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:P Have you been told your love today? I love you. Hello everyone I'm from L.A. but currently live in Idyllwild. I'm new to the whole on-line Bible study thing, but I'm very excited to learn with my fellow sisters and brothers.

No longer I live, but He in me.


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Hello everyone,

My name is Lise. I live in Quebec city Canada. I've been studying the Bible since 1974. It's been helping me a lot. I love Jesus Christ and heavenly father. Christ has given us a path to follow. I am trying to follow his footsteps everyday.

I am looking forward to this Bible study in this media.

Love Agap


My name is Michelle. I am currently living in Georgia (thanks to the military), but "home" is California. I have four children (7,5,3,2). We have choosen to homeschool so that keeps me busy most of the time. My husband is currently in Iraq, so nights are when I have some free time to study God's Word. I chose this study for two reasons; the first being money ran out for me to continue my four year degree and I miss the interaction with adults and I recently realized that prayer was an area of Christianity that I was not too exposed too....I mean I pray, but I have never really gotten down to the meat of why and how to pray.

I look forward to studying this topic with everyone more in depth over the next three months...


Hi everyone. My name is Jane and I live in Arizona.

This is my second study, and I'm hoping to learn as much in this one, as I did the first.

Unlike what I've read about the rest of you, I haven't been following Christ's steps for the past 10 years or so. I was out there trying to be a good person, but not living up to the Christian standards.

I have been working on getting right with Christ again. In doing so, I have already learned that my prayers aren't always answered the way I want them to be. In trying to get right with God, I've lost the man I love very much as well as the home we shared. It hurts now, but I know if I keep working hard at following Jesus, I'll have an eternal reward.


Hello, my name is Dan and I live in Central Illinois, am 39, an Army veteran and a recent college graduate of Southern Illinois University (Saluki's)

Well, I have always considered myself a Christian yet have never really spent any time studying the Bible, or even attending any church with regularity. I do believe that, with the amount of time I already spend online that something fruitful should be done as well and look forward to learning whatever I can from this online study, and I'd like to thank Ralph Wilson for making this possible.

Cheers and look forward to learning.


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! My name is Karl and I am 43 years old and I am married and have 5 boys. I am very excited about this bible study and look forward to growing in the Lord! :D


Good Morning everyone,

My name is Geraldine, I am from Alabama and looking forward to this Bible study. I pray that you all have a wonderful day and lest press forward full speed in our quest for knowledge and understanding.

In Yahweh's Name



Hi, I'm Cat from south central PA.

Fully relying on God through eternaty-amen [frogtea], since October 1985.

I am looking forward to this study, learning from Dr. Wilson and all of you too.

Your sister in Christ,



Hello, my name is Brenda and I live in North Texas. I am new to online bible studies. I am excited and desire to grow closer to the Lord. I attend church regularly. I am a school teacher in an elementary school. I am married and have 3 grown daughters and 1 grandson ( and another on the way). I am looking forward to this Bible study.



I'm in Perth, Western Australia, and I hope to be able to participate more than I could in the last online bible study I took part in. It all depends on my work committments, but even if I don't participate, I still do the study.


Come near to God and he will come near to you. - James 4:8


My name is Bonnie. I have come a long way in my spiritual journey in my 58 years, but I know I have a long way to go. This online bible study came at a time when I really need to immerse myself in God's word for guidance and direction.

I lost my husband--my best friend of 40 years--in July and my job in August. God has sustained me with such a peace about this. I know He wants me to draw closer to Him, learn what He wants for me--and I believe this study was clearly orchestrated by the Lord to fulfill this purpose.

May God bless us all as we learn what He has to teach us--


Hello, I'm Marie and I'm looking forward to this Bible study. I've participated in Dr. Wilson's online Bible studies before and appreciate the in-depth lessons and opportunity to interact with other believers. May you each have a "wonder-filled" day in the Lord!


