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Dear Friend,

Welcome to the online Bible study forum for Great Prayers of the Bible.

It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include our e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ralph

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Hi Ya'll!

I live in Irving, Texas, USA. I am the Mother of 5 children (only 1 girl), with the 2 youngest in high school. I work at home.

I am ready to feast on The Word and marvel at what we will learn together!

In Him,



Hello everyone. My name is Barbara. I'm orginally from Atlanta Georgia but am currently living in Germany. we are an Air Force family. I'm a veteran and a student, while my husband is still active duty. We have two children, a boy 13 and a girl 9. I look forward to studying the prayers of the bible as I feel my prayer life has been severely compromised as of late. I pray that God enrich all of us in this area.

By His grace,



Hi, My name is Karen I am from Plymouth Michigan. I am looking forward to this Bible Study. I have two grown children and two grandchildren. Blessings to all of you, as we get to study God's word together


I'm Brian,

I live in south-central Missouri, I am 46 year old. I am new here and first bible study.


Hello all! I am from Tennessee and I am looking forward to this study with great anticipation. I am an adult Sunday School teacher and Christian Education Director for my church but I am taking time off to participate in a cell group leadership class at the present. I need this study right now because I have been struggling in my prayer life. Looking forward to getting back on track.



My name is Dianne, from New Hampshire and this is my second study on line. I have recently rededicated my morning scripture time and have already been shown that days beginning with the Lord are always better. I look forward to sharing dialogue with all of you.


Hi my name is Barbara and this is my first online Bible study.

I am a stay at home mom and I homeschool our youngest of three boys.

Our other 2 boys are now in college.

Last year I studied the Lord's prayer in depth on my own and it changed my life.

I look forward to doing this again with a teacher to guide me (that is a teacher other than

our Lord :lol:

I live in New Jersy.

I look forward to getting to know many of you.

God Bless you,



September 9, 2005

Greetings In The Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

I am a male who lives in the Pittsburgh PA area. I am active in my church both as an officer and as a Sunday School Teacher--I teach adults. In addition, I am involved in a small group Disciple Bible Study.

I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind.

I am looking forward to this Bible Study.



Hello my name is Tina from Cleveland OH. I love the Lord. I belong to the Word Church. I serve on the Security and Television Broadcast ministries. I attend 4 of the 5 services we provide on a weekly basis. What a blessing. I am involved in another Bible Study Course and it is so enjoyable to learn more and more about the Word of God. My motto is: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.


Hello everyone, I am Beverly ... mother of 4 children and also raising one of my step-children. I ws born and raised in Ohio, but recently moved to Maryland after living 12 years in Delware. I am always looking for ways to better understand God's word and his will for me. I am excited to start this prayer study!


Greetings in the Lord's name!

I am Michael, pastor of a small baptist church in Suffolk, England. I look forward to a new experience of online Bible study and to be fed with God's Word as I so often have to feed others.


Hi, I'm Ron. I live in British Columbia, Canada. I have enjoyed several of these studies in the past and am looking forward to this one. I look forward to learning more about prayer and how to pray more effectively.


I'm Kathy--new to online bible study, and fairly new to a real relationship with Christ. I'm looking forward to hearing others' points of view and learning from those of you who love the Lord. I'm from a very rural area and it's hard to get together with others to do bible study and just visit about God and His goodness. I'm hungry for it. I have 3 grown children--empty nester, so I won't have any excuses for not keeping up.


Hello everyone, my name is Sue Ann and I'm from Oklahoma. I'm a wife and mother of two wonderful children. I'm looking forward to developing a more intimate relationship with the Lord by growing in my prayer life. I'm hoping this study will help me better understand and more fully comphrend prayer and how God wants us to communicate with him. God Bless! sue ann


Hello everyone, I am excited to start this journey with all of you. I live in

Arlington Texas. I am an active member in a Methodist Church where I am a Lay Speaker. I am blessed to be the Mother of one wonderful daughter who just graduated from High School in May. I'm really looking forward to this study as we grow and learn together. ~Kathryn~



My name is Justa. I'm from Kentucky, but I will be leaving for a month stay in Ranquitte, Haiti during our study. There, I'll be teaching English and sharing Christ's love with the friends I have made over the past several years. I'm looking forward to this study with great anticipation. What a mighty God we serve!


Hi everyone!

My name is Lisa and I live just outside of Vancouver, B.C. Canada. This is my first online Bible study and I am really looking forward to it! I am a nurse but am currently on maternity leave with my first child Samuel who was born August 15 :) God bless you all as we study and learn together!


Hello Everyone,

My name is John and I live in Naples Florida. I am married with four adult children. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ since I accepted Him as Lord and Savior while serving in Vietnam (My Story). Since that time I have served the Lord in various capacities as a Sunday School teacher, being a radio counselor, and a Chaplin for a Vietnam veterans organization. I have attended Bible College, and have a B.A. degree in human services.

The Lord has placed a burden on my heart to use the Internet as a tool to bring both those in and outside the church together to meet Jesus. So as a Cyber-missionary I have designed several websites to accomplish this goal.

I look forward to enjoying walking with our Lord in this school of prayer. It will be a joy to share this journey with you.

Blessings - Brother John

No Greater Love

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"-- 1 Cor. 2:9



I'm Sharon. I'm the mother of 2 and the grandmother of 5. I live in Springdale, Arkansas having moved here from Waldron, Arkansas. I love to teach the Word, and am looking forward to the study of God's Word on the study of prayer.

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