angry at Him for where He took me, but continued to follow hard after Him and to praise and worship Him anyway. That surprised me, but showed me we do have emotions, and it's ok to be real, without compromising our faith. I was a new believer when all of that was going down. My husband turned his back on God, but has followed my example and through much prayer for him, he's back on track and back in church, back in His Bible, back into service at Church. I'm just thankful God held onto me through those painful years of loss and anguish. I give Him the glory for holding meclose to Him, rather than giving myself the credit.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (3:17)

How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him?

Why are we so hesitant to do this?

How does God use imitation in building disciples?

Who is likely to imitate you?

We know from Philippians 3:7-8 that Paul had put his faith in Christ and that he had a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus. Because of this I feel he was justified in asking others to imitate him. He was not asking that we should copy everything he did. In Philippians 3:12 he had stated he was not perfect. So he was not boasting. Some of us satisfy our own desires before thinking of others; we live a self-centred life and would therefore be reluctant to imitate Paul. Our churches can be involved in the creation of disciples; they can do this by having believers leading by example. I would be very honoured if there are any who imitate me; this would confirm that Jesus is working hard in my life, and being successful in getting rid of the rough edges, and I give Him all the glory.!

  • 7 months later...

Because he was doing his best to imitate Christ - he was doing his best to live a life consistent with what he was preaching. . .

We are hesitant to blodly enter into the presence of zgod because we fear making a mistake - or miss-step - and it resulting in others, who may be following us, going in the wrong direction or going astray. . .

Imitation builds disciples by providing the ability to walk in agreement with the Word of God threrby becoming more and more like Him. . .

the ones that are likely to imitate us are those who want to be like Christ - they may also be family members or members of our household such as our children, spouse or sibling - co-workers or possible neighbors. . .


  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?

Paul knows that he has the authority given by Christ.

For us, we think it's pride.

We need an example ofcourse.

Nobody older then 4 ever imitates me... but that's not religous ;-)

  • 4 months later...

Paul can be bold to ask others to imitate him, because of Christ who he was following. He wanted others to follow the same God he was following.

We hesitant to ask others to follow or imitate us, because we are afraid of what they may say, we make mistakes, we are not perfect, and we do not want others to point out our shortcomings.

God uses imitation in building disciples, because he wants His disciples to follow Him as an example or model. Christ showed humility, and he wants us to do the same. When people see us they should be seeing Christ in our lives and actions.

Who is likely to imitate me? It is my prayer that I will be an example of Christ wherever I go, and whatever I say, so that, others will want to follow and live for the Christ I follow and live my life for,

  • 11 months later...

Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him?

The reason Paul is so bold is because he is now pressing forward to the calling, he is pressing forward, but not in the flesh, he is pressing forward in the power of the Cross, love has replaced the uncircumcised heart of "pride" that once filled Paul's heart, before he found the Messiah.

Why are we so hesitant to do this?

If we are hesitant, it is because we are not pressing forward to the calling of perfection, meaning, "maturing in Him", if we are hesitant, it is because we are still clinging to our past, God's boldness comes from within, a new heart has been given, now for that boldness to grow, one must start the race, it begins with "walking", taking the first steps of obedience, not the obedience of "legalism", the flesh, but that of a new heart of "love", and as one starts to walk in "love", one will become more bold, and before we know it, we find ourselves in the race, and loving every moment of it, we are pressing forward and we not hesitant in asking others to imitate us, for we want them to find the joy that pressing forward has to offer, maturing in Him is "Joy unspeakable"

How does God use imitation in building disciples?

A true disciple is one who is imitating the One who lives in us, a spiritual re-birth given through God's Son, Israel's Messiah, the Stone we did not reject, our lives are built on Him, a true disciple of God, seen in our obedience to God's laws, obedience coming from a new heart of "love".



Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him?

The reason Paul is so bold is because he is now pressing forward to the calling, he is pressing forward, but not in the flesh, he is pressing forward in the power of the Cross, love has replaced the uncircumcised heart of "pride" that once filled Paul's heart, before he found the Messiah.

Why are we so hesitant to do this?

If we are hesitant, it is because we are not pressing forward to the calling of perfection, meaning, "maturing in Him", if we are hesitant, it is because we are still clinging to our past, God's boldness comes from within, a new heart has been given, now for that boldness to grow, one must start the race, it begins with "walking", taking the first steps of obedience, not the obedience of "legalism", the flesh, but that of a new heart of "love", and as one starts to walk in "love", one will become more bold, and before we know it, we find ourselves in the race, and loving every moment of it, we are pressing forward and we not hesitant in asking others to imitate us, for we want them to find the joy that pressing forward has to offer, maturing in Him is "Joy unspeakable"

How does God use imitation in building disciples?

A true disciple is one who is imitating the One who lives in us, a spiritual re-birth given through God's Son, Israel's Messiah, the Stone we did not reject, our lives are built on Him, a true disciple of God, seen in our obedience to God's laws, obedience coming from a new heart of "love".