Hello, I'm Laura from Arkansas. I am married with 2 terrific kids ages 8 and 12.

I can relate to Katzen and D.W.'s posts. I always considered myself a Christian, but never was encouraged in my spiritual Walk, never got into the meat of the Bible, did not attend church regularly, and didn't display the fruits of a Christian. But a little over a year ago, I got my wake up call. And I've been trying to play catch-up. I love studying the Word, but I've got a long ways to go.

I did Dr. Wilson's study on 1 Peter last spring. I'm hoping to continue to grow with this study on prayer, and look forward to meeting some of you. My prayer life is lacking or inadequate, and I'm uncomfortable praying in groups of people (-if anyone has suggestions there, I'd appreciate it!). This Bible study came at a perfect time for me, as I will be called on to pray in a wonderful new job I just started.

Even if I don't participate in the forums, I'll be reading the lessons and following along.

May God bless you all!


Hi everyone, my name is Michelle but my friends nicknamed me "Sonshine" after I became baptized. I live in the Seattle area and came to Christ five years ago.

I have a great passion for the Lord and pray that He will bless this online bible study and all its members, that we will grow so much stronger in Him thru it and bear much fruit in His Name- Amen!

I currently work in the medical laboratory field, am single and have no children.

This is also my first online bible study and am looking forward to it and getting acquainted with you all.





My name is Pamela; I live in Houston, Texas.

A couple of years ago when I was reading the Purpose Driven Life, and praying that God would give me a mission and a place to serve him, He placed a burden on my heart to pray for my church. He then lead me to start a prayer ministry at my church. Throughout this tmie He has equipped me by putting lots of special people in my path to help me and encourage me; because when he called me I knew really nothing about prayer. I just felt an overwhelming need to pray for my church.

I am looking forward to studying the great prayers of the Bible and learning from those Saints.



Good Afternoon brothers and sisters in Christ!

May you all be blessed with peace, love and joy in the great name of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ!

My name is Dotty and I am so looking forward to studying with you all. :D

I live in Langhorne, PA and go to Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia. I am 58 years old in the Lord and I was born again in September of 1978. I have three adult children one in heaven Amy Joy and a daugther Wendy and a son Shawn who live near me. I have two granddaugters Laura almost 18 years old and little Darby Lee two years and five months old.

I work full time and live in a small mobile home in a mobile home park. The Lord is the only other person who lives with me. I love to study God's word and God's way.

You can email me at drbforJesus2@aol.com

In Him,



How do from England!

I have been walking with the Lord since I was 11 and thank Him for His grace in receiving me back from the pigsty on 'seventy times seven' occasions.

I was born in Bedfordshire, England, the county of John Bunyan. The motto of our County until recently was 'Constant Be' indicating to me our journey as pilgrims.

Now The Pilgrims Progress disgraces itself as the name of a Bedford pub!

I live very near to Olney the C19th home of John Newton and William Cowper.

My testimony includes the not all bad influence of the philosophy of my ' Beatles' years . That idealism of 60's Britain deserted me as I discovered that my own love could never make equal the debt I owed to others and

the lIving God in Jesus.

In these days I pray that we learn to listen hard for His voice as we face uncertain times and many challenges to faith.




Hi ... my name is Deb and I live in eastern US. I am looking forward to doing this study with all of you.

God bless! :)


Keep facing the SON!


Greetings from Riverton Wy.

I was ranch raised with the attitude that entailed. I spent a number of years as a laboror and in law enforcement. The last 5 years I went back to farm/ranch work which seems to be 24/7. I am coming up on finding Jesus 20 years ago what a roller coaster ride, I keep trying to teach him how to drive. I am married with 3 children, the youngest a senior in high school. I am looking forward to getting back on track without trying to show

God how to run the train.


Hello everyone,

My name is Alice and I am a homeschooling mum of 2 from Hyderabad India. Am looking forward to completing this online study as I have signed up but not completed 2 other studies here..



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