ross_laoshi Posted July 1, 2013 Report Posted July 1, 2013 What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? When we keep God concious, keep abiding and being thankful. When we are loving others, praying for them, talking to them about our loving heavenly Father. What desecrates and besmirches it? When we act in a carnal way, bad temper, swearing etc. especially in front of others. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Loving Him for who He is, aknowledging that He is the giver of every good gift, being thankful. Quote
Guest trinibap Posted November 25, 2013 Report Posted November 25, 2013 We hallow the name of God by 1) Using the name of the Lord with due respect and reverence 2)The way we behave. Both in our Public and Private lives when we demonstrate the Christian way, acting out of love, neighbourliness, humility with willingness to forgive. 3)Taking the Lord's name in vain e.g in loose expressions (My G-- why did you do that?) is tantamount to besmirching. Movies, plays and other activities which blasphemes God/Jesus and the Apostles by portraying them in roles which are neither in the Bible nor can be reasonably contemplated from the Bible are a desecration. Taking part in such activities as player, spectator, producer or in any other way is to participate in the desecration. 4) Using the names of God: Adonai, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh for example in prayer and worship to recognise certain specific aspects of His omnipotence when in search of specific support and comfort Active rejection of besmirching and desecration is required using the sword of the Word. Quote
Mutsa Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 Before we even begin to pray we should, wherever possible select surroundings that are conducive to communicating with someone extremely important, mighty and loving. Our physical and mental disposition should be one that shows attentiveness, expectancy, humbleness and submissive. The words that we utter first must proclaim God the Father as being Holy, Omnipresent, All-knowing, Just, Kind, Tolerant, Forgiving, Everlasting and Almighty. We should not approach God in prayer with "dirty hands". Our lives and words "hallows" the name of the Father requires us to behave in a manner that would be pleasing to the Father who is Holy and blameless. We should strive to be honest, loving and forgiving. Our speech should be made of well thought words not punctuated with four letter words or false statements. When we are quarrelsome, slothful, devious and cruel or careless with the truth making oaths and promises that we know we will never keep, we desecrate and besmirch God's Holy name. Quote
vl1157 Posted August 23, 2014 Report Posted August 23, 2014 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? The things that honor His name might be when we keep silent at a moment that we are tempted to say something meaningless or flighty, in the presence of others who know you claim to be His, or when we include things He has done for us in a story about ourselves. I have noticed there are at least two ways to tell the same story about my life, one of which exaggerates and glorifies myself, the other of which includes feats that He has performed and faults of mine that He has intercepted or corrected. Besmirching His name in our actions or words is too easy. It can be done in any unresisted fleshly moment either inwardly or outwardly. It can especially be done if we tend too often to say, "God wants.." or "God says.." and then put an activity or word of our own after it, or if we say we are "serving Him" with something that perhaps is being done wih a different motive. I guess the main issue is that we can work/speak for our own glory, or for His, and that sometimes what looks like it is for Him is really not. In prayer aloud in a group, I think we honor Him if we pray very simply and openly. I have had some shyness trying to pray aloud, and when I do get the chance, which is not very often, I like to try to remember that I am praying to Him, not to the people listening in the room. If you remember as you pray to pray toward Him and not think about what others will think of your words, it will be good. Quote
PathFinder51 Posted March 8, 2015 Report Posted March 8, 2015 What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? "Hallowed" is to do with the holiness of God. It is better to understand this line as "may (or let) your name be holy". When we pray this line we are recognizing the nature of God as holy and distinct from us. This will lead us into a closer walk with our Creator and the development of holiness in ourselves, mirroring the nature of the God. What desecrates and besmirches it? The sin of swearing is condemned; but how many make light of common profane swearing! Such swearing expressly throws contempt upon God's name and authority. This sin brings neither gain, nor pleasure, nor reputation, but is showing enmity to God without occasion and without advantage It shows a man to be an enemy to God, however he pretends to call himself by his name, or sometimes joins in acts of worship. But the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain. Let nothing be done to encourage any to delay, under the misconception that a confession, a prayer, will set all right at last, where the duties of a godly life have been disregarded. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? To hallow is "to make holy or sacred, to sanctify or consecrate, to venerate".[ We are to approach the Father, not only with familiarity, but also with reverence and respect for his greatness and holiness. Adoration. In the Old Testament God’s “name” stands for His person and is honored by His people. His name is often described as holy. Holiness is a prime characteristic of God. The adjective form hallowed, means holy, consecrated, sacred, or revered. Ezekiel 36:23 "23 And I will sanctify (hallow) my great name, which hath been profaned among the nations, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the nations shall know that I am Jehovah, saith the Lord Jehovah, when I shall be sanctified (hallowed) in you before their eyes." The name of God is "hallowed", i.e., is reverenced as holy (Matt. 6:9). Quote