  • 1 month later...

3a) 3a)Paul’s role model was Jesus.Paul was open with his struggles and his mistakes,and his faith,&had no concern about reputation,still invited followers because he was sure of his call to lead God’s people.

B)We may think our lives don’t reflect Jesus adequately, fearful others may not be saved by my poor witness.Don’t give our pride to God!

c)We can show others that we are not perfect, have weaknesses but as we talk about faith in that context,people will see Jesus our real & living hope for today &future despite our flaws.d)People who develop trust in us will be more likely to imitate us &know Jesus for themselves..

  • 7 months later...

Paul was asking others to imitate his pattern of pursuing the image of Christ; not copy everything he did or did not do. His focus was on being like Christ and they should want to be like Christ also by viewing his attitude and behaviors as an example. There is hesitation in doing this because of the sacrifices that one has to give up to be Christ like. We do not want to make the sacrifices because the worldly things are more attractive and we think we might miss something. God uses His son, the apostles, and scriptures as examples to build disciples. Who is likely to imitate me is yet to be revealed.

  • 1 year later...

Philippians 3:17
Q). How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him?
A). That is Jesus' own method of discipleship and that of the early apostles of the faith.
Q). Why are we so hesitant to do this?
A). False humility stands in the way of our being a discipler of others.
Q). How does God use imitation in building disciples?
A). God uses imitation in building disciples by giving real life examples.
Q). Who is likely to imitate you?
A). I believe those who would imitate me will be and are chosen by the work of His spirit. It is therefore important for me to make myself always available to be used by God.

  • 5 months later...
Question 7.3


Paul can be so bold that he can ask others to imitate him because he imitate Christ.  He therefore doesn’t think it is bold because of his various revelations from Christ and his experience of a vision in heaven.  Paul feels he knows Christ well but strives to have a fuller knowledge of Christ.  Paul is convinced that his experiences with the risen Christ are just as valid, if not more valid than the experiences of the other apostles who knew Jesus when he was on earth.  He seems to fail to realize that Peter and other seventy also had experiences along the road with the risen Christ.  How else could the movement have spread?  Paul is able to suggest then that thought he himself is not perfect and has made mistakes yet he models as well as can possibly model the Christian life.


Our humility in Christ makes us hesitant to act as a model.  As well as our sense of individual and corporate unworthiness gives us such a sense.  


  • 1 year later...

I think that Paul is so bold as to ask others to imitate him because he has the confidence that Jesus is with him. Paul is always asking God to guide him and if God is guiding him then he wants other to follow him in doing the same thing. That is the reason the maybe we are hesitant to ask other to follow us because we don’t have the confidence that we are in God.

I guess that if we see that everybody else is doing the same thing then maybe we should be doing it also. When that happens then we can build disciples.

  • 4 weeks later...

Paul is asking the Philippian church to imitate him as he imitates and follows Christ.  That is one of the best ways for a human being to learn:  imitating a mentor who is going in the diretion that you want to go.  However, we become too self-conscious about our actions, thinking we don't "measure up" to be an example for someone else. That realization is precisely what we need to keep humble.  We repent, ask forgiveness and move on to keep following Christ.  Others then see how this call to follow Christ is not about just outward behavior, but an inner passion to know and please the Lord.  That is what God wants.  It is a practical day to day experience, lived out for others to see.  People who imiitate me are my children, students and fellow believers. Even neighbors. :)

  • 1 year later...

Paul has the boldness because his life shows what he speaks. He is so submitted & committed to Christ, he is able to show others the way.

I feel I fall short often...

He uses imitation as a natural means to learning--as we do from our parents as children. It also implies a deeper relationship with the person. And all have a deeper relationship with Jesus as a result.

Children, friends......


(3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?          

Paul knew he was not perfect but he focused his life on being like Christ.  We are hesitant to tell people to imitate us because we feel that we made mistakes and are not perfect.  Striving to be like Jesus is a perfect way to build disciples.  My children, family and friends.


(3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you? 


Even before Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus he was well acquainted with who He was and with this sect and their beliefs.  He was also taught the Jewish faith by none other than Gamaliel so he understood quite a bit at this point about Judaism and the Christian 'sect.  When he met Jesus on the road to Damascus he started being schooled by our Lord and spent time in Arabia for more schooling by the Lord.  He was prepared to serve the Lord and was totally committed to his Lord and Savior.  He knew the blessings of following the Lord and the hardships and cost.

Paul was on a journey and so are we.  While we are not Paul we hopefully as we grow in the Lord set an example to others how to live in the faith.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q3. (3:17) How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? Why are we so hesitant to do this? How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you?

Because he was sure that he has been following Christ sincerely from the depth of his heart and was not afraid to be be found otherwise.

Because we have skeletons in our cuboards.

Because it easier to learn from a mentor you see than Jesus who we do not see physically.

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