Jewell Posted September 10, 2007 Report Posted September 10, 2007 We become what we think about....if that is negative or sinful, that becomes a big part of us....if it's positive, true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praisworthy, that in turn becomes a big part of us. We make the choice. Quote
meandean Posted September 26, 2007 Report Posted September 26, 2007 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? it takes everything i am to focus on god every hour of the day, every day of the week, and every week of the year. it sure isn't easy when i want to rest alittle bit, maybe sit for awhile, you know the suttleties...i love the word of god. but without his pressence, this would be like a broken home, one parent over here, the other over there.the spirit of god and the word of god are my spiritual parents. what i want to focus on now is his pressence. Quote
Craig Posted November 2, 2007 Report Posted November 2, 2007 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? Mind control is necessary for success because you are and do what you think. When I focus on spiritual ideas and principles they displace the worldly thoughts in my life bringing me closer to God and in a purer and Holier state of mind and action. Thinking about things that are noble, true, right lovely, and admirable lead to those actions in our lives and lead to mental and spiritual peace. These thoughts lead us into a secure relationship with God which leads to mental and spiritual peace. I have decided to focus on the way of the Lord Jesus Christ and this has been working fine for me. Quote
helentank Posted May 28, 2008 Report Posted May 28, 2008 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? I know from recent experience with my health that if you can't turn things over to God and leave them with him, your mind will take you places you don't need to go. I worried myself into anxiety because I didn't put my complete trust in God. Oh, I said I did but my faith just wasn't strong enough to trust him and I kept forgetting that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I now pray all through the day that I will keep my eyes on Him and it works!!!! I love the Lord but I keep relying on myself to handle my problems and I can't do it and neither can anyone else. Quote
emmaus Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 We must control our thoughts or the devil will control them for us. I try to focus on positive things that I can do. Bible studies are great, I keep our church's website updated, pray, if I keep my focus on God everything is going to work out. Quote
McCollum Posted December 18, 2008 Report Posted December 18, 2008 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? So that I stay in a right relationship with God, by staying "true", "noble","right","lovely","admirable","excellent", and "praise worthy". Rather than placing focus on my painful body, I stay focus on God, that He will in His own apointed time give me confort, as long as the pain is there, I look at the pain as a thorn in my body , as Paul did with his problem, and if God never heals it He will confort me until He calls me home eternaly. Quote
JanMary Posted June 24, 2009 Report Posted June 24, 2009 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For me, especially at this moment with our son in crisis, if I don't focus on God's faithfulness, His Word, and what He has done in the past for our family in crisis situations, I would be wallowing in the quicksand of fear and terror! The world and all that is going on right now with the economy, terrorists, pandemics, etc. could paralyze me with dismay, if I dwelt on circumstances. Success in the Kingdom of God, I believe, is thinking what God thinks, then doing what He shows me or asks me to do, with a good attitude. For mental and spiritual peace? We have an enemy who uses fear as a weapon. Someone has counted the "FEAR NOT"s in the bible and said there are for each day, because Satan never goes off duty. In order to stay in peace, mentally and spiritually, I must control and decide what I'm going to think about and focus on....or Satan will do it for me through the suggestions he whispers....."What if..????" What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? On God and His Word. I'm "feeding on Him" through His Word! On the fact that although circumstances all around me look worse than grim, He knows the future and has planned for it...He has planned a way of escape for our son, and for each of His children. I'm focusing on how He's a loving Father Who does what is best for us, and Who takes what Satan means for evil, and turns it to good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes, that we might be conformed into the image of Christ (Rom 8:28,29) His Word is true and the devil is a liar! How is this working for you? There's no question I'm in a battle, but as I allow God to reign in my thoughts, and to keep speaking to me through His Word, He is winning. Satan knows my Achilles better than I do. He tries to taunt me with memories of terror and fear in the past...when it didn't look like God was going to "come through", but did at the last minute, and though His answers weren't what I wanted or expected, they were the best solution for all concerned. He is faithful!! As I was waking up yesterday morning, Satan whispered, "There's only a week left before the deadline", and "Remember family members and his friend who committed suicide over less than this" and my gut twisted into knots. Then I remembered from yesterday's lesson that the Holy Spirit will guard my heart and mind, and asked Him to do so. The attack stopped, and peace returned. He brought to mind a scripture: I AM the Lord your God, your creator. I will make way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters!" I'm expecting a great deliverance for our son next week, if not sooner! Quote