PathFinder51 Posted March 8, 2015 Report Posted March 8, 2015 In a day of afflictions nothing is more appropriate than prayer. The spirit is then most humble, and the heart is broken and tender. It is necessary to exercise faith and hope under afflictions; and prayer is the appropriate means by which to obtain and increas God's graces. Quote
PathFinder51 Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 I've already given responses to the 3 part Q.1 Hallowed Be Thy Name. Completed it 03/07/2015 at 12:40pm. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks and God Bless. Quote
PathFinder51 Posted March 9, 2015 Report Posted March 9, 2015 I'm still learning how your website works, so please bear with me. I already wrote a reply, so I'm not sure why this second reply request comes up. Quote
JoanG Posted May 9, 2015 Report Posted May 9, 2015 If we speak and act I love and honesty, we are showing our respect and honor to God. we are acting in the way that God wants and expects us to do. When we curse, or show hatred we are actually belittling the name of God. We need to pray to the Father with love and honor. We need to give praise and glory for all he does for us. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 I think that the things that besmirches God’s name is our everyday use of the word. We use the word when we are surprised, when we cuss, and to help us add an explanation point to whatever we say. We should “hallow” the Father when we begin to pray by kneeling down to Him, or bowing to Him, or raising our hands to Him. Anything to show Him how much we reverence his name. Quote
GlendalM Posted July 20, 2015 Report Posted July 20, 2015 I seek to let God have the credit when others recognize any good thing that I do - I ask God to keep me humble and recognize that any ability or skill or good thing in me is His working to mold me and change me to be more like Him. I recognize that it is Him working when my reactions to stressful situations are ones of peace and grace toward the situation or person causing the stress. I fail to recognize His sovereignty and power in all situations. I will often use the exclamations of "O my Lord" or " O my God(gosh)" without any real reverence or recognition of His sanctity and holiness. I begin my prayer time by recognizing God as exalted, lifted up, as the creator of all things, worthy of honor and glory. Often I begin with the words of a song, such as "How Majestic is Your Name" or "You Are Worthy." Quote
TrustHim Posted August 17, 2015 Report Posted August 17, 2015 We must remember that our Father is Holy and he must be Exalted at all times. As we go about our daily lives we should not use the name of our God carelessly and display respect at all times. Being human, we sometimes make mistakes about using his name in vain. When this should happen we must immediately repent until we can Gird our tongue as the disciples learn to control. The things that desecrates and besmirches God is treating him as an equal when he should be respected and always treated as Holy. God loves us and care for us so much we should not take his love for granted and do things that we know are not pleasing in his sight but should always try to live righteous and obey his Holy word. Lastly, as we pray we must honor the Father as he is Holy. Adore him, and acknowledge him great. He is Almighty and the most High God. Know that he is in control and nothing is to powerful for him and through his son Jesus all things are possible because he loves us so much. He is Abba Father. Quote
Konki Posted November 23, 2015 Report Posted November 23, 2015 In all we do should bring honour &glory to His name and to Him alone, because He is a Holy And righteous God. His name is exalted above all names. Gods name cannot be taken in vain,casually or carelessly in our talk,conversations & speeches. We should approach God with respect & reverence due Unto his holy name. He alone is worthy of worship and praise. Quote
tnarmstrong1 Posted December 6, 2015 Report Posted December 6, 2015 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Our lives and words hallows the name of our Father when we give thanks to the Heavenly Father every day for all that He has done for us even when we are going through trials and tribulations. We also refrain from using His name in vain and we always show others we encounter the love of our Heavenly Father through not only our words but our deeds as well. The name of our Father is desecrated when we take His name in vain and when we complain against Him. When we pray, we should hallow the Father by acknowledging that He is omnipotent and holy. We should also give Him praise, honor, and respect for all that He has done for us. Quote
nevets24 Posted February 21, 2016 Report Posted February 21, 2016 Hallowed is a approach to the only true an living God you can go to Ezekiel 36:23 the term sanctified is used, it is a recognition that there is no other God, and you need to check yourself to see if you are in right standing what gods have you placed before him? He is Holy and perfect without sin. Our creator and our savior. Our provider of our needs. He does our battles and takes back grounds we gave if we repent. He is our Father, if you make the choice. Quote
hyab Posted June 22, 2016 Report Posted June 22, 2016 We "Hallowed" the father mean we are expressing his authority, his character, and his activity that is holly. Quote
Elias Horaseb Posted June 16, 2018 Report Posted June 16, 2018 Hi my name is Elias. I am from Africa , Namibia.... I am happy to be part of this family.... I will learn alot here on this plat form...... Quote
Luddie Posted February 9, 2019 Report Posted February 9, 2019 On 9/6/2005 at 12:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Expand Treating people I interact with daily including God with love and respect. Holy is Your name Holy are You Father worthy of my worship Quote