hanks Posted September 3, 2009 Report Posted September 3, 2009 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? All sin begins in our thoughts. Jesus said, Quote
DrD Posted April 21, 2010 Report Posted April 21, 2010 Remaining focused on something allows you gto discipline your actions to loine-up with and agree with what your mind is focused on. . . Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. . . . Romans 12:2 (NKJV) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. As opposed to focusing on those things that bring anxiety in life I have chosen to thing (meditate) on the Word of God which brings relief to the problems and situations of life - the blessings that God has bestowed in my life - family - health - strength, etc. . Thinking on the Word of God - meditating in the Word of God works great. However, I must admit that there are time of great struggle to remained disciplined in this effort and be victorious (discipline is a process that is well worth the effort it involves). . . Quote
Marloes Posted May 8, 2010 Report Posted May 8, 2010 Well, I get destracted all the time. When I give in, I can't spend that time to something good. Often, I spend time at thinking about problems that might come. That's a waste of time and makes me negative. So I have to focus on the Lord. Quote
Trusting God Posted September 17, 2010 Report Posted September 17, 2010 Mind control is necessary for success, because I have to choose something else to think about. I need to Quote
Delivered Posted August 28, 2011 Report Posted August 28, 2011 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success and for mental and spiritual peace? Because to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Quote
wifee Posted November 4, 2011 Report Posted November 4, 2011 a)If our mind goes back to worries we will lose control of victory over anxiety,&think like the world thinks.We need to renew our mind putting on Christ. B)Disciplining mind necessary in dealing with anxiety and giving me mental &spiritual peace. c)Deliberately chosing to dwell on things that are true,honest,fair, pleasing,of good report,noble,right,pure, lovely, excellent or praiseworthy gives me greater peace and prompts actions that benefit others too. Switching from worry train of thought to worthy train of thought. Quote
jacquie7 Posted May 26, 2012 Report Posted May 26, 2012 Controlling the mind does not give Satan control of what we think, because the battlefield is in the mind; and Satan will attack our thoughts with whatever and anyway he can. What we put in our minds or things that attack our minds determines what comes out in our words and actions. Impure and negative thoughts is not good for our well-being and does not afford us healthy, successful living. I think on those things that Paul talks about in verse 4:8, whatever they might be. I go to God about my thoughts; I cast out thoughts that are not of or from Him, and loose thoughts that are of Him. Quote
Sank T Monius Posted August 30, 2013 Report Posted August 30, 2013 Philippians 4:8Q). Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace?A). The peace of God cannot enter a mind filled with anxious and fearful thoughts.#Q). What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties?A). I have decided to focus on things to be thankful about instead of my anxieties. I will begin by giving thanks for the obvious 'small' things like breathing, food, shelter, etc. I'll continue giving thanks until my gratitude exceeds my anxieties and fears. And when it gets to be too difficult for me to be thankful, I'll ask God to help me have a mind that's willing to be thankful.#Q). How is this working for you?A). It seems to be more effective with practice. Quote
WinstonY Posted February 18, 2014 Report Posted February 18, 2014 Question 8 4 It is true that one must control ones mind otherwise your mind is wandering everywhere. Even as one prays there is a necessity to concentrate. However one most control one's mind with godly thoughts and not worldly things. Where one's mind is so one's heart is. If one has a problem than give it to God and let God deal with the anxiety god's peace passes all understanding, we cannot understand the peace God gives, but it happens. It transcends our ken. We ne3d to focus on God! Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 5, 2015 Report Posted March 5, 2015 You have to have mind control in order to stay on course. If you are on a certain course and your mind wanders then you will not be able to make the best of it. Keeping you mind on what you are praying about helps you spiritual being. I have decided to focus on helping other and when I do I loose must of my anxieties. Quote
DebLam3teach Posted March 27, 2015 Report Posted March 27, 2015 Mind control is not something weird or mystical, but it is training your mind to think about something that is positive and worthwile instead of fearful or distasteful. Thinking about praiseworthy things allows us to be open to God's peace and provision. This has been very practical teaching for me this week, as I have been tempted to think about things in an unpure or fearful way. Especially about a loved one and a friend. Remembering God's provision for a loved one in the past has helped me to focus my thoughts on God's faithfulness to her in the present. Training my mind to think about a friendship in a Christlike way maintains a healthy relationship with my friend. That is why staying in God's Word is so critical for a Christian. We need to think on thoughts that are based on God's Word, not just positive thinking or pop culture. As our mind goes, so does our walk with God, so we need to put effort in thinking godly thoughts. Quote
ducminh Posted June 7, 2016 Report Posted June 7, 2016 The Christian life is supposed to be constantly focussed on Christ. We are truly living for with Christ, for Christ and our objective is to be in the Kingdom of Heaven where Jesus Christ reign. Paul was not wrong to tell the followers of the Philippian church to keep their mind on the highest values of life which are also the values of Christ Jesus, the Saviour.  If the Jews are to look up unto the bronze snake to be saved from death, then it is the same for Christians; they should constantly focus their life onto Christ, so they may live, not only in this world but also in the world to come after the resurrection of the dead. Mind control is necessary for success in both temporal world and eternal world. To accomplish a good work we must focus our mind to perfect it and to avoid mistakes. The same principle is applied to every aspect of life.  If Jesus has declared: Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  Then it is the good reason for us look up unto Him while living on earth. If Christ is the focal point and the centre of our life, then we certainly have peace, joy and love deep in our heart. Harmony will be the fruit of such life.  Having said that, it does not mean we won’t have to face difficulties, challenges and adversities on this earth. But those difficulties, challenges and adversities will turn out to be the favourable opportunities for us to grow and to conquer with the grace of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. At the end we can also rejoice the victory of Jesus Christ who is our true Shepherd.  Therefore we should always keep our focus on Christ so there is not a moment for us to dwell on any anxiety, or fear. This is because we have a purpose of life and a destination to go. We are not wanderers on earth like other non-believers around us. Amen. Quote
Rose22 Posted June 8, 2016 Report Posted June 8, 2016 Mind control is really about stillness so we can enter into presence...which is "GOD" we need to focus and be vigilant if we are to live lives centred on Christ....Even Christ himself often went off into a lonely place to Pray to the Father....let us never take our gaze from Him....but rather ask for strength to focus only on Christ. I have decided to focus on Prayer which for me is the intimate communication between realms....I now enter into early morning prayer and that way I also receive the blessing of the dawn chorus! And I pray before sleeping which really calms me and enables me to have undisturbed rest...which is wonderful...I talk to God constantly throughout My day and give gratitude and in a way this too is prayer.....but not without awareness.... Quote
blezed Posted June 8, 2016 Report Posted June 8, 2016 (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you?Mind control is necessary for success because when you allow your mind  "to give careful thought to a matter, think (about), consider, ponder, let one's mind dwell on something something that is good it keeps you focus.   If you focus your thoughts thoughts in wholesome ways, you will have mental and spiritual peace. Sometimes I allow my mind dwell on my problems and I do have those anxiety attacks, but I am working on not allowing my mind to dwell on my problems. When I do that, I find myself going through my day much better. Quote
haar Posted June 8, 2016 Report Posted June 8, 2016 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? Because if themind is allowed to galop along without control, it will lead us to take actions that will lead us astray. If we focus our minds on the word of God and pray with thanksgiving, God will guard our hearts and minds with His peace. I usually go to the Psalms' audio Bible to listen and be restored in faith and peace when I feel depressed, afraid, anxious or not just feeling right. This has helped me a lot. Quote
van Posted June 8, 2016 Report Posted June 8, 2016 Mind control is necessary for success because if you don't control your mind it will control you into doing something very irresponsible and cause a big down fall in your life. If you dwell on worries and anxieties you will never have mental and spiritual peace. You got to believe that God will never lie nor forsake you and that's His assures to us. Because of this, our mind is free to think on other important things. Quote
hanks Posted June 9, 2016 Report Posted June 9, 2016 Q4. (4:8) Why is mind control necessary for success? For mental and spiritual peace? What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? How is this working for you? We are what we think. It is when we have feelings of worthlessness, bitter resentment, and self-pity that our self-image and perspective on life becomes distorted and blurred. We live in an evil world, and it does not help us as Christians, to be filling our minds and hearts with such things. The opposite of this is also true. When we fill our minds with positive things our life becomes more meaningful. I never thought of this before, but all the virtues mentioned here are found in our Lord Jesus Christ! Everything that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy is found in Him. We need something to think upon that will clean up our minds – we need to spend more time with the Word of God. The only way to grow spiritually is to spend time in the Word of God - it is the Word that reveals Jesus Christ. Knowing that our Lord is in control gives us mental and spiritual peace. So, instead of any anxieties, I will remain focused on my Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. This is the key to godly living - godly thinking.  Quote
Nikka Posted June 9, 2016 Report Posted June 9, 2016 Every thought, positive or negative starts in the mind. Paul wrote to the Romans (Rom.12:2) "be transformed by the renewing of your mind". Let God change you! God will help you to renew your mind. If we think positively all the time, (sometimes not easy but with effort it can be achieved) the brain cells will change in your favor and it is the beginning of the renewing of your mind. Put a BIG STOP to any negative thought, stop it before it takes root, before satan has the power to keep you in the negative, in the lie. Quote
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