Stanley Tavaziva Posted January 6, 2020 Report Posted January 6, 2020 Jesus saw through their self-righteous acts, however, and taught that the essence of prayer is not public style but private communication with God. Jesus encourages persistent prayer. But he condemns the shallow repetition of words that are not offered with a sincere heart. We can never pray too much if our prayers are honest and sincere. Before you start to pray, make sure you mean what you say. We should praise God, pray for his work in the world, pray for our daily needs, and pray for help in our daily struggles. The phrase “Our Father in heaven” indicates that God is not only majestic and holy but also personal and loving. The first line of this model prayer is a statement of praise and a commitment to hallow, or honor, God’s holy name. We can honor God’s name by being careful to use it respectfully. If we use God’s name lightly, we aren’t remembering God’s holiness. Quote
Dek Posted April 30, 2020 Report Posted April 30, 2020 My life and words Hallows God's Name when I give praise and honor and live according to HIS statutes. What desecrated and besmirches it is when I live in ways that are not honoring to Him and when I misuse His Name. When we pray we hallow His Name by honoring Him and giving Him praise for who He is and all He has done. Quote
LiaYas Posted May 29, 2020 Report Posted May 29, 2020 Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? As born again Christian, our Heavenly Father's name should always, in all circumstances be hallowed before any undertakings. By making him our primary priority, sanctifying His holy name with reverence and respect, we give His powerful presence glory and honor. We hallow His name in our lives by righteousness behavior, living blamelessly, being truthful and honest and not slandering anyone. #What desecrates and besmirches it? Words become profane when sacred meanings are treated in a common and trivial fashion. One of the commands of the Decalog was: “You shall not take the name of Jehovah your God in vain” (Ex. 20:7). The principle involves taking the sacred name of the Lord and vulgarly transporting it into the domain of the secular In biblical parlance, to “curse” (katara) is to utter a “malediction” or an imprecation upon someone. The term may be used legitimately of a pronouncement of divine judgment (cf. Gal. 3:10,13; Heb. 6:8), but when employed whimsically by humans, it denotes a malevolent “curse” uttered against another as expression of personal wrath. Ephesians 4:29 Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. #How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We must begin prayers by praising God in adoration. God must be glorified and magnified for HIS holiness is the greatness & glory of all HIS perfection. We approach the Father not only with familiarity and intimacy but also with reverence and respect. Quote
Merry Posted August 1, 2020 Report Posted August 1, 2020 We besmirch His Name by taking His Name in vain, failIng to protect His Name when we are around others, being angry with Him, continuing to sin after we’ve confessed and repented, acting differently when we are in church or around Christians than we do around non-believers, etc. To hallow His Name is to respect His authority in your life, to praise Him in prayer, acknowledge His creation, follow His direction, understand that we must accept His Will, not our free will. To hallow His Name when we begin to pray is to praise Him. We can praise Him in many ways—as the Healer, Banner, Everlasting, Provider, for His Greatness, the Creator, the Comforter, his Holiness, God of Peace, His Mercy, Lifter of our heads, and so many more. Quote
Peter_Moore Posted February 1, 2021 Report Posted February 1, 2021 On 9/6/2005 at 12:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? What desecrates and besmirches it? How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? Expand Not only in prayer, but at all times, absolute reverence and humility; After all, this is a relationship with the Creator of everything right ! Our sin, my sin (every day !) does not echo the respect I hold for God, even though I try and not sin it is in my nature and sometimes it escapes my control. Well, I try and immerse myself in silence to find my spirit and focus on what I am praying about. But a lot of the time my prayers are spontaneous, in the street or otherwise occupied. In these instances I use the advice given in the movie "Two Popes" when one asks "Is it wrong to smoke a cigarette while in prayer"?, the answer I believe is useful when the other Pope answers "You are asking the wrong question; you should be asking is it wrong to pray while smoking a cigarette" ? ... So, at any moment, just being you, transparent, respectful, humble, gives to God (I believe) the proper reverence for prayer. I continue to think about this ... Quote
Danielle33 Posted February 16, 2021 Report Posted February 16, 2021 Late to the party, setting apart our Fathers name, I have always tried instilling the delicacy of the Lords name to my son and even my husband. While we should always cry out to his name and use it often, it should also only be used meaningful and purposefully. If we throw it around as we do so many other words (appropriate and inappropriate) what difference is it from any other? I struggle to not use common commercialized words or phrases so many “mainstream Christians” use these days, because I, for some reason, see a lot of it as disingenuous and for show. I am a critic in my heart and nature. I need to have the assurance I can Only receive from Jesus and the Holy Spirit working through me and my words. Quote
Sneha Posted August 1, 2021 Report Posted August 1, 2021 ans 1. (Day 1) I have been challenged many times as I began my journey as a believer, with regard to my anger, (uncontrolled passions) my unwise and sharp tongue. Both our lives and words should be showing the Father’s character of love and compassion. What dishonors my Father is my continued indulgence in sinful passions. Taking His grace for granted. I can honor Him by my persistence in overcoming the sin in me by becoming a slave to the Holy spirit. Quote
